This is funny. I am in the opposite situation. I paid $600 to renounce US citizenship, but State Dept refuses to acknowledge my renunciation. In fact, in all correspondence, they refuse to even use the legal term "renunciation", instead using "loss of citizenship", as if I was walking down the street and just dropped my US citizenship by mistake... Most recently, the US Consul in Jerusalem sent me a note that they may be willing to consider "relinquishment"... :)
I believe that in my case, the refusal to acknowledge renunciation is related to desire to somehow maintain jurisdiction over me. After all, the US is the only government that claims jurisdiction over citizens wherever they are.
In both cases, the principle is the same, treating citizenship in the medieval sense, the relationship between a sovreign and a serf.
P.S. You can't trust the numbers of State Dept regarding the number of renunciations in recent years either. Go to Isaac Brock Society web page, where there are discussions of such matters by Americans in various parts of the world, and you get the impression that it is an epidemic.

Where the problem of the state gets solved, not just complained about.
Why Are Other Countries Crediting The US "Revocation" of Edward Snowden's Passport?
THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT (AND OTHERS) HAVE BEEN ARGUING RECENTLY that Edward Snowden's ability to leave the Moscow airport in which he has been living since June 23 is compromised because the US Department of State has revoked Snowden's passport. These folks are suffering from an unfortunate misunderstanding of United States law (and don't appear to have much respect for their own sovereignty, either).
The fact is, and as will be shown, the Department of State has no statutory authority to "revoke" a passport at all, and in any case passports have no inherent relevance to an American's ability to travel. United States passports are just ID documents, issued at the request, and for the benefit of, the American traveler as "letters of introduction" to any foreign state which might impose restrictions on those crossing its borders. They simply declare the bearer to be an American, and ask that he or she be afforded courtesies accordingly:
"The Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection."
Passports are NOT "permission to travel" documents.
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Project Paradigm-Shift
So Much For Mideast Democracy
Illuminating Anniversaries for this new week,
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