Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era//
גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Dear distinguished legal professionals and judges:
The messages, copied below, were aimed at a lay audience. Regardless of their the lay, crude language, I wonder whether legal professionals would have any qualms with the simple underlying notions, when proposed as follows:
In the United State, today, both state and US judges routinely engage in fraud and deceit on the people through the practice of presiding in void court actions, by allowing void appearances by counsel, by issuing void orders and void judgments. Such practices amount to serious abuses of the Human Rights of the American people by the legal profession and in particular - by judges. Such practices amount to wholesale betrayal of the US Constitution and its Amendments - by those who were charged with its protection.
Notions to ponder during the long holiday weekend... I would be grateful for any response on the matter!
Joseph Zernik
I. The Usual IN SHORT - KOZINSKI MUST RESIGN! "This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
Hi Shirley, Hi All:
(see next posting)
Fake Vuitton bags _ _ _Fake lawn_ _ _ _ Fake ID_ _ _ _ _ __ _Fake pregnancy rumor_ _Fake Ferrari Fake boobs _ _ _ _ _ _Fake money_ _ _ _ Fake McDonald_ _ _ Fake Castro_ _ _ _ _ Fake crack ___________________
Hi Shirley, hi all: Thank you for your wikipedia input. Let's hope that it would do the job, convincing the reviewers that the Richard Fine story was not an insignificant "local story"...
For anybody else who wished to voice an opinion against deletion as a "local story".
However, Shirley, your note to me showed that you were still confused. Therefore - I definitely flunked the job!
Let me try one more time, in simple lay language. Sorry if I got a bit crude - whatever it takes...
___________________ THE COURTS ROUTINELY RUN FAKE LITIGATIONS, WHICH THE COURTS THEMSELVES CONSIDER NOTHING AT ALL, AND WHICH LEAD TO FAKE ARRESTS AND FAKE IMPRISONMENTS... _____________ A. The case of Richard Fine involved fake litigations in a chain-reaction: 1) Marina v LA County (BS109420)- at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. FAKE LITIGATION -- where LA Superior Court fakely arrested Richard Fine in open court with no warrant, no conviction, no sentencing, and no Register of Actions (California docket).
2) Fine v Sheriff (2:09-cv-01914) - at the US Court, Central District of California, Los Angeles. FAKE HABEAS CORPUS PETITION -- a fake review by the US District Court, where the US District Court issued fake orders and judgments, and where the US District Court fakely found OK the FAKE LITIGATION --where LA Superior Court fakely arrested Richard Fine in open court with no warrant, no conviction, no sentencing, and no Register of Actions (California docket).
3)Fine v Sheriff (09-71692) - at the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. FAKE EMERGENCY PETITION -- a fake review by the US Court of Appeals and its Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, where the US Court of Appeals issued fake orders and judgments, and where the US Court of Appeals fakely found OK the FAKE HABEAS CORPUS PETITION -- a fake review by the US District Court, where the US District Court issued fake orders and judgments, and where the US District Court fakely found OK the FAKE LITIGATION -- where the LA Superior Court fakely arrested Richard Fine in open court with no warrant, no conviction, no sentencing, and no Register of Actions (California docket). I wish I could fit it to some popular tune... ______________ B. Los Angeles county sheriff routinely subjected dissidents to fake hospitalizations (including fake psychiatric hospitatlizations). That is why Richard Fine was held all along under fake hospitalization, not in the jail itself, and that was why I was asking for help from medical associations - to denounce the practice of the LA Sheriff, of fake hospitalizations to cover up fake imprisonments of dissidents, and to start review procedures against doctors who signed on such fake hospitalizations. It was and is serious human rights violations by such doctors.
______________ C. State and US courts today were equipped with fake case management systems to do the job. That is what Alex Kozinski Frauds are all about, which are enabled by Ronald George Computer Systems. ______________ WELCOME TO THE MEDIEVAL DIGITAL ERA!
Joe Zernik Patriotic pics of sharon stone, beyonce knowles, and charlize theron,
Soon also - deep house music! P.S. please give me case number and captions for the jakarian cases, both state and federal. I would like to check them out, just in case.
At 16:00 24/12/2009, Shirley Piggot, MD, wrote:
I have just published, I think, the following on Wikipedia. Please verify.
Is there anything on Facebook? If so, please send the links.
===[[Richard Isaac Fine]]===
Strongly oppose deletion:
Although I live in Texas, I have become aware that the unlawful incarceration of Richard Fine is a major human rights issue. I have personally verified, some months ago, through a complicated series of phone calls that Richard Fine is or was, in fact, incarcerated in the Los Angeles County prison system. This information was not easily obtained, but required persistence on my part and a determination not to be dissuaded. When I finally was able to confirm Dr. Zernik's allegations regarding Fine's imprisonment, I was told that no other information was available to me because he was a "high profile prisoner". Dr. Zernik has tirelessly tried to go through normal government channels to get Los Angeles County and other responsible persons to do their duties and provide Richard Fine justice; he has also unsuccessfully tried to elicit the cooperation of the media. He has faced active suppression. God only knows what Richard Fine himself has faced.
What I don't know, but would like to find out, is whether a Writ of Habeas Corpus has ever been filed, and if so, what is the court's response.
In addition to the case of Richard Fine, I have personal knowledge of the confinement, also presumably illegal, of my friend and medical colleague, Jacques Jaikaran MD, in the Houston Federal Detention Center under the order of Judge Lynn Hughes. One might be able to say that Dr. Jaikaran is not a person of note. However, Judge Lynn Hughes is, and it is evident to me that Judge Hughes is guilty of judicial misconduct.
Has any judge made any ruling in the case of Richard Fine? If not, he is most certainly illegally incarcerated, and that is news.
I hope that you realize that it was tricky writing to wikipedia's specs on a matter that was pending, and was ruled upon by corrupt courts. By definition, wikipedia takes court rulings in the matter to be the truth.
Regardless, with the plethora of websites on the matter, I felt that there was a need to establish the basic indisputable facts in the matter as an easily accessible resource for the public at large.
I did not want to comment on the facts in the discussion page in wikipedia, out of concern of making the discussion there even more confusing:
1) Your comment about "open to the public as court records" was incorrect. The LA court denied access to the register of actions (California docket) of Fine's purported case - Marina v LA County (BS109420) - all along. I have correspondence with the court counsel on this matter. Again - such correspondence constituted primary records that wikipedia would not accept.
2) The habeas corpus, the petitions, and the appeals to the US Court of Appeals, 9th circuit, must all be deemed false procedures, if only for the fact that they were all conducted without such records that were the quintessential documents for establishing the foundation for review in any case.
3) The general notion that Fine was arrested and was jailed for contempt, whether it was for attempting to disqualify Yaffe, as claimed by some, or whether it was for denying the authority of Murray Gross, as claimed by others, was incorrect as well.
The true facts in the matter:
1) There was and there is no way to establish that Marina v LA County (BS109420) was ever a case litigated as a matter under the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of California. The facts in the matter show that it was not.
2) There was and there is no warrant for the arrest of Richard Fine.
3) There was and there is no conviction and no sentencing for contempt in the case of Richard Fine.
4) Richard Fine was in fact arbitrarily arrested and was falsely confined.
5) Richard Fine, and another LA attorney who filed complaints on judicial corruption, Ron Gottschalk, were both subjected to warrantless arrests, and were both falsely hospitalized. Ron Gottschalk was released on bail. Richard Fine was still under false hospitalization.
Such were the routine methods of the Soviet Union for handling dissidents.
The damning silence of media and the legal profession:
I cannot write any of that in wikipedia - it would be legal conclusions that were not supported by existing court rulings or published media/expert reports. Yet, media would not report, and legal experts would not comment on the matter. Why major media outlets would not cover the story? Why no legal expert would comment? Why no attorney would go on the record on the matter?
Senior Executive Producer at NBC, who was personally very interested in the story, told me he could not cover it - "corporate decision".
I was and I am advised by the legal director of a civil rights organization from outside LA in this matter, but it was all done incognito, hush, hush.
You got to wonder regarding the nature of society, free speech, the legal profession, and the justice system of the US at this time.
Joe Zernik
At 11:54 24/12/2009, you wrote:
I posted an oppose delete. I am on YouTube, "Your Honor", Juli Star-Alexander.
As part of an effort to establish a baseline on a story that was not well covered by media, I created a few short entries in wikipedia, They were easy reference to anyone who wanted to figure out the overall picture.
Now, someone started a move to delete the story of Fine on the grounds of insignificance - a local story at best. In the big picture of persons covered in wikipedia, from sports to pornstars, I deeply believe that Richard Fine deserves a place there.
I am seeking your input, especially if you are not from LA, at the following page (you need to generate a free user ID first):
Please state what part of the country you were from, since the "local story" was the main reason proposed for the deletion, together with lack of coverage by national media - which of course was part of the issue why he was still in jail - the failure of media to cover the story.
Thanks for your help.
Joe Zernik
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:50:58 -0800
To: K
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Fwd: Re: Los Angeles seeking outside help... against wikipedia's move to delete the Richard Fine story, as "local story" that was unworthy of inclusion.
Hi K:
Just to let you know my exact position on these matters. It may be hair-splitting to you, but I consider the hair-splitting in this case of critical importance. In simple lay-person's language - the courts routinely run show trials, which are not considered true valid litigations by the courts themselves.
Joe Zernik
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:07:50 -0800
From: joseph zernik Subject: Re: Los Angeles seeking outside help... against wikipedia's move to delete the Richard Fine story, as "local story" that was unworthy of inclusion. Bcc:
I hope that you realize that it was tricky writing to wikipedia's specs on a matter that was pending, and was ruled upon by corrupt courts. By definition, wikipedia takes court rulings in the matter to be the truth.
Regardless, with the plethora of websites on the matter, I felt that there was a need to establish the basic indisputable facts in the matter as an easily accessible resource for the public at large.
I did not want to comment on the facts in the discussion page in wikipedia, out of concern of making the discussion there even more confusing, here it is for your information:
1) Your comment about "open to the public as court records" was incorrect. The LA court denied access to the register of actions (California docket) of Fine's purported case - Marina v LA County (BS109420) - all along. I have correspondence with the court counsel on this matter. Again - such correspondence constituted primary records that wikipedia would not accept.
2) The habeas corpus, the petitions, and the appeals to the US Court of Appeals, 9th circuit, must all be deemed false procedures, if only for the fact that they were all conducted without such records that were the quintessential documents for establishing the foundation for review in any case.
3) The general notion that Fine was arrested and was jailed for contempt, whether it was for attempting to disqualify Yaffe, as a judge who took the illegal payment from a party to the purported litigation - as claimed by some, or whether it was for denying the authority of Murray Gross, as a commissioner with no appointment order - as claimed by others, was incorrect as well.
The true facts in the matter:
1) There was and there is no way to establish that Marina v LA County (BS109420) was ever a case litigated as a matter under the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The facts in the matter show that it was not.
2) There was and there is no warrant for the arrest of Richard Fine.
3) There was and there is no conviction and no sentencing for contempt in the case of Richard Fine.
4) Richard Fine was in fact arbitrarily arrested and was falsely confined.
5) Richard Fine, and another LA attorney who filed complaints on judicial corruption, Ron Gottschalk, were both subjected to warrantless arrests, and were both falsely hospitalized. Ron Gottschalk was released on bail. Richard Fine was still under false hospitalization.
Such were the routine methods of the Soviet Union for handling dissidents.
The damning silence of media and the legal profession: I cannot write any of that in wikipedia - it would be legal conclusions that were not supported by existing court rulings or published media/expert reports. Yet, media would not report, and legal experts would not comment on the matter. Why major media outlets would not cover the story? Why no legal expert would comment? Why no attorney would go on the record on the matter?
Senior Executive Producer at NBC, who was personally very interested in the story, told me he could not cover it - "corporate decision".
I was and I am advised by the legal director of a civil rights organization from outside LA in this matter, but it was all done incognito, hush, hush.
You got to wonder regarding the nature of society, free speech, the legal profession, and the justice system of the US at this time.
Joe Zernik
At 11:54 24/12/2009, you wrote:
I posted an oppose delete. I am on YouTube, "Your Honor", Juli Star-Alexander.
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 18:48:58 -0800
From: joseph zernik Subject: Fwd: Notice to the Basel Committee regarding initial attempts to estimate the scope of alleged criminalities by financial institution in Los Angeles County, California. Cc: Schapiro, Mary
Dear Mr Kotz
Please accept this notice as an addendum to my request for investigation of SEC's refusal to enforce the law on Countrywide and Bank of America Corporation in the past three years, in disregard of credible voluminous evidence of criminality.
Joseph Zernik
CC: M Schapiro, SEC Chair
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 16:53:54 -0800
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Notice to the Basel Committee regarding initial attempts to estimate the scope of alleged criminalities by financial institution in Los Angeles County, California.
Dear Members of the Basel Committee, including Mr Kevin Bailey- Deputy Comptroller of the Currency:
Please review additional evidence now posted online, detailed below, beginning to provide an estimate for the scope of alleged criminalities by attorneys, judges and financial institutions in Los Angeles County, California, which US Government law enforcement for the past three years refused to investigate.
Complaint in this matter against Bank of America is now pending before the US Office of Comptroller of the Currency, #00971981. However, Bank of America failed to respond at all, since September 29, 2009.
Joseph Zernik
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 16:39:53 -0800
To: "Charles McCoy -Presiding Judge " <>, "John A Clarke- Clerk of the Court" <>
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Kindly request that you immediately put an end to racketeering conduct of Mr David Pasternak and others.
Cc: "David Pasternak" , "Cindy F. Pasternak" , "John Patton" , "Mohammad Keshavarzi" , "Amberg, John W." < >,, "Modisett, Jeffrey A, Managing Partner- LA" < >, "Samuels, Sandor - Legal" , "Boock, Todd A -Legal" , "Shatz, Sanford -Legal"
To Charles McCoy -Presiding Judge, and John A Clarke- Clerk of the Court
RE: Kindly request that you immediately put an end to racketeering conduct of Mr David Pasternak and others under false caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400).*
Dear Presiding Judge McCoy and Clerk Clarke:
Please accept this notice as a kindly repeat request that you immediately put an end to racketeering conduct of Mr David Pasternak and others under the false caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) and under Mr Pasternak's false self-designation of Receiver. Mr Pasternak held no valid and effectual Appointment Order as required by law. [1] In such conduct, Mr Pasternak, and others - particularly - Sheppard Mullin - the Presiding Judge's former law-firm - falsely purported to enforce a judgment of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, which never existed in the first place. Mr Pasternak refused to respond to multiple requests that he provide an explanation for the legal foundation for his alleged racketeering conduct. [2] Yet, false notices received from the court suggested that Mr Pasternak intended to engage in further "Motions", "Hearings", and possibly further fraudulent monetary transactions. I again respectfully request that you put an end to all such conduct immediately.
The fraud in conduct of Mr Pasternak was previously opined by an expert with credentials that were second to none - James Wedick, who was decorated by US Congress, by FBI Director, and by US Attorney General. [3] Financial records produced by Mr Pasternak [4] evidenced of transactions, which should be deemed upon review as money laundering with parties, including but not limited to the following financial institutions, law-firms, and others:
a) Sheppard Mullin
b) ADR
c) Bryan Cave, LLP
d) Bank of America Home Loans (Formerly Countrywide), subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation (BAC)
e) Buchalter Nemer
f) Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
g) Mara Escrow, subsidiary of Old Republic International (ORI)
h) Pacific Mortgage Consultants
i) Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.
j) Union Bank
k) United Title
l) USC Credit Union
I have initiated efforts to post online a catalog of real estate fraud cases by Mr David Pasternak and the courts. I have accumulated evidence of numerous cases, and the project would take me, most likely the rest of the week. However, initial collection of suspect real estate court cases by Mr Pasternak and the courts was linked below. [5] The records posted online were all based on certified copies of grant deeds in my possession. It should be noted, that in the case considered hallmark of racketeering in real estate by Mr Pasternak and the LA-JR (alleged LA Judiciary Racket) - Gladjie v Darwish (SC052737) [6], no conveyance of title was found at all. It was therefore suggested that a whole category of real estate fraud cases was unrepresented in this collection, which was entirely based on grant deeds. Therefore, this collection, even when completed, would be a gross under-estimate of the scope of alleged criminality by Mr Pasternak and the LA-JR.
It should also be noted, that the Presiding Judge of the neighboring San Bernardino County was also tied to numerous real estate fraud cases, [7] and a full investigation should therefore also look to see if Mr Pasternak provided his services to courts of neighboring counties as well. The current collection was based on Los Angeles County alone.
It should also be noted, that Los Angeles County California was routinely listed by FBI as first in the nation in real estate fraud. One FBI agent stated it was first in the world. Los Angeles County was also distinguished by FBI as the epicenter of the epidemic of real estate and mortgage fraud. It was the epidemic that bred the current financial/integrity crisis.
It was alleged that the LA-JR was central to propelling LA County to such distinction, and that the evidence was abundant and openly available. Furthermore, it was suggested, that investigation would eventually establish, that Mr Pasternak, probably contributed to such distinction more than anybody else with his hands-on fraudulent conveyances of titles for the courts.
In sum: You are again requested to immediately stop Mr Pasternak's alleged and opined criminality under false caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400).
Dated: December 23, 2009
La Verne, County of Los Angeles, CaliforniaJoseph H Zernik By: ______________ JOSEPH H ZERNIK PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 Fax: 801 998 0917 Email Blog:
CC: 1) Basel Accords Committee 2) Robert Mueller FBI Director, as a request for immediate intervention for Equal Protection of Joseph Zernik, and immediate end to fraud by Mr David Pasternak under the guise of "Receiver.".
3) Glenn A Fine - Inspector General - US Department of Justice, as an addendum to complaints against Kenneth Kaiser and Kenneth Melson for refusing to provide Equal Protection in LA County, and for fraud upon US Congress.
4) Leslie Dutton - Full Disclosure Network
5) Steven Ellis - Metro News
6) Sheppard Mullin 7) Bryan Cave, LLP 8) Brian Moynihan - Bank of America Corporation
9) Kevin Bailey - OCC, as an addendum to complaint against BAC case #00971981 10) Mary Schapiro - SEC, as an addendum to complaint against Bank of America Corporation (SEC as usual never issued a complaint number).
11) David Kotz -SEC Inspector General - as an addendum to request for an investigation against SEC for failure to enforce the law on Countrywide and Bank of America in the past three years.
12) Los Angeles legal community at large III. The Usual IN SHORT - KOZINSKI MUST RESIGN! "This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 16:57:43 -0800
From: joseph zernik Subject: Notice to the Basel Committee regarding initial attempts to estimate the scope of alleged criminalities by financial institution in Los Angeles County, California.
Robert Mueller, Director
Dear Director Mueller:
Please accept this notice as a request for immediate action to provide me Equal Protection under the law.
Please review additional evidence now posted online, detailed below, beginning to provide an estimate for the scope of alleged criminalities by attorneys, judges and financial institutions in Los Angeles County, California, which US Government law enforcement for the past three years refused to investigate.
Joseph Zernik
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 16:39:53 -0800
To: "Charles McCoy -Presiding Judge " <>, "John A Clarke- Clerk of the Court" <>
From: joseph zernik Subject: Kindly request that you immediately put an end to racketeering conduct of Mr David Pasternak and others. Cc: "David Pasternak" , "Cindy F. Pasternak" , "John Patton" , "Mohammad Keshavarzi" , "Amberg, John W." < >,, "Modisett, Jeffrey A, Managing Partner- LA" < >, "Samuels, Sandor - Legal" , "Boock, Todd A -Legal" , "Shatz, Sanford -Legal"
To Charles McCoy -Presiding Judge, and John A Clarke- Clerk of the Court
RE: Kindly request that you immediately put an end to racketeering conduct of Mr David Pasternak and others under false caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400).*
Dear Presiding Judge McCoy and Clerk Clarke:
Please accept this notice as a kindly repeat request that you immediately put an end to racketeering conduct of Mr David Pasternak and others under the false caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) and under Mr Pasternak's false self-designation of Receiver. Mr Pasternak held no valid and effectual Appointment Order as required by law. [1] In such conduct, Mr Pasternak, and others - particularly - Sheppard Mullin - the Presiding Judge's former law-firm - falsely purported to enforce a judgment of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, which never existed in the first place. Mr Pasternak refused to respond to multiple requests that he provide an explanation for the legal foundation for his alleged racketeering conduct. [2] Yet, false notices received from the court suggested that Mr Pasternak intended to engage in further "Motions", "Hearings", and possibly further fraudulent monetary transactions. I again respectfully request that you put an end to all such conduct immediately.
The fraud in conduct of Mr Pasternak was previously opined by an expert with credentials that were second to none - James Wedick, who was decorated by US Congress, by FBI Director, and by US Attorney General. [3] Financial records produced by Mr Pasternak [4] evidenced of transactions, which should be deemed upon review as money laundering with parties, including but not limited to the following financial institutions, law-firms, and others:
a) Sheppard Mullin
b) ADR
c) Bryan Cave, LLP
d) Bank of America Home Loans (Formerly Countrywide), subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation (BAC)
e) Buchalter Nemer
f) Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
g) Mara Escrow, subsidiary of Old Republic International (ORI)
h) Pacific Mortgage Consultants
i) Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.
j) Union Bank
k) United Title
l) USC Credit Union
I have initiated efforts to post online a catalog of real estate fraud cases by Mr David Pasternak and the courts. I have accumulated evidence of numerous cases, and the project would take me, most likely the rest of the week. However, initial collection of suspect real estate court cases by Mr Pasternak and the courts was linked below. [5] The records posted online were all based on certified copies of grant deeds in my possession. It should be noted, that in the case considered hallmark of racketeering in real estate by Mr Pasternak and the LA-JR (alleged LA Judiciary Racket) - Gladjie v Darwish (SC052737) [6], no conveyance of title was found at all. It was therefore suggested that a whole category of real estate fraud cases was unrepresented in this collection, which was entirely based on grant deeds. Therefore, this collection, even when completed, would be a gross under-estimate of the scope of alleged criminality by Mr Pasternak and the LA-JR.
It should also be noted, that the Presiding Judge of the neighboring San Bernardino County was also tied to numerous real estate fraud cases, [7] and a full investigation should therefore also look to see if Mr Pasternak provided his services to courts of neighboring counties as well. The current collection was based on Los Angeles County alone.
It should also be noted, that Los Angeles County California was routinely listed by FBI as first in the nation in real estate fraud. One FBI agent stated it was first in the world. Los Angeles County was also distinguished by FBI as the epicenter of the epidemic of real estate and mortgage fraud. It was the epidemic that bred the current financial/integrity crisis.
It was alleged that the LA-JR was central to propelling LA County to such distinction, and that the evidence was abundant and openly available. Furthermore, it was suggested, that investigation would eventually establish, that Mr Pasternak, probably contributed to such distinction more than anybody else with his hands-on fraudulent conveyances of titles for the courts.
In sum: You are again requested to immediately stop Mr Pasternak's alleged and opined criminality under false caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400).
Dated: December 23, 2009
La Verne, County of Los Angeles, CaliforniaJoseph H Zernik By: ______________ JOSEPH H ZERNIK PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 Fax: 801 998 0917 Email Blog:
CC: 1) Basel Accords Committee 2) Robert Mueller FBI Director, as a request for immediate intervention for Equal Protection of Joseph Zernik, and immediate end to fraud by Mr David Pasternak under the guise of "Receiver.".
3) Glenn A Fine - Inspector General - US Department of Justice, as an addendum to complaints against Kenneth Kaiser and Kenneth Melson for refusing to provide Equal Protection in LA County, and for fraud upon US Congress.
4) Leslie Dutton - Full Disclosure Network
5) Steven Ellis - Metro News
6) Sheppard Mullin 7) Bryan Cave, LLP 8) Brian Moynihan - Bank of America Corporation
9) Kevin Bailey - OCC, as an addendum to complaint against BAC case #00971981 10) Mary Schapiro - SEC, as an addendum to complaint against Bank of America Corporation (SEC as usual never issued a complaint number).
11) David Kotz -SEC Inspector General - as an addendum to request for an investigation against SEC for failure to enforce the law on Countrywide and Bank of America in the past three years.
12) Los Angeles legal community at large III. The Usual IN SHORT - KOZINSKI MUST RESIGN! "This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.