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Thursday, June 21, 2012
12-06-21 Day 277: Live stream coverage of Occupy
Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street since past weekend as part of the#OccupyWallStreet protest organized byseveral action groups. What follows is a live video stream of this event as well as a live twitter stream of the #OccupyWallStreet Hash Tag.
Occupation Coverage at NationofChange:
- 20 Questions: Why You Should Join Today's March Against Money in Politics
- Occupy Will Be Back
- March of Millions Demands “Russia Without Putin”
- Reports of Occupy's Death have Been Greatly Exaggerated
- OWS ‘Summer Disobedience School’ prepares for Black Monday
- Night Falls, Power Rises, in Montreal
- Taking Occupy Wall Street from May Day to every day
- Occupy Protesters Help Los Angeles Woman And Disabled Daughter Save Their Home From Bank Of America
- How students are painting Montreal red
- Fighting Foreclosure Together
- Occupy G8: Protest Confronts World Leaders at Camp David
- The Pinkertons Head to Occupy Wall Street
- National Nurses United: Still We March
- “The Worst Racial Profiling Program in the Country”: NAACP President on NYPD Stop-and-Frisk
- Protestors Demand Robin Hood Tax on Financial Transactions
- Chomsky: Occupy Movement “Has Created Something That Didn’t Really Exist” in U.S. — Solidarity
- How Small Groups can Power Big Change
- 50% of the 99%
- Obama: JP Morgan Loss Shows ‘Exactly Why Wall Street Reform’s So Important’
- Newly Discovered Homeland Security Files Show Feds Central to Occupy Crackdown
- Coal, Foreclosures and Bank of America’s ‘Extraordinary Event’
- Plutonomy and the Precariat
- “Make A Ruckus”: Robert Reich Hails Occupy for Exposing Concentration of Wealth and Power
- The People’s Bishop
- Veterans Peace Team, face to face with police on May Day
- A May to remember
- Marches and Militancy at Occupy Oakland's May Day
- OWS marks May Day with a beatific vision and a big march
- Disabled Woman Arrested Outside Wells Fargo Executive’s Home While Protesting Her Foreclosure
- May Day in Context
- Czechoslovakia’s Two-Hour General Strike
- Call to Action: Occupy May Day
- General Electric Faces Occupy Protest Over Its Low Taxes, CEO Falsely Claims It Pays A High Rate
- Why This May Day Matters
- Occupiers Confront Wells Fargo Shareholders
- Today is 1T Day - Break the Link Between Wall Street and Education: Abolish Student Debt!
- Defending Ourselves to Death
- The Importance of Being Sassy
- The Landscape of May Day in New York
- The May 1st Redemption Part I
- ‘Occupy Obamacare’ PAC Attacks Health Care Plan in Bizarre Videos
- Report On UC Davis Pepper Spray Incident Finds Police Conduct ‘Objectively Unreasonable’
- Wall Street: #Occupied
- How to Succeed in Reoccupation Without Really Trying
- 99% Spring: Standing Up for Democracy
- Keep the Occupy Movement Occupied
- “Two Sources of Power”: Van Jones on Obama Reelection and Building Occupy-Like Mass
- Massive Public Protests Spur France to Ban Plantings of Monsanto’s MON810 GMO Corn
- Occupy the Military Industrial Complex
- Down and Out on Wall Street
- The Making of a ‘99% Spring’
- Finally, OWS Gets Police to Arrest the People in Suits
- Lift Occupy to New Levels With Powerful Educational Programs
- Did the Planners of Occupy Wall Street Really Have a Plan?
- Wall Street Confidence Trick: The Interest Rate Swaps that Are Bankrupting Local Governments
- OWS Activist Cecily McMillan Describes Seizure, Bodily Injuries in Arrest by NYPD
- Occupy Wall Street maps injustice with celebration
- Support Occupy Union Square, and Other Upcoming #OWS Events!
- Eviction Date Set for “Occupy Porto Alegre”
- The Purpose of Occupy Wall Street Is to Occupy Wall Street
- Busted for Busting Out at Bank of America
- Can Activists on Computers Save Activists In the Streets?
- Can OWS Bring Down Bank of America?
- Why No One Would Listen
- 99% Spring April 9-15
- The More Violence, The Less Revolution
- Nurses Fight for a Dose of Tax Justice
- Protesters Occupying Monsanto Corp. Arrested
- Occupy Takes on ALEC
- Rally to Defend Your Education
- Facing Painful Cuts and Tuition Hikes, U.S. Students “Occupy Education”
- Now, Let’s Occupy the Ballot
- Activism for the End Times: Mass Actions or Focused Campaigns?
- Who’s Really Violent? Tips for Controlling the Narrative
- Occupy Wall Street calls for May Day general strike
- Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless
- Occupying Corporations: How to Cut Corporate Power
- The Cancer in Occupy
- Occupy the Super Bowl: Indiana’s New Anti-Union Law Sparks Protest at Sport’s Biggest Event
- The Importance of Being Visible: Why Protests Should Be a Part of Super Bowl Sunday
- Deregulation Nation
- Retirees Occupy Century Aluminum
- Occupy Community Gardens
- National Park Service Threatens to Evict Occupy D.C. Encampments
- Occupy the Courts: A Conversation with Lawrence Lessig and Chris Hedges
- The Pathology of Inequality
- Thank You for Standing Up
- The Surefire Way to End Online Piracy: End Copyright
- Anniversary of ‘Citizens United’ Decision Draws Protesters
- How research can support Occupy movement strategizing
- Occupy San Francisco Announces 2012 Kick-Off: A Planned San Francisco Financial District Shut-Down
- Occupy the Neighborhood: How Counties Can Use Land Banks and Eminent Domain
- America Occupies the Capital
- Trouble on the Horizon for Occupy DC
- How to Learn Nonviolent Resistance as King Did
- From Resurrection City to the Occupy Movement
- America’s Real Occupiers
- Occupy Next Step: Reinvesting Our Money!
- NationOfChange Helps Rally for the Passage of the California Universal Health Care Act
- A Movement Evolves to Occupy the Future
- NationofChange Joins Thousands in Occupying the Rose Parade
- Occupy Phase II: Occupy Washington, DC Builds Foundation for the Future
- ‘Occupy The Caucus’ Activists Target Iowa Campaign Headquarters
- Occupy Wall Street, the First Amendment, and the Politics of Free Speech
- Occupy Christmas
- Occupy Atlanta: Life After Eviction
- Seed and Blossom: Reflections on Occupy Oakland
- Chris Hedges Occupies Princeton
- Grace Lee Boggs’ Message to the Occupiers
- The Way to Occupy a Bank is to Own One
- Occupy Wall Street as Talking Point
- Occupy Wall Street on the Waterfront
- The Making of the American 99%
- Protestors Occupy Ports in Oakland and Beyond
- NYPD Freakout: ‘I Have a Gun on Me’
- ‘Occupy the Voting Booth’—Thousands March to Protect the Vote
- Occupy Moves to the Home Front
- West Coast Port Shut Down
- Young and Old Protest in DC for Jobs, Unemployment Benefits
- Occupy Boston Evicted
- The 99 Percent Crash Gingrich Fundraiser
- Occupy Oakland Takes on Foreclosure Crisis
- Why We Occupy: The Declaration of Occupy D.C.
- Occupy Economics: Because We’re Teaching it Wrong
- Los Angeles Police Clear Occupy LA camp
- No Free Speech at Mr. Jefferson’s Library
- From Alexandria to Zuccotti Park: They’ve Been Destroying Books for 2,000 Years
- Occupy Wall Street’s Coordinated Chaos at the Stock Exchange
- The People’s Library of Occupy Wall Street Lives On
- Occupy Wall Street, Beyond Encampments
- Pulling Accounts From the Unaccountable
- How Students Landed on the Front Lines of Class War
- How Occupy is Transforming Our National Conversation
- Civil Society at Ground Zero
- Occupy Wall Street to World: This Is So Not Over!
- Don’t Let Them Confuse You About Violence
- Thrown Out of Their Camps, Can the Occupiers Return Stronger?
- Nov 17 Day of Action
- Occupy A New Conversation
- The Villain Occupy Wall Street Has Been Waiting For
- Laura Flanders with Van Jones on the NYPD and OWS: The Ed Show
- Forced Eviction Takes Occupy Wall Street into Its Next Phase
- Occupy Movement Slowly Growing on California Campuses
- Protesters allowed back in N.Y. park - without tents - after early morning raid
- Occupy Wall Street Activists Vow to Fight On
- Occupiers Occupied: The Hijacking of the First Amendment
- This Is What Revolution Looks Like
- The Brave New World of Occupy Wall Street
- Breaking: New York Mayor Bloomberg Clears Out Occupy Wall Street
- Occupy Movement Is Spreading And Growing
- Rebels and Messiahs: 10 Spiritual Ancestors for Occupy Wall Street
- Occupy Wall Street’s Moral Ground
- Occupy the Future
- Call Of Duty: Veterans Join The 99 Percent
- Can Occupiers Pull Off a General Strike?
- Wall Street is Still Playing Us for Suckers
- A Master Class in Occupation
- Why You Should Attend an Occupy Meeting
- The Occupiers’ Responsive Chord
- OWS at Valley Forge
- The Vatican Meets the Wall Street Occupiers
- Sallie Mae Locks Out Student Protesters As Occupy DC Marches Against Skyrocketing Student Debt
- Plutocratic Government Tries to Beat Down #Occupy
- Meeting Violence With Nonviolence: Why the Occupy Movement Will Succeed
- Goldman Sachs v. Occupy Wall Street
- Where are the Anti-Semites of Occupy Wall Street?
- Occupy Wall Street and the Pope Agree: It’s Time to Tax Speculators
- Life in Zuccotti Park: A Change Bigger than Politics
- Not Just a Protest, But a Little Utopia
- Policy State Targets Occupy Movements
- Occupiers Have to Convince the Other 99 Percent
- Mark Ruffalo's Call to Action
- OWS: Where Do We Go From Here?
- Captured Government’s Increasing Irrelevance Shows Occupy’s Importance
- Supporting the Movement: NationofChange Readers Deliver Essential Supplies to the Protesters
- Michael Moore On Occupy Wall Street: Both Dems and the GOP Need to “Get On Board or Get Out of the Way”
- Bernie Sanders: Rein in Wall Street and Rescue the Middle Class
- #OccupyWallStreet: A radical perspective (part 1)
- Here’s Occupy Wall Street’s “One Demand”: Sanity
- Top 5 Reasons Why The Occupy Wall Street Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party
- From Street Protests to Electioneering, Frustrated Liberals Rising
- Join Thousands to Demand Jobs Not Cuts
- Inside Occupy Wall Street: A Tour of Activist Encampment at The Heart of Growing Protest
- Protesters Rush Wall St. Rallying Against Corporate Greed
- AFL-CIO’s Trumka Hails Occupy Wall Street
- Mass Arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge: Is This What Civil Disobedience Looks Like?
- Bernie Sanders And Keith Olbermann on Wall Street Protests
- Occupy Wall Street And New Bottom Line
- Occupy Wall Street: FAQ
- Michael Moore on the Occupy Wall Street Protests
- Chris Hedges at Wall Street Occupation
- 13 Ways To Look at The Occupation of Wall Street
- Lockdowns And The IMF on Occupied Wall Street
- “This is Just Practice” The Story of The Wall Street Occupation
- Why There Are Protests on Wall Street
- 80 Arrested as Occupy Wall Street Protest Enters Second Week
- The Best Among Us
- Five Ways #OccupyWallStreet Has Succeeded
- On the Occupy Wall Street ‘Media Blackout’
- Occupy Wall Street: "It Is a Revolution"
- Protesters Inspired by New York Demonstrators Take to Streets of L.A.
For more up-to-the-minute information about the protests, click here.
Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at
12-06-20 Ireland Wants Answers: Why Was Finance Minister at Bilderberg Meeting?
In the US we don't even question Mr Bernanke's doing in Bilderberg or elsewhere...
tags: Bilderberg, Finance Minister, Ireland
Posted by Stephen Cook
As it appears Iceland is starting to arrest those responsible for its financial ruin (see unconfirmed story, below, on Iceland), just across the waters this week, Ireland’s Finance Minister Michael Noonan is facing tough questions from his parliamentary colleagues as to why he attended the 2012 Bilderberg Meeting last month – and what he said.
But he’s not talking… The cost of Minister for Finance Michael Noonan’s attendance at the annual conference of the secretive Bilderberg group in the US this month was more than €4,300, he has told TDs.
He was invited to attend the meeting “given my position as Minister for Finance” and used the opportunity to tell fellow attendees of the opportunities that exist in Ireland for investors and multinational companies.
Mr Noonan, along with former attorneys general Paul Gallagher and Peter Sutherland, was one of 145 invited leaders and opinion formers who took part in the three-day conference of the western world’s movers and shakers in Chantilly, Virginia.
His attendance was queried by a number of TDs from Labour, Sinn Féin and the technical group, all of whom sought information in parliamentary questions on his discussions at the meeting and the cost.
Mr Noonan told the Deputies that he outlined the significant progress Ireland was making in restoring stability and growth to the economy.
Pat Nulty, who lost the Labour whip last year over opposition to budget cuts, said Mr Noonan’s response lacked detail.
“The Irish people have a right to know what their senior Ministers are saying at a meeting like this, and what stance they are taking on global issues.”
Prison Planet‘s Steve Watson adds: Critics have noted that the recent bailout of Ireland and it’s compliance with the so called troika agenda of the European Central Bank, the European commission and the International Monetary Fund are undoubtedly the key reasons why Noonan’s presence was requested at the meeting.
In the wake of Bilderberg, it has been rumoured that the three elitist institutions are considering relaxing the terms of the bailout to allow Ireland to return to borrowing on the open market.
Previously leaked documents from meetings have illustrated how the Bilderberg Group, contrary to the media-generated myth that the confab represents a harmless talking shop, sets the consensus for policy decisions sometimes decades in advance.
A clear example is the 1955 Bilderberg meeting held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany. Documents read by the BBC and later released by Wikileaks divulge how Bilderberg members were discussing the creation of the euro single currency nearly 40 years before it was officially introduced in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty.
In the US, politicians attending Bilderberg have been charged with violating the Logan Act, a law passed under the John Adams administration in 1799 which states that it is illegal for “unauthorized citizens” to negotiate with foreign governments.
Ireland Wants Answers: Why Was Finance Minister at Bilderberg Meeting?
2012 JUNE 21tags: Bilderberg, Finance Minister, Ireland
Posted by Stephen Cook
Ireland Wants Answers: Why Was Finance Minister at Bilderberg Meeting?
Stephen: My, it’s all happening in the “I”-elands today…As it appears Iceland is starting to arrest those responsible for its financial ruin (see unconfirmed story, below, on Iceland), just across the waters this week, Ireland’s Finance Minister Michael Noonan is facing tough questions from his parliamentary colleagues as to why he attended the 2012 Bilderberg Meeting last month – and what he said.
But he’s not talking…
Noonan Presence at Bilderberg Group Conference Cost 4,300 Euros
By Paul Cullen, Irish Times – June 16, 2012
He was invited to attend the meeting “given my position as Minister for Finance” and used the opportunity to tell fellow attendees of the opportunities that exist in Ireland for investors and multinational companies.
Mr Noonan, along with former attorneys general Paul Gallagher and Peter Sutherland, was one of 145 invited leaders and opinion formers who took part in the three-day conference of the western world’s movers and shakers in Chantilly, Virginia.
His attendance was queried by a number of TDs from Labour, Sinn Féin and the technical group, all of whom sought information in parliamentary questions on his discussions at the meeting and the cost.
Mr Noonan told the Deputies that he outlined the significant progress Ireland was making in restoring stability and growth to the economy.
Pat Nulty, who lost the Labour whip last year over opposition to budget cuts, said Mr Noonan’s response lacked detail.
“The Irish people have a right to know what their senior Ministers are saying at a meeting like this, and what stance they are taking on global issues.”
Prison Planet‘s Steve Watson adds:
In the wake of Bilderberg, it has been rumoured that the three elitist institutions are considering relaxing the terms of the bailout to allow Ireland to return to borrowing on the open market.
Previously leaked documents from meetings have illustrated how the Bilderberg Group, contrary to the media-generated myth that the confab represents a harmless talking shop, sets the consensus for policy decisions sometimes decades in advance.
A clear example is the 1955 Bilderberg meeting held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany. Documents read by the BBC and later released by Wikileaks divulge how Bilderberg members were discussing the creation of the euro single currency nearly 40 years before it was officially introduced in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty.
In the US, politicians attending Bilderberg have been charged with violating the Logan Act, a law passed under the John Adams administration in 1799 which states that it is illegal for “unauthorized citizens” to negotiate with foreign governments.
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