DAVID PASTERNAK (former President), SANDOR SAMUELS (President/CEO), TERRY FRIEDMAN (former Executive Director) – Jewish racketeers of BET TZEDEK (the "House of Justice"), an affiliate of the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION
Request for clarification was received today from Mr Tom Carter, CPA, regarding my publications, pertaining to racketeering by Sandor Samuels and others in Bet-Tzedek - "The Los Angeles House of Justice".
Below are my response and the original request.
July 11, 2015
Thomas D. Carter, CPA
By email: tom@cpaadvocate.net
RE: Evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek - "The Los Angeles House of Justice" - an affiliate of the Greater Los Angeles Jewish Federation
Dear Mr Carter,
Thank you for your email note, copied below, and for your interest in this important matter.
I summarized some of the information for the general readership in the articles, linked below. The articles, in turn, include links to key records. Upon request I could provide an entire archive...
Such records were also part of the Human Rights Alert (NGO) [HRA] submission for the first ever Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States by the UN Human Rights Council [HRC].
The submission focused on corruption of the LA County justice system and refusal of California as well as US federal agencies to take action. The HRA submission was incorporated by reference into the UN HRC Professional Staff Report (2010) with the note: "Corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
Included in the submission were, for example, records of Congressional Inquiries by Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Diane Watson on my behalf on US Attorney General and FBI Director: Why FBI and US DOJ would not respond on my requests for investigation of racketeering by California judges in Los Angeles County...
The story of Mr Samuels' conduct at Bet Tzedek is of course part of the bigger story of the criminality, underlying the financial crisis, and the "Too big to fail, too big to jail" policy of the US DOJ...
Part of what makes my research and reports unique:
Following the October 2014 appointment of Attorney Jessie Kornberg President and CEO of Bet Tzedek, I filed with her a request for compensation, documented in [1], below. No response whatsoever has been received to this date. And the fact that ADL has for years refused to respond on requests for comment on the indisputable evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek - an affiliate of the Greater Los Angels Jewish Federation - and one of the most visible Jewish organizations in LA, speaks volumes for itself...
Finally, as a former member of the Los Angeles Jewish community, and at times a volunteer for the Greater Los Angeles Jewish Federation, I find the entire matter despicable, to say the least...
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
I would still appreciate a response from Attorney Kornberg on my December 2014 request for compensation by Bet Tzedek.
Mr Sandor Samuels
Jessie Kornberg, Bet Tzedek President and CEO
Alison Mayersohn, Senior Associate Director, ADL’s Pacific Southwest Region
LA City and LA County officials
Rabbis in LA and beyond
Legal professionals
[1] 12/23/2014 Los Angeles, the Jewish community, the legal profession, and the financial crisis, by Joseph Zernik
[2] 5/20/2014 ADL refuses to address evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek - the Los Angeles "House of Justice", by Joseph Zernik
[3] 12/18/2013 Human Rights Alert: Alejandro Mayorkas - key figure in the Rampart Scandal (1998-2000) - is up for Number 2 at DHS! by Joseph Zernik
On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 6:48 AM, Thomas D. Carter, CPA <tom@cpaadvocate.net> wrote:
Sanford Samuels:
Any truth to this?
If no, please call me at 1.818.521.0072.
From: Thomas D. Carter, CPA [mailto:tom@cpaadvocate.net]
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 8:41 PM
To: Gary Lewis (glewis@honestreporting.com); Gary Lewis (glewis@aish.com)
Cc: 'Mike Feuer'; 'Tamar Galatzan (tamar.galatzan@lacity.org)'; 'John M. Isen (jisen@sbcglobal.net)'; '123456xyz@gmail.com'; 'councilmember.koretz@lacity.org'; 'steve.zimmer@lausd.net'
Subject: The truth is asked for
Rabbi Gershon Lewis:
Any truth to this article as to Sandor Samuels?
Thursday, May 15, 2014
2014-05-15 Urging Rabbi Laura Owens to dissociate herself from Bet Tzedek - a Los Angeles Jewish racket headed by Sandor Samuels
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 2:28 PM, JZ <123456xyz@gmail.com> wrote:
May 15, 2014
Rabbi Laura Owens
B'nai Horin: Children of Freedom Synagogue
Los Angeles
RE: Urging Rabbi Laura Owens to dissociate herself from Bet Tzedek - a Los Angeles Jewish racket headed by Sandor Samuels
Dear Rabbi Owens:
In view of the commercial in which you are featured, copied below, and the press release, also copied below, I urge you to dissociate yourself from Bet Tzedek and its President Sandor Samuels.
Bet Tzedek is nothing less than a Jewish racket, headed by Sandor Samuels, one of the architects of the epidemic of mortgage and foreclosure fraud, and corruption of the state and US courts from coast to coast.
The fact that Sandor Samuels likes to find cover under the mantle of Jewish charity and in particular holocaust survivors, is a cynical ploy. But the fact that the Los Angeles Jewish and legal community continue to provide his such cover is inexcusable.
In case you are interested, I would be happy to provide you full documentary evidence of racketeering by Sandor Samuels, even from his office in Bet Tzedek, and legal opinions of his conduct in the courts from coast to coast.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel."
Rabbis throughout the US and beyond
Legal professionals throughout the US and beyond
BLOG: http://inproperinla.blogspot.co.il/2014/05/2014-05-15-urging-rabbi-laura-owens-to.html
SCRIBD: http://www.scribd.com/doc/224298520/
2014-03-05 Bet Tzedek ("House of Justice") - Los Angeles Jewish crime organization!
The charade goes on - SANDOR SAMUELS, one of the key figures in criminality that underlies the financial crisis, appears as the “President and CEO” of BET TZEDEK (“The House of Justice”), an affiliate of the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION. The evidence shows him engaging in racketeering even in his capacity of President of BET TZEDEK. Both BET TZEDEK and the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION refuse to address the matter. ADL – of "justice and fair treatment for all" – remains mum, when it comes to one of the best documented Jewish rackets. There is no way of telling how many lives have been ruined for the greed of SANDOR SAMUELS, DAVID PASTERNAK and TERRY FRIEDMAN.

DAVID PASTERNAK (former President), SANDOR SAMUELS (President/CEO), TERRY FRIEDMAN (former Executive Director) – Jewish racketeers of BET TZEDEK (the "House of Justice"), an affiliate of the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION
view on blog:
View video: Streamlining Mortgage and Foreclosure Fraud, or How Sandor Samuels became Mr Jewish Justice...
https://vimeo.com/40712077 http://www.myspace.com/video/rid/111196214
OccupyTLV, March 05 – The charade goes on - SANDOR SAMUELS, one of the key figures in the criminality that underlies the financial crisis, appears as the “President and CEO” of BET TZEDEK (“The House of Justice”), an affiliate of the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION.
In Bet Tzedek's most recent gala production, "Attorney to the stars casts lawyers as defenders of justice". [1] Nothing could be further from the truth, when it comes to Bet Tzedek!
SAMUELS and BET TZEDEK are bound to be remembered as the Scarlet Letter of the Los Angeles Jewish Community.
The LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION and BET TZEDEK have been repeatedly requested, since 2007, to initiate corrective actions. [vi] Both have consistently refused to respond.
In the meanwhile, SANDOR SAMUELS continues to serve on the boards of other Los Angeles Jewish institutions as well:
Releases, pertaining to corruption in BET TZEDEK and the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION were copied to the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL), to BET TZEDEK, and the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION with requests for comments. No comments have been returned so far. [viii]
[i] 14-04-05 Celebrity Attorney Bruce Ramer Feted by Bet Tzedek_Variety
10-06-11 Call for Accountability by the Jewish Community for Rampant Fraud at Los Angeles Superior Court
10-10-05 The Los Angeles Jewish legal community again asked to assume accountability for conduct of Bet Tzedek “The House of Justice”
10-10-11 Holly Fujie and Bet Tzedek the Los Angeles Jewish Legal Community Again Asked to Assume Accountability for Conduct of Bet Tzedek The House of Justice
11-03-17 No shame left in the Los Angeles Jewish Community; Countrywide’s Sandor Samuels is again President of Bet Tzedek - “The House of Justice”
11-06-06 PRESS RELEASE: Bet Tzedek – the Los Angeles “House of Justice” - a Jewish Justice Celebration!
[ii] 08-01-08 Case of Borrower Hills (01-22574) - in the US Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Countrywide's Three "Recreated Letters" and a Transcript
[iii] 08-03-05 Case of Borrower William Parsley (05-90374), Dkt #248: Judge Jeff Bohm's Memorandum Opinion, rebuking Countrywide's litigation practices, Countrywide's false outside counsel scheme - appearances by counsel who are not Counsel of Record, with "no communications with clients" clause:
[iv] 10-05-05 Countrywide, Bank of America [NYSE;BAC], and its President Brian Moynihan Compilation of Records Evidence of Racketeering
10-05-05 Chairs of US Congress Committees of the Judiciary and Banking Are Requested to Join Senator Feinstein's Inquiries on Comptroller of the Currency
10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office Los Angeles Against Moynihan Bank of America [NYSE:BAC] Bryan Cave LLP Alleging Racketeering
10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office, Los Angeles, Against Brian Moynihan, Bank of America [NYSE:BAC], Bryan Cave LLP, Alleging Racketeering and Large Scale Financial Institution Fraud
[v] 10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report, with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
[vi] See [i], above.
[vii] 11-08-08 PRESS RELEASE: Fraud and Corruption in the US Courts are Tightly Linked to Failing Banking Regulation and the Global Economic Crisis – presentation in the 16th World Criminology Congress, Japan
[viii] 11-05-05 PRESS RELEASE: Anti Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman is asked to opine on allegations of Public Corruption, Racketeering in the Los Angeles Jewish/Legal Community
[ix] 11-07-04 Joseph Zernik,PhD, Biographical Sketch
[x] 12-05-02 Dydzak v. Dunn et al (30-2012-00558031) in the California Superior Court, County of Orange - First Amended Complaint
Thomas D. Carter, CPA
By email: tom@cpaadvocate.net
RE: Evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek - "The Los Angeles House of Justice" - an affiliate of the Greater Los Angeles Jewish Federation
Dear Mr Carter,
Thank you for your email note, copied below, and for your interest in this important matter.
I summarized some of the information for the general readership in the articles, linked below. The articles, in turn, include links to key records. Upon request I could provide an entire archive...
Such records were also part of the Human Rights Alert (NGO) [HRA] submission for the first ever Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States by the UN Human Rights Council [HRC].
The submission focused on corruption of the LA County justice system and refusal of California as well as US federal agencies to take action. The HRA submission was incorporated by reference into the UN HRC Professional Staff Report (2010) with the note: "Corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
Included in the submission were, for example, records of Congressional Inquiries by Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Diane Watson on my behalf on US Attorney General and FBI Director: Why FBI and US DOJ would not respond on my requests for investigation of racketeering by California judges in Los Angeles County...
The story of Mr Samuels' conduct at Bet Tzedek is of course part of the bigger story of the criminality, underlying the financial crisis, and the "Too big to fail, too big to jail" policy of the US DOJ...
Part of what makes my research and reports unique:
- Abundant indisputable documentary evidence of criminality in Countrywide Financial Corporation (particularly in its Legal Department, headed by Mr Sandor Samuels) already in 2004, and indisputable evidence of the infusion of such criminality into Bank of America Legal Department, following the collapse of Countrywide in 2008, and Mr Samuels' appointment as Associate General Counsel of BofA;
- Abundant indisputable documentary evidence of racketeering by judges of the LA Superior Court in real estate matters already in 1998, and
- Documentary evidence of the tight links between racketeering by LA Superior Court judges in civil matters, such as real estate, and racketeering by LA Superior Court judges in criminal matters, such as in the Rampart Scandal reports, through key figures, e.g., then California Judge Jacqueline Connor.
Following the October 2014 appointment of Attorney Jessie Kornberg President and CEO of Bet Tzedek, I filed with her a request for compensation, documented in [1], below. No response whatsoever has been received to this date. And the fact that ADL has for years refused to respond on requests for comment on the indisputable evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek - an affiliate of the Greater Los Angels Jewish Federation - and one of the most visible Jewish organizations in LA, speaks volumes for itself...
Finally, as a former member of the Los Angeles Jewish community, and at times a volunteer for the Greater Los Angeles Jewish Federation, I find the entire matter despicable, to say the least...
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
I would still appreciate a response from Attorney Kornberg on my December 2014 request for compensation by Bet Tzedek.
Mr Sandor Samuels
Jessie Kornberg, Bet Tzedek President and CEO
Alison Mayersohn, Senior Associate Director, ADL’s Pacific Southwest Region
LA City and LA County officials
Rabbis in LA and beyond
Legal professionals
[1] 12/23/2014 Los Angeles, the Jewish community, the legal profession, and the financial crisis, by Joseph Zernik
[2] 5/20/2014 ADL refuses to address evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek - the Los Angeles "House of Justice", by Joseph Zernik
[3] 12/18/2013 Human Rights Alert: Alejandro Mayorkas - key figure in the Rampart Scandal (1998-2000) - is up for Number 2 at DHS! by Joseph Zernik
On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 6:48 AM, Thomas D. Carter, CPA <tom@cpaadvocate.net> wrote:
Sanford Samuels:
Any truth to this?
If no, please call me at 1.818.521.0072.
From: Thomas D. Carter, CPA [mailto:tom@cpaadvocate.net]
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 8:41 PM
To: Gary Lewis (glewis@honestreporting.com); Gary Lewis (glewis@aish.com)
Cc: 'Mike Feuer'; 'Tamar Galatzan (tamar.galatzan@lacity.org)'; 'John M. Isen (jisen@sbcglobal.net)'; '123456xyz@gmail.com'; 'councilmember.koretz@lacity.org'; 'steve.zimmer@lausd.net'
Subject: The truth is asked for
Rabbi Gershon Lewis:
Any truth to this article as to Sandor Samuels?
Thursday, May 15, 2014
2014-05-15 Urging Rabbi Laura Owens to dissociate herself from Bet Tzedek - a Los Angeles Jewish racket headed by Sandor Samuels
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 2:28 PM, JZ <123456xyz@gmail.com> wrote:
May 15, 2014
Rabbi Laura Owens
B'nai Horin: Children of Freedom Synagogue
Los Angeles
RE: Urging Rabbi Laura Owens to dissociate herself from Bet Tzedek - a Los Angeles Jewish racket headed by Sandor Samuels
Dear Rabbi Owens:
In view of the commercial in which you are featured, copied below, and the press release, also copied below, I urge you to dissociate yourself from Bet Tzedek and its President Sandor Samuels.
Bet Tzedek is nothing less than a Jewish racket, headed by Sandor Samuels, one of the architects of the epidemic of mortgage and foreclosure fraud, and corruption of the state and US courts from coast to coast.
The fact that Sandor Samuels likes to find cover under the mantle of Jewish charity and in particular holocaust survivors, is a cynical ploy. But the fact that the Los Angeles Jewish and legal community continue to provide his such cover is inexcusable.
In case you are interested, I would be happy to provide you full documentary evidence of racketeering by Sandor Samuels, even from his office in Bet Tzedek, and legal opinions of his conduct in the courts from coast to coast.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel."
Rabbis throughout the US and beyond
Legal professionals throughout the US and beyond
BLOG: http://inproperinla.blogspot.co.il/2014/05/2014-05-15-urging-rabbi-laura-owens-to.html
SCRIBD: http://www.scribd.com/doc/224298520/
2014-03-05 Bet Tzedek ("House of Justice") - Los Angeles Jewish crime organization!
The charade goes on - SANDOR SAMUELS, one of the key figures in criminality that underlies the financial crisis, appears as the “President and CEO” of BET TZEDEK (“The House of Justice”), an affiliate of the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION. The evidence shows him engaging in racketeering even in his capacity of President of BET TZEDEK. Both BET TZEDEK and the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION refuse to address the matter. ADL – of "justice and fair treatment for all" – remains mum, when it comes to one of the best documented Jewish rackets. There is no way of telling how many lives have been ruined for the greed of SANDOR SAMUELS, DAVID PASTERNAK and TERRY FRIEDMAN.
DAVID PASTERNAK (former President), SANDOR SAMUELS (President/CEO), TERRY FRIEDMAN (former Executive Director) – Jewish racketeers of BET TZEDEK (the "House of Justice"), an affiliate of the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION
view on blog:
View video: Streamlining Mortgage and Foreclosure Fraud, or How Sandor Samuels became Mr Jewish Justice...
https://vimeo.com/40712077 http://www.myspace.com/video/rid/111196214
Attachments area
OccupyTLV, March 05 – The charade goes on - SANDOR SAMUELS, one of the key figures in the criminality that underlies the financial crisis, appears as the “President and CEO” of BET TZEDEK (“The House of Justice”), an affiliate of the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION.
In Bet Tzedek's most recent gala production, "Attorney to the stars casts lawyers as defenders of justice". [1] Nothing could be further from the truth, when it comes to Bet Tzedek!
SAMUELS and BET TZEDEK are bound to be remembered as the Scarlet Letter of the Los Angeles Jewish Community.
- Starting at least in the early 2000s - key figure in establishing corrupt organization practices in Countrywide, with an unprecedented fraud on the US tax payer, on shareholders, and on homeowners nationwide;
- Starting in the early 2000s – key figure in corruption of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles and the US District Court, Central District of California;
- Starting March 2007 – central figure in conduct amounting to racketeering in the Los Angeles Superior Court, on the grounds of BET TZEDEK, as President of BET TZEDEK; [i]
- In January 2008 – directly responsible for the collapse of COUNTRYWIDE, following the publication of news of fraud through the filing of “Recreated Letters” as evidence in the US Bankruptcy Court in PA by COUNTRYWIDE’s attorneys. [ii]
- In March 2008 – directly responsible for the fraud in the US District Court, TX by attorneys for COUNTRYWIDE, and theMemorandum Opinionby the Hon Judge Jeff Bohm, which reads as a catalog of fraud methods by COUNTRYWIDE in courts throughout the United States. [iii]
- Starting July 2008 – directly responsible for establishing the same conduct in BANK OF AMERICA. [iv]
- 2010 – key figure in Human Rights Alert’s report, which was incorporated into the United Nations Human Rights Council Staff Report, with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California”. [v]
The LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION and BET TZEDEK have been repeatedly requested, since 2007, to initiate corrective actions. [vi] Both have consistently refused to respond.
In the meanwhile, SANDOR SAMUELS continues to serve on the boards of other Los Angeles Jewish institutions as well:
Releases, pertaining to corruption in BET TZEDEK and the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION were copied to the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL), to BET TZEDEK, and the LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION with requests for comments. No comments have been returned so far. [viii]
[i] 14-04-05 Celebrity Attorney Bruce Ramer Feted by Bet Tzedek_Variety
10-06-11 Call for Accountability by the Jewish Community for Rampant Fraud at Los Angeles Superior Court
10-10-05 The Los Angeles Jewish legal community again asked to assume accountability for conduct of Bet Tzedek “The House of Justice”
10-10-11 Holly Fujie and Bet Tzedek the Los Angeles Jewish Legal Community Again Asked to Assume Accountability for Conduct of Bet Tzedek The House of Justice
11-03-17 No shame left in the Los Angeles Jewish Community; Countrywide’s Sandor Samuels is again President of Bet Tzedek - “The House of Justice”
11-06-06 PRESS RELEASE: Bet Tzedek – the Los Angeles “House of Justice” - a Jewish Justice Celebration!
[ii] 08-01-08 Case of Borrower Hills (01-22574) - in the US Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Countrywide's Three "Recreated Letters" and a Transcript
[iii] 08-03-05 Case of Borrower William Parsley (05-90374), Dkt #248: Judge Jeff Bohm's Memorandum Opinion, rebuking Countrywide's litigation practices, Countrywide's false outside counsel scheme - appearances by counsel who are not Counsel of Record, with "no communications with clients" clause:
[iv] 10-05-05 Countrywide, Bank of America [NYSE;BAC], and its President Brian Moynihan Compilation of Records Evidence of Racketeering
10-05-05 Chairs of US Congress Committees of the Judiciary and Banking Are Requested to Join Senator Feinstein's Inquiries on Comptroller of the Currency
10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office Los Angeles Against Moynihan Bank of America [NYSE:BAC] Bryan Cave LLP Alleging Racketeering
10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office, Los Angeles, Against Brian Moynihan, Bank of America [NYSE:BAC], Bryan Cave LLP, Alleging Racketeering and Large Scale Financial Institution Fraud
[v] 10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report, with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
[vi] See [i], above.
[vii] 11-08-08 PRESS RELEASE: Fraud and Corruption in the US Courts are Tightly Linked to Failing Banking Regulation and the Global Economic Crisis – presentation in the 16th World Criminology Congress, Japan
[viii] 11-05-05 PRESS RELEASE: Anti Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman is asked to opine on allegations of Public Corruption, Racketeering in the Los Angeles Jewish/Legal Community
[ix] 11-07-04 Joseph Zernik,PhD, Biographical Sketch
[x] 12-05-02 Dydzak v. Dunn et al (30-2012-00558031) in the California Superior Court, County of Orange - First Amended Complaint