It is provided also in support of pending request for the Appointment of a Special Counsel to guarantee the access to court records in Los Angeles County, to inspect and to copy, through investigation and prosecution- if needed, of those who may be in violation of the law.
We hold that the denial of access to public records is a critical element of the alleged corruption in LA County, and that if such access was guaranteed, such alleged corruption would be largely eliminated.
This message is also distributed to many in the legal community in Los Angeles, particularly to those associated with Bet Tzedek, in hope that they support the pending request for Appointment Appointment of Special Counsel.
Sheriff Lee Baca:
- Please allow access to inspect and to copy the papers that formed the basis for Arrest and Booking of Richard Fine, if any.
- If indeed you have no such papers whatsoever - as communications with your office demonstrate - please let Richard Fine go!
October 28, 2009
Sheriff Lee Baca
Los Angeles County
Dear Sheriff Baca:
I am writing in the hope that you immediately release Atty RICHARD FINE, held by you with no records to form the legal foundation for your conduct, Your conduct may be ruled upon review by a competent court of jurisdiction as false imprisonment and abuse of civil rights under the color of law, pursuant to U.S. Law. It may also be ruled by International Human Rights Court as Deprivation of Liberty and Abuse of Human Rights. I have been asking for the past two weeks to inspect and to copy the following records:
1) Arrest - March 04, 2009, 11:05, Dept 86, Mosk Courthouse, Downtown Los Angeles,
- Falsely marked in Sheriff Department records as if it took place in San Pedro.
2) Booking - March 04, 2009, 12:23pm, location unknown,
- Falsely marked in Sheriff Department records as if it took place in San Pedro.
- Denied by the San Pedro Sheriff Station.
I added in recent day to my request also the following request:
3) Immediate review of the integrity of the Sheriff Department's computer system.
The evidence indicated that the Sheriff Department's system was an affront and abuse of the Human Rights of all who live in LA County, since it allowed the false imprisonment of persons with no legal foundation, and the creation of false representation of legality.
In response to my requests in the past two weeks, I got this afternoon a phone call from Sergeant BURSON in your office. I am grateful for your response. However, Sergeant Burson suggested to me, that after review by the Legal Department, he could possibly release to me a REMOVAL ORDER as a response to my requests. In reply, I explained to Sergeant BURSON, that the only good such paper would do, was to evidence one more time, that you had and you have no records whatsoever to substantiate either the ARREST or the BOOKING of Atty RICHARD FINE on March 04, 2009. I am readily familiar with the paper that Sergeant BURSON offered, and it could not address any of my requests, since that paper:
1) Surely could never be read as a REMOVAL ORDER, as suggested by Sergeant BURSON.
2) Even if read as a REMAND ORDER - was irrelevant in this case.
3) Was never in your possession at the time of the ARREST or BOOKING.
4) Was invalid on its face.
The response by your office today documented one more time that you had:
Events as they appear today are Rampart scandal dj vu all over again:
The only plausible explanation for the events of March 4, 2009, was that the Warrant Detail was deliberately misled by Judge DAVID YAFFE. He first asked for the Warrant Detail to be present, purportedly for arresting RICHARD FINE. He then read from the bench the purported sentencing and he also purported to sign the Judgment.
However, review of the records indicated that he omitted the whole proceeding from the records of the case, and that the Judgment that he purported to sign, was invalid and Fraud on Its Face. There was no chance error there either... All eight Orders, Judgments, and later also Writs in that case - Marina v LA County (BS109420), were of the same type - Fraud on their Faces. Therefore, the case was selected as part of the small collection that was presented to County officials as preliminary evidence of the LA-JR (alleged LA Judiciary Racket).
However, the way it stands now, regardless of alleged corruption of Judge DAVID YAFFE, it is the Sheriff Department that is clearly failing to comply with the law. The last thing we need is prosecution of the Warrant Detail at the LA Superior Court, with Judge DAVID YAFFE appearing to preside in the case... He may even follow the errors he made in the Judgment for Jailing of Richard Fine with some fatal errors in the Jury Instructions... That script was already produced in the Rampart Scandal... I THEREFORE AGAIN REQUEST THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF FALSELY JAILED ATTY RICHARD FINE.
Thanks for your attention to my requests, and I hope to hear back from your office as soon as possible,
Joseph Zernik
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
Los Angeles County Auditor Controller
Los Angeles County General Counsel
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S Attorney General
U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.