With all its intents of "soft landing" of the US, it is hard for the Chinese to contain another nation, whose government is determined to cause its nation's implosion.
From a discussion board:
In a way the below is old news. For a long time the US has been propped up by China (including the cost of extravagant wars that are far beyond the means of the United States).
The disturbing thing about the situation is the attitude of the US, which is reflected in the article, which calls the Chinese conduct a "declaration of war" and "axis of evil". In fact, the Chinese are taking logical, legitimate steps to insure the value of the retirement savings of their own people. Currently, it is too heavily invested in US dollars, and the dollar is sure to decline. The interest rates are minimal, so the outcome is attrition of their savings.
The up side of the story is that the Chinese government has a much more mature attitude to world problems than the US government. It is the responsible adult on the scene. It plans years in advance, in contrast with the US gov, which appears to whip it as we go..
The Chinese realized a long time ago that they are becoming the world's dominant power, and that the decline of the US is inevitable. However, they decided NOT to destabilize the US and NOT let it collapse. It is too dangerous and too unpredictable. The Chinese, if you haven't noticed it, are not into starting international wars (but internally they are ruthless, e.g., Tibet).
Instead, they favor "soft landing" of the US - slow decline of the US to a second league world power.
However, the US seems to be doing everything possible to undermine the Chinese "soft landing" strategy and the US government appears to be doing everything possible to ensure implosion.
So what is China to do?
Imagine yourself stuck with a delinquent juvenile as a son. You would not want to turn him over to the police. After all he is your son. You try talking sense into him, but he keeps selling drugs, breaking into the neighbors' houses and stealing from them, terrorizing people on the streets... He also has a tendency for inflicting pain on himself. He has accumulated a collection of tatoos, since he enjoys the pain. He sometimes even cuts himself for fun, burns himself, with the scars left as decorative souvenirs. He often gets into fights that he knows are going to hurt badly.
So you try bribing him, give him good pocket money every week, hoping that if he has money, he would not engage in criminality, and at the same time, it would provide you some leverage in controlling his behavior, especially if you give the money in small dozes, to keep him on a short leash.
That is basically what the Chinese are doing, buying T-bills every month, not asking for extravagant interest rates, keeping the US afloat, and trying to talk sense into it. At the same time, they must diversify. They cannot continue to accumulate reserves of the Chinese People's Bank so heavily invested in US dollars.
The problem, as you know, a delinquent juvenile is afflicted with a form of sociopathy, and this approach may moderate the juvenile to some degree, but it would never make him a model citizen, or anything close... And every other week the father must be ready for some minor disaster...
What is the real the solution, both for the US dollar problem, and many other ills we are facing? A radical change in the US, to reinvent it as a good citizen in the family of nations, and also not so self destructive...
The current state of the union is unsustainable. The US in its current form is unmanageable.
I believe that the beginning of such transformation is by raising the issue of secession. It would immediately change the attitude of the federal government into more realistic proportions, when it knows that its citizens and the several state are not its captives, only willing partners in the union - as long as it is functional.
In that respect, I consider the Quebec vote on secession the best thing that happened to Canada... It did not end in secession, but it made it an ongoing option - marriage with an option of no fault divorce. It made it clear that the Canadian government is on probation... They would never be able to get into the same reckless mode of behavior of the current US regime.
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:45 PM, B wrote:
I thought you might find this interesting. I know Tampa's Harry McKay personally. He gives a pretty good Patrick Henry Speech. He shares this gloom and doom article about China an its trove of US currency.
What do YOU make of it?
Maybe someone should ask Edwin Vieira to venture some comments.
CC him on any comments
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | ***SPAM*** From Patrick Henry-GunsAcrossAmericaRally |
Date: | Fri, 8 Feb 2013 15:19:39 -0500 |
From: | H |
- hide quoted text -
Sorry I have been so slow on getting back to you all. I purpose to be more diligent and organized in the
The link to the my redention of the Patrick Henry speech which I am honored to do is at:
I would like to have a copy of the speech done at the Guns Across America rally. If you know who to contact, please let me know.
I am copying a document I received that informed me and disturbed me as to what is going on with the dollar [petrodollar] and its coming
collapse and the gov't debt, I wanted to send it to you. I have heard bits and pieces before but this puts a lot of the puzzle together.
I believe you will profit from it. I also copyied an article referred to in this article from the Examiner which is at the bottom. Read and weep
and most of all, prepare! I have given the website links to the articles also.
If there is anything that is untrue, please let me know. I want to know the truth!
World War III:
China's New Axis of Evil
On September 6, 2012, Russia and China quietly signed a Declaration of War on the American way of life.
It will banish the dollar into the dustbin of failed currencies ... crush the retirement accounts of millions of Americans ... and change the financial destiny of every U.S. citizen.
Here are 5 steps you must take IMMEDIATELY to secure your wealth ... and turn this calamity into potential windfall profits of 112%, 290%, even 368% within the next 12 months ...
Dear Fellow Investor,