Thursday, September 17, 2015

2015-09-17 Hello world!

9/17 @ 8:27 : Tel Aviv, IL
9/17 @ 5:12 : Evanston, Illinois, US
9/17 @ 4:48 : United States, US
9/17 @ 4:26 : Rehovot, IL
9/17 @ 3:08 : Buffalo, New York, US
9/17 @ 2:38 : Durban, ZA
9/17 @ 1:42 : Cape Town, ZA
9/17 @ 12:45 : Korba, IN
9/17 @ 10:48 : Europe, EU
9/17 @ 10:44 : Austin, Texas, US

2015-09-17 Brotherhood of the lepers...

2015-09-17 Brotherhood of the lepers...
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing's unannounced visit was the first time in 55 years that a military leader from the country formally known as Burma visited Israel.

2015-09-17 SAUDIA: The new king is a killer...

2015-09-17 SAUDIA: The new king is a killer...
Despite Saudi plans to crucify a child for anti-government offences, the British government will continue with a bid to support the Gulf Kingdom’s prison system, the...

2015-09-17 US involvement in Syria - some people are raking it in...

2015-09-17 US involvement in Syria - some people are raking it in...
"Total Failure": Pentagon Spends $41 Million Training "Four Or Five" Syrian Fighters
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/16/2015 - 19:30
"Let’s not kid ourselves, that’s a joke. This is just a total failure."
"Let’s not kid ourselves, that’s a joke. This is just a total failure."

2015-09-17 Cold War 2.0 - propaganda wars

2015-09-17 Cold War 2.0 - propaganda wars
US propaganda and fake intel on Russian involvement in Syria, spread widely over the past two weeks, sounds like an exact copy of the propaganda regarding Ukraine over the past two years.
Leading news site for global finance, economics, market, and political analysis.

2015-09-17 JAPAN: Moving ahead with militaristic plans

2015-09-17 JAPAN: Moving ahead with militaristic plans
Japan’s upper house panel has given the green light to new legislation allowing the armed forces to conduct warfare abroad, for the first time in 70 years, since the end...

2015-09-17 US: Teen arrested for jay walking in Stockton, CA [VIDEO]

2015-09-17 US: Teen arrested for jay walking in Stockton, CA [VIDEO]
The kid got stopped for "jaywalking" when he barely got out of the bus he was 2 feet away from the sidewalk when the cop stopped him for jaywalking. The cop ...

2015-09-17 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation

2015-09-17 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation
The entire story, with it absurd guise of legal actions, courts, the whole decorum... claims of new "intelligence" reflects reality in Palestine and Israel today. jz
Allan, a lawyer and member of Islamic Jihad, was detained last November and held without trial. He launched his hunger strike to protest his incarceration. Under an agreement reached with him, Allan's detention order was suspended in return for his agreement to stop his hunger strike, which twice left him in a coma.
His administrative detention was temporarily lifted and Israeli prosecutors told the court they would release him if he were found to have irreversible brain damage, but the ruling left open the question of what would happen if or when his health improves.
His court approved detention order expires on November 4.
Israel uses administrative detention to hold Palestinians deemed to be security risks, while not divulging what the authorities view as sensitive intelligence.
Following his re-arrest former Allan has reportedly renewed his hunger strike - Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, hunger strike, Mohammed Allaan

2015-09-16 US: Abusive, violent police...

2015-09-16 US: Abusive, violent police...
The two men said they were simply sitting on a curb outside of a cellphone store after business hours, waiting for a ride, when approached by the officer.

2015-09-16 Let' have a little military coup in the US.... Why only abroad?

2015-09-16 Let' have a little military coup in the US.... Why only abroad?
The people of the US have never figured out that they have missed the train - the take over by the Security Apparatus with the Military Industrial Complex, has already been accomplished...
Chilling New Poll Finds GOP Fascism Is Very Real
A shocking number of Republicans say they can conceive of a situation in which they'd sympathize with a military coup.
A shocking number of Republicans say they can conceive of a situation in which they'd sympathize with a military coup.

2015-09-16 UK: Democracy gets in the way of the military...

2015-09-16 UK: Democracy gets in the way of the military...
General Sir Nicholas Houghton, who is currently head of the British military, has bemoaned the limiting effects of democracy, law and public opposition to Britain’s...

2015-09-16 JAPAN: Anti military protests

2015-09-16 JAPAN: Anti military protests
Scuffles have occurred in Tokyo as scores of anti-military protesters have rallied in front of Japanese parliament, which is on track to pass controversial legislation...

2015-09-16 YEMEN: Another little, US engineered war...

2015-09-16 YEMEN: Another little, US engineered war...
UN officials have openly criticized the “the virtual silence” with regards to civilian suffering in the Yemeni conflict from the world community, warning that unless...

2015-09-16 JERUSALEM: Israeli police applies violence against journalists

2015-09-16 JERUSALEM: Israeli police applies violence against journalists
The phenomenon is not new, but apparently in recent days it has been dramatically escalated in Jerusalem, in an effort to prevent photojournalists from recording what was happenning.
Following is tranlation from the linked Haaretz report today:
12 Palestinian journalists claim that they were beaten by police in the old city of Jerusalem in recent days. Some of them required medical care. According to a journalist and another source, they heard police officers instructing police to apply violence against photojournalists. "I was attacked twice within two days", said a photojournalist for French agency AFP, Ahmed Rarablah, " I was beaten by two cops. I have been reporting for 10 years, and this is the first time I have such an experience. I heard them in my own ears saying that they should attack the journalists".
Recently, Palestinian journalists have complained of worsening of their treatment, particularly in the old city and around the Temple complex. Three weeks ago, journalists were issued police reports for setting up tripods. Many times they are removed from the area by police, at time through application of force. However, since the eruption of violence in Jerusalem over the past 3 days, journalists claim that they have been targeted. The Jerusalem Police denies such claims. "No journalist is targeted. When we engage in dispersion or arrests' they may get hurt during running or falling", said Spokesman for the Jerusalem Police commander Asaf Aharoni.
12 עיתונאים פלסטינים טוענים כי הוכו בידי שוטרים בעיר העתיקה בירושלים בימים האחרונים, חלקם נזקק לטיפול רפואי. לטענת עיתונאי ומקור נוסף הם שמעו קציני משטרה שמורים לשוטרים להשתמש בכוח נגד צלמים. "תקפו אותי פעמיים ביומיים", אמר צלם של סוכנות הצילום הצרפתית AFP, אחמד רארבלה, "הרביצו לי ברגליים שני שוטרים. עשר שנים אני בשטח ופעם ראשונה שאני רואה דבר כזה. אני שמעתי אותם באוזניים שלי אומרים שצריך לתקוף עיתונאים".
בתקופה האחרונה מתלוננים עיתונאים פלסטינים על החרפת היחס כלפיהם בעיקר בעיר העתיקה ובסביבות הר הבית. לפני כשלושה שבועות קיבלו עיתונאים דו"חות על הצבת חצובות. פעמים רבות הם מורחקים מהמקום על ידי השוטרים, לעיתים תוך שימוש בכוח. אבל מאז התלקחות גל האלימות בירושלים בשלושת הימים האחרונים טוענים העיתונאים כי הם מהווים מטרה בעיני השוטרים. במשטרת ירושלים דחו את הטענות. "שום עיתונאי לא מהווה מטרה, כשיש פיזור או מעצר הם לפעמים נפגעים תוך כדי ריצה או נפילה", אמר דובר משטרת הבירה, ניסגן ניצב צב משנה אסף אהרוני.
במשטרה מתגברים כוחות במזרח ירושלים ומתכוונים לייצר לחץ על האוכלוסייה המקומית...

2015-09-16 Brussels: Refugee camp steps away from EU/EC offices...

2015-09-16 Brussels: Refugee camp steps away from EU/EC offices...
Centinaia di profughi (1200 secondo l'ultimo rilevamento, ma il numero muta ogni giorno) vivono da settimane accampati nel parco Maximilien,...