Sunday, June 21, 2015

2015-06-22 Hello world!

6/22 @ 9:02 : United Kingdom, GB
6/22 @ 7:22 : Israel, IL
6/22 @ 5:39 : Silay City, PH
6/22 @ 3:56 : Chelyabinsk, RU
6/21 @ 11:31 : Laguna Niguel, California, US
6/21 @ 10:49 : Kazan, RU
6/21 @ 9:50 : Philippines, PH
6/21 @ 9:40 : Dallas, Texas, US
6/21 @ 9:11 : Thornton Heath, GB
6/21 @ 8:24 : Long Beach, California, US

2015-06-22 More pics from Sat London demonstration

2015-06-21 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-06-21 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
LAPD shot an unarmed Los Feliz man, who held a towel!
The Los Angeles Police Department has confirmed that one of their officers just shot a Los Feliz man for holding a towel. The man was critically wounded

2015-06-21 WIKILEAKS: Massive new SONY leak

Whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has released 276,394 new documents stolen from Sony Pictures in November by an unidentified hacker. It adds to 30,000 documents...

2015-06-21 WIKILEAKS: Saudia files!!!

2015-06-21 WIKILEAKS: Saudia files!!!
WikiLeaks has begun publishing around half a million ‘Saudi Cables’ documents, which include communiques from the Saudi Foreign Ministry, as well as ‘top secret’ reports...

2015-06-21 GREECE: The slaves trying to forge connections outside the plantation...

2015-06-21 GREECE: The slaves trying to forge connections outside the plantation...
A deal to jointly build an extension of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline across Greece will help Athens to settle its multibillion euro debt to international creditors, President...

2015-06-20 LONDON: Hundreds of thousands march from Bank of England, through Fleet Street to Parliament Square - personal perspective

  • 2015-06-20 LONDON: Hundreds of thousands march from Bank of England, through Fleet Street to Parliament Square - personal perspective ההיבט האישי
    The protest was perfectly organized. Police conduct was civilized, no comparison at all with police conduct in the US or Israel:
    * Police was NOT in riot gear.
    * Police was NOT armed.
    * Police kept a distance from demonstrators at most times.
    * NO mounted police, NO armored vehicles, NO water canons
    From time to time there were banners that advocated violence against the 1%, but most protesters engaged in creative demonstration.
    דיווח אישי: הצעדה התנהלה בסדר מופתי. המשטרה התנהלה בצורה מתורבתת לאין שיעור בהשוואה למשטרת ישראל. השוטרים לא היו לבושים ולא היו מצויידים לפיזור הפגנות, בלתי חמושים. בד"כ שמרו על מרחק מן המפגינים. המפגינים גם הם התנהלו בצורה מתורבתת... היו מפעם לפעם כרזות שקראו לאלימות נגד הבנקים ו-1%, אבל רוב המפגינים הצטיינו ביצירותיות בלתי אלימה

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    Heri Kurniawan Sitepu and Michal Nissim like this.
  • Joseph Zernik Common costumes: Large number of ROBIN HOODS (pic not from yesterday's protest)
  • Joseph Zernik Common costumes: Large number of SKUNKS (pic not from yesterday's protest)
  • Joseph Zernik Common costumes: Small number of BLACK BLOCS (pic not from yesterday's protest)
  • Joseph Zernik Common costumes: Small number of ANONYMOUS(pic not from yesterday's protest)
  • Joseph Zernik Common flags: Large number of TRADE UNIONS (pic not from yesterday's protest)
  • Joseph Zernik Common flags: Surprisingly large number of HUNT SABOTEUR ASSOCIATION (pic not from yesterday's protest)
  • Joseph Zernik Common flags: ANARCHISTS (pic not from yesterday's protest)
  • Joseph Zernik Common flags: COMMUNISTS (pic not from yesterday's protest)

2015-06-20 LONDON: Hundreds of thousands march from Bank of England, through Fleet Street to Parliament Square

2015-06-20 LONDON: Hundreds of thousands march from Bank of England, through Fleet Street to Parliament Square
Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of London on Saturday in the UK’s biggest anti-austerity rally for years to oppose the new Tory government’s program of...

2015-06-21 US: Social disintegration

2015-06-21 US: Social disintegration
At least seven people, including a two-year-old and eleven-year-old child, were injured in West Philadelphia after a shotgun-wielding attacker fired into a street picnic, local...

2015-06-21 US: Social disintegration

2015-06-21 US: Social disintegration
At least one person has been killed and nine others injured after an unidentified gunman opened fire on a basketball court on Detroit’s West Side, media reports say citing Detroit police.

2015-06-20 LONDON: Cartoons

2015-06-20 LONDON: Cartoons
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2015-06-20 HONG KONG rejects Beijing's fake suffrage proposal

2015-06-20 HONG KONG rejects Beijing's fake suffrage proposal
The umbrella protest ain't over yet!
Proposal that would have allowed election of leaders, but only from candidates vetted by Communist party hierarchy, is defeated in key vote|By Tom Phillips
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