Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2014-06-18 PALESTINE: IDF soldiers in ski masks in Hebron - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime

===2014-06-18 PALESTINE: IDF soldiers in ski masks in Hebron - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime===
Yesterday, papers showed IDF soldiers with no faces covered. Today, we see pics from yesterday, with soldiers again in ski maks in the cortching summer heat.
===2014-06-18 חברון: חזרה לחיילים רעולי פנים===
התמונות בעיתונים אתמול הראו חיילים גלויי פנים, בניגוד לשלשום.
היום לעומת זאת, שוב רואים בעיתונם חיילים רעולי פנים. ככל הנראה חלק מ"הגברת הלחץ".
חיילים רעולי פנים הם סימן מובהק של משטר טוטליטרי!

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2014-06-18 ISRAEL: Arab minors falsely held as murder suspects for a week, with no access to an attorney, episode censored

===2014-06-18 ISRAEL: Arab minors falsely held as murder suspects for a week, with no access to an attorney, episode censored===
Today, cersorship was lifted from an episode that happened several weeks ago. Six Arab minors were falsely held as murder suspects for days with no access to an attorney.
The widespread use of censorship in Israel is a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime, often a tool for covering up abuses.