Friday, April 11, 2014

14-04-11 US: Militias headed to Nevada...

Natives are restive...


Militias head to Nevada rancher’s standoff with feds: We’re not ‘afraid to shoot’

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  • Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s decades-long battle against the federal government over grazing rights has heated to the point where militia groups have joined in and taken up spots against the feds who’ve circled his land — and talk is, they’re not afraid to open fire.

    A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: I’m not “afraid to shoot,” he said.

    14-04-11 US: Citizens United and McCutcheon - Dred Scott of our generation

    Whereas Dred Scott led to the Civil War, with total surveillance and Federal abuse of power at every level, the chances of organized civil war appear slim.
    Instead, we see the low grade civil war - like the stand off in Nevada right now...

    By Bob Burnett
    The War on Democracy: SCOTUS Weighs In
    Americans are worried about the economy and economic inequality. Most of us feel the government should do something to reduce inequality. Now the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has weighed in with its April 2 nd decision in McCutcheon v. FEC making it more difficult for the 99 percent to influence government to remedy inequality.

    14-04-11 I miss America...

    3 mins · 
    Today we are not Republicans or Democrats, Washingtonians or Nevadans... we are Americans who believe in Freedom and Liberty and that human life is more important than a tortoise. It has become obvious to all of us that Federal overreach will not stop and is dramatically harming every citizen.
    Yesterday, we dispatched a group of patriots from Washington State to Nevada to report directly what is happening on the ground and to begin a vigil of prayer for peace and freedom at the Bundy ranch. Enough is enough. A sniper rifle is not due process and I agree with the Nevada Governor this is pure intimidation especially since the court case has not even run its course. NOW IS THE TIME TO STAND. TAKE ACTION 4 WAYS:
    First, join me in prayer and fasting to Almighty God for a peaceful resolution to the situation and for the safety of those traveling to and already on the ground in Nevada.
    Second, after prayerful consideration and much counsel I have put out the call to legislators in 5 states to join Rep David Taylor and me in traveling to Nevada in support of State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore and the Bundy family. This is in conjunction with the call put out across the country to Sheriff's by C.S.P.O.A.'a Sheriff Richard Mack and veterans by Oath Keepers of America. If you know a legislator, share this with them.
    Third, if you are a patriot in Washington or Idaho please join us in traveling to Nevada to love our neighbors and peacefully stand against this tyranny on the range.
    Fourth, please join me in calling and emailing the Gov. Brian Sandoval to immediately step in and end this dangerous and violent escalation by the Bureau of Land Management.
    Despite property rights being unalienable, as many in the ranching, farming, logging, mining, and manufacturing industries know this is not an isolated incident. Government seizure or denying use of property without just compensation through nonsensical environmental regulations based on non-peer reviewed science is destroying rural America. This has happened in Idaho and here in eastern Washington with rapidly occurring frequency. After several phone calls with attorneys from all over the country, including Nevada, it is clear that the Federal government's actions WILL NOT STOP IN NEVADA. This war by the Obama administration on rural America and hardworking Americans will go no further.
    This involves all of us. It will take all of us to restore a God Honoring Constitutional Republic. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. It is an honor to serve you. May we stand now so that our children and grandchildren can live in peace and prosperity and freedom.
    May God pour out His grace and mercy on us and may this endeavor glorify, honor, and praise Him.
    In Freedom,
    Matt Shea

    14-04-11 ISRAEL: IDF evicts, takes over extremist rabbinic Jewish school in Palestine

    ===14-04-11 ISRAEL: IDF evicts, takes over extremist rabbinic Jewish school in Palestine===
    As long as they were only engaging in violence against Palestinians, it was OK. However, following this week's violence by the extreme nationalist Jewish settlers against IDF in the Yitzhar settlement, their rabbinic school "Od Yosef Hai" was closed down today!
    Needless to say, the settlements and the extremist nationalistic rabbinic schools are funded by the Israeli gov to begin with!
    צה"ל השתלט על הישיבה הקיצונית ביצהר
    בעקבות הרס המוצב והיותה בסיס לטרור יהודי, פונתה ישיבת "עוד יוסף חי". פלוגת מג"ב במקום. הלימודים במקום הופסקו עד להודעה חדשה
    הרמטכ"ל עדיין לא הגיב בקולו, אבל במעשיו צה"ל ממשיך להגיב להשחתת המוצבבהתנחלות יצהר : לאחר שבוטל האירוע השנתי של העלייה לרגל לחורבות ההתנחלות חומש, הודיע הבוקר (יום ו') דובר צה"ל כי הוחלט למקם באופן מיידי פלוגת לוחמי מג"ב ביצהר. מפקד פיקוד מרכז, אלוף ניצן אלון, הוציא צו תפיסה לישיבת "עוד יוסף חי" והלימודים במקום יופסקו עד להודעה חדשה. 

    שוטרי מג"ב בישיבה. "מענה לצורכי הביטחון" (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
    שוטרי מג"ב בישיבה. "מענה לצורכי הביטחון" (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
    לפי גורמים צבאיים, החיילים יאיישו את מבנה הישיבה עקב שיקולים מבצעיים והיותה בסיס קדמי להוצאת פעולות אלימות נגד כפרי הסביבה הפלסטיניים וכוחות הביטחון. הישיבה פונתה הלילה לצורך ההשתלטות עליה והפיכתה למוצב מג"ב. מצה"ל נמסר כי הפלוגה תמוקם ביצהר "נוכח אירועי האלימות כלפי כוחות הביטחון שאירעו בימים האחרונים ועל מנת לתת מענה לצורכי הביטחון".

    בנוסף אמרו בצה"ל כי קיים "צורך ביטחוני בקיום נוכחות שוטפת במקום". דובר צה"ל מסר עוד כי בצבא ובמערכת הביטחון רואים בחומרה את מעשי האלימות האחרונים והפגיעה בחוק ובסדר ויפעלו בכל האמצעים על מנת לשים קץ לאלימות זו.