Glenn Fine
Inspector General
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 18:33:22 -0800
To: Chinese Embassy
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Fwd: Letter to IG-DOJ Atty Glenn Fine and request for urgent actions
Attention: His Excellency Ambassador of the People's Republic of China
Matter pertains to failure of the U.S. Government to perform its duties in re; Banking Regulation and reckless conduct relative to failure to safeguard the stability of financial markets.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Zernik
_____________________________________Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 17:02:08 -0800
To: joseph zernik
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Fwd: Letter to IG-DOJ Atty Glenn Fine and request for urgent actions
Bcc: LIST Law Faculty
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 16:46:35 -0800
To: "Attention J van Cornewal-Harlaar", "Attention Mr Stefan Walter and Standards implementation-Mr Jos Mara Roldn, Validation Subgroup-Mr Maarten Gelderman, The Operational Risk Subgroup-Mr Kevin Bailey, Deputy Comptroller, Accounting Task Force-Ms Sylvie Mathrat"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Fwd: Letter to IG-DOJ Atty Glenn Fine and request for urgent actions
Attention: Basel Committee
Matter pertains to failure of U.S. Government to perform its duties as a good faith signer of the Accords.
Joseph Zernik
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 16:51:09 -0800______________________________
To: "U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Fwd: Letter to IG-DOJ Atty Glenn Fine and request for urgent actions
Attention: High Commissioner for Human Rights
Matter pertains to failure of U.S. Government to perform its duties pursuant to ratified International Law.
Joseph Zernik
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 16:36:49 -0800
To: Prof Richard Posner, Univ of Chicago Law School
From: joseph zernik
Subject: FYI: Copy of letter to IG-DOJ Atty Glenn Fine to reliably inform you of the issues.
November 23, 2009
Dear Prof Posner:
Attached and within is a copy of letter to IG-DOJ regarding judicial corruption, to reliably inform you in this matter.
Joseph Zernik
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 16:44:17 -0800
To: Office of Inspector General US Dept of Justice
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Letter to IG-DOJ Atty Glenn Fine and request for urgent actions
Attached is a digitally signed copy.jz
Dr Z
Joseph H Zernik, DMD, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750; Fax: 801.998.0917; E-Mail:
09-11-23 Request for urgent actions by IG-DOJ Glenn A Fine.
Inspector General
Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 4706
Washington, D.C. 20530
By Certified Mail
By Email:
<List U.S. iG-DOJ>
By fax:In the second request your immediate actions are requested. Response regarding your intent to take any actions regarding any of the requests below is kindly requested by December 4, 2009.Dear Atty Fine:
I, Dr Joseph Zernik, write to request your actions regarding my case and the conduct of the U.S. Department of Justice in this regard. I was forced to leave my residence, my property, which was taken for private use with no compensation at all, in conjunction with fraud by the court, as opined by a decorated, veteran FBI agent. [i],[ii] It also involved fraud, as opined by yet another fraud expert by Countrywide Financial Corporation,[iii] and in the past year and a half - Bank of America Corporation. I was trapped in this scheme since 2004. Local FBI and USAO for the past three years, have denied my Human Rights for Equal Protection and to Own Property.[iv] Senior officers of FBI and US Department of Justice provided false and deliberately misleading responses to U.S. Congress in my case last year.[v]
I write to you to request that you free Atty Richard Fine, a 70 yo, former U.S. Prosecutor, anti judicial corruption activist, who was held in solitary confinement in LA for over 7 months, with no warrant, with no sentencing/judgment, from litigation at the LA Superior Court - with no Register of Actions (California docket). His Human Right for Liberty was denied.[vi], [vii] The pattern of false court records in all these cases was similar, and was considered the Finger Prints of the LA-JR (alleged LA-Judiciary Racket).
I also write to you regarding the Rampart FIPs (Falsely Imprisoned Persons). Over 10,000 of them, mostly blacks and latinos, who are still falsely imprisoned a decade after their innocence was documented. It was the principle evidence for the conduct of the LA-JR already a decade ago.[viii], [ix], [x] Their Human Rights for Liberty were denied.
I write on behalf of Ms Barbara Darwish, who was subjected over an 8 year period (1998-2006) to a real estate scheme by the courts that was the prototype of the scheme perpetrated on me. In May 2002 she appeared for trial at the LA Superior Court, but was deceived to proceed to the Municipal Court in Culver City, where a bench trial was conducted on her by an anonymous - listed only as Muni Judge in the records to take her 6-unit Santa Monica rental property. [xi], [xii], [xiii] Her Human Rights to Own Property and for a Fair and Impartial Hearing were denied.
I write to you to today on behalf of all 10 million residents of the County of Los Angeles, California, whose prospects for any honest court services in the future were on the line in false court action underway, where you could not even tell who was a judge, and who was a referee. [xiv] Their Human Rights were denied - for Fair and Impartial Hearings.
I write to you today to request that you investigate, prosecute and take corrective actions regarding the failure of the U.S. Justice Department in the past decade to protect the Human Rights of the residents of Los Angeles County. In particular - the disintegration of the justice system in Los Angeles County, California, documented in this letter, which was considered a direct extension of the Rampart scandal (1998-2000).
I request that you investigate the conduct of FBI and USAO during the past decade, which amounted to cover up of the scandal. I also request that you investigate the conduct of senior officers of the U.S. Department of Justice, surrounding false and deliberate responses, which they gave to the U.S. congress last year, after Congressional Inquiries on my behalf.[xv]
Conditions prevailing in Los Angeles County, California, were likely to be deemed serious failure of the U.S. Government to perform its duties pursuant to ratified International Law. Our Human Rights were denied for Liberty, to Own Property, for Public Access to Court Records, for Fair and Impartial Hearings, for National Tribunals to Protect our Human Rights, and for Equal Protection.[xvi]
Conditions described in this letter were also likely to be deemed serous failure of the U.S. Government to perform its duties pursuant to International Banking Accords that it claimed to be good faith party to.[xvii]
In short I am asking that you investigate the conduct of the U.S. Department of Justice:
1) Relative to the LA-JR alleged LAJudiciary Racket. The evidence is incontrovertible, and neither the local FBI, nor local USAO, nor the senior officers of U.S. Department of Justice ever denied my assertion of conduct of such enterprise in the Los Angeles County courts.
2) Relative to cover up and deception on the American People by the U.S. Department of Justice - of the criminality that underlies the sub-prime crisis, and with it the refusal to investigate my complaints on the matter since January 2007, and denial of my rights to access the courts in Qui Tam False Claims Act complaints, both at the U.S. District Court, LA and the U.S. District court Washington DC.[xviii]In the second request your immediate actions are requested. Response regarding your intent to take any actions regarding any of the requests below is kindly requested by December 4, 2009.Specific requests are kindly submitted to you: [Redacted]