Friday, February 25, 2011

11-02-25 Fraud in the US Court from Coast to Coast // Fraude en los Tribunales de EE.UU. de costa a costa // 从海岸到海岸欺诈在美国法院

Henry Hudson,  Jed Rakoff,  Virginia Phillips
United States Judges

Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius - constitutional challenge to Obama's healthcare law - is part of a pattern of fraud in the US courts from coast to coast.

US judges consistently undermine the rule of law in the United States. Media and legal scholars fail to expose the fraud and inform the people.

Los Angeles, February 25
 - in Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius, Judge Henry Hudson of the US District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, purported to preside in litigation of a constitutional challenge to Obama's health care law.   A recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response by the US Department of Justice has confirmed the case as another example of fraud on the court: [[i]] 
  • Judge Hudson appeared in the case with no assignment order;
  • No judgment was ever entered in the case,
  • US DOJ provided false and deliberately misleading records instead of the requested electronic certificates of authentication by the Clerk of the Court (NEFs - Notices of Electronic Filing).
As was previously documented: [[ii]]
  • No valid summons was found in the case docket, only summons, which was missing the seal of the court. The US law requires that the summons be issued with a signature of the clerk of the court and under the seal of the court. Absent valid summons, the litigation is invalid from its start.
  • No valid record of execution or waiver of execution of the service of summons was found in the docket.  Absent valid execution within the time prescribed by law, the case should have been dismissed by the court.
  • The Minutes, which were found in the case docket, listed no name of a Deputy Clerk, and should therefore be deemed invalid.
  • Requests, which were filed with the Clerk of the US Court, for copies of missing critical litigation records and for the NEFs remain unanswered. [[iii],[iv]] 
With it, litigation of the Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius joins the pattern, which was previously seen in litigation of cases of the highest policy significance:
  • SEC v Bank of America Corporation - by Judge Jed Rakoff in the US District Court, New York [[v],[vi],[vii],[viii]]
  • Log Cabin Republicans v USA et al - by Judge Virginia Phillips in the US District Court in California. [[ix],[x][xi],[xii]]
The pattern in these cases and others, of fraud in the US courts from coast, to coast is not partisan. 

However, based on review of numerous cases in the US courts from coast to coast, a patter does emerges:
  • US judges consistently collude with large financial institutions in undermining banking regulation and in bankrupting the United States;
  • US judges consistently collude with government and large corporations in abuse of the rights of the people;
  • US judges consistently undermine the rule of law in the United States;
  • Corruption of the offices of the clerks, from the US District Courts, through the US Courts of Appeals, to the US Supreme Court is essential part of this conduct; [[xiii]]
  • Fraud related to electronic certificates of authentication/attestation by the clerks is essential to the fraud in the courts, as is the case in fraud related to foreclosure cases (robo signatures);
  • Attorneys for the US agencies (DOJ, SEC) readily participate in the charades;
  • US media report such cases, without ever informing the public that the litigation records in these cases could never be deemed valid pursuant to the US law, and
  • Legal scholars in the US fail to expose the fraud or speak up. 
[i] 11-02-16 Re: Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius (3:10-cv-00188) in the US District Court, Eastern District of Virginia - Constitutional challenge to the Obama Health Care Law - US DOJ FOIA Request and Response (145-FOI-10449)
[ii] 11-01-13 Press Release: Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius in the US District Court -Constitutional Challenge to the Obama Health Care Law - Appears as Deliberately Invalid Litigation
[iii] 11-01-13 Re: Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius (3:10-cv-00188) in the US District Court Eastern District of Virginia - Constitutional challenge to Obama's Healthcare law - Request for Certification of the PACER Docket
[iv] 11-01-13 Re: Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius (3:10-cv-00188) in the US District Court Eastern District of Virginia - Constitutional challenge to Obama's Healthcare law - Request for Litigation Records from the Clerk of the Court
[v] 10-12-19 RE: Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) - Addendum to Request for Investigation-impeachment of Judge Rakoff and Clerk Krajick
[vi] 11-01-10 Request for investigation/impeachment proceedings, in re: US Judge JED RAKOFF and Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, Conduct of Securities and Exchange Committee v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829)
[vii] 11-01-10 Request for investigation/impeachment proceedings, in re: US Judge JED RAKOFF and Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, Conduct of Securities and Exchange Committee v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829)
[viii]  11-02-05 Request No 2 for Impeachment of Judge JED RAKOFF Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, in Re Conduct of Lindner v Amex (1:10-cv-02228)
[ix] 10-12-06 Log Cabin Republicans v USA (2:04-cv-08425) at the US District Court, Central District of California: Don't Ask Don't Tell - Evidence of Another Pretense Litigation by Judge Virginia Phillips
[x] 10-12-07 Press Release: Request for investigation, impeachment proceedings where appropriate, in re TERRY NAFISI - Clerk of the US Court, Central District of California-s
[xi]   11-01-08 Press Release: Don't Ask Don't Tell - Motion to Intervene, Requesting the US Court of Appeals to Dismiss the Appeals from an Uncertified Judgment 
[xii] 11-02-09 Press Release: Don't Ask, Don't Tell - the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit Insists on Conducting a Pretense Appeal from a Pretense Judgment of the US District Court
[xiii] 11-01-25 Request for Impeachment of US Supreme Court Clerk WILLIAM SUTER

11-02-25 Why isn't Wall Street in Jail? // ¿Por qué no es Wall Street en la cárcel? // 为什么不是墙监狱街吗?

The Rolling Stone article below failed to dwell on one of the central features of the current financial crisis - collusion between US financial institutions and judges in both state and federal courts, as part of widespread corruption of the US justice system.
[1] 10-05-05 Countrywide Bank of America NYSE BAC and its President Brian Moynihan Compilation of Records Evidence of Racketeering
[2] 10-05-05 Chairs of US Congress Committees of the Judiciary and Banking Are Requested to Join Senator Feinstein's Inquiries on Comptroller of the Currency
[3] 10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office Los Angeles Against Moynihan Bank of America [NYSE:BAC] Bryan Cave LLP Alleging Racketeering
[4] 10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office, Los Angeles, Against Brian Moynihan, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), Bryan Cave LLP, Alleging Racketeering in the courts and Large Scale Financial Institution Fraud s
[5]  11-01-10 Request No 1 for investigation/impeachment proceedings, in re: US Judge JED RAKOFF and Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, Conduct of Securities and Exchange Committee v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) s 
[6]  10-12-08 RE: Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation(1:09-cv-06829)  Request No 1 for Investigation, Impeachment of RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the Court, US District Court, Southern District of New York
[7]  Zernik, Joseph: Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation - Pretense Litigation and Pretense Banking Regulation in the United States (filed in support of Request No 1 for impeachment of US Judge JED RAKOFF and Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York)
[8]  10-12-19 RE: Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) - Addendum to Request No 1 for Investigation-impeachment of Judge Rakoff and Clerk Krajick
[9] 11-02-05 Request No 2 for Impeachment of Judge JED RAKOFF Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, in Re Conduct of Lindner v Amex (1:10-cv-02228) s

Rolling Stone

Financial crooks brought down the world's economy — but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them

"Criminal justice, as it pertains to the Goldmans and Morgan Stanleys of the world, is not adversarial combat, with cops and crooks duking it out in interrogation rooms and courthouses. Instead, it's a cocktail party between friends and colleagues..."
Read the full story:

11-02-25 Welcome Norway - Last New Visitor! // Bienvenido Norvegia - Visitante Mas Reciente! // 欢迎挪威- 最后的新访问者!

Last New Visitor

Visited February 25, 2011