[עברית להלן]
===13-12-24 Occupy Tel Aviv: Fake "Eviction Decrees"/"Demolition Decrees"===
Municipality related persons distributed flyers, unsigned, and issued by no named individual, citing no reference in the law, which were misrepresented as "Eviction Decrees", or "Demolition Decrees", and also reported as such by media.
The same persons conducted registration of people living in the park, searched their dwellings with no warrants, and pretended to run sham inspections of the structures, pursuant to sham regulations: Everything has to be easily collapsible, door frames are OK, but doors are prohibited...
Deprivation of shelter in the middle of the winter, through a sham, arbitrary and capricious process, with no legal foundation, using fraud and extortion through the threat of unlawful use of force
Law enforcement implants, who had lived in the camp for over a year and a half, including violent former police officers, who were convicted and served long prison terms on violent crimes, abruptly left the camp only a few days ago.
The only limited, one point electric connection in the park is intermittent.
The Municipality also continues a policy of turning the camp into a health hazard, by denying regular cleaning, garbage collection, and public toilets services that are part of the routine maintenance of the park. Actions of a rogue municipality.
Government policies in the years since the Rabin assassination have caused a steady increase in homelessness and poverty, and have created within a decade income and asset distributions, which according to an international report do not fit a nation under "democratic regime".
With it, the treatment of homeless persons in the public space remains an unresolved issue. Therefore, today's actions by Tel Aviv Municipality should also be seen as an attempt to establish a legal precedent through blatantly unlawful threat of force.
With its use of sham legal public records, and false reporting of such records by media, the case also reflects the epidemic of corruption in the justice system in the State of Israel over the past decade. As is the case in the United States, corruption of the courts and the legal profession is central to the current socio-economic crisis.
===13-12-24 מאהל המחאה, ת"א: "צווי פינוי"."צווי הריסה" למראית עין===
אנשים הקשורים לעיריית ת"א פזרו הבוקר פליירים בלתי חתומים, בשם שום אדם או יחידה של עיריית ת"א, וללא כל סימוכין בחוק או בתקנות. פליירים אלה הוצגו במרמה כ"צווי פינוי" או "צווי הריסה" ואף דווחו כך בתקשורת. אותם אנשים גם ערכו הבוקר רישום של האנשים במחנה, חיפושים ללא צו, בדיקות מפוברקות של המבנים לפי תקנות בדויות: הכל המוטות חייבים להיות בלתי מחוזקים... משקופים מותר, דלתות אסור.
התנהלות זאת היא שלילת מחסה באמצע החורף באמצעות הליך למראית עין, שהוא מיסודו גחמני ושרירותי, וללא כל בסיס בחוק. יש לראות בהתנהלות זאת של העיריה סחטנות על ידי איום בהפעלת כוח ללא חוק.
מושתלי כוחות הביטחון, שגרו במאהל מאל לשנה וחצי, ובכללם שוטרים לשעבר שהורשעו בפלילים ואלימות, ושפעלו במאהל בשיתוף פעולוה עם פקידי עיריה בכירים, עזבו את המאהל במפתיע לפני כשבוע.
נקודת החשמל היחידה שנותרה בפרק, וכן התאורה מזרקורים, שהותקנה לאחר שנותקה כל תאורת הגן הרגילה, שניהם מופסקים לעיתים תדירות.
העיריה גם ממשיכה במדיניות של הפיכת הגן למפגע תברואתי, על ידי הפסקת איסוף אשפה, נקיון הגן ותחזוקתו, למרות שקבלנים ממשיכים ככל הנראה לקבל תשלומים עבור שירותים אלה. שירותים ומקלחת תקניים נסגרו, ושירותים כימיים שאינם עומדים בתקן מינימלי , ושקבלן משנה מסרב לתחזק, הוקמו על יד קבלן עבור העיריה בעבור סכום בלתי ידוע.
התנהלות זאת בכללה מציגה את עיריית ת"א כרשות הפועלת באלימות וללא חוק.
מדיניות הממשלה בשנים מאז רצח רבין גרמה לעליה מתמשכת בעוני ובחוסר הדיור, ויצרה במשך עשור פעררים בהכנסות ובנכסים שעל פי דוחות בין לאומיים אינם תואמים אומה תחת שלטון דמוקרטי.
עם זאת, הטיפול בחסרי הדיור במרחב הציבורי נשאר עניין פתוח. לפיכך , יש לראות בהתנהלות העיריה היום גם ניסיון להשליט על ידי שימוש בלתי חוקי בכוח, תקדים חוקי...
השימוש שנעשה במקרה זה במסמכים חוקיים ציבוריים למראית עין, ודיווח כוזב על טיבם של מסמכים אלה על ידי התקשורת, אופייני למערכת המשפט והדיוווח עליה בעשור האחרון. בשנים אלה פשטה בישראל מכה של שחיתות במערכת המשפט, שבמרכזה הנפקת מסמכים כוזבים, מפוברקים, ו/אוו למראית עין מן ההוצאה לפועל ועד לבית המשפט העליון... שחיתות מערכת החוק היא גורם מרכזי במשבר החברתי-כלכלי הנוכחי.

Above, Failed!
Above, Passed!
An outdoor "cafe'", which consists of a small campfire and a fallen tree trunk to sit on: a) Before, "FAILED" the false inspection; b) After, "PASSED".
Occupy Tel Aviv, December 24 - people appeared in the camp this morning , who were not identified by name or authority, and distributed flyers on the letterhead of Tel Aviv Municipality, which were unsigned, were not issued by any named individual or identifiable authority, with no law or regulations cited as reference for their foundation. The flyers were misrepresented as "Eviction Decrees" or "Demolition Decrees", and were reported as such by major media outlets in Israel. [1,2,3]
The flyers in part say:
2. You are requested to remove the hut/permanent structure that was erected in the park area no later than January 14, 2014.
3. If instant request is not fulfilled, the Municipality will be forced to remove such structures itself.
The camp, about 1.5 years old, held about 100 people until a major rain storm a couple of weeks ago. The core are social protest people, mixed with the homeless as well as physically and mentally handicapped persons.
According to people who were at the time in the camp, the persons, who distributed the flyers, engaged in:
* Registration of the people and their dwellings,
* Warrantless searches of the dwellings, and
* Fake inspection of the dwellings and determination of "compliance" or "lack of compliance" with some made-up standards.
Some nuggets:
* The structure has to be easily collapsible (safety is no concern)
* Doors are prohibited, door frames are permitted.
* Some unknown factors: e.g. , A surrealistic, minimalist outdoor cafe' (awful), which consists of a small campfire, a fallen tree trunk and a single beam, standing for a structure - FAILED. With beam removed - PASSED!
The people in the park are generally uneducated, and a good portion has only basic knowledge of the Hebrew language. Therefore, the actions today made a great impact, particularly, since they came following a major rain fall, and in the middle of the rainy season.
Request was forwarded to Mayor Ron Huldai to explain, who approved the conduct by the Tel-Aviv Municipality today, and what was its legal foundation.
Prior to today's events, for several months, the municipality of Tel Aviv engaged in conduct that could only be interpreted as an effort to make the park into a health hazard:
* The Municipality refused to collect garbage from the camp, and discontinued regular cleaning of the park by contractors.
* The Municipality closed a functional, standard public bathroom utility, and replaced it, again through a contractor, by a facility of shower and chemical toilets, which the subcontractor, who is paid for cleaning, refuses to clean, since they are outside any reasonable standard.
* The Municipality worked closely with a group of law-enforcement implants, including violent former policemen, who had been convicted of violent crimes, most of whom left after a year and a half, just days before the "eviction notices", after being exposed as law enforcement implants.
Regardless of the fact that the flyers, which have been distributed today, are not valid and effectual legal papers, the authorities can employ them as a pretext for acting with police force against the people in the camp.
The conduct as a whole, should be deemed as deprivation of shelter of homeless people in the middle of the winter, through an arbitrary and capricious process, with no legal foundation. Actions of rogue municipality.
Conditions and conduct of government in Israel today stands in stark contrast with its history: In the later 1940s and early 1950s, Israel successfully absorbed hundreds of thousands of penniless refugees from Europe and from Arab lands. Within a few years they were all provided with shelter through large public housing projects.
In contrast, the years since the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhaq Rabin have been marked by:
* Steady increase in poverty and homelessness,
* Widening extremes in income and assent distributions,
* Steady increase in productivity, but hardly any increase in workers pay,
* High cost of living in an economy, which became dominated by tycoons and monopolies,
* A real estate bubble, which was greatly inflated under Stanley Fischer as Governor of Bank of Israel, with housing unaffordable for working people.
* Elimination of public housing.
With it, the treatment of the growing presence of the homeless in the public space is an unresolved issue.
Therefore, today's actions by the Tel Aviv Municipality should also be seen as an attempt to establish a legal precedent through blatantly unlawful threat of force.
The nature of the conduct today is likely to be deemed by observers as abuse of rights under the false pretense of the Rule of Law. Such conduct is also in the State of Israel today, where the justice system has been thoroughly corrupted over the past decade, highlighted by the routine falsification of legal and judicial records, and false reporting by media on the nature of such legal/judicial process.
Although the "Eviction Decrees"/"Demolition Decrees", which were distributed today have no legal validity, the Municipality can still falsely employ them in asking Israel Police to assist in the enforcement of such extortion.
The author, who apparently is the single holder of the Municipality permit of the camp, was not "served", or "registered" in such process for unknown reasons. The permit is provided monthly, pursuant to an original "Agreement" with others, which the Municipality refuses to disclose to the current permit holder. Request for the copy of such agreement was also filed, pursuant to the Israeli Freedom of Information Act. However, the Municipality so far refuses to process it as a FOIA request.
As is the case in the United States today, corruption of the courts and the legal profession is central to socio-economic conditions in Israel today.
Links to records, below.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Occupy Tel Aviv
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel."
13-03-08 תלונה מס' #107269/2013 הוגשה למשטרת ת"א לגבי מספר אירועי ירי של זיקוקים אל תוך מאהל המחאה החברתית ארלוזורוב // Complaint File #107269/2013 filed with the Tel-Aviv City Center-HaYarkon Police Station in re: shooting at the Social Protest/homeless encampment Arlozorov/Monument
13-03-08 Complaint File #107269/2013 filed with the Tel-Aviv City Center-HaYarkon Police Station in re: shooting at the Social Protest/homeless encampment Arlozorov/Monument
13-03-19 Additional Evidence in re: Complaint #107269/2013, filed with the Tel-Aviv City Center/HaYarkon Police Station, in re: shooting at the Social Protest/homeless encampment Namir/Monument
13-06-23 בקשת הארכה גן וולובלסקי קרני- מכתב רובי זלוף , משנה למנכ"ל עיריית תל -אביב למר דני פלקביץ
13-07-01 מכתב דייר רחוב למנהל אגף רבעים ושכונות אריק שוע - בקשה למידע ותקשורת סדירה // Street Person's letter to Director of Department of Neighborhoods and Quarters, Mr Arik Shua - Request for Information and Regular Direct Communications
13-07-01 הצהרת דייר רחוב בגן וולובלסקי , דר, יוסף צרניק // Declaration of a Street Person in Volvolevsky Garden, Dr Joseph Zernik
13-07-17 Letter to Mr Zluf, Tel Aviv Municipality - Request for Extention of Agreement for Social Protest encampment // מכתב למר זלוף, עיריית ת"א - בקשה להארכת הסכם למאהל המחאה החברתית
13-08-04 Letter to Mr Zluf, Tel Aviv Municipality - Repeat Request for Extention of Agreement // בקשה חוזרת להארכת ההסכם לשהות אנשי מחאה חברתית בגן וולובלסקי-קרני
13-08-06 Response by Tel Aviv Municipality, Mr Reuven Zluf, on Repeat Request to Extend Permit for Occupy Tel Aviv Encampment // תשובת עיריית ת"א, מר ראובן זלוף על בקשה חוזרת להארכת הסכם למאהל המחאה החברתית
13-08-21 Letter to Mr Zluf, Deputy CEO, Tel Aviv Municipality - extension of permit for the Occupy Tel Aviv encampment for Sep 2013
13-11-12 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Freedom of Information correspondence with Tel-Aviv Municipality
13-12-05 מאהל המחאה ת"א: מניעת שירותי תברואה בסיסיים על ידי עיריית ת"א // Occupy Tel-Aviv: Denial of basic sanitation services by the Tel Aviv MunicipalityEd
13-12-14 Occupy Tel-Aviv: Law Enforcement Implants // מושתלי כוחות הביטחון במאהל המחאה החברתית,ת"א
13-12-24 "צווי הריסה", או "צווי פינוי למראית עין הונפקו על ידי עירית ת"א נגד אנשי מאהל המחאה, ת"א // Sham "Eviction Decrees", or "Demolition Decrees" were issued by the Tel Aviv Municipality against the Occupy Tel Aviv camp
13-12-24 Structures in Occupy Tel-Aviv Camp
13-12-24 Eviction Notices in the Arlozoroff Camp _Ynet News
13-12-25 Tel Aviv Municipality Issued Demolition Decrees Against Structures in the Arlozoroff Camp_ Haaretz