Tuesday, April 9, 2013

13-04-10 Hello World!

10/4 @ 02:14 : Sherman Oaks, California, US
10/4 @ 02:06 : Los Angeles, California, US
10/4 @ 01:42 : Brazil, BR
10/4 @ 00:58 : Ottawa, CA
10/4 @ 00:50 : Mountain View, California, US
10/4 @ 00:39 : Redmond, Washington, US
9/4 @ 23:16 : San Jose, California, US
9/4 @ 21:36 : Paris, FR
9/4 @ 21:17 : Israel, IL
9/4 @ 20:32 : Long Beach, California, US

13-04-09 America Officially Dickensian, Jailing People for Years for Unpaid Debt

Debtors' Prisons were common in Engliand and in the US up to the 19th century. Charles Dickens criticized the practice in his book Little Dorrit. By the 20th century, the notion of jailing people, who cannot pay their debts, was considered backwards, bordering on the absurd. Now, they are back in fashion in the US... Another sign of our times...
Kathleen Geier, The Washington Monthly
The corpse of Charles Dickens must be spinning like a whirling dervish.