Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Saturday, December 5, 2009
09-12-05 Warning Laura Lynn, who filed complaint at U.S. Dist Court, LA, about Kozinski Frauds and Culture she was likely to encounter.
Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2009 13:55:10 -0800
To: Laura Lynn
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Re: Kozinski Fraud - and Kozinski Culture - Laura Lynn - you ought to be aware of that, in your case at the U.S. District, Los Angeles, where such frauds and such culture are prevalent.
Hi Laura Lynn:
Great to hear from you.
Regarding the complaint you stated you just filed, I assume at U.S. District Court, Los Angeles:Sincerely,
- Please be particularly cautious if you had any dealings with Pro Se Deputy Clerk Chris Sawyer. I raised my concerns also with Supervisor of the Intake Unit, Ms Sharon McGee, a brave woman indeed, who informed me that she concurred with my concerns and that she raised them herself before the court. However, there was no evidence that any action was taken. I filed complaints against him, both with FBI and with the Clerk of the Court, Terry Nafisi. No evidence that either did anything in this regard. I alleged dishonest manipulation of court records in both my case and the case of Richard Fine. The current state of affairs: On September 18, 2009, in appearance in person at the office of the clerk, I was denied the right to access the paper record that was the habeas corpus petition of Richard Fine, filed March 19 or 20, 2009, under the claim that it was shredded, less than 6 months than the day it was filed. My requests after that, to inspect and to copy any record of the shredding, remained unanswered at all...
- Please be particularly cautious if your case was referred to Magistrate Carla Woehrle. If that was the case, please let me know, it required a full lecture, too lengthy for this message. Suffice was to say that Deputy Clerk Chris Sawyer claimed his conduct was per orders from Woehrle.
- It was for the benefit of people like you that I wrote the Wikipedia entries, and particularly - posted a figure showing what an NEF in a U.S. District Court in California looked like, and what an RSA-encrypted digital signature looked like, and what it was about. Please make sure to review that short entry, which I hope to beef up shortly. If it did not appear clear, please let me know, so that I would improve the write-up, accordingly. Nothing like true fresh readers as reviewers.
- The minimum you ought to understand was that if you never received a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) with an RSA-encrypted digital signatures embedded in it, similar to the one I posted in the Wikipedia entry, you were the victim of a Kazinski Fraud at the U.S. District Court, Los Angeles, part of the Kazinski Culture prevalent in it.
- In my case, once I realized I was the victim of a Kazinski Fraud, I just abandoned the litigation at the U.S. District Court. That did not stop the court from continuing the sham court action for another half a year. If you found yourself under the same predicament, and figured out a better approach, please let me know.
- I would be gratfeful if you provided a case number, since I was particularly interested in looking into how that court handled any civil rights complaints against LA Superior Court judges.
Joe Zernik
A. Linked Records:
1) Richard Fine
2) Rampart FIPs
3) NEF (Notice of Electronic Filing)
1) Prof Posner
2) Various Law School faculty
3) USDOJ-IG Glenn A Fine, as an addendum to complaint against senior officers of the USDOJ, who provided alleged fraudulent responses to U.S. Congress in Aug/Sept 2008, and refused to provide equal protection for 10 millions LA county residents.
4) U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights
5) Basel Accords Committee
C. The Usual
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement
At 20:49 04/12/2009, Laura Lynn wrote:Mr. Roland,
My war is with LA Superior Court. But the DA's Judicial Systems Integrity Division, in the person of John Moulin, is completely useless in fighting corruption. So I turn to the FBI as much as possible. And I just filed a case in Federal Court. It is a Constitutional issue and therefore proper jurisdiction. But there are six other suits I could have filed instead. I chose my fight because it would not be in the state court. Even a simple small claims action in the State court is a waste of paper for me. I just pray the state does not influence the feds (and I demanded a jury, which may help also.)
Laura Lynn
--- On Fri, 12/4/09, Jon Rolandwrote:
- From: Jon Roland
- Subject: Re: Kozinski Fraud - and Kozinski Culture were the true problems - seeing no wrong and no offense in perpetrating the routine fraud in the courts
- To: "joseph zernik"
- Cc:
- Date: Friday, December 4, 2009, 8:06 PM
- Zernik, I don't find much if any sense in your messages. If your pleadings are like your messages I find that:
- (1) With you defending him, Richard Fine doesn't need more enemies; and
- (2) It is no wonder you aren't getting relief from the Ninth Circuit, and Kozinski probably has nothing personal to do with that.
- It is insane to be inventing all kinds of stuff like "Kozinski frauds" and a "Kozinski culture" that have little or nothing to do with Alex Kozinski.
- I see no evidence that you have established a proper cause of action in federal court. This is a state matter, and a political case there. The remedy is political. The people of California need to clean up their own courts without running off the the feds whenever things get too tough.
- Can we get some sane adults on this job?
-- Jon- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Constitution Society 2900 W Anderson Ln C-200-322, Austin, TX 78757
- 512/299-5001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
09-12-05 Kozinski Fraud and Kozinski Culture were the true problems - The solution? It's the comptuers, %&$#$@!

Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2009 08:12:43 -0800
To: "Bonnie Russell" , "Laura Lynn"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Re: Kozinski Fraud - and Kozinski Culture were the true problems - The solution? IT'S THE COMPUTERS, %&$#$@!
Hi Bonnie, Hi Laura Lynn, hi all:
My background was primarily in science, so I could surely see all the deficiencies Bonnie sees in web sites where anybody could rate judges, or enter opinions substantiated or not, and anecdotal episodes.
In support of feedback web sites:
However, I can also see why Laura Lynn sees in them an important instrument. These sites are the counter measure against the deviant culture now prevailing in the courts and elsewhere - that judges are entitled to be corrupt, and also entitled to have it never talked about.
A subset of this culture are the various perversions, of processes and procedures ranging from complaints of judicial corruptions all the way to caption designations in courts of appeals.
What sense could it ever make to participate in a procedure where you are not allowed to name the offender?
It is a violation of due process off the bat... Rules of Court must dictate the procedure for designating captions. Period. But attorneys accept the current conditions as a dogma, possibly the outcome of some revelation...
These site are important psychologically - in breaking such barriers.
However, when it comes to scientific, verifiable, fully quantitative measurement of corruption:
I proposed the definitive project to the Office of Attorney General Michael Mukasey about a year and a half ago. No response was received whatsoever, Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Diane Watson followed up with Congressional Inquiries. The proposal was apparently scary enough that it prompted alleged fraudulent, derogatory responses by Kenneth Kaiser (Assistant Director, FBI), and Kenneth Melson (Director, Office of U.S. Atty General).
My request was never presented as addressing directly the corruption issue. It was simply a request for Equal Protection - enforcement of Nixon v Warner Communications, Inc (1978) in LA County.
I believe that we are rather unique in LA County - for about a decade the court denied access to registers of actions (California dockets), including denial of access to parties and counsel in litigations, both civil and criminal. Likewise, access was also denied to Calendar of the Courts, Index of All Cases, and Index of Judgments. It was and is a serious abuse of Human, Civil, and Constitutional Rights of all 10 millions who reside in LA County.
The data is all computerized. I proposed that a Special Counsel, with limited scope of mission and limited time for his tenure, could restore public access, at least on court locations, almost overnight. However, I cautioned, that FBI must no be involved. It had to be accomplished using units of the Treasury Dept, who were trained in capturing computers of failing banks.
I could guarantee, the once access was allowed, if I were provided a team of 10 smart programmers, and minimal budget, we could compose an index, reliable, reproducible, and validated, and rank all 425 or 450 judges (whatever the number is) of the Los Angeles Superior Court on such Corruption Index within 60 days. No 200 investigators and 2-years with no final report... 60 days! The output would be a list of all judges, with their ranks on the Index, with easy reference to the makeup of the index, and the specific data that led to the ranking of each judge.
Such data should of course be later reviewed by others, independent reviewers, and amended as deemed necessary, and actions could be taken based on such data with minimal delays.
It's all there, and that was exactly why access was denied...
And that was also the reason that senior officers of the U.S. Dept of Justice found it necessary to make up fraudulent derogatory responses to U.S. congress, to justify their denial of equal protection.
That's the beauty of the Kozinski Frauds, which are the most common abuse of justice in the U.S. today;
To paraphrase the War Room battle cry: It's the computers, %&$#$@!
Joe Zernik
P.S. The same could also be of course applied in each and every U.S. Distinct court and each and every court of appeals, with minimal effort and maximal impact - the most bang for the buck!- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1) Prof Posner
2) Various Law School faculty
3) USDOJ-IG Glenn A Fine, as an addendum to complaint against senior officers of the USDOJ, who provided alleged fraudulent responses to U.S. Congress in Aug/Sept 2008, and refused to provide equal protection for 10 millions LA county residents.
4) U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights
5) Basel Accords Committee
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
At 23:07 04/12/2009, Bonnie Russell wrote:And you get what you pay for. The problem with "free" is content is verification, and what's missing. No case numbers, no "experts" or opposing counsel. Not knocking it per se, but seriously. Free sites are - more blathering. So you get what you pay for. Also, reporters find stuff more credible if someone puts their money where their mouth is. It's just the way it is. Not saying it's a total a bust, but seriously, if nothing is verifiable...what's the point?
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: Laura Lynn
- To:
- Cc:
- Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 10:25 PM
- Subject: Re: Kozinski Fraud - and Kozinski Culture were the true problems - seeing no wrong and no offense in perpetrating the routine fraud in the courts
- Or rate judges on for free.
- --- On Fri, 12/4/09, Bonnie Russell <> wrote:
- From: Bonnie Russell <>
- Subject: Re: Kozinski Fraud - and Kozinski Culture were the true problems - seeing no wrong and no offense in perpetrating the routine fraud in the courts
- To:
- Cc:
- Date: Friday, December 4, 2009, 9:18 PM
- You nailed it, Jon. Exactly why exists. Make a report, make a difference. Enough reports, reporters get interested and boom; another Luzerne County.
- However Jon, most people prefer to spend their time railing against the system, or authoring reams of papers proving how "right" they are, than act.
- It's really kind of strange.
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: Jon Roland
- To: Laura Lynn
- Cc:
- Sent:
- Friday, December 04, 2009 8:55 PM
- Subject: Re: Kozinski Fraud - and Kozinski Culture were the true problems - seeing no wrong and no offense in perpetrating the routine fraud in the courts
- A Lawyer’s View of the Justice System, Joseph H. Delaney, July/August, 1999, issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Vol. CXVIX No. 7 & 8 ”... the proportion of judges who are dishonest, who are on the take, who harbor prejudices against parties or counsel, is far greater than the lay public realizes. ... Corruption is rampant in courts at every level throughout the country. It is equally rampant among prosecutors and law enforcement people. ... The primary corrupting influence is the drug business. ... the dope interests own contemporary justice. ... There is no greater shock than to find that even with both law and the facts in your favor your constitutional rights are worthless because you can’t get the crooked regime to enforce them.”
- If you don't want corrupt officials, stop voting for them. it's easy to spot them. They're the ones who get campaign donations. Only candidates without money should ever be voted for.
-- Jon- -------------------------------------------------------------------Constitution Society 2900 W Anderson Ln C-200-322, Austin, TX 78757
- 512/299-5001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
09-12-05 Requesting addition of correspondence to Dec 7, 2009 La Verne City Council meeting.
Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2009 01:24:40 -0800
To: Evelyn Clark
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Additional materials for La Verne City Council meeting on Monday, December 7, 2009
Cc: "Scott Pickwith"
Evelyn Clark, Clerk
City of La Verne
County of Los Angeles, California
RE: Additional materials for La Verne City Council meeting on Monday, December 7, 2009
Please accept the attached four page record of email exchange with La Verne Police Department Chief Pickwith, as addition to materials I already filed for the City Council meeting on Monday, December 7, 2007 (copied below for recipients who do not accept attachments).
The text in such exchange was left unchanged, but the my electronic signatures in email correspondence, which relied on passwords for email accounts, equivalent of digital signatures, were replaced here with graphic signatures, and a digital signature was added at the upper right corner of the face page.
In case you were unable to produce sufficient copies, please let me know how many copies I should bring with me to the meeting.
In case any further response was received from Chief Pickwith, I would do my best to produce copies of such response, if it would be received in a timely manner.
Thanks again for your help,
Dated: December 5, 2009
Los Angeles County, California____/s/ Joseph H Zernik____ J OSEPH H ZERNIKPO Box 526, La Verne, California 91750
Glenn A Fine, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice
As an addendum to complaint of widespread corruption of the justice system of Los Angeles County, California,
and refusal of senior FBI and U.S. Dept of Justice officers to provide Equal Protection in Los Angeles County, providing instead fraudulent responses to inquiries by U.S. Congress in August/September 2008.
Linked Records:
1) The complete record could be viewed at:
09-12-05 Welcome Japan and the Islamic Republic of Iran!
Please feel free to leave comments. An anonymous option was provided.
It would be of particular interest to hear about efforts and ways that courts were secured against corruption in your counties, and which of the measures appeared effective. In particular, I was interested to hear to what degree the various countries respected the right to access court records - to inspect and to copy. Such right was known in English speaking countries as the common law right to access court records - to inspect and to copy. It provided that any person could go to court anytime, during business hours, and request to inspect the court files, his/hers, or others'. I believe this concept, which emerged not long after the end of the middle ages, is quintessential and irreplaceable, whether in its paper or its digital form.
However, experience showed, that digital records were more tricky, the courts found ways to conceal records in the transition from paper to digital court administration.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Joe Zernik
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