Saturday, December 14, 2013

13-12-14 Tel-Aviv: Alternative Sexual Liifestyles (ASL) protest

Photo: ===13-12-14 Tel-Aviv: Alternative Sexual Liifestyles (ASL) protest===
The protest followed the failure of an initiative for a law banning discrimination against people of ASL.  A few hundred people showed up. Compared to all other social protest demonstrations that I have attended over the past couple of years, this one was marked by close to perfect organization, coherent set of speakers with short messages.  For one, who lived for many years in LA and thought that have seen it all, I discovered many new identities I have never heard of. (the ASL acronym is my invention, the Hebrew original is too complicated to translate).
Conclusion:  Let's ask the ASL community to take over the entire social protest movement in Israel.
Photo credit: Tsipi Erann
Photo credit: Tsipi Erann

The protest followed the failure of an initiative for a law banning discrimination against people of ASL. A few hundred people showed up. Compared to all other social protest demonstrations that I have attended over the past couple of years, this one was marked by close to perfect organization, coherent set of speakers with short messages. For one, who lived for many years in LA and thought that have seen it all, I discovered many new identities I have never heard of. (the ASL acronym is my invention, the Hebrew original is too complicated to translate).
Conclusion: Let's ask the ASL community to take over the entire social protest movement in Israel.

13-12-14 Stanley Fischer is again rewarded for acting on behalf of US agencies abroad...

Already a decade ago, none other than Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz claimed that Fischer was acting on behalf of US agencies in the IMF, when he caused the collapse of Argentinian economy.  Later he left a real estate bubble and a 39 billion NIS black hole (an enormous sum in Israeli scale, equivalent to the entire state budget deficit) in Bank of Israel, before his hasty departure. And the evidence shows that in Israel he operated on behalf of the US surveillance apparatus...  Stanley Fischer is a key person in the international banking cartel.  Buyer beware!
13-11-30 Stanley Fischer's legacy in Israel - placing banks above the law, subservient to the US surveillance apparatus
Former Bank of Israel Gov. Stanley Fischer Next Federal Vice Chairman
By Bloomberg
Fischer, who holds both U.S. and Israeli citizenship and now lives in New York, stepped down as governor of the Bank of Israel on June 30, midway through his second five-year term.

13-12-14 More CIA cover stories, more ridiculous than ever...

Not a "teacher", not a "diplomat" in a "Consulate", but a "rogue agent" this time.  Do they really believe that anybody buys into this nonsense?  
I guess not, but they got to say something.  And US media parrot it on queue,,, jz

The Revelations of Kidnapped CIA Agent Robert Levinson
By David H. Price
The CIA publicly admits Robert Levinson was a CIA agent, but the agency claims he was in Iran as a rogue agent.

13-12-14 China's ascent, US demise - faster than anybody predicted...

The story sounds a bit like naval warfare from hundreds of years ago.  Although there was no exchange of fire, it is remarkable, since China was considered weak in the seas, while the US has a navy second to none.  And yet, China confronts the US now and establishes its dominance in the seas as well... jz

Chinese Try to Stop U.S. Warship in International Waters
By Bill Gertz
The guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens, was confronted by Chinese warships in the South China Sea near Beijing's new aircraft carrier Liaoning, according to officials familiar with the incident. 

13-12-14 Hello world!

12/14 @ 4:53 : Rishon Le Zion, IL
12/14 @ 12:16 : Osaka, JP
12/14 @ 11:59 : Pittsford, New York, US
12/14 @ 9:47 : Texas, US
12/14 @ 8:47 : Salt Lake City, Utah, US
12/14 @ 6:10 : Cairo, EG
12/14 @ 3:09 : Los Angeles, California, US
12/14 @ 2:04 : El Paso, Texas, US
12/14 @ 1:02 : Rockford, Illinois, US
12/14 @ 12:15 : Redmond, Washington, US

13-12-14 Law enforcement "implants' in the Occupy Tel-Aviv camp // מושתלי כוחות הביטחון במאהל המחאה

[עברית להלן]

Attorney Gabby Lasky
Council Member, Tel Aviv Municipality

Gabby Shalom,

This morning, the question of law enforcement implants in the Occupy Tel-Aviv camp came up again.

Yesterday, by hearsay, one of the camp dwellers called the Israel Police, after a person, who does not reside in the camp threatened him with an ax.  The threat was by the twin brother of a person named Uriel, who lived in the camp in the past. By hearsay, both are former Israel Police people.  By hearsay, Uriel is also a former convicted felon, and apparently works with police to this date.

In a presviou conversation I had with Tel Aviv Municipality senior official, Mr Yaacov Drachman, it turned out that they work closely in cooperation with the Tel-Aviv municipality as well.

Uriel was also involved in violence in the camp in the past.  By hearsay, a restraining order was issued against him, but was not enforced.  Uriel keeps a place here, which apparently serves him as a storage house.  He engages in collection and/or stealing of metals, and on a regular basis burns here plastic materials (whose smoke is considered a dangerous canrcinogen) in order to remove insulating materials from copper in electric cables.

Others, who based on the evidence work with law enforcement and the Municipality are "Ronna", "Eli" and Mr Danny Falkevich.  "Eli" is also apparently a former policeman and a convicted felon, and threatened me with violence in the past, with no apparent reason.  "Ronna", "Eli", and Danny claimed in the past on a regular basis that they were designated in charge of the entire Occupy Tel-Aviv camp by the Tel Aviv municipality, apparently part of fraud in collusion with the Municipality itself.

A person named "Avi", who does not reside in the camp, but hangs here on a regular basis (and also in the Kaplan camp, after the July protest this year),. apparently also belongs to the same category.  "Avi" was involved about a year ago in serious violence against me with no apparent reason.

There are several others in the camp, who apparently belong to the same category.

Such conditions, where law enforcement affiliates were implanted in the protest movement from its inception, particularly violent persons with criminal background, and failure to enforce the law on them, should be deemed serious violation of the right to protest, the right for political organization, and various other Human Rights.

I would be happy to discuss this matter further with you.


Social Protest activists
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Occupy Tel Aviv
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California". 
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JZ
Date: 2013/12/14
Subject: מושתלי כוחות הביטחון במאהל המחאה
To: Laskylaw

עו"ד גבי לסקי
חברת מועצת עיריית ת"א (מר"ץ)

גבי שלום,

הבוקר שוב עלתה השאלה של מושתלי כוחות הביטחון במאהל.  

אתמול, מפי השמועה, הזמין איש המאהל בשם מוטי משטרה, לאחר שאדם שאינו גר במאהל איים עליו בגרזן.  המאיים הוא אחיו התאום של אוריאל, שהיה בעבר גר במאהל. שניהם על פי השמועה אנשי משטרה לשעבר. אוריאל על פי השמועה גם עבריין לשעבר, וככל הנראה פועל בשירות המשטרה עד היום.  

משיחתי עם מר יעקב דרמן, מנהל רובע בעיריית ת"א, גם עלה שהם פועלים בשיתוף פעולה הדוק עם העיריה.  

אוריאל עצמו גם הוא היה מעורב באלימות במאהל בעבר, ועל פי השמועה הוצא נגדו צו הרחקה מן המאהל, אך לא נאכף.  אוריאל עצמו אינו גר במאהל בימים אלה, אך מחזיק פה מקום, המשמש אותו ככל הנראה כמחסן.  הוא עוסק באיסוף ו/או גניבת מתכות, ובאופן קבוע מבעיר פה חומרים פלסטיים (שעשנם נחשב מסרטן מסוכן) על מנת להסיר את חומרי הבידוד מהנחושת בכבלים חשמליים.

אחרים שעל פי הראיות עובדים בשיתוף פעולה עם המשטרה והעיריה הם "רונה", :"אלי", ודני פלקביץ.  "אלי" גם הוא ככל הנראה איש משטרה ועבריין לשעבר, ואיים עלי באלימות ללא כל סיבה.  "רונה", "אלי" ודני טענו בעבר באופן קבוע שהם אחראים על כל מאהל המחאה מטעם עירית ת"א, ככל הנראה חלק מהונאה בשיתוף עם עירית ת"א.

אדם בשם "אבי", ככל הנראה איש מד"א, שאינו גר במאהל, אך מסתובב פה באופן קבוע (וגם במאהל בקפלן לאחר הפגנה ביולי שנה זאת) ככל הנראה שייך לקטגוריה זאת ג"כ.  "אבי" היה מעורב לפני כשנה באלימות חמורה נגדי ללא כל סיבה נראית לעין.

יש מספר אנשים אחרים במאהל בקטגוריה זאת ככל הנראה.

יש לראות במצב זה,  בו הושתלו אנשי כוחות הביטחון בתנועת המחאה מתחילתה, בפרט אנשים אלימים ובעלי עבר פלילי, ואי אכיפת החוק עליהם,הפרה בוטה של זכות ההפגנה, זכות ההתארגנות הפוליטית, וזכויות האדם.

אשמח לדון עימך בנידון,


אנשי תנועת המחאה
דר' יוסף צרניק
מאהל המחאה החברתית, ת"א
סייג לזכויות האדם (NGO)
* דוח סייג לזכויות האדם נכלל בדוח התקופתי של האו"ם לגבי זכויות האדם בישראל (2013), עם ההערה: "חוסר יושרה בכתבים האלקטרוניים של בית המשפט העליון, בתי המשפט המחוזיים, ובתי הדין למוחזקי משמורת בישראל".
* דוח סייג לזכויות האדם נכלל בדוח התקופתי של האו"ם לגבי זכויות האדם בארה"ב (2010), עם ההערה: "שחיתות בתי המשפט ומקצוע עריכת הדין בקליפורניה".