דיכוי המחאה נגד היועמ"ש מנדלבליט - "רשיון להפגנה" של מר אורן סיימון - הונאה אחרונה בשרשרת?
הפעולות בהן נוקטים המשטרה, התביעה והשופטים לדיכוי המחאה נגד היועמ"ש מנדלבליט, מדגימות את מה שהיה ברור מהתחלה: מערכת המשפט ואכיפת החוק היא קדקוד השחיתות!
קראו את הפוסט השלם:
[1] 2017-02-24 בלבולים או הונאות לקראת "כמו כל מוצ"ש - אצל היועמ"ש בפתח תקוה"
[2] 2017-02-21 המחאה נגד היועמ"ש אביחי מנדלבליט והונאה של השופט עודד מורנו בנט-המשפט: מסתיר את החתימות האלקטרוניות
[3] 2017-02-20 היועמ"ש אביחי מנדלבליט, זכות המחאה, עיון בתיקים, חתימות אלקטרוניות - ו"הזכות לפרטיות"
[4] 2017-02-10 השופטת שלהבת קמיר-וייס מתבקשת לממש את איומיה על "החשוד"...
Joseph Zernik, PhD
קראו את הפוסט השלם:

Figures: Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit patronizes the senior gang members in government, while the Petah-Tikvah Police (Barak Mordechai) and judges (Shalhevet Mair-Wiess and Oded Moreno) protect the AG. Fraud, deception and other special effects are the routine...
OccupyTLV, February 25 - demand for discovery of records was forwarded to the Israel Police, Central District Attorney, Commander Aliza Arbel. The demand pertains to two records, both of which are probably fraud,as part of efforts to suppress protest against Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, and probably do not exist at all:
a) "Demonstration License" issued to Mr Oren Simon
b) "Agreements" with "Leading Activists", the purported violations of which was puportedly a cause for prosecution.
In previous correspondence, commander Arbel confirmed that a "Court Decree", which prohibited the protest persons from nearing Attorney General Mandelblit's residence, did not exist at all.
Conduct of the Petah-Tikvah police, the police prosecution, and judges of the Petah-Tikvah Magistrate Court in view of the ongoing protest amounts to a routine of fraud, deception and other special effects...
Attorney Daniel Hacklai has become a central figure in such conduct...
[1] 2017-02-24 בלבולים או הונאות לקראת "כמו כל מוצ"ש - אצל היועמ"ש בפתח תקוה"
[2] 2017-02-21 המחאה נגד היועמ"ש אביחי מנדלבליט והונאה של השופט עודד מורנו בנט-המשפט: מסתיר את החתימות האלקטרוניות
[3] 2017-02-20 היועמ"ש אביחי מנדלבליט, זכות המחאה, עיון בתיקים, חתימות אלקטרוניות - ו"הזכות לפרטיות"
[4] 2017-02-10 השופטת שלהבת קמיר-וייס מתבקשת לממש את איומיה על "החשוד"...
The complete demand for discovery of recofds:
25, 2017
Attorney Aliza Arbel
Advisor, Central District, Israel Police
By fax: 08-977-0164
Urgent demand for disclosure of records, pertaining
to protest against Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit: a) “Demonstration
License”, issued to Oren Simon et al, and b) “Agreements” with
“leading representatives” pertaining to protest against Attorney General
Avichai Mandelblit, claimed by police in State of Israel v Zernik (38086-02-17)
response within 5 days is kindly requested. Time is of the essence!
Commander Arbel:
you very much for your February 01, 2017 letter (15038017),
which confirmed that email, which I received, purportedly from Israeli Police
Spokesman, and which purported to notify me of a “Court Decree”, which
purportedly prohibited me and ‘my friends’ from getting near the residence of
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, and which threatened police actions
against me (which were indeed taken), was in fact a fraud trick, and that such
decree never existed at all.
Over the past couple of days, information was
published regarding a purported “Demonstration License”, pertaining to protest
against Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit. Attorney Daniel Hacklai was again
involved. However, this time around, it
is rather clear that information, which was published by Mr Oren Simon,
pertaining to a purported “Demonstration License”, is baseless. Again there is
reasonable concern of fraud.
Attached is also my February 19, 2017 letter to
Petah-Tikva police commander Barak Mordechai, pertaining to similar conduct in State of Israel v Zernik
(38086-02-17). No response has been received to
this day. As far as could be ascertained, I was detained and prosecuted by the
Israel Police, based on non-existent “agreements”, pertaining to protest against Attorney General Avichai
there is reasonable room for concern that we are dealing with a routine conduct of the Israel Police, the
police prosecution, the courts, and others, in matters that pertain to
fundamental rights in the State of Israel: Freedom of Movement, Freedom of
Expression, Freedom to Protest, Due Process, and Fair and Public Hearing.
Therefore, I herein demand the disclosure of the
records, referenced above, pertaining to protest against Attorney General
Avichai Mandelblit, if they exist at all.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
CC: Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Attorney Daniel Hacklai, wide distribution