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Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Sunday, March 4, 2012
12-03-05 Europe rage in pics // Europa, la rabia en las fotos // 欧洲在太平洋岛国的愤怒
Europe has been wracked by strikes and mass anti-austerity demonstrations ahead of Thursday’s EU summit in Brussels. Thousands took to the streets in Spain, Greece, Belgium and France to protest against harsh budget cuts.
Workers take part in a demonstration against austerity measures in Marseille, February 29, 2012. (Reuters / Philippe Laurenson)
Pensioners take part in a protest march against austerity measures in Strasbourg, February 29, 2012. (Reuters / Vincent Kessler)
Workers take part in a demonstration against austerity measures in Marseille, February 29, 2012. (Reuters / Philippe Laurenson)
Students protest against cuts in education in central Madrid February 29, 2012. (Reuters / Andrea Comas)
A person holds a placard during a protest by workers and trade union representatives from all over Europe against austerity outside Belgium's national bank (BNB) headquarters in Brussels February 29, 2012. (Reuters / Yves Herman)
Employees of the Workers Housing Organisation stage an anti-austerity protest outside the parliament in Athens February 29, 2012. (Reuters / Yiorgos Karahalis)
Police disperse demonstrators during protests against spending cuts in public education in Barcelona February 29, 2012(Reuters /Albert Gea)
A man confronts protesters who were vandalising a bank facility during protests against cuts in education in Barcelona February 29, 2012(Reuters /Albert Gea)
Students burn an effigy and a mock coffin that reads "RIP Public University" during a protest against cuts in public education in Barcelona February 29, 2012(Reuters /Albert Gea)
People pass in front of a fire during a protest against spending cuts in public education in Barcelona February 29, 2012(Reuters /Albert Gea)
12-03-03 For Justice Anthony Kennedy fans...
SCOTUS Appears Poised To Say "Corporations Are People, Except When They Torture"

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the �mother of all corporate immunity cases,� by all accounts it did not go well.
The case involves whether Royal Dutch Shell can be held accountable in American courts for allegedly working with the Nigerian government to torture, execute and detainmembers of an ethnic group under a law holding the most atrocious human rights violators accountable to international norms. To be clear, there are some legitimate reasons why the Supreme Court should be wary of this case � Shell is a foreign corporation, and its alleged actions occurred on foreign soil, so it is not entirely certain that American courts can reach Shell�s actions. There are worrying signs, however, that the Court�s conservatives are prepared to simply declare all corporations, both foreign and domestic, immune from international legal norms. Most notably, the Court�s supposed swing vote, Justice Anthony Kennedy, asked several questions suggesting that he does not believe corporations can be held accountable to this law:
- �[C]ounsel, for me, the case turns in large part on this: page 17 of the red brief. It says, ��International law does not recognize corporate responsibility for the alleged offenses here.��
- �[I]n the area of international criminal law, which is just analogous, I recognize, there is a distinction made between individuals and corporations.�
- Suppose an American corporation commits human trafficking with U.S. citizens in the United States. Under your view, the U.S. corporation could be sued in any country in the world, and it would � and that would have no international consequences. We don�t look to the international consequences at all. That�s � that�s the view of the Government of the United States, as I understand.
If Justice Kennedy is willing to go this far, there�s a good chance that his four even more conservative colleagues are willing to come along with him. Worse, his questions yesterday suggest that the Court is prepared to apply a baffling double standard to wealthy and powerful corporations. Kennedy, of course, was the author of Citizens United, which declared that corporations have the exact same rights as actual human beings for purposes of spending money to influence elections. Yet, when a corporation engages in mass atrocities, they are suddenly entitled to legal immunities far beyond those available to people.
In other words, corporations are people, my friend � except when they torture.
Ken Peck � Trinity University
I'll believe a corporation is a person when Texas executes one.
12-03-03 What Keeps Full-Scale Riots From Breaking Out in the USA? // Lo que mantiene a escala completa disturbios que estallara en los EE.UU.? // 是什么让全部从在美国爆发大规模骚乱?
Americans Are Protesting, But What Keeps Full-Scale Riots From Breaking Out?
Michael Katz's new book traces the lack of urban unrest to America's complex web of freedoms and repression.
February 15, 2012 |
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Michael Katz's Why Don't American Cities Burn? is both a crushing reminder of seemingly intractable problems that still face American cities and an exploration of why things aren't worse. It is a slim book that serves as a general overview of the current state of the urban studies field, and although it went to the presses before Occupy Wall Street broke out, it provides some insight into the structural challenges facing the protesters who have recently flooded the streets of American metropolises.
12-03-03 Occupy ALEK, Deaths in GITMO // 占据阿列克,死亡在关塔那摩 // Ocupar ALEK, las muertes en Guantánamo
A Tale of Two Protests: Shut Down the Corporations in Portland and Tucson
Alissa Bohling and Mike Ludwig, Truthout: "Protesters in Portland, Oregon, and Tucson, Arizona, faced very different weather when they hit the streets yesterday, but they had one thing in common: they were among 70 cities nationwide where Occupy activists and others spoke out against members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), whose decades-long history of authoring and pushing pro-corporate legislation through the nation's statehouses has been criticized for strangling political and economic participation across the country."
Read the Article:
Recently Released Autopsy Reports Heighten Guantanamo "Suicides" Mystery
Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout: "Autopsy reports released last year by the Department of Defense raise stark questions about the circumstances surrounding the deaths of two prisoners at Guantanamo. Both deaths - of Abdul Rahman Al Amri in May 2007 and Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh Al Hanashi in June 2009 - were labeled suicides by Department of Defense (DoD) investigators."
Read the Article:
12-03-03 The forged Obama Birth Certificate // El forjado de Obama Certificado de Nacimiento // 伪造奥巴马出生证明书
The Great and Mighty Have Been Exposed

The Great and Mighty Have Been Exposed
, or b) 
Birth Certificates from Hawaii, 1961:
a) Obama's digitally-generated birth certificate, released by the White House, and
b) Authentic microfilm copies of contemporary birth certificates.
Birth Certificates from Hawaii, 1961:
a) Obama's digitally-generated birth certificate, released by the White House, and
b) Authentic microfilm copies of contemporary birth certificates.
Time has run out on that free pass. For the many people that have been involved in the forensics of Obama's activities, there has been no doubt in our minds concerning his fraudulent documentation. Understanding that our so called conservative talk show hosts, have intentionally avoided this issue and all it's associated facts, it was easy to see why they are oblivious to them.
A Game Changer Fellows:
This past Thursday, Sheriff Joe Arpaio released a report on his six month investigation into Obama's eligibility problems and document manipulation. The evidence he produced left no doubt that there has been and continues to be a massive cover up of fraud and forgery. It has become clear that not only would the main stream media continue it's denial but so would the likes of Rush, Sean, Mark and Glenn.
But wait, they all did not ignore it. No, not quite. Glenn on his radio show and his Blaze website, shook off the horse blinders and brought up Sheriff Joe's investigation. So, were we finally going to get a prominent conservative to speak of the crazy uncle in the attic? Well, not exactly, but what we did learn was the real reason those supposed defenders of the Constitution have been silent.
Glenn Beck exposed himself and the cadre of others yesterday. They do not fear unrest in the streets. They do not fear a Constitutional crisis. They fear Obama. That's right! They fear him and what would happen to their careers if that occupier of our White House is in reality so smart and cunning that he is setting a trap for them. This is what they fear and this is what drives their silence. Self preservation is their highest priority.
All of these hosts speak about and promote the Constitution. They give it away free, demand our politicians abide by it and espouse it's virtue, sometimes, ad nauseam. That rhetoric as well as their phony demeanor as to being its protector and savior, is beginning to stink worse than the south end of a north bound bull.
As Glenn and his cohorts ridiculed and belittled not only Sheriff Arpaio, his extremely efficient investigative team and a very large part of his listeners and viewers, it became evident that he had not even watched the press conference. If he had, he could not have possibly come to the conclusion that Obama has no Hawaii birth related issues because a "newspaper reported" his birth.
Earth to Glenn, Obama and his mother could have been on Mars when the doting grandparents called the local newspaper and told them of Obama's birth. There is no fact checking or backup required. You give them the info, pay the cost and it gets printed. What grandparents would not like to get their grandchild's birth in the paper so they could have a keepsake and proudly display it to their friends? Glenn, in contrast to what you said, the person wouldn't have to be an embedded KGB agent to get that in the paper. Knowing how to dial a phone is all it would take.
I'm not going to go into the many extremely troubling aspects released in Arpaio's report, you haven't bothered to read them there and would most likely not read them here. However, to laugh at and impugn a person of great stature, such as Sheriff Arpaio, a person that has always done the right thing, despite the blow back and personal danger he has faced for years, is nothing less than despicable.
Glenn could have and probably should have, continued to ignore the issue. But he chose, instead to "hold up as some kind of joke" not only the millions of people who are concerned about what is going on, but his inclusion of Sheriff Arpaio in that charade, was deplorable.
I lost a lot of respect for Glenn yesterday. TPATH had intended on promoting Glenn's Dallas event. Now we will not be going or promoting it. It is doubtful we will renew our subscription to GBTV. Glenn promotes his web cast something like this "News the main stream media won't report". Why would anyone "pay" to be kept in the dark? The main stream media does that for free.
Finally, to all of you celebrity hosts, who have decided to keep yourself as well as those that depend on you, uninformed, know this. Maybe not this year or next, but eventually, each of you will have been proven to be on the "cowardice" side of this issue. Just as the internet has lessened the people's dependency on the main stream media, we the people shall wean from the so called conservative talk show hosts. Its your call and its not too late.
In closing, for all the girlie-man hosts that think Obama has intentionally, and masterfully created a deception that will end your careers, wake up. There are many much easier and lawful ways of trapping the enemy. No fellows, Obama has a real big problem. He knows it and has done everything he and his gang of organized forgers and ideological supporters could think of to hide his past for as long as possible. He has managed to subvert and corrupt judges and state officials, he has managed to destroy government passenger manifests, he has criminally used official government seals in forged documents and has hidden every aspect of his life from the public. This man is not a brilliant contriver of an elaborate plan to take down a few talk show hosts or the Republican Party. He is scrambling, lying and breaking the law at every possible opportunity in an effort to continue hiding from his past in order to complete his planned destruction of this country.
The left will continue to hide these things from the public, for ideological reasons. You guys, the pious protectors of the Constitution are actually just protecting yourselves and in the process helping the usurper. That is a shame.
March 3, 2012 TPATH###
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