Bank HaPoalim was founded in the 1920s as a cooperative bank, well before the founding of the State of Israel. It was instrumental in building the economy of then Palestine/Israel.
In the late 20th century it was privatized. Since then, it managed to collapse once, and be bailed out by the Israeli government, only to be privatized again. And in recent years it was plagued by various criminal investigations of top management.
The email note, dated September 5, 2012, by Bank HaPoalim (in Hebrew), copied below, again reiterates the conduct by Bank HaPoalim – attempt to extort compliance the Bank's fabricated version of the law of the United States in the State of Israel. It demands the filing of United States IRS forms by clients, who hold US citizenship, but refuses to provide records of annual interest gained (also required by United States IRS Regulation)
The conduct, documented in the Complaint and Addendum, filed with Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation (linked below), should raise serious concerns regarding integrity and stability of operations in Bank HaPoalim.
It remains to be seen how the Bank of Israel, Israel's banking regulator will handle this matter.
[1] 12-08-25 Dr Zernik's Complaint, filed with Israeli banking regulation against Bank HaPoalim - for attempting to extort compliance with US IRS regulations in Jerusalem
[2] 12-08-27 NOTICE TO CEASE AND DESIST EXTORTION AND TO MITIGATE HARMS given to Ms Shari Arison, Mr Tzion Keynan, Mr Yair Sarusi - Bank HaPoalim
[3] 12-09-04 Addendum to Complaint, filed with Bank of Israel against Bank HaPoalim, and a Demand, filed with Bank HaPoalim, for a Written Statement of Interest Gained in Client's Accounts in 2011
DATE: September 5, 2012
FROM: Joseph Zernik
TO: Ms Shari Arison; Mr Tzion Keynan, CEO; Mr Yair Sarusi, Chairman of the
Board - Bank HaPoalim, LTD, Israel
VIA: Mr Shalom Barashi <>, Ms Maya Shulyatsky <>
CC: Ms Miriam Segal, Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation
RE: Ongoing Extortionist conduct by Bank HaPoalim
I am in receipt of the message by Bank HaPoalim, dated September 5, 2012, copied below.
1) Complaint filed with Bank of Israel against Bank HaPoalim, alleging extortion
There is no basis in the law of the State of Israel for Bank HaPoalim's demands, reiterated in Bank HaPoalim's message, copied below. The claims by Bank HaPoalim in the message below are pure fabrication.
The matter, is currently the subject of a Complaint, filed with Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation against Bank HaPoalim. The complaint claims that such conduct amounts to extortion by a banking institution against a client - a serious crime.
Bank of Israel informed me that Bank HaPoalim was required to respond on the Complaint to Bank of Israel within 21 days. Moreover, Bank of Israel informed me that a Commission was appointed to investigate the matter.
I will wait for the response by Bank HaPoalim to Bank of Israel on the Complaint, and for the determination on the Complaint by Bank of Israel-Banking Regulatin.
2) Addendum to Complaint, filed with Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation, and Demand, filed with Bank HaPoalim, for a clear written statement regarding interest gained in my accounts in 2011.
Separately, I filed last night a demand with Bank HaPoalim to provide me a clear written statement of the total interest gained in my accounts in 2011. The same letter was also filed with Bank of Israel as an Addendum to the Complaint, referenced above.
The basis for the Addendum is the refusal of Bank HaPoalim to provide me such statement. The Addendum claims that the refusal to provide such statement is a serious violation of Banking Regulation, as a separate issue for the alleged extortion, noted in the Complaint.
I hope that by the time I return to Israel, around the end of September-early October, this matter will be sorted out by Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
FROM: Joseph Zernik
TO: Ms Shari Arison; Mr Tzion Keynan, CEO; Mr Yair Sarusi, Chairman of the
Board - Bank HaPoalim, LTD, Israel
VIA: Mr Shalom Barashi <>, Ms Maya Shulyatsky <>
CC: Ms Miriam Segal, Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation
RE: Ongoing Extortionist conduct by Bank HaPoalim
I am in receipt of the message by Bank HaPoalim, dated September 5, 2012, copied below.
1) Complaint filed with Bank of Israel against Bank HaPoalim, alleging extortion
There is no basis in the law of the State of Israel for Bank HaPoalim's demands, reiterated in Bank HaPoalim's message, copied below. The claims by Bank HaPoalim in the message below are pure fabrication.
The matter, is currently the subject of a Complaint, filed with Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation against Bank HaPoalim. The complaint claims that such conduct amounts to extortion by a banking institution against a client - a serious crime.
Bank of Israel informed me that Bank HaPoalim was required to respond on the Complaint to Bank of Israel within 21 days. Moreover, Bank of Israel informed me that a Commission was appointed to investigate the matter.
I will wait for the response by Bank HaPoalim to Bank of Israel on the Complaint, and for the determination on the Complaint by Bank of Israel-Banking Regulatin.
2) Addendum to Complaint, filed with Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation, and Demand, filed with Bank HaPoalim, for a clear written statement regarding interest gained in my accounts in 2011.
Separately, I filed last night a demand with Bank HaPoalim to provide me a clear written statement of the total interest gained in my accounts in 2011. The same letter was also filed with Bank of Israel as an Addendum to the Complaint, referenced above.
The basis for the Addendum is the refusal of Bank HaPoalim to provide me such statement. The Addendum claims that the refusal to provide such statement is a serious violation of Banking Regulation, as a separate issue for the alleged extortion, noted in the Complaint.
I hope that by the time I return to Israel, around the end of September-early October, this matter will be sorted out by Bank of Israel-Banking Regulation.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
ד"ר צרניק שלום מבקשת אישורך לקבלת התשובה חג שמח
מאיה שולצקי
יועצת השקעות
סניף בית הכרם
מאיה שולצקי
יועצת השקעות
סניף בית הכרם
----- עותק הועבר על ידי מאיה שולצקי/694/957/12/5/BNHP/IL בתאריך 05/09/2012 13:09 -----
מאת: מאיה שולצקי/694/957/12/5/BNHP/IL
עותק: דוד לוזון/901/90/001/BNHP/IL@BNHP, דרורה ברגמן/957/12/5/BNHP/IL@BNHP, מאיה אמזלג/694/957/12/5/BNHP/IL@BNHP, מרדכי אסולין/694/957/12/5/BNHP/IL@BNHP, אפרת דהן/694/957/12/5/BNHP/IL@BNHP
תאריך: 27/08/2012 18:16
ד"ר צרניק יוסף בהמשך לביקורך בסניפנו ולאחר בירור נוסף שערכתי הריני להבהיר כי לקוחות הבנק שהם אזרחי או תושבי ארה"ב נדרשים להמציא לבנק מסמכים בהתאם לדרישות ה-FATCA, קרי FORM W9 של רשויות מס ההכנסה האמריקאית(IRS)וכתב ויתור הנוגע לעניין כשהם חתומים כנדרש. מאחר והינך אזרח ארה"ב,הנך מתבקש למלא ולחתום על FORM W-9 ועל המסמך שכותרתו" כתב התחייבות וויתור של בעל חשבון אשר הינו U.S.PERSON". סרוב מצדך לחתום על המסמכים הנדרשים יביא לכך כי לא נוכל להמשיך ולהעניק לך שרותים בנקאים. במקרה כזה,תוכל להעביר את יתרת החשבון לחשבונך למוסד בנקאי אחר עם המצאת אישור ניהול חשבון על שמך. אשמח לעמוד לרשותך לכל שאלה או הבהרה שתידרש.
בברכה שנה טובה
שולצקי מאיה
יועצת השקעות
סניף בית הכרם
יועצת השקעות
סניף בית הכרם
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You failed to read the article, obviously:
1) The Deputy presiding judge of the Tel Aviv District Court, Vardah AlSheikah, was caught falsifying her own court's records. The Israeli Bar Association repeatedly filed requests for her removal from the bench. So far, both the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Inspector General of the Judiciary (obviously - both judges), refuse to take any significant action against her.
2) Haaretz daily published a report regarding falsificat of judicial records in the Detainees' Courts. The published response by the Spokesman of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Isreal was "A tempest in a Teapot".
Posted 52 mins ago By
HumanRightsAlert (220.90) 
The peers in this case are four anonymous international computer science professors. Not likely to be I am sure that they are all "drugged or sitting in the corner drooling".
Under anonymous peer-review, an accompanying paper detailed similar fraud in the electronic records of the United States courts.
It should be noted that US based legal and computer scholars, when openly asked to opine on this matter, all without exception refused to opine. For example, Martha Minow, Dean of the Harvard Law School responded that as Dean of Harvard Law School she is prohibited from opining on such matters...
The large-scale fraud in the Israeli courts appear as a merely a copy of large-scale fraud, implemented in the computers of the United States courts a decade or two earlier.
Posted 39 mins ago By
HumanRightsAlert (220.90) 
As noted above, fraud in the electronic records of the courts of the State of Israel was reported and rebuked by others over the past year as well. The novelty in my report, is that it is based on inspection of the system as a whole, not of individual cases. The significance of the findings relative to the electronic records of the Israeli courts (and likewise of the US courts), is that it provides evidence that it is NOT sporadic judicial corruption, but systemic racketeering by the judges. They implemented such systems both in Israel and the United States with no public oversight and in violation of the laws of the respective nations.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Posted less than a minute ago By
HumanRightsAlert (220.90)