Massive fraud in COUNTRYWIDE was ongoing for at least a decade prior to the financial crisis. The evidence shows that COUNTRYWIDE was operating as a corrupt organization under CEO ANGELO MOZILO and Chief Legal Officer SANDOR SAMUELS. Such conduct of the Los Angeles-based COUNTRYWIDE was made possible through direct collusion with the LA-JR (Los Angeles Judiciary Racket).
Following the takeover of Countrywide by Bank of America, the same conduct was adopted by the latter, including Presidents KENNETH LEWIS and BRIAN MOYNIHAN.
Los Angeles County, State of California, US law enforcement and US banking regulators were fully informed of the criminality in the sub-prime industry well before the onset of the financial crisis, but all worked in concert to cover it up. In contrast, following the eruption of the crisis, senior officers of some of the same agencies, repeatedly made false and deliberately misleading statements in various hearings before the US Congress, where they denied any evidence of criminality in the sub-prime industry.
The notion that covering up the corruption will help instill public confidence in the US financial system is delusional at best.
Bank of America President BRIAN MOYNIHAN; Countrywide's Chief Legal Officer SANDOR SAMUELS
I, the undersigned, Joseph Zernik, declare as follows:
1) In December 2006, well before the eruption of the financial crisis, I learnt for the first time the name of COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION ("COUNTRYWIDE"). I had no business with the Countrywide, I had no mortgage with the COUNTRYWIDE, and never had any mortgage serviced by COUNTRYWIDE.
2) In mid-December 2006 I obtained from the office of Attorney CHARLES CUMMINS (then Managing Partner in SULLIVAN WORKMAN & DEE , 800 S. Figueroa, Suite 1200, Los Angeles 90017; Tel: 213 624 5544 x223, Email: CCummings@SWDLAW.NET), who represented me at the time, copies of discovery records, including some 400 pages of banking documents from Countrywide Financial Corporation.
3) Although I had no background in the law, in banking, or in professional real estate, I realized after review of the documents that COUNTRYWIDE and its Legal Department, then headed by Chief Legal Officer SANDOR SAMUELS, today President of Bet Tzedek ("The House of Justice"), were key parties in real estate fraud perpetrated on me.
4) To rule out the possibility that it was human error, I made in late December 2006 some phone calls to COUNTRYWIDE's Legal Department and its Custodian of Records. Following these phone calls I became convinced that it was deliberate conduct, and not a human error.
5) I also visited around December 2006 - January 2007 the FBI office in Los Angeles and talked with the agent by phone as well. The Duty Agent reviewed my records during my visit, and confirmed that it was fraud. Moreover, he advised me that my attorney was at fault as well, since for over a year, he had never filed on my behalf in court a counterclaim of fraud and deceit. The Duty Agent advised me that I had to find immediately an attorney, who would file on my behalf the Fraud and Deceit counterclaim.
6) From January to June 2007 I interviewed numerous law firms in Los Angeles. None agreed to file on my behalf the Fraud and Deceit counterclaim. One attorney explained to me that I was "radioactive", and any attorney who would agree to represent me would suffer consequences. Another attorney explained to me that no attorney would dare to file on my behalf the Fraud and Deceit counterclaim, since the judges themselves were part of the fraud, and any attorney who would dare to do so would suffer retaliation.
7) After I confronted Attorney CHARLES CUMMINGS in this matter, he offered me a $25,000 fee waiver, if I agreed to leave his office immediately and relieve him of his duties as my counsel.
8) Further analysis of the records led me to the conclusion that the fraud was initiated in 2004, by JAE ARRE LLOYD (formerly Timothy Lloyd Morrow) (listed online today as: J.R. Lloyd - President & CEO
Beverly Hills Capital Group, 468 N. Camden Drive #255B, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; NMLS MLO Lic #236709; DRE Broker #01871179, Email:, who was at the time "Loan Originator" for Countrywide, in collusion with Countrywide's San Rafael's Branch Manager MARIA MCLAURIN.
9) Upon information and belief JAE ARRE LLOYD had been convicted on financial crimes, related to the theft of the benefits funds of the employees of SKYLINE FUNDING CORPORATION.
10) I also talked by phone with Branch Manager MARIA MCLAURIN around that time, and she claimed that all records produced by COUNTRYWIDE were reviewed by the COUNTRYWIDE Legal Department and that the discovery was directly managed and produced by the COUNTRYWIDE's Legal Department in consultation with her.
11) Additional analysis of the discovery records, led me to the conclusion that DIANE FRAZIER (4329 Gloria Ct, Rohnert Park, CA 94928, (707) 586-1479), who was in 2004 Underwriter in COUNTRYWIDE's San Rafael Branch, was a key figure in the case. Moreover, my analysis led me to the conclusion that she unsuccessfully tried to resist the mortgage fraud being perpetrated by JAE ARRE LLOYD and MARIA MCLAURIN.
12) In March 2007, I managed to locate DIANE FRAZIER, and spoke with her at length by phone (about an hour).
13) DIANE FRAZIER remembered in great details the case related to JAE ARRE LLOYD and MARIA MCLAURIN. She explained to me that she had worked for well over a decade in the COUNTRYWIDE's San Rafael Branch, and in 2004 was a Senior Underwriter there. She further told me that in early 2005 she was fired, in retaliation for her resistance to the fraud in the case describe herein. She provided me with additional details regarding the fraud in this specific case, and also described to me in detail the large-scale fraud that had been perpetrated in the underwriting of US government-backed sub-prime mortgages in the COUNTRYWIDE's San Rafael Branch in 2004 and previous years. She described the branch as involved in massive mortgage fraud on the US government, to the tune of what amounted to billions of dollars per year in that branch alone.
14) DIANE FRAZIER, who by then was not employed by Countrywide for over two years, sounded scared, and repeatedly warned me: "You don't know who you are dealing with".
15) About a week later, I tried to call DIANE FRAZIER again, to let her know that I was going to serve on her a subpoena for deposition. A man answered the phone and told me that COUNTRYWIDE forbade DIANE FRAZIER to talk with me, and that if I called her again: "I will come down to LA and gun you down".
16) Later, still in early 2007, I tried to subpoena DIANE FRAZIER for deposition, using the services of ABC LEGAL SERVICES, Orange County. Their people staked the house of DIANE FRAZIER for over 24 hours, but she was nowhere to be seen. A person, who ABC LEGAL SERVICES said answered the door, claimed that DIANE FRAZIER no longer lived there. However, when I tried to call DIANE FRAZIER in 2010, she was again at the same phone number.
17) I have repeatedly filed with FBI and US Department of Justice complaints against those involved in this conduct (see links below), but both FBI and US Department of Justice, both in Los Angeles, California, and in Washington DC. However, both FBI and US Department of Justice refused to provide me any protection.
18) In June 2007 I transmitted directly to Chief Legal Officer SANDOR SAMUELS and to then CEO ANGELO MOZILO requests to stop the fraud being perpetrated against me. Both refused to do so. Instead, they retained in June 2007 the law-firm of BRYAN CAVE, LLP, to initiated a campaign of retaliation, harassment and intimidation against me, as part of which I was threatened with jailing.
19) Following the takeover of Countrywide by Bank of America Corporation, I likewise directly forwarded requests, delivered to both KENNETH LEWIS III and BRIAN MOYNIHAN, who served as Presidents of Bank of America Corporation. I asked the to stop the fraud and retaliation perpetrated against me. However, the retaliation was only exacerbated.
20) In 2008 Senator DIANE FEINSTEIN and Congresswoman DIANE WATSON filed on my behalf Congressional Inquiries on then US Attorney General MICHAEL MUKASEY and FBI Director ROBERT MUELLER III, why they would not provide me Equal Protection under the law.
21) Responses to the US Congress, signed by FBI Assistant Director for Criminal Investigations KENNETH KAISER and then Director of the US Attorneys Office KENNETH MELSON (who later became known as a key person in the "Fast and Furious" operation), falsely claimed that I was complaining about "foreclosure procedures".
22) I have never been party to foreclosure, mortgage default, or bankruptcy procedures of any kind.
23) I later obtained from highly decorated FBI veteran JAMES WEDICK (Sacramento, California, Land Line: 916 638 3566 Cell: 916 501 2805, Fax: 916 290 0999, Email: a fraud expert opinion letter in this matter. (linked below).
24) Moreover, JAMES WEDICK documented in an email notice to me (linked below) that he was contacted by FBI Special Agent from the Los Angeles Branch, who agreed with JAMES WEDICK that I was a victim of fraud, and that FBI was required to provide me Equal Protection.
25) To this date, I have never been accorded Equal Protection in this and related matters by any of the numerous US and California law enforcement agencies, which I filed complaints with.
26) In late April 2010 I abruptly escaped from Los Angeles, when I realized that my life was seriously endangered.
27) The danger to my life coincided with the deadline for submission of submission of my report, on behalf of Human Rights Alert (NGO), to the United Nations. The report was later incorporated into an official United Nations report, with a note referring to: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California". (see linked below)
28) Beyond the persons listed above, key figures in the fraud were:
a) California Judge JACQUELINE CONNOR (famous for her role in the Rampart Scandal, 1998-2000)
b) California Judge JOHN SEGAL
c) Then California Judge TERRY FRIEDMAN (former Bet Tzedek's Executive Director)
d) Attorney DAVID PASTERNAK (former Bet Tzedek's President and former President of Los Angeles County Bar Association)
29) Numerous other California and US judges, California and US clerks, attorneys, financial institutions, and others were involved in perpetrating the fraud.
The above declaration is made under penalty of perjury under the law of the United States, and is transmitted via my personal, secure electronic mail account.
Signed this date: December 26, 2011, here in Jerusalem,
Joseph Zernik
[1] Complaints filed with FBI and US Attorney Office:
10-05-21 Complaint Filed with FBI Against MARIA MCLAURIN, BANK OF AMERICA [NYSE:BAC], Convicted Felon and Loan Originator JAE ARRE LLOYD and NIVIE SAMAAN.
10-06-21 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) Complaint against DAVID PASTERNAK for Public Corruption and Deprivation of Civil Rights under the Color of Law Pursuant to US Law, and Deprivation of Human Rights Pursuant to Ratified International Law:
10-07-06 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) Complaint against BRIAN MOYNIHAN, BANK OF AMERICA, and Attorneys JENNA MOLDAWSKY and JOHN AMBERG (BRYAN CAVE, LLP) - for public corruption and financial institution fraud, relative to their conduct in at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles:
10-07-12 Zernik v Connor et al (2:08-cv-01550) Complaint against US Magistrate CARLA WOEHRLE and others at the US District Court, Central District of California for Public Corruption and Deprivation of Rights:
10-08-09 Complaint for Public Corruption and racketeering against Judge JACQUELINE CONNOR and Others at both the Civil and Criminal Divisions of the SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES
10-08-22 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) - Complaint against former Judge PATRICIA COLLINS, Judge LISA HART-COLE, Attorney DAVID PASTERNAK, OLD REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL (NYSE:ORI) and others - for public corruption and racketeering by judges, financial institutions, and large law-firms in pretense proceedings at the Court.
[2] Opinion Letter of Fraud Expert JAMES WEDICK:
07-12-17 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) David Pasternak: Grant Deeds in re: 320 South Peck Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, opined as fraud by James Wedick
08-08-21 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) Email letter by highly decorated FBI veteran James Wedick regarding FBI's refusal to provide Dr Zernik equal protection
[4] Human Rights Alert (NGO) Submission and related United Nations report (2010)
10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report, with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* Foreclosure fraud: The homeowner nightmares continueCNN (April 7, 2011)
* About 3 million homes have been repossessed since the housing boom ended in 2006… That number could balloon to about 6 millionby 2013 Bloomberg (January 2011)
* "...a system in which only the little people have to obey the law, while the rich, and bankers especially, can cheat and defraud without consequences."
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA?* "...judges tried and sentenced a staggering number of people for crimes they did not commit." Prof David Burcham, Dean, Loyola Law School, LA (2001)
* "This is conduct associated with the most repressive dictators and police states... and judges must share responsibility when innocent people are convicted." Prof Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, Irvine Law School (2001)
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CALIFORNIA?* "...corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California." United Nations Human Rights Council Staff Report (2010)
* "On July 26, 2010, Laurence Tribe, Senior Counsel for the United States Department of Justice, Access to Justice Initiative, delivered an important speech to the Conference of Chief Justices, challenging them to halt the disintegration of our state justice systems before they become indistinguishable from courts of third world nations."Prof Laurence Tribe, Harvard Law School (2010), per National Defender Leadership Institute (2010)
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES?* "More than 100 law professors have signed on to a letter released today that proposes congressional hearings and legislation aimed at fashioning "mandatory and enforceable" ethics rules for Supreme Court justices for the first time. The effort, coordinated by the liberal Alliance for Justice, was triggered by "recent media reports," the letter said, apparently referring to stories of meetings and other potential conflicts of interest involving Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas among others."More than 100 law professors, as reported by the Blog of the Legal Times (February 2011)
* "The American legal system has been corrupted almost beyond recognition..."
Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit, Edith Jones, speaking before the Federalist Society of Harvard Law School (February 2003)
WHAT DID THE CHAIR OF THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SAY ABOUT THE US JUSTICE SYSTEM?* In a speech in Georgetown University, Senator Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee called for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" on the US Department of Justice.Transcript of Senator Leahy speech (2009)
A call for proposals, ending January 10, 2012.
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Late August 2012
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