You are the first to know: I have just been informed that photographs, where I modeled will be featured in an art photography exhibition, sponsored by the German government's Goethe Institute, to be shown first in Tel Aviv and then in Berlin (probably two of the three best party towns around the planet). The subject of the show - Eccentrics of Tel Aviv and Berlin...
Tel Aviv opening party, October 16th, 2013 . Yes, Dear Mr Wolfgram, you are invited (don't know if you should risk traveling from your mountain hideaway, you know, US and state troupers are dangerous nowadays).The date of the Berlin party has not been announced yet.
To secure my place in such venue, I had to engage in some provocative and/or suggestive posing, but hey, give me a break, after all I am well over prime...
As they say in the Oscars: I would like to thank all my great friends, who helped me launch this late modeling career, in particular - Deputy US Marshal Darcy Smith. She gave that real push (pun intended), and continues to provide me with that Assange hallow, which carries an incredible effect, from computer conferences to the bedroom... And look at the pic, isn't she cute?