The real estate market may go up or down now, whichever way the banksters prefer, since they hold so much in pent up supply now. Buyer beware! Rigged markets! jz
The TV and the "news" papers say that real estate values are going back up, but they didn't give you the real numbers for some reason.
The "news" also didn't tell you anything about the Florida Legislature's plan to unconstitutionally flip due process on its head by switching the burden of proof from the plaintiff banksters to the defendant homeowners.
The "news" also didn't mention that the banksters' bill, HB 87, virtually eliminates the ability to depose representatives from the banks to test the banks' allegations and ask important questions like, does the bank own the loan, has the loan already been paid off, does the homeowner really owe anything, etc.
To find out what is really going on with foreclosures, the real estate market, and the "justice" system in Florida, see Last Chance – Stop Florida’s HB 87 and ForeclosureGate II at
If you don't want to see your property values drop like a rock again, sign the petition asking Governor Scott to veto HB 87 at
Then, spread the word to all of your contacts before it's too late.
Carpe diem,
Mark A. Adams JD/MBA
P.S. You don't have to live in Florida to sign the petition to protect the fundamental rights to secure justice which are being destroyed by this bill.
The "news" also didn't tell you anything about the Florida Legislature's plan to unconstitutionally flip due process on its head by switching the burden of proof from the plaintiff banksters to the defendant homeowners.
The "news" also didn't mention that the banksters' bill, HB 87, virtually eliminates the ability to depose representatives from the banks to test the banks' allegations and ask important questions like, does the bank own the loan, has the loan already been paid off, does the homeowner really owe anything, etc.
To find out what is really going on with foreclosures, the real estate market, and the "justice" system in Florida, see Last Chance – Stop Florida’s HB 87 and ForeclosureGate II at
If you don't want to see your property values drop like a rock again, sign the petition asking Governor Scott to veto HB 87 at
Then, spread the word to all of your contacts before it's too late.
Carpe diem,
Mark A. Adams JD/MBA
P.S. You don't have to live in Florida to sign the petition to protect the fundamental rights to secure justice which are being destroyed by this bill.