It is all the usual suspects... robbing a small nation, they don't bother to hide. jz
Cyprus bailout inside info? 132 companies pull out over $900mn in deposits:
One hundred and thirty-two companies reportedly had inside knowledge of Cyprus' impending levy tax as they withdrew deposits worth US$916 million in the run-up to the bailout deal.
Capital flight abounds in Eurozone - UBS:
According to Research Analyst Gareth Berry at UBS, "We expect that the theme of capital flight out of the Eurozone will continue to run for some time in the wake of the Cyprus bailout."
Cyprus rescue plan will require great efforts, IMF says:
They will mean a doubling of taxes on interest income to 30% and a rise in corporation tax from 10% to 12.5%.
Ottawa weighing plans for bank failures:
Ottawa is contemplating the possibility of a Canadian bank failure - and the same sort of pitiless prescription that was just imposed in Cyprus.