Shana Tova to all my friends and relatives...
I don't write often, and this one is very long. You don't have to read it all at once. You may keep it for Passover as well, or even for Rosh HaShana next year, since it is likely to be as relevant then.
I believe it has some interesting insights and lessons for the younger generations... Keeping the family traditions... etc.
But first, an apology. As has been the case over the past year, I feel it is selfish and petty to get excited over Israeli court corruption in the matter of a Jewish elderly man and his two brothers, their late mother's a modest estate, and their late father, who once his wife was afflicted with Alzheimer, had a late bloom as a fraudster - not very sophisticated, but persistent... In fact, it is questionable whether my father's conduct or my brothers' conduct could be deemed "Fraud" in the sense that the element of victim's Reliance is missing. In one sense my mother is the formal victim, the actions were directed against her will. She could be considered relying on my father, when signing the joint, mutual will in 1999. But my sense is that she never trusted him on that issue.
If I am to be considered the actual victim today, the actions being directed against me as a beneficiary of the joint, mutual will, there has never been any reliance on my part... I write in court papers that Uri and Dror's court case against me is "simulated legal process" [translated as "הליכי משפט למראית עין"] with a specific reference to the Texas Penal Code § 32.48 “Simulating Legal Process” for definition of the term. In response, Uri's attorney complains in court papers that I am hiding from the court my opinion that the entire litigation is a case of court fraud...
Figures: The Complaint in Estate 11650-06-24 Zernik v Zernik in the Haifa Family Court is a unique example of "beauty in brevity" - it is a page and a half document, of which almost the entire 1st page is the title - listing of parties, attorneys and contact information. The body of the complaint is a bit over half a page, 1.5 spaced lines, 12 point fonts. It shows the typical signs of a simulated court process... No affidavit, irrelevant and misleading certificates of counsel, no factual foundation to establish a cause of action, no significant legal arguments.
Everything has lost significance in a nation that is running for over half a century an oppressive, murderous apartheid in the illegally occupied West Bank, and in a partnership with the US and in collusion with other "Western democracies" perpetrates a genocide in Gaza.
Israeli society, the military and the regime are gripped in a murderous, genocidal mania. It is fueled by Yehudism (radical Judaism) - the Israeli Jewish-Orthodox perversion - racist, predatory, violent, and murderous.
Gaza is a transformative moment in numerous ways. One of them is the future of Judaism. With Yehudism becoming the dominant Israeli and Jewish ideology, Judaism is being positioned in the 21st century as a murderous, genocidal cult. In short - an illegitimate religion.
Special notice to the family side, descendant from Rabbi Schneerson: Chabad-Lubavich is considered in the US, in Europe and in Israel a normative Hasidic branch of Orthodox Judaism. In fact, it has been transformed into one of the leaders in spreading a racist, murderous, genocidal ideology, even before October 7, 2023. People like Yitzchak Ginsburgh, one of Chabad's leading rabbinical authorities and winner of the Israeli government's prize for "Jewish Scholarship," would have been imprisoned in any law-abiding nation for racist incitement for violence. He is considered the spiritual leader of the most radical Jewish settler-terrorists. His appeal is at least in part related to his unusual talent in mixing New Age jargon with Kabbalah terms, forming his unique message of racism, hate and violence.
From Peter Beinart to Judith Butler, one can easily find public figures, who are self-identified as Jewish, and who take the right stand in this horrible time. It is difficult to find rabbinical authority figures who take the right stand.
All the best,
Our family is nationally distinguished - in judicial corruption... with one of the longest private court frauds I know of, going soon into its 15th year!
Sure, the Zernik family has been previously recognized in Israeli national legal matters:
* A 2020 article by Attorney Avigdor Feldman in Haaretz described the Supreme Court's judgment in my favor in an appeal against the 3 Jerusalem District judges in State of Israel v Netanyahu as "a historical event in our justice system". I figured out that the judges were unlawfully hiding ~40 decisions, with no legal foundation. And it was and is probably the most important court trial in Israeli history. When I asked to inspect the missing decision records, the judges denied the request and explained that the missing records were "technical" and not "essential"... The law does not distinguish between "technical" and "essential" decision records relative to the right to inspect, and surely it doesn't provide the judges with the discretion to make such distinction... Furthermore, one would expect the learned district court judges, sitting in a complicated matter to be familiar with simple legal matters...
* In June 2018 I wrote to Supreme Court Presiding Justice Esther Hayut and made a small request: In 2002, Presiding Justice Aharon Barak (father of the Israeli "Constitutional Revolution") decided to remove the Chief Clerk's certification "True Copy of the Original", which appeared on all records since the British Mandate period. Barak replaced it with a footnote disclaimer: "This record is subject to editing and phrasing changes." In my letter I explained to the Supreme Court Presiding Justice that although it appeared perfectly fine for Israeli legal scholars, for the rest of the world the footnote disclaimer appeared as a declaration - "this is not a court record", typical of court fraud, or "simulated legal process". See Texas Penal Code § 32.48 “Simulating Legal Process”. Surprisingly, she accepted my advice, the footnote was quickly removed, and I received a thank you note from her bureau.
This Rosh HaShana, I am glad to inform all of you, that in September 2024 my distinguished late father Robert Rafael Zernik, has received a special national recognition for his contribution (with others) to judicial corruption in Israel...
Family tradition
* On February 3, 2023, less than 2 months after my had mother passed away, I had a rare meeting with my brother Uri in Haifa. Uri asked for my opinion, how the dispute regarding our mother's estate would end. In the blink of an eye I answered: "Some sort of fraud in the Haifa Family Court".
* On February 14, 2023, less than 2 weeks later, Uri sent a sanctimonious email to his two brothers, in his typical over the top style:
"... In simple words I ask the two of you to talk and compromise. Three privileged brothers, who received an inheritance from their parents and can't reach a compromise without hiring a lawyer and a mediator, and now will apparently even resort to the Family Court.
The land is burning -- if you haven't noticed... I am willing to accept whatever compromise the two of you reach. All I have to say is shame, shame, shame..."
* On June 5, 2024 Uri filed a lawsuit against me in the Haifa Family Court... In keeping with the family tradition, the opening record of the lawsuit shows typical signs of a simulated court process... In court papers I referred to it as "a declaration for all who enter the Court of intent to perpetrate a simulated court process." No affidavit, irrelevant and misleading certificates of counsel, no factual foundation to establish a cause of action, no significant legal arguments. Uri explained his actions: It was my father's intention... This is the way we, in the Zernik family, keep in touch with each other... And the intent to perpetrate a simulated court process has since been materialized...
National recognition
* On September 4, 2024 I received an unexpected, out of the blue, letter from the Israeli Administration of Courts, Department of Internal Audit. The letter informed me that they had run a special simulated review of a complaint that I had never filed, regarding the simulated April 4, 2013 court hearing protocol (minutes) "In re: Rivka Shami Zernik", which shows on its face a unique electronic watermark "Not Signed Yet".
Figures: The unique Zernik "Not Signed Yet" Protocol - 2 pages from a simulated April 4, 2013 Protocol (minutes) regarding appointment of Dror Zernik Conservator for the late Rivka Zernik. Joseph Zernik, Rachel Zernik, and Asa Zernik are listed as Requesters (which they were not). Asa Zernik is listed as present in the court room (which he was not). Dror Zernik, who was a key figure in the affair, was present in the courtroom and opined in this hearing, is never mentioned by name.
The Internal Audit review concluded:
1. The "Not Signed Yet" watermark - is not a built in feature of Net HaMishpat (case management system of the Israeli courts), which was developed and is operated by the Administration of courts.
2. Such a feature has been neither approved nor certified by the Administration of Courts.
3. Such a feature must be a local product of the Haifa court, where it was created in error, or through some machine fault.
Net HaMishpat is supposed to be a super-secure system. So the only way that I can figure out what happened, following the review by the Internal Audit Dept of the Administration of Courts is:
Someone in Haifa, probably the judges, hired extremely talented hackers. They hacked into Net HaMishpat and adulterated court records and templates by adding watermarks, such as "Not Signed Yet", which invalidate the records.
Nothing to worry about says the Administration of Courts in conclusion...
I consider such special effort by state agencies, producing a fake letter 11 years after the fact, trying to whitewash an old court fraud as a computer "machine fault" --- a sign of national level distinction!
I am sure you do too!
What do we know about watermarks such as "Draft", or "Not Signed Yet" on court records?
Figures: Judge Varda Alshech and Justice (ret) Eliezer Goldberg
In 2011 the Judge Varda Alshech's "Fabricated Protocols" scandal erupted. The Honorable Judge generated simulated protocol records, in which she planted dozens of fake, made up quotes from Attorney Rafael Argaz's appearance in her court. She sent the protocols to the Administration of Courts and asked that the Legal Department to file a quasi-criminal complaint against Argaz, based on the Fabricated Protocols. It was considered at the time the worst court corruption scandal in Israel's history. Now it has been largely forgotten...
On May 31, 2012, Justice (Ret) Eliezer Goldberg, then Ombudsman of the Judiciary, filed his decision (88/12/Tel Aviv District) in the 2011 the Judge Varda Alshech's "Fabricated Protocols" scandal. The Honorable Goldberg decided that the simulated protocols were merely "drafts", not real court records. He saved Alshech's ass. In his decision he explained that such protocols, bearing a watermark that invalidates them, are NOT court records at all.
In his decision Goldberg also instructs the Administration of Courts to train all judges and relevant court personnel that such records must not be issues, mailed, or provided to litigants in any way.
It appears that Haifa Judge Esperanza Alon was sick on that day and she missed the Administration of Courts special anti-fraud training...
Separately, it should be noted that the Texas Penal Code § 32.48 “Simulating Legal Process”, specifically states that a note on the court record itself, stating that is NOT a valid court record, is NOT a defense in the criminal prosecution of “Simulating Legal Process.” Otherwise put: It is an old court fraudster's trick - producing a fake court record, that indicates on its face that it is an invalid court record, but serving it as a valid court record.
The long and short of it:
Around the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013, my father told me that he had hired the most expensive family law attorney in Haifa to take care of me... He blamed me for having to pay the exorbitant fees of Attorney Amos Sadika...
It should also noted, that on the web site "Edna Karnaval", which specializes in Israeli judicial corruption and gossip, Attorney Amos Sadika is noted for his special relationships with the female judges of the Haifa Family Court...
Attorney Amos Sadika: Charges exorbitant fees, but can make strange machine faults happen in the court's computers... Judge Esperanza Alon: Specializes in the "mysteries of civil court procedure"...
Why did my distinguished father need to take care of me in 2013?
In June 2010 my distinguished father had filed with my dear brothers Uri and Dror false and misleading, defamatory records in court... They expected to keep it a secret from me.
To his/their surprise, I found out about it within a couple of months... through exercising inspection of court files - a constitutional right...
My distinguished father was furious...
So, my distinguished father hired Attorney Amos Sadika with 2 goals in mind: 1. to punish me for discovering his fraud... 2. to prevent me from discovering additional fraudulent documents that he may file...
What added value did Attorney Amos Sadika bring to the table for his exorbitant fees?

Figures: 2 contradictory March 17, 2013 decisions by Judge Esperanza Alon, served by Attorney Amos Sadika: Left - the true, authentic decision: 'For response within 60 days... " No mention of a court hearing. Right - the fake/simulated decision: 'For response within 45 days... Hearing on April 4, 2013...'
On March 13, 2013 Attorney Amos Sadika filed for the 2nd time a request to appoint Dror an additional conservator for my late mother in a new court file. Therefore from then on, Judge Esperanz Alon and Attorney Amos Sadika had 2 files running in parallel In re: Rivka Shami Zernk - Conservator 1829-06-10 and Conservator 25607-03-13. In a way, it is similar to dual bookkeeping as part of financial fraud. Shortly afterwards, on March 24, 2013, Counsel for the Attorney General filed an unusual interim opinion, objecting to this new practice, and asking that the two files be united back into one. Judge Esperanza Alon ignored the Counsel for the Attorney General's request.
Counsel for the Attorney General also asked that all 3 sons be named as parties in the court file. In response Attorney Amos Sadika named only me as respondent. (BTW - I made no objection to the request for Dror's appointment.)
On March 17, 2013 Attorney Amos Sadika sent me by email 2 decisions by Judge Experanza Alon on the same matter (the request to appoint Dror) on the same date: 1 authentic decision record (it appears to this date in the court file), and 1 fake/simulated court record (it does not appear in court records). However, Attorney Amos Sadika wrote the opposite: The authentic decision was a "Draft", and the fake/simulated decision was the "corrected" decision. A key difference between the 2 records was that the fake record summoned me to an April 4, 2013 court hearing.
I looked into it, and it was clear to me that Attorney Amos Sadika was trying to perpetrate a court fraud on me... The Honorable Judge Esperanza Alon failed to respond in any way when I gave notice of the 2 contradictory decisions, which Attorney Sadika had served on her behalf. Therefore it was clear to me that the two of them worked hand in hand. I had no intention of showing up on April 4, 2013.
Furthermore, I had nothing to contribute in the discussion, since I had no plan to object or support Dror's appointment...
In short: appearing in the April 4, 2013 court hearing was all risk and no gain. I decided to avoid the hearing.
How was Attorney Sadika planning to take care of me on April 4, 2013?
I don't know exactly. My best guess is that he was going to ask the Judge to impose punitive fines on me. What for? It remains unclear. That's why they needed a fake/simulated court hearing and a fake/simulated protocol.
Judge Alon was probably going to make some blatantly illegal ruling... since in a fake/simulated hearing the judges are not holding themselves bound by Israeli law.
It appears that not showing up and not being there made the plan fail. In the April 4, 2013 "Not Signed Yet" Protocol Attorney Sadika asked Judge Esperanza Alon to impose sanctions on me...
In a funny affected manner Esperanza writes her fake response: "I am sorry, but I can't do that... My impression is of a complicated but cohesive family... And there is the right to access the courts..."
"Corruption, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity,” Cornelius Tacitus
Soon after I received the fake/simulated April 4, 2013 "Not Signed Yet" Protocol, I filed the April 29, 2013 Notice of a False and Misleading Court Record - the April 4, 2013 "Not Signed Yet" Protocol.

Judge Esperanza Alon added a "post-it" May 6, 2013 decision on top of my notice, where she stated that my problem was my failure to master "the mysteries of civil court procedure." As for the false and misleading information in the Protocol - Judge Alon found there was no need to fix the "typos" at that point in time...
That's corruption with chutzpah for you!
I consider the Israeli Administration of Courts, particularly the Legal Department - the Command and Control Center for judicial corruption in Israel. Regardless, the September 4, 2024 fake review letter of the fake April 4, 2013 "Not Signed Yet" Protocol record by the Internal Audit Dept in Administration of Courts was corruption with chutzpah.
What would have my mother thought about this entire affair?
The title of previous court files was "In RE: Conservatee Rivka Shami Zernik". The title of all current court records in the case, filed by Uri in June 2024, is: "In RE: Estate of the late Rivka Shami Zernik".
Regarding court cases, litigating wills and estates, Judge Shaul Shohat wrote: "The true litigant is the deceased, that person who is present but absent, whose dictates we are commanded to uphold. She is the true client of the court. Her will is the only will we should take into account."
What my mother thought of a fake process I happen to know very well...

My mother taught for many years in the Reali School in Haifa, like her uncle the writer Yitzhaq Shami (1888-1949) before her. And yet, she kept a distance from the school's top management.
My childhood memory, which was in the background of my school years, is related to my entrance exam: When I was going up to the third grade, my mother enrolled me and my brothers in the Reali school. Entrance exams were required. My mother had no doubt that I would be admitted since I was an excellent student and an avid reader.
However, my two brothers were admitted, and, while being a much better student, I failed the entrance exam!
My mother interrogated me about the exam. I remembered all the questions, and it was clear to me that I answered all the questions correctly (arithmetic, Hebrew, bible).
Then, it turned out that I wasn't examined at all by a teacher. I was subjected to a fake, simulated oral entrance exam by a secretary. I remember her name even today - Yonina. The weasel. Apparently no teacher was willing to be a part of the disgrace.
It turned out that the top management had decided in advance that no students would be admitted in third grade that year. However, since my mother was a teacher, and having her kids study in the school (provided that they qualify) was part of her benefits, they produced for me a special fake entrance exam for me, and determined that I failed.
My mother did not give up. She was a young, new, Mizrahi teacher in a school with a conservative and powerful German-Jewish administration. She insisted, and in the end I was admitted into the third grade.
It should be especially noted that she decided to explain the entire affair to a second grader, without trying to make it sound pretty.
It was the first time I was exposed to a fake process - a subject that fascinates me to this day...
What did the expert say about the Israeli Family Courts?
Prof. Daphna Hacker of Tel Aviv Univ Law School is a leading Israeli expert on family law and the Family Courts. She was a member of Ministry of Justice committees for reform of the Family Courts...
More on her academic work: https://en-law.tau.ac.il/profile/dafna
A 2016 newspaper report documented what she wrote about the Israeli Family Courts in an informal chat with other legal experts:
"There is a total jungle in the [family] courts. By all means, avoid getting there."
"Do you remember [Law Prof Menachem] Mautner's seminal paper "Descent of formalism and ascent of values"? At least in my area [Family Law], and I hear that in other areas as well, we are in the era of "descent of values and ascent of the bordello." If judges fail to obey the law, fail to respect Supreme Court precedents - why do we go on calling it a Justice System? It is not even Charismatic Justice per [Max] Weber - we don't go to these judges for their charisma. It is not Customary Justice [also per Weber], because we are not a community. So what is this thing that calls itself the Justice System but is conducting itself arbitrarily, pursuant to absolute discretion of those who sit in court? The time has come to investigate and write about it -- we are captives of a system that has forgotten that it is a Justice System.
If this is the outcome of descent of formalism, I am going to be a religious formalist - the damages are horrible and scary. By all means avoid getting there - there is no justice there.
There is no way to teach family law any longer. There are judges - but there is no law. It has never been like that in the past, and even when the Supreme Court told them [family judges] "calm down". they go on doing as they please."
The Zernik family got the best court that money could buy...
Coach Amos Sadika should be given credit where credit is due! In 2013, he took 2 amateurs - my father and my brother Dror, not the brightest either, and initiated them into some of the darker shades of the Haifa Family Court. By 2024, my father is gone, but Sadika built here a professional team, including not only my brothers Uri and Dror, but also their formal attorneys, Rachel Ben Ari and Yoav - straight-as-a-ruler - Salomon, while Attorney Yair Shiber agreed or was intimidated into the role of a silent player. You don't need special brains or knowledge in this business. Connections, determination and persistence suffice.
* On December 13, 1999, my parents signed a joined mutual will, providing that their community property be divided equally among their 3 sons, taking into account any funds or properties that were distributed during their lifetime. My mother was talking about her desire for such will a for years. In contrast, it is obvious that my father objected to the idea. By 2004 my mother was incapacitated by Alzheimer. And by 2010, scuttling the 1999 joint mutual will became my father's main occupation.
* On or around June 2, 2010, my father signed the affidavit and filed the request to be appointed Conservator for my mother. In an interview with the social worker, he explained the need to start the court process - his desire to make some real estate transactions... Therefore, one can say that he entered his Conservatorship to undermine my mother's will. Uri and Dror provided support affidavits, and all three of them tried to keep it a secret from me and from my mother's brother - Eli Shamir.* Later in 2010, i learned about the court process, when the Court's social worker was conducting her interviews. Therefore, I went to court, inspected the court file, and found the false affidavits. My father was furious. He considered it his constitutional right to perpetrate what he was doing without my knowledge. Therefore, depriving me of my inspection rights became one of his key objectives.
* On April 15, 2012, my father signed a new, separate will, never disclosing the existence of his joint, mutual will with my mother. The will document also includes the December 11, 2011 agreement in which my father granted Dror a gift of ~NIS 1,000,000 (below).
* On September 23, 2016, my father, Robert Rafael Zernik, passed away.
* On November 3, 2016, my dear dear brothers Uri and Dror, secretly, without telling me in advance, assisted again by Attorney Ofer Ben Ari, filed a request for certification of my father's separate will. Neither they, nor my cousin Uzi (who held a copy of the joint, mutual will) filed with the Magistrate the joint mutual will, as required by law. They continued to keep it a secret...
On the other hand, they entered an affidavit, stating that they were not sure that I was legally competent, and asked that Dror be appointed my Estate Manager... The Magistrate explicitly wrote that he refused to do so. But apparently Dror and my cousin Uzi continued to advance that fake notion...
* On February 24, 2021, Dror filed a request to invest my mother's funds in a non-conservative manner. Judge R Baum noticed that he had never filed any of the required financial and property reports, and ordered him to do so. Even after two extensions, Dror failed to file the reports. Therefore his request was dismissed.
Usually, if a family file is assigned to a judge, all matters of that family are assigned to him/her. However, in the case of the Zernik family, the case was transferred from Judge R Baum, who appeared too strict, to Judge Gurevitz Ovadia, who seems to operate in the Esperanza Alon (I love that first name) - Amos Sadika manner.
* On December 15, 2022, my mother, Rivka Shami Zernik passed away.
* Sometime in January 2023, Dror removed valuables from the parents' apartment, with no authority, with no notice. Later, he wouldn't answer questions regarding the whereabouts of the valuables. Likewise, it took kind of interrogation to get him to admit that he took a car, that he took numerous silver utensils, etc.
* By February 2, 2023, Attorney Rachel Ben Ari finally gave notice that Dror removed valuables. She stated that he would return them upon request, and he was also obligated to do so in the Estate Distribution Agreement, but it has never happened to this date...
* On February 3, 2023, less than 2 months after my mother passed away, I have a rare meeting with my brother Uri in Haifa. Uri asks for my opinion, how the dispute regarding our mother's estate will end. In the blink of an eye I answer: Some sort of deceit in the Haifa Family Court. I remind him that he and Dror, filed the affidavits supporting my father's false and misleading affidavit in the Haifa Family Court in June 2010...
Uri asks for my forgiveness, again, as he did several times over the years before. Neither of us ever consider these requests for forgiveness sincere... I ask him: Why did you do it? Uri answers: Aba asked me.
I then ask him about the deceitful affidavits that he and Dror filed in 2016, after my father passed away, in the office of the Magistrate. Uri explains, deceitfully funny as ever: We were really worried about you...
I then tell him: "Look, you are over 70 now, I am close to 70, one foot in the grave... Isn't it time to quit this stuff?"
* On February 14, 2023, my brother Uri sends a sanctimonious email to his two brothers, in his typical over the top style:
"... In simple words I ask the two of you to talk and compromise.
Three privileged brothers, who received an inheritance from their parents and can't reach a compromise without hiring a lawyer and a mediator, and now will apparently even resort to the Family Court.
The land is burning -- if you haven't noticed...
I am willing to accept whatever compromise the two of you reach.
All I have to say is shame, shame, shame..."
* On February 28, 2023, ineffective mediation... Dror refuses to participate in person... Dror's attorney Rachel Ben Ari stalls... Uri says: Do you expect Dror to incriminate himself? Attorney Ben Ari protests the defamatory discussion of her client, and promises that valuables would be returned whenever requested (later Dror refuses to return them, never returned to this day).
* By August 28, 2023, the 3 brothers sign the Estate Distribution Agreement, and it appears that finally the matter is behind us.
However, immediately following the signing of the agreement, Dror appears to regret it.

* On December 13, 2023, the Estate Distribution Agreement is certified by the court. At this point, it looked like everybody is working cooperatively.
* On December 24, 2024, less than 2 weeks after court certification, Dror refuses to comply with provisions of the Estate Distribution Agreement, refuses to return valuables to the apartment, refuses to jointly appoint an art appraiser...
* January 4, 2024, given Dror's refusal to cooperate (refuses to return valuables to the apartment, refuses to provide a list of chattel, objects to the appointment of an art appraiser) my attorney, Yair Shiber, sends him a pre-litigation notice.
* On February 18, 2024, Dror's attorney, Rachel Ben Ari, finally agrees that the attorneys will provide the brothers financial reports every 6 months. She complains that it was unnecessary, since "attorneys do their work anyway".
Regardless, no report has been provided since the day of my mother's passing away (Dec 15, 2022) to this date (Oct 5, 2024), and since June 2024, Attorneys for Dror and for Uri explicitly refuse to provide such reports.
* On May 2-4, 2024, Dror is in an explosive rage mode. He announces that any use of an external, independent, jointly appointed art appraiser, as stipulated in the agreement that we signed in August 2023, is harmful personally to him. He insists that we must accept the two funny pages in the pic below, which he produced, instead of using an agreed upon art appraiser. Alternatively - we should let him produce the art assessments himself...
What is getting him triggered in particular is what he describes as the "legal logic", which he challenges, by declaring: "My ignorance shall lead the way".
Dror is also apparently enraged at his counsel - Attorney Rachel Ben Ari, making statements to the effect that he did not understand what he was signing when he signed the Estate Distribution Agreement. Therefore he declares that the agreement is null and void from his perspective.
I was completely mesmerized by Dror's performance. He was presumably an educated man... We grew up in the same household, we went to the same school. But it appears that we are from 2 very different civilizations...
As I noted later, in an email to the usual recipients, there is a part of it that is no doubt related to ignorance. But beyond the ignorance, there is some brutish, shameless lack of good faith, that poses as being the victim of a purportedly harmful agreement, directed specifically against him in using a competent art assessor.
I'd say, there is something genuinely Israeli about it.
But then again, in the same explosive rage, real or affected, Dror refers for the first time since my mother passed away to the good old days in 2013 with with crooked Attorney Amos Sadika... (see below).
As one who has specialized in the study of frauds, my impression is that a person who was initiated and successfully employed judicial corruption as a way of doing business, would prefer that mode to others in future transactions as well... The return on investment is very good, and there is no risk involved. It's usually 100% guaranteed.
Is that in fact the different civilization that Dror's behavior projected? His initiation in 2013 into the shady side of the Haifa Family Court?
In short, my speculation, with no shred of direct evidence is that by May 2024 Dror has fully re-established his relationship with crooked Attorney Amos Sadika and the new course and the new game plan are set: Getting the 3 privileged brothers into the Haifa Family Court, which is Attorney Amos Sadika's field of games.
Obviously, Attorney Ben Ari and Attorney Yoav Salomon have to commit to the new coach and his game plan. The same is true of my former Attorney, Yair Shiber. That's why Uri considers Attorney Yair Shiber "part of the family" just like Attorney Yoav Salomon.
That is why Uri's attorney expects my attorney to provide him with my consent to his appointment as Estate Manager, although Shiber has been unresponsive at all for weeks.
And yet, Attorney Yoav Salomon (and surely Attorney Rachel Ben Ari) are not in the league of Amos Sadika. When Amos Sadika produced with corrupt Judge Esperanza Alon (I love her first name) the 4.4.2013 fake court hearing, his main client - Dror - never appeared in the fake "Not Signed Yet" protocol... Amos Sadika knows how to clean after himself... In contrast, the current affair in the Haifa Court is openly written under Uri's name... In fact, Dror, probably again by Amos Sadika's advice, is almost a silent partner...
* On June 5, 2024, Uri's attorney, Yoav Salomon, files a lawsuit against me in the Haifa Family Court. As I noted in an email to Uri, Dror, and their attorneys, this lawsuit fails to include an affidavit by Uri, required by law, fails to include the correct certificate of counsel by Uri, required by law, but includes 4 misleading certificates, which purport that Uri's attorney represent me as well... and fail to narrate the due factual cause and the legal basis for the litigation...
Uri explains that his attorney, Yoav Salomon, is "straight as a ruler", is "part of the family," and in fact represents me as well... To which I respond that Uri's assertion that his attorney represents me is another type of deceit (actually prohibited by Israeli law)...
The factual basis for the cause of action is about 2 sentences: 'There have been disputes or misunderstandings [among the 3 brothers], which delayed the execution of the Agreement... The delays cause damages to everyone"... No specifics, why bother...
The entire opening pleading is about half a page long. Nothing. And still my dear brothers can hold me in court for years. As Uri explains - that is his way of keeping the family together. A bit perverse, I'd say.
* By July 31, 2024, Dror's attorney, Rachel Ben Ari, in an email to the 3 brothers, boasts that the lawsuit is in fact a joint initiative of Uri's and Dror's attorneys... but at the end, they decided to designate Uri Plaintiff ("Petitioner") and Dror Defendant ("Respondent 2"), while Plaintiff Uri and Defendant Dror are in full agreement...
It is this special kind of a lawsuit, where the parties designation is arbitrary, unrelated to any factual basis, where the matter being litigated and the cause of the litigation are undefined, where the fundamentals of court procedure, as known for generations, are ignored and violated, and a judge does as she pleases... In short - an Israeli Family Court...
The Zernik family achievements in court are recognized
Between genocide in Gaza, a murderous apartheid in the occupied West Bank, carnage in Lebanon, and Iranian missile attacks, we, the Zerniks still leave a mark:
On September 4, 2024, I had the honor of receiving a fake on fake letter from the Israeli Administration of Courts (below). I guess it should be considered the official recognition of the Zernik family's contribution to Israeli justice system...
Attorney Amos Sadika's role in this distinction must not be ignored!
The letter documents that the Administration of Courts has run a fake review/investigation, purportedly on my behalf, based on a fake complaint, which I had never filed, regarding the fake April 4, 2013 electronic court record from the Haifa Family Court (below), which I published, bearing the fake "Not Signed Yet" watermark.
The record itself is the fake Protocol (minutes) of the fake April 4, 2013 court hearing (off the court calendar) regarding Dror's appointment as my mother's additional, joint Conservator.
I was not present there. I had no interest in the process. I had supported my father's appointment in 2010 (regardless of the fact that the process was initiated in a fraud), and I had neither supported nor objected to Dror's appointment in 2013 (regardless of his part in the 2010 false and misleading affidavits).
My son Asa was not present in the court hearing either, but Dror and my father were. And yet, Asa was listed as being present, and also as a party in the court file - "Petitioner", while Dror is listed neither as a party nor as present in the courtroom. These are just a couple of examples of the false nature of this document.
Why wasn't I present there?
In March 2013 I received a strange, fake court notice from Attorney Amos Sadika (who represented my father and Dror - with or without certificates of Counsel of Record) that I was summoned to the April 4 court hearing. However, I had figured out in advance that notorious Judge Esperanza Alon (I love her first name), together with crooked Attorney Amos Sadika were planning a fake court hearing, and probably some action against me on behalf of my father. My father had earlier told me that he had hired Amos Sadika for exorbitant fees to take care of me... And a court corruption website reported the gossip regarding the special relationship between Attorney Amos Sadika and some female Haifa Family Court judges...
Why was there a need to take care of me?
Well, in June 2010, my dear late father, in collusion with my two dear brothers started a court process for appointing my father Conservator for my mother, who was an Alzheimer patient. The purpose of the appointment was not related to caring for my mother. Instead, the intent was to defraud my mother by scuttling her will. Specifically - diminish or deprive me of my part in her will, related to common property. The three of them tried to keep the court process a secret from me and from my mother's brother, Eli, but that didn't work out. Once I learned about the process, I went to court and inspected the court file. I found there a fraudulent affidavit by my dear late father and 2 affidavits in its support by my 2 dear brothers. My father was furious that I performed the inspection and found his fraudulent affidavit...
The fake results of the fake review/investigation by the Administration of Courts are that the Administration of Courts denies that it had produced the "Not Signed Yet" electronic watermark as part of the features of Net HaMishpat - case management system of all the Israeli courts. They conclude that the electronic watermark was created in Haifa "manually, or as a result of some fault in the system"... At the same time the letter tries to advance the fake conclusion that this is an authentic, valid court record...
If one accepts the results of this fake investigation, one should conclude that judges in the Haifa Family Court hired some hackers, who hacked Net HaMishpat, which is supposed to be a super secure government system, and adulterated electronic court records in the system... And this was all purportedly provided as part of Attorney Amos Sadika's services??? Produced especially for the Zernik family???
The numerous ways in which the system should be deemed unacceptable as a court case management system, and an instrument of judicial fraud, were the subject of my reports to the UN Human Rights Council and papers which were published in academic periodicals since 2012...
How was Attorney Sadika planning to take care of me?
I don't know exactly. My best guess is that he was going to ask the Judge to impose punitive fines on me.
What for? It remains unclear. I believe that Judge Esperanza Alon was going to try to cause me to "misbehave" in court, then punish me for that. She was notorious for punitive actions against litigants...
It appears that not being there made the plan fail. In the April 4, 2013 "Not Signed Yet" Protocol Attorney Sadika asked Judge Esperanza Alon to impose sanctions on me...
In a funny affected manner Esperanza writes her response: "I am sorry, but I can't do that... My impression is of a complicated but cohesive family... and there is the right to access the courts..."
Fake processes: "Corruption, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity,” Cornelius Tacitus
The fake review process of the fake Protocol record by the Administration of Courts was no surprise for me:
1. A couple of months earlier I received a similar letter, recording the outcome of another fake review/investigation by the Administration of Courts, purportedly on my behalf, of a fake complaint, which I had never filed. The subject of the review/investigation was the unlawful entry in Net HaMishpat in the Tel Aviv Small Claims Court, to the benefit of Bank HaPoalim - the largest bank in Israel.
2. A few years ago I received a letter from the office of the Israeli Ombudsman of the Judiciary (a retired Supreme Court justice), informing me that a review/investigation process was initiated on my purported complaint against Tel Aviv District Court Judge Eliyahu Bachar. I had never filed a complaint. It took several letters and my determination, before the Ombudsman of the Judiciary stopped that fake process. Eventually it turned out that the fake complaint review process was launched by request of Emi Palmor, Director General of the Ministry of Justice. I consider this case much worse than the latest cases in the Administration of Courts, since provisions of the Ombudsman of the Judiciary complaint review process are stipulated by law.
3. A few years ago I received a letter from Moshe 'Chico' Edri, Israel Police Tel Aviv District Commander, that he initiated on my behalf a complaint in the State Attorney's Office, dept of police investigations, against a Tel Aviv policeman. In this case the fraud was of the opposite type - no complaint was filed by Moshe 'Chico' Edri, and no investigation was initiated.