Att Jenna Moldawsky Pinokio
1) Sandor Samuels - former Countrywide Chief Legal Officer
2) Angelo Mozilo - former Countrywide President/CEO/Chair
3) Judge Learned Hand - ( NOT Terry Friedman)
09-01-13. Att Jenna Moldawsky – Winner of the 2008 Pinokio Award*
As the year comes to a close, there is no doubt that Att Moldawsky deserves more than anybody else the 2008 Pinokio Award! Att Moldawsky won the award for her landmark paper:
“Non-Party Countrywide Home Loans, Inc’ Notice of Motion and Motion for Monetary Sanctions…”.**
“In this artful pleading, Att Moldawsky masterly crafted all possible Pinokio effects:
– Att Moldawsky purportedly represents a corporate client, but she would not answer direct questions about its identity, neither has she filed any corporate disclosure in the past six months since BOA took over Countrywide, and since Sandor Samuels and Angelo Mozilo presumably ceased to be Countrywide employees. Att. Moldawsky also filed no paper showing she was authorized by BOA, and BOA denied she was authorized.
– Att Moldawsky purportedly represents a client whom she designates “Non-Party”. By what authority and on what legal foundation she came by this party designation? Obviously it is handy in failing to report the violations of the law per Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 §307, but why did the Clerk of the Court accept such filing?
– Att. Moldawsky’s paper claims to be part of a case captioned Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), of the LA Superior Court. But the offices of Presiding Judge and Clerk of the Court refuse to certify such facts.
– Att Moldawsky adequately listed no judge as being assigned the to the case on the face page. And yet, in the first sentence she noticed it to “Department J”. What legal theory led Att Moldawsky in determination of venue and jurisdiction? Maybe the fact that Mr Terry Friedman is a friend of Mr Sandor Samuels...
– Att Moldawsky’s arguments are based on a purported July 23, 2007 Order by Judge Connor, but a valid order that was issued, served, noticed, and entered in a timely manner is yet to be produced…
– Att Moldawsky included in her motion a table of authorities. How did she determine that such case is adjudged by the Law of the State of California ?
– Att Moldawsky, again, produced evidence with no authentication, and insufficient pleadings – by counsel.
The Pinokio Award committee congratulates you, Att Moldawsky, for such unique achievement so early in your career*** – as graduate of UCLA Law School, Class of 2006. Congratulations also to your mentors at Bryan Cave, LLP, Bank of America, and Countrywide. Mr Samuels’ inspiration surely shines between your lines - his precocious student of the art of streamlining, of which he is a master – second to none…
All the best!”
* Ms Moldawsky’s unprecedented achievement was also submitted to Boing Boing – a directory of wonderful things, http://boingboing.net/.
** http://inproperinla.com/09-01-13-moldawsky-notice-of-motion-sanctions-contempt.pdf
*** We shall continue to follow and report the career developments of this promising young attoney.