Tuesday, June 2, 2015

2015-06-02 Hello world!

6/2 @ 8:36 : Israel, IL
6/2 @ 6:35 : Allen, Texas, US
6/2 @ 4:17 : Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
6/2 @ 1:48 : United Kingdom, GB
6/2 @ 1:41 : Stuttgart, DE
6/2 @ 12:56 : Tel Aviv, IL
6/2 @ 12:46 : Ashburn, Virginia, US
6/2 @ 12:39 : Sydney, AU
6/2 @ 10:48 : Chandler, Arizona, US
6/2 @ 10:21 : Mountain View, California, US

2015-06-02 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-06-02 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
Oxnard, CA.
Police in Oxnard, California shot and killed a 26-year-old woman Friday morning. The incident lasted approximately 20 seconds from the initial point of

2015-06-02 PALESTINE: False arrest and false indictment of Khalida Jarrar

2015-06-02 PALESTINE: False arrest and false indictment of Khalida Jarrar
A shameless farce!
Gideon Levy | Haaretz: The charge sheet against the Palestinian legislator ought to be studied in every law school: This is how you slap together false accusations and...
medium.com|By The Palestine Project

2015-06-01 US: Bill Windsor and fighting judicial corruption.

Lawless America Website down May 31, 2015 following an attack on the Internet Service Provider
lawlessamerica.com|By William M. Windsor

2015-06-01 Another bankster's mysterious death

2015-06-01 Another bankster's mysterious death
The recent string of suspicious banker deaths is no longer constrained entirely to mid level managers, as...

2015-05-01 Tel-Aviv Gay Pride festival may secure long, lasting, self-sustaining peace in the middle-east!

2015-05-01 Tel-Aviv Gay Pride festival may secure long, lasting, self-sustaining peace in the middle-east!
Scoof: Sources close to the negotiations say agreement will be initialled within a couple of days, and "high impact aggression" in Gaza would start no sooner than 10...

2015-05-31 BERLIN: Attorneys v surveillance state...

2015-05-31 BERLIN: Attorneys v surveillance state...
More than 300 protesters gathered in front of the German Chancellery to mark the upcoming second anniversary of Edward Snowden’s leak of the NSA secret...

2015-05-31 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-05-31 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
At least 385 people ranging in age from 16 to 83 have died at the hands of police across the US this year, The Washington Post revealed. One in six victims were...

2015-06-02 Hello world!

6/2 @ 10:18 : Tel Aviv, IL
6/2 @ 8:40 : United States, US
6/2 @ 6:22 : Allen, Texas, US
6/2 @ 4:36 : Culver City, California, US
6/2 @ 4:23 : Merlo, AR
6/1 @ 11:58 : Asia/Pacific Region, AP
6/1 @ 8:43 : Hopkinton, Massachusetts, US
6/1 @ 7:42 : Europe, EU
6/1 @ 7:20 : Israel, IL
6/1 @ 6:34 : Montgomery, Alabama, US