The list below was not composed based on any knowledge of receipt of bribes, or bias in judicial actions. The list below was composed based on participation of these judges in sham court actions - Kozinski Fraud - to pervert justice, to deny individuals of property and/or of liberty. Moreover, it was alleged that Kozinski Fraud were made possible through Ronald George Computer Systems at the courts.
For the past three years FBI Los Angeles and US Attorney Office, Los Angeles have refused to investigate complaints regarding widespread corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. The complaints were originally only against judges of the Los Angeles Superior Court, and then again - less than 10 judges.
The only reasons provided for the refusal to investigate were the following:
1) Steven Goldman - Chief - FBI White Collar Crime, Los Angels:
"If what you are saying is true, it is widespread public corruption, and well above my head."
2) Michael Wilner - US Prosecutor, Los Angeles:
"You named too many names".
Los Angeles Superior Court
The Clerk of the Court - John A Clarke, the Counsel for the Court - Frederic Bennett, together with Judge Jacqueline Connor, are considered the key figures of the LA-JR (alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket).
Judges against whom conclusive evidence was available:
- Collins, Patricia L (ret)
- Connor, Jacqueline
- Czuleger, Stephen
- Finkel, David B
- Flynn, Paul G
- Friedman, Terry
- Goodman, Alan
- Haber, Alan B
- Hart-Cole, Lisa
- Letteau, Robert M.
- McCoy, Charles
- Niedorff, Robert (ret)
- O’Brien, Gregory (ret)
- Reid, John H.
- Rosenberg, Gerald
- Segal, John
- White, Elizabeth
- Yaffe, David
- The court's computer systems (Case Management Systems) were demonstrated to be false and deliberately misleading.
- The court refuses to disclose its Local Rules of Court, even on central procedures such as entry of judgment.
- The Court denies for years access to public court records such as Index of All Cases, Calendars of the the Courts, and Registers of Actions (California dockets)
- The Rampart scandal investigation (1998-2000) documented false imprisonments of many thousands. Yet - the latest report (2006) documented that the victims were never released, and that the judges are among those who prevent their release.
- The evidence documented numerous real estate fraud cases by the Court, which propelled LA Count to the "epicenter of the epidemic" according to FBI.
- The Court was documented engaging in corruption in collusion with COuntrywide, and later - with Bank of America Corporation.
California Court of Appeal, 1st District
California Court of Appeal, 2nd District
- Richman, James A
California Court of Appeal, 2nd District
The Clerk of the Court, Joseph Lane, and the Chief Deputy - Danny Potter, are likely to be found to be key to corrution of the court:
California Court of Appeal, 2nd District is an integral part of the LA-JR. Evidence of corruption is available against:
- Curry, Daniel
- Epstein, Norman
- Hastings, J Gary
- Vogel, Charles
California Supreme Court
- George, Ronald
US Court, Central District of California, Los Angeles & Riverside
US District Court, Los Angeles, includes several judges who were demonsrtated to cover up corruption of the LA Superior Court through the perversion of litigations at the U.S. Court. The Clerk of the U.S. Court, Los Angeles - Terry Nafisi, is considered key figure in corruption of that court.
- Larson, Steven (ret)
- Parada, Oswald -magistrate
- Phillips, Virginia
- Warner, John
- Woehrle, Carla - magistrate
U.S. District Court, Washington DC
The Chief Deputy Clerk of the U.S. Court, Washington DC - David Scott, is considered key figure in corruption of that court. Judges against whom evidence of corruption is available:
- Leon, Richard J
- Walton, Reggie B
US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit
- Berzon, Marsha
- Kozinski, Alex
- Paez, Richard
- Reinhardt, Stephen
- Smith, Dilan
- Tallman, Richard

Jacqueline Connor

III. The Usual
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.