Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2016-02-17 Fact-checking Netanyahu: A week full of truthiness

2016-02-17 Fact-checking Netanyahu: A week full of truthiness
From surreal exaggerations to outright lies, Netanyahu dished up another batch of nonsense utterings to a foreign audience in Berlin this week. We picked three of the best and broke them down for you.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Merkel at a joint press conference in Berlin, February 16, 2016. (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)...
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Why is it that Netanyahu seems to stretch the truth extra thin whenever he speaks in English?
From surreal exaggerations to outright lies, Netanyahu dished up another batch of…

2016-02-17 US prez election: Plebs are surprised by the tricks of the circus

2016-02-17 US prez election: Plebs are surprised by the tricks of the circus
Chads anyone? Supreme Court outrageous ruling? jz
Scourge of US elections: Electoral College, hackable voting machines and obscure rules
It is difficult to place trust in the US election system when we learn about the number of votes cast that go uncounted. In the 2000 Presidential election between Bush and…

2016-02-17 Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath By Jeffrey Sachs

2016-02-17 Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath By Jeffrey Sachs
The US narrative of "human rights", "democracy", "nation building" isn't working even on the US public any longer... jz
By the spring of 2011, the CIA and the US allies were organizing an armed insurrection against the Syrian government.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Information Clearing House has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this a…

2016-02-17 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...

2016-02-17 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...
Right wing organization, Ad Kan, which is funded directly or indirectly by the Israeli government, is running a campaign for separate bus lines for Jews and Palestinians. The campaign routinely claims that Palestinians sexually harass female Jewish passengers. The Israel Police reports only one such complaint ever filed...
As part of the efforts, Ad Kan planted moles on buses, tried to induce Palestinians to comment on the appearance of Jewish women, while secretly recording the conversations, in an effort to document "sexual harassment".
Regarding the funding of the involved organization and its "moles" project:
As part of plan to effect separate Jewish and Palestinian West Bank bus lines, activist Gilad Ach planted 'moles' on mixed buses to extract sexual comments from laborers.…

2016-02-17 JERUSALEM: Routines of the occupation

2016-02-17 JERUSALEM: Routines of the occupation
The detention yesterday of Washington Post journalists by the Israel Police follows a Knesset committee summoning a couple of weeks ago of international journalists for investigation of "anti-Israeli bias" in reporting. During the 2014 Gaza massacre, Israel also tried to dictate to the New York Times its reports... Obviously, the US press is not exactly the center of "anti-Israeli bias" in reporting... In recent years IDF soldiers were documented assaulting the international press on a number of occasions. In other cases journalists, and in particular photojournalists were shot. It is obvious that IDF sees as hostile any press coverage of what takes place in Palestine. Inside Israel, gag orders on the press, prior restraint of publications by social protest activists, and general censorship are routine as well...
Freedom of the Press in the "only democracy in the middle east" is largely restricted.
Jerusalem bureau chief William Booth and correspondent Sufian Taha were…

2016-02-16 Salman Natour, Druz Arabic and Hebrew author passed away yesterday הסופר סלמאן נאטור נפטר אתמול

2016-02-16 Salman Natour, Druz Arabic and Hebrew author passed away yesterday
הסופר סלמאן נאטור נפטר אתמול
Natour, born in 1949, lived and wrote on the uneasy fault-line between Palestinian and Israeli cultures. He was a prolific author and play-write in both Arabic and Hebrew and also translated between the two languages. Former editor of the Israeli, Arabic language communist daily Al-Itihad, he was Pan-arabist by persuasion, and in clear dissent with the Israeli authorities. In 1982 he was placed under a 6 month home detention. Also in 1982, one of his plays was shut down by the Israeli censors.
He was born and lived in Druz village of Daliat Al-Karmel on the Carmel mountain, and was educated in Jerusalem and Haifa universities.
I had the honor of getting to know Salman in the course of my efforts to produce and Arabic translation of the stories of Yitzhaq Shami (1888-1949), a Jewish Hebrew author, who likewise lived and wrote on the same fault-line... Particularly intriguing for me was Salman's choice to translate from Hebrew into Arabic a collection of philosophical essays by Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903-1994), perhaps the most prominent intellectual public figure in the history of the State of Israel. I was even more surprised, when Salman told me that his original intention was to translate into Arabic Leibowitz's book “Maimonides' Faith”, which reviews the religious philosophy of Maimonides (Ibn Maimun) (1138-1204). Maimonides was a native of Spain under Muslim rule, and later lived in Cairo, he is considered the most prominent Jewish philosopher of all times, and he originally wrote in Arabic.
With the passing away of Salman Natour, a large void is left among those who bridge between Palestinian and Israeli cultures, a critical function for a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.…/der…/size_936xAuto/1397131400.jpg
Merey Salman Merey

2016-02-16 Central bankers, blood dripping corpses... cash-filled plane... cute...

2016-02-16 Central bankers, blood dripping corpses... cash-filled plane... cute...
Airport authorities in Zimbabwe impounded a US cargo plane after blood was seen dripping from the jet and millions of rand, South Africa’s currency, were discovered…

2016-02-16 US: Access to drinking water - increasingly a Human Rights issue...

2016-02-16 US: Access to drinking water - increasingly a Human Rights issue...
Just like in any other 3rd world nation...
Children in Flint, Michigan can now visit the Sloan Museum for “Water Works” classes that teach them how to filter their drinking water. The museum is also compiling notes from the community on the lead-contaminated water crisis for future reflection.

سلمان ناطور

كتب لي الدكتور جوزيف زيرنيك, أنه وقع الاختيار على الأديب سلمان ناطور, لترجمة كتاب الأديب التقدمي إسحاق شيمي للعربية, طالبا وساطتي لإخراج الموضوع إلى حيّز التنفيذ,
رحّب الناطور بالفكرة, وتقرر لقاء قريب يجمعنا، إلّا أنّ الموت كان أقرب.
You and 51 others like this.
Belal Awad
لعل الموت هو الزائر الذي لا ينتظر ...لروحه السلام
See Translation
Manal Kizil Khateeb
الله يرحمه ..والف خساره عليه
See Translation
פאדי בדר
الله يرحموا
See Translation
Joseph Zernik
الله يرحموا

2016-02-15 US: SCALIA, quail hunting and the corrupt Supreme Court

2016-02-15 US: SCALIA, quail hunting and the corrupt Supreme Court
Scalia died while on a quail hunting vacation in Texas. Below is a collection of links relative to Scalia, quail hunting in Texas, and corruption of the Supreme Court. Scalia no doubt was a prominent figure in both quail hunting and Supreme Court corruption...
2016-02-15 ארה"ב: שופט בית המשפט העליון סקליה מת - ברוך שפטרנו... וסיפורי ציד השלווים
שופט בית המשפט העליון אנטונין סקליה מת במפתיע בעת חופשה בטקסס, לשם נסע לצוד שלווים עם כמה מחבריו המושחתים... ציד שלווים בטקסס הוא פחות או יותר המקבילה לשיט של יהודה וינשטיין ביאכטה של רונאל פישר...
* במקרה שלפנינו, החופשה לציד השליווים הייתה בחווה של פוינטדקסטר, דמות נודעת לשמצה מפרשת איראן-קונטרה. למרות עברו הפלילי הוא חזר לשירות הציבורי כדמות מפתח בהקמת מערך הריגול על הציבור בארה"ב אחרי 9/11...
Quail hunting this time was in the ranch of Pointdexter, notorious figure from Iran Contra.
* החווה בה נערך הציד היא גם חלק מסיפור בו פוינטדקסטר מנסה להשתלט על חלק נרחב מפרק ציבורי...
The ranch is also part of an ongoing story, where Pointdexter is trying to gain control over vast piece of public park land.…/the-man-in-the-white-hat/
* באחד המקרים המעניינים בעבר, סקליה נסע לצוד שלווים עם סגן הנשיא הנודע לשמצה צ'ייני, לאחר שהוטס על חשבון צ'ייני, בזמן שתיק נגד צ'ייני היה תלוי ועומד בבית המשפט העליון... סקליה מעולם לא האמין בעקרון של "ניגודי עניינים"...
In a previous case, Scalia went quail hunting with VP Cheney, while a case was pending before the US Supreme Court against Cheney...
* בציד שלווים אחר, צ'ייני ירה בפרצוף של אחד מאורחיו... תחילה ניסו להסתיר את האירוע. ובסופו של דבר האורח (קרבן הירי) פרסם התנצלות פומבית...
In another quail hunting vacation, Cheney shot a guest in the face... initially there was a cover up attempt, later the victim publicly apologized... smile emoticon
* התנהלותו של סקליה (ובן חסותו תומאס) גם הייתה גורם מרכזי לאירוע חסר תקדים בתולדות ארה"ב: בשנת 2011, שלחו יותר מ-100 פרופסורים למשפטים נודעים מכתב לקונגרס, ובו קראו לחקיקה בת אכיפה לגבי ניגודי עניינים של שופטי בית המשפט העליון.
Conduct of Scalia and his protege Thomas was the reason for an unprecedented 2011 letter by more than 100 law professors, calling upon Congress to enact enforceable ethics rules on the Supreme Court..…/…/time_to_clean_up_the_supreme_court/
=והנקודה הישראלית???=
בלי זה אי אפשר...
א. עמירם ניר (האמצע של מוזס-ניר-שלום), שנהרג בתאונת מטוס מסתורית במקסיקו, היה דמות מרכזית בפרשת השחיתות איראן-קונטרה.
ב. הפרופסור הנודע למשפטים בהרוורד, ישראלי לשעבר יוחאי בנקלר היה ממארגני המכתב לגבי ניגודי העניינים של שופטי בית המשפט העליון בארה"ב.
ג. הפרופסורים למשפטים שלנו יכולים ללמוד דבר או שניים מהפרופסורים שם, לגבי מחאה נגד שחיתות השופטים...

2016-02-15 Chinese Year of the Monkey, and monkey biz in Syria...

2016-02-15 Chinese Year of the Monkey, and monkey biz in Syria...
The Syrian charade now proceeds under a vague “cessation of hostilities” – which is not a ceasefire – to be implemented within a week. Further on down the road, as this…

2016-02-15 It's the beach, stupid!

2016-02-15 It's the beach, stupid!
People often ask me, why I don't move to Europe. The answer is clear and simple: Tel-Aviv beach! Just came back from swimming. Temps are now in low 20s. Was doing laps, 1,500m, to get back in shape, after slacking off a bit over the past two months...

2016-02-15 ISRAEL: Flea Circus in the courts... בתי המשפט - קרקס הפרעושים - תנו לנו לראות!

2016-02-15 ISRAEL: Flea Circus in the courts... 
בתי המשפט - קרקס הפרעושים - תנו לנו לראות!
Events of recent days led to the article in Maariv daily, describing the Israeli courts as a "Flea Circus". Such events included the final conviction of former PM Ehud Olmert, who starts his prison term today, after a fraudulent saga in the courts for over a decade... and yesterday's bizarre show in the Supreme Court - appearance of PM Netanyahu as a witness who was not asked any question by the court and whose cross interrogation was prohibited...
2016-02-15 בתי המשפט - קרקס הפרעושים - תנו לנו לראות!
הקרקס כבר כאן, תנו לנו לראות אותו. אודי סגל, מעריב
...מערכת המשפט מראה רק מה שבא לה, רק את מה שפוגע באחר ולא בה עצמה.... יש לי משהו שהאדונים הנכבדים הישובים על כס המשפט חייבים לשמוע: הקרקס כבר כאן. הוא פשוט קרקס הפרעושים...
וידאו: קרקס הפרעושים... לאלה שלא זכו לראות את קרקס הפרעושים בבתי המשפט... smile emoticon

These fleas have traveled the world (or at least across Omaha)! This act has plenty of audience participation, interaction, and fleas!