Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Monday, October 6, 2014
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is dmonsrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is dmonsrating? and why?
Attempts by Western media to portray the demosntrations as asking for "Western" style democracy are deliberately misleading.
The Occupy Central movement of Hong Kong, which organized the demonstrations, is very close in spirit, methods, goals, to the Occupy movement in the US and elsewhere!!!
Attempts by Western media to portray the demosntrations as asking for "Western" style democracy are deliberately misleading.
The Occupy Central movement of Hong Kong, which organized the demonstrations, is very close in spirit, methods, goals, to the Occupy movement in the US and elsewhere!!!
הם חוסמים צירים מרכזיים, מאורגנים עם ציוד, מזון ומשמרות, ומתמודדים עם אלימות משטרתית. כועסים על מצוקת הדיור, ובעיקר על המושל השנוא שדואג רק...
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
Occupy Central supporters protect their tent against "Blue" thugs.
Occupy Central supporters protect their tent against "Blue" thugs.
2014-10-05 הונג-קונג: שומרים על האוהל
ההפגנות שאורגנו על ידי קבוצת "המאהל המרכזי" כללו גם הקמת אוהלים.
ההפגנות שאורגנו על ידי קבוצת "המאהל המרכזי" כללו גם הקמת אוהלים.
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
Occupy Central supporters protect their protest tent.
Like other Occupy movements, they advocate Civil Disobedience!
Occupy Central supporters protect their protest tent.
Like other Occupy movements, they advocate Civil Disobedience!
2014-10-05 הונג-קונג: שומרים על האוהל
ההפגנות שאורגנו על ידי קבוצת "המאהל המרכזי" - הדוגלת בסרבנות אזרחית - כללו גם הקמת אוהלים. המפגינים מזדהים כ"צהובים", והביריונים של השלטון מזוהים כ"כחולים". כאן, הצהובים שומרים במעגל סביב אוהל נגד הכחולים.
ההפגנות שאורגנו על ידי קבוצת "המאהל המרכזי" - הדוגלת בסרבנות אזרחית - כללו גם הקמת אוהלים. המפגינים מזדהים כ"צהובים", והביריונים של השלטון מזוהים כ"כחולים". כאן, הצהובים שומרים במעגל סביב אוהל נגד הכחולים.
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
Occupy-style tents are one of the methods of the "Yellows", identified with the Occupy Central movement, protecting a tenst against "Blue" thugs,
Occupy-style tents are one of the methods of the "Yellows", identified with the Occupy Central movement, protecting a tenst against "Blue" thugs,
2 mins
2014-10-05 הונג-קונג: המגה
ההפגנות אורגנו על ידי קבוצת "המאהל המרכזי" - הדוגלת בסרבנות אזרחית.
2014-10-05 הונג-קונג: המגה
ההפגנות אורגנו על ידי קבוצת "המאהל המרכזי" - הדוגלת בסרבנות אזרחית.
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
In solidarity with the people of Argentina!
Against the corrupt conduct of the US and American banks in causing the collapse of the Argentinian economy, the second time in 15 years!
In solidarity with the people of Argentina!
Against the corrupt conduct of the US and American banks in causing the collapse of the Argentinian economy, the second time in 15 years!
In 2001, capital flight, currency devaluations, capitalism and other drugs fail, led South America's Argentina suffered a serious economic crisis, and in December of that year, across the town square, dominated by the angry crowd.
After the 2002 devaluation, thousands of businesses declared bankrupt crash, millions of Argentina was reduced to the people in the streets to pick up paper for a living. When politicians and banks can't get Argentina out of trouble when many of Argentina's people only by their ability to overcome the problem. Barter with the grassroots micro-credit schemes, as weapons to counter poverty, homelessness and unemployment.
Community organizations have emerged, providing assistance to communities across the country, food and support.
Among the many peoples ' self-help efforts, most praised the workers occupy the bankrupt company and abandoned factories, in a worker cooperative manner again, and managed to make its business recovery.
Text, see
Occupation, resistance, production: Argentina's worker cooperative (part one)
Occupation, resistance, production: Argentina's worker cooperative (part two) (Translated by Bing)
After the 2002 devaluation, thousands of businesses declared bankrupt crash, millions of Argentina was reduced to the people in the streets to pick up paper for a living. When politicians and banks can't get Argentina out of trouble when many of Argentina's people only by their ability to overcome the problem. Barter with the grassroots micro-credit schemes, as weapons to counter poverty, homelessness and unemployment.
Community organizations have emerged, providing assistance to communities across the country, food and support.
Among the many peoples ' self-help efforts, most praised the workers occupy the bankrupt company and abandoned factories, in a worker cooperative manner again, and managed to make its business recovery.
Text, see
Occupation, resistance, production: Argentina's worker cooperative (part one)
Occupation, resistance, production: Argentina's worker cooperative (part two) https://
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
Against control of the people by the banks!
Against control of the people by the banks!
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
In solidarity with the demonsrtrators in Turkey!
In solidarity with the demonsrtrators in Turkey!

德昌里2號3號舖 wrote a new note: 憤怒在公園裡團聚﹣記土耳其終於來臨的起義.

2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
In soliarity with Brazilians, oppressed by the exorbitant cost of living!
In soliarity with Brazilians, oppressed by the exorbitant cost of living!
巴西的公車費漲價事件的抗議行動現在聖保羅、里约热内卢,阿雷格里港,戈亚尼亚,阿拉卡茹和纳塔尔四處如火如荼的開展。許多年輕人走上街頭,但其中也不乏勞動階級和那些靠著社會福利生活的人們,全部人的人都團結起來抵抗這個超收的公車費新制,生活已經夠苦了,還要雪上加霜嘛!或許妳們不相信,但是這個調漲的費用將會使得許多人的生活水平再往下掉一格。 巴西的資本階級還有她們工黨的盟友們這下在這個節骨眼還堅稱巴西...
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
Against predatory capitalism, against the banks!
Advocating Civil Disobedience, Direct Action!
Against predatory capitalism, against the banks!
Advocating Civil Disobedience, Direct Action!
在香港國際貨櫃碼頭的工潮中,我們聽到工友們多年來沉默地、被動地承受著的痛苦和辛酸;同時亦讓我們赤裸裸地看見,自己每日的消費、無可避免地身處其中的資本運作,正是建築於無數的血汗之上。我們旁觀著工友的辛酸,就正如我們同樣沉默地、被動地每日上班、加班、隨時on call,看著物價飛漲、租金電費車費不斷上升,市場的「無形之手」永不止息地一邊向我們施壓,一邊抑制我們的憤怒。在資本運作的仔細分工之下,有人負責思考、有人負責行動、有人負責講話,而工人就只是勞動力、生產力統計報告中的一堆數字,一堆待價而沽、保持金融中心永恆轉動的機器,而不再是會反省、想像、創造的主體。簡單來說,就是:唔當你係人。罷工是一個「直接行動」,向這種資本運作摑了一巴,但這一巴也同時摑向我們,像在質問:大家同受其欺,點解你地可以忍?
直接行動,建基於兩個前提:一是這個世界是可以被改變的,二是我們是可以共同去改變它。這個世界,不是由 他們 去決定,不是被分成叻人VS蠢人、能言善辯的代理人VS盲目的群眾。這個世界,是可以透過共同去反省、想像和創造,讓每個人都可以安身立命,自由地思考和選擇自己的位置。
在理論上,「直接行動」與「公民抗命」有一定分別。「公民抗命」的行動,是為了抗爭的目標及理由,拒絕服從不合理的規則或法律,以突顯法律或制度的不公義,並且準備去承擔其法律上的後果,透過「被捕」來呼召更多人正視問題。而「直接行動」則強調以自己的身體或行動,去阻止不公義的事發生,而非以「公眾關注」作為唯一主要的目標。(David Graeber,2009)
在外國,如阿根廷的工人,在工廠倒閉失業後,重新佔領工廠,以工人自治的合作社模式繼續生產,而且他們更進一步跳出工人的身分,去參與街坊委員會,把眼光放到社區 (如︰聘用在附近設立路障反對削減社會福利的失業工人、為建設社區中心和醫院捐出工廠生產的瓷磚瓦片等) 。
向 他們 的香港說,罷工吧!
— 葉蔭聰,《直接行動》,香港 : 進一步多媒體有限公司,2010
— David Graeber, "Direct Action: An Ethnography", AK Press, 2009
— IWW 勞工直接行動手冊:
— 行動者菜譜:
— 葉蔭聰,《直接行動》,香港 : 進一步多媒體有限公司,2010
— David Graeber, "Direct Action: An Ethnography", AK Press, 2009
— IWW 勞工直接行動手冊:
— 行動者菜譜:
Strike it, Hong Kong is it! --"Direct action" in small booklets in the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International container terminal, we hear the workmates, and passively suffer in silence over the years of pain and bitterness also was seen by our naked, their daily consumption, inevitably in which capital, is built on a myriad of sweat. We watched the workers of bitterness, just as we have the same daily hours and overtime, and passively, silently on call at any time, looking at prices, rental tariff fares rising, the market's "invisible hand" never fails to put pressure on us, and suppress our anger. Under the capital operation Division of carefully, one is responsible for thinking, one for operations, was responsible for speech, and workers is the labor, productivity statistics contained in the report of a bunch of numbers, a bunch of eternal rotation machines up for grabs, keep a financial centre, rather than begin to think, imagine, create. In simple terms, is this: well when you people.
Strikes were a "direct action" operation slap one bar to this capital, but this also was also a slap to us, like asking: are all affected by bullying, why can you endure? VS directly representative of direct action, is based on two premises: first, the world can be changed, and second, we can work together to change it. In this world, is not up to them to decide, not to be into smart VS stupid, articulate agents VS blind people.
In this world, be able to meditate, imagine and create together, so that everyone can settle down and to think freely and to choose their own locations.
Different theorist or action who for "directly action" are has different of defines, but probably are has a common points, is stressed "directly", does not rely on any representative, not needs "progress of" party to promoted, also don't again, Government to made reform, but everyone spontaneous to, in specific of life environment in the directly participation, hinder national and enterprise of operation, or attempts to established addition of mode. For example, your anger authorities intend to his alma mater of the century-old trees cut down, you own the Act, to be a "tree-hugging" or block roads and stop vehicles to cut down a tree, or jump on the large block of construction machinery engineering. You are not satisfied with the media distort your actions and goals, you should organize or join a small independent media, creating a website or print smaller publications. (Ye Yincong, 2010) in theory, civil disobedience, "direct action" and "civil disobedience" there is difference. "Civil disobedience" campaign, is to fight the objectives and reasons for refuse unreasonable rules or laws in order to highlight the injustice of legal or institutional, and prepared to take the legal consequences "through" arrest "to call more people to face up to the problem. "Direct action" stress your body or take action to stop injustice happened, rather than to "public concern" as the only major goals. (David Graeber,2009), in practice, they may have a large degree of overlap.
General directly action who, will first understanding legal Shang of views, prepared good site of records (as future may needed is Hall of evidence), clearly himself legal Shang of right (as conservative silent, and see lawyer, and call,, details can see "action who recipes" in the of "arrested who notes"); but also has minority directly action who, especially decided take more fierce of action Shi, will hidden identity, escape police hunt. Break through the system of direct action is often blocked the Government or big business channel, the police line, or into some proscribed areas. As workers and civil society groups, organized by illegal become legal action by different norms, then slowly become part of construction and capital operation.
Change, can no longer rely on the vassal of the establishment, so often direct action to interrupt the operation of society as policies, stressed participants depart from their system's diversion, as well as its autonomy.
Through sit-ins, block roads and blocked road or otherwise, blocking roads or entrances, aims to suspend the operation of society/production/capital flows, so Government, business, and all affected, or in front of the cameras of people, stop thinking and to address the issue. In recent years, many people began to March only in the "expressing opinions" petition, unable to produce the political results, aggrieved and want to try a more direct way, causing the community to face up to the problem.
Two thousand nine-tenths against high-speed rail movement, demonstrators surrounded the legislature tried to prevent officials and members of the Conservatives blocked the road to leave; opposed the budget of March 6, 2011 March police arrested 113 people blocking demonstrators; and 64, 71, after new year's Day Parade, block roads and "blocked road", went on stage.
Occupation of the occupation is to regain the right to use a space, stop operation of the open space of the imagination, even determine space use by the participants. In 1979, Yau Ma Tei boat people fighting for land resettlement. In the same year during a typhoon families occupied the barracks Chatham battalion lived for two weeks. Six-sevenths in the campaign to defend the Star/Queen's Pier, "local action" launched into action, containment, occupied by, or even into the Queen's Pier for more than three months.
2011 "occupation of the Central" in the underground headquarters of HSBC for more than ten months, privately managed public channel "is in the public domain".
In foreign, as Argentina of workers, in factory collapsed unemployment Hou, again occupation factory, to workers autonomy of cooperatives mode continues to production, and they further jumped out of workers of identity, to participation neighborhood Committee, put vision put to Community (as: hired in near established roadblocks against cuts social welfare of unemployment workers, and for construction community center and hospital donated out factory production of tiles tiles,). Labour direct action in direct action in general political issues likely to influence the Government's policy and policy implementation, such as, people began to benefit from the policy. And the direct action of the workers is on the boss take the fruits of labor, ready to weave, including strikes and work-to-rule, others slow down production of gamesmanship, even destruction machines or tools, and so on. In the history of the labour movement around the world, each gained a major victory for labour, it is through the then illegal, subject to direct combat operations to police repression. In Hong Kong, even the right to collective bargaining is also in sight, indeed, does not include provisions to protect the workers. Existing labour legislation in order to protect us from random death, in dignity and joy with no relationship. Solely on the dock strikes this year, these workers collectively striving for their own rewards and dignity, bosses and the Government injunction, blocking marches, such as unlawful assembly charges, do everything possible to workers labeled as illegal. Therefore, is not to be considered should or should not go directly against, but what should be done. Press negotiations with employers and trade unions at work, and give them confidence to match.
But how can the boss can't make money in the fastest, most direct, and reduce the owner's bargaining power, only when the workers know best, many supporters than the workers themselves decided to be real and effective and hands-on.
General strike as opposed to individual industries, strike for pay rise and improved welfare, a general strike was all walks of life together, even non-Union solidarity social movement organizations joint strike action, in order to change government policy, say no to the unbalanced economic order as a whole, even soliciting other political rights and freedoms. In Hong Kong, the 89 student movement in Beijing, millions strike took to the streets in solidarity with the strike.
In Europe, after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, European Governments launched austerity measures in the face of this situation, Greece, and Spain and other national trade unions have launched a general strike many times, blocked with tight fiscal policies the decisions, such as privatization, deregulation of labour laws limiting public sector, cuts in social welfare.
Organizations around the exact same way, such as Spain, CNT have dispersed in the mountains of Union, delegates jointly through the joint meeting's action last year "occupation of Oakland" campaign, occupied by dock workers and truck drivers dock, through posters and other publicity to launch a general strike, called on other workers ' participation in their own way. Action direct action as a link normally low levels of organization, or in a non-bureaucratic way beforehand, the Panel discussion or action organizations, to seek a consensus as far as possible, even in the debate for a long time in Exchange, establishing rapport with each other.
Action, often as an opportunity to link, companion even see someone you've never met before, and also care and attention. Participation is not a mess is not a matter of who is going to lead, but in mutual communication and mutual understanding, so that mass action can be power, unswervingly go down! (Action menu) moment of the action as a preview to decide direct actions, you have left the natural mode of thinking and living and working patterns. Action scene, you and most of the passengers, will be forced together, using the imagination to create new possibilities.
Experience of equal and direct participation, also has the potential to change your attitudes and values about people and things in the future. (Direct action) allow people to control their own lives, life and the environment. It does not seek a unified command, emphasis on spontaneous and autonomous. Therefore, the practice of direct action was also previewed the alternative life, in other words, imperfect and full of oppression of society, through direct action, progressive experiment and experience community life of equality, freedom and solidarity and action mode, preview and create a new world.
(Ye Yincong, 2010) to fight this wrapped in colored paper pile of shit in the world not just rely on other people to help, reliable is their power to their Hong Kong said that the strike now! Shop Johnson in second, third, the reference data:-Ye Yincong, the direct action of Hong Kong further multimedia limited, 2010-David Graeber, "Direct Action:An Ethnography", AK Press, 2009-IWW labour direct action Manual: http:// Recipes by : (Translated by Bing)
Strikes were a "direct action" operation slap one bar to this capital, but this also was also a slap to us, like asking: are all affected by bullying, why can you endure? VS directly representative of direct action, is based on two premises: first, the world can be changed, and second, we can work together to change it. In this world, is not up to them to decide, not to be into smart VS stupid, articulate agents VS blind people.
In this world, be able to meditate, imagine and create together, so that everyone can settle down and to think freely and to choose their own locations.
Different theorist or action who for "directly action" are has different of defines, but probably are has a common points, is stressed "directly", does not rely on any representative, not needs "progress of" party to promoted, also don't again, Government to made reform, but everyone spontaneous to, in specific of life environment in the directly participation, hinder national and enterprise of operation, or attempts to established addition of mode. For example, your anger authorities intend to his alma mater of the century-old trees cut down, you own the Act, to be a "tree-hugging" or block roads and stop vehicles to cut down a tree, or jump on the large block of construction machinery engineering. You are not satisfied with the media distort your actions and goals, you should organize or join a small independent media, creating a website or print smaller publications. (Ye Yincong, 2010) in theory, civil disobedience, "direct action" and "civil disobedience" there is difference. "Civil disobedience" campaign, is to fight the objectives and reasons for refuse unreasonable rules or laws in order to highlight the injustice of legal or institutional, and prepared to take the legal consequences "through" arrest "to call more people to face up to the problem. "Direct action" stress your body or take action to stop injustice happened, rather than to "public concern" as the only major goals. (David Graeber,2009), in practice, they may have a large degree of overlap.
General directly action who, will first understanding legal Shang of views, prepared good site of records (as future may needed is Hall of evidence), clearly himself legal Shang of right (as conservative silent, and see lawyer, and call,, details can see "action who recipes" in the of "arrested who notes"); but also has minority directly action who, especially decided take more fierce of action Shi, will hidden identity, escape police hunt. Break through the system of direct action is often blocked the Government or big business channel, the police line, or into some proscribed areas. As workers and civil society groups, organized by illegal become legal action by different norms, then slowly become part of construction and capital operation.
Change, can no longer rely on the vassal of the establishment, so often direct action to interrupt the operation of society as policies, stressed participants depart from their system's diversion, as well as its autonomy.
Through sit-ins, block roads and blocked road or otherwise, blocking roads or entrances, aims to suspend the operation of society/production/capital flows, so Government, business, and all affected, or in front of the cameras of people, stop thinking and to address the issue. In recent years, many people began to March only in the "expressing opinions" petition, unable to produce the political results, aggrieved and want to try a more direct way, causing the community to face up to the problem.
Two thousand nine-tenths against high-speed rail movement, demonstrators surrounded the legislature tried to prevent officials and members of the Conservatives blocked the road to leave; opposed the budget of March 6, 2011 March police arrested 113 people blocking demonstrators; and 64, 71, after new year's Day Parade, block roads and "blocked road", went on stage.
Occupation of the occupation is to regain the right to use a space, stop operation of the open space of the imagination, even determine space use by the participants. In 1979, Yau Ma Tei boat people fighting for land resettlement. In the same year during a typhoon families occupied the barracks Chatham battalion lived for two weeks. Six-sevenths in the campaign to defend the Star/Queen's Pier, "local action" launched into action, containment, occupied by, or even into the Queen's Pier for more than three months.
2011 "occupation of the Central" in the underground headquarters of HSBC for more than ten months, privately managed public channel "is in the public domain".
In foreign, as Argentina of workers, in factory collapsed unemployment Hou, again occupation factory, to workers autonomy of cooperatives mode continues to production, and they further jumped out of workers of identity, to participation neighborhood Committee, put vision put to Community (as: hired in near established roadblocks against cuts social welfare of unemployment workers, and for construction community center and hospital donated out factory production of tiles tiles,). Labour direct action in direct action in general political issues likely to influence the Government's policy and policy implementation, such as, people began to benefit from the policy. And the direct action of the workers is on the boss take the fruits of labor, ready to weave, including strikes and work-to-rule, others slow down production of gamesmanship, even destruction machines or tools, and so on. In the history of the labour movement around the world, each gained a major victory for labour, it is through the then illegal, subject to direct combat operations to police repression. In Hong Kong, even the right to collective bargaining is also in sight, indeed, does not include provisions to protect the workers. Existing labour legislation in order to protect us from random death, in dignity and joy with no relationship. Solely on the dock strikes this year, these workers collectively striving for their own rewards and dignity, bosses and the Government injunction, blocking marches, such as unlawful assembly charges, do everything possible to workers labeled as illegal. Therefore, is not to be considered should or should not go directly against, but what should be done. Press negotiations with employers and trade unions at work, and give them confidence to match.
But how can the boss can't make money in the fastest, most direct, and reduce the owner's bargaining power, only when the workers know best, many supporters than the workers themselves decided to be real and effective and hands-on.
General strike as opposed to individual industries, strike for pay rise and improved welfare, a general strike was all walks of life together, even non-Union solidarity social movement organizations joint strike action, in order to change government policy, say no to the unbalanced economic order as a whole, even soliciting other political rights and freedoms. In Hong Kong, the 89 student movement in Beijing, millions strike took to the streets in solidarity with the strike.
In Europe, after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, European Governments launched austerity measures in the face of this situation, Greece, and Spain and other national trade unions have launched a general strike many times, blocked with tight fiscal policies the decisions, such as privatization, deregulation of labour laws limiting public sector, cuts in social welfare.
Organizations around the exact same way, such as Spain, CNT have dispersed in the mountains of Union, delegates jointly through the joint meeting's action last year "occupation of Oakland" campaign, occupied by dock workers and truck drivers dock, through posters and other publicity to launch a general strike, called on other workers ' participation in their own way. Action direct action as a link normally low levels of organization, or in a non-bureaucratic way beforehand, the Panel discussion or action organizations, to seek a consensus as far as possible, even in the debate for a long time in Exchange, establishing rapport with each other.
Action, often as an opportunity to link, companion even see someone you've never met before, and also care and attention. Participation is not a mess is not a matter of who is going to lead, but in mutual communication and mutual understanding, so that mass action can be power, unswervingly go down! (Action menu) moment of the action as a preview to decide direct actions, you have left the natural mode of thinking and living and working patterns. Action scene, you and most of the passengers, will be forced together, using the imagination to create new possibilities.
Experience of equal and direct participation, also has the potential to change your attitudes and values about people and things in the future. (Direct action) allow people to control their own lives, life and the environment. It does not seek a unified command, emphasis on spontaneous and autonomous. Therefore, the practice of direct action was also previewed the alternative life, in other words, imperfect and full of oppression of society, through direct action, progressive experiment and experience community life of equality, freedom and solidarity and action mode, preview and create a new world.
(Ye Yincong, 2010) to fight this wrapped in colored paper pile of shit in the world not just rely on other people to help, reliable is their power to their Hong Kong said that the strike now! Shop Johnson in second, third, the
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
For solidarity, against vulture capitalism!
For solidarity, against vulture capitalism!
Sign the petition here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------...
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? and why?
Against plunder under the color of law, overpriced real-estate, anti-small biz policies!
Against plunder under the color of law, overpriced real-estate, anti-small biz policies!
I have Lin Dexuan Nga Tsin Wai Village, Western medicine has been in the business for over 24 years, in 1990 and was bought by the village head Wu Jiu Hong, the sale contract will also cover local government approved the sale of the firm seal, walled villages of Hong Kong in the past was to work this way. This is my real money with years of savings in the year estimated at more than 300,000 (with decoration) purchased, when this amount is sufficient to San Po Kong, purchased more than 700 sq ft private residential.
The URA compensation cannot make me continue to sideline, now San Po Kong shop monthly rent of 300 square feet will need more than 70,000, it is impossible to pay. At present, the URA is harassing me by legal means and vulnerable members of the public, consultation and communication with me instead of rehousing, and asked me to move in a short time, I have no way to do, store more than 8,000 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, could not easily find shop relocation. NGA Qian Wai Village is private local, I of Chinese medicine line also is located in village within, city built Council is forced said I hog officer to, I this camp commercial 24, years of commercial registration, and tax and water electricity single, are has save enough to proved I this legitimate camp commercial, instead city built Council is only in I door posted paper on said this for they to, without placed I, everyone assessment reason with. I am 75 years old with his wife, his wife is old and sick, doing business and living here for many years, there I no way short-term occupants, to adapt to the new environment, without this business, also equals no livelihood, I do also matter of adverse invasion, case not closed, forcing me to move out of the URA, making it an oppressed people. Existing reservations concern group programme, I hope that we can continue to leave a neighborhood near the service.(Translated by Bing)
The URA compensation cannot make me continue to sideline, now San Po Kong shop monthly rent of 300 square feet will need more than 70,000, it is impossible to pay. At present, the URA is harassing me by legal means and vulnerable members of the public, consultation and communication with me instead of rehousing, and asked me to move in a short time, I have no way to do, store more than 8,000 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, could not easily find shop relocation. NGA Qian Wai Village is private local, I of Chinese medicine line also is located in village within, city built Council is forced said I hog officer to, I this camp commercial 24, years of commercial registration, and tax and water electricity single, are has save enough to proved I this legitimate camp commercial, instead city built Council is only in I door posted paper on said this for they to, without placed I, everyone assessment reason with. I am 75 years old with his wife, his wife is old and sick, doing business and living here for many years, there I no way short-term occupants, to adapt to the new environment, without this business, also equals no livelihood, I do also matter of adverse invasion, case not closed, forcing me to move out of the URA, making it an oppressed people. Existing reservations concern group programme, I hope that we can continue to leave a neighborhood near the service.(Translated by Bing)
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? And why?
2014-10-05 HONG-KONG: Who is demonstrating? And why?
For Rock n Roll, against privatization and commercialization of the public space!
For progress, against "civilization", as defined by the West!
For solidarity, against the US perpetual wars!
反建制! 反建制!! 搖滚就是反建制!!!
殺工人、殺窮人 - 殺人!!
The night of June 4, don't want the silent indifference to mourn, to East point road in Causeway Bay, rock concert by not killing regime, also is a music album released by the rock should not be killing regime, with music, with exchanges, in defiance to mourn! =============================
反建制! Anti-establishment!!
Rock ' n ' roll is the anti-establishment!!!
Dictatorship by the bloody operation killed dissenting voices of violence, killing people in their homes, killing art, education, morality, kill the truth, kill kill kill-killing classmates, killing workers, killing the poor!! Rock of poems is awakening of text rock is to totalitarian against of pump song Dang we said killing regime, seems will is natural to assumed we by refers to of is will to execution torture, and massacre people of sovereignty country; thought we by refers to of is residues Yu this "civilization" "democratic" world in the totalitarian, and authoritarian of traces, like early was this "progress" social denied has of all old superstition. And because of that, in Hong Kong, many Chinese Communist Party was a joke, a bloody, cruel and disturbing jokes.
They argued that China lags behind the world, Libreville and democratic institutions will eventually be freed from backwardness, ignorance of the Chinese people. But keep in mind that, in the same world, "civilized" defined by the West beat.
They sell port stage of democratic and civilized, depends on their exports of tanks, unmanned aircraft, weapons and bomber.
In the same world, billions of billions of young people have received college education, debt, unemployment, or insignificant labor in 7-11 or McDonald's press destroyed.
In the same world, "the world"-people meet each other and side by side spaces ¨c being swallowed up by the privatization and commercialization of space.
This is the free and democratic world, "life, life becomes a colony of work and consumption, and we forget that between them, immortality is not uniform.
Regardless of frontiers, in this world, commodities, property under totalitarian rule to make any resistance, escape, "globalization" will be punishable by death. No, when we talk about killing regime, not just you can see everything we want to say, that always happens "elsewhere" violence in African forests, in Xinjiang or Tibet.
We want people to see, is the regime that we can't see, something unthinkable: culture can be established jointly by the open, free; space can be liberating, as collective life experiments; people's lives should not be senseless killing.
Real violence is that they use crap, garbage, blood flooded buried those being crushed and continue to regenerate hope, will live in landfills, we believe that reality can only go so far.
Department of chickens. After all, people who want to cluster more similar, in more space for sustained action on anti-establishment, D.I.Y formed an altar other than propulsion, mainstream, and records, designed for the independent civil circulation of information. // (Translated by Bing
For Rock n Roll, against privatization and commercialization of the public space!
For progress, against "civilization", as defined by the West!
For solidarity, against the US perpetual wars!
反建制! 反建制!! 搖滚就是反建制!!!
殺工人、殺窮人 - 殺人!!
The night of June 4, don't want the silent indifference to mourn, to East point road in Causeway Bay, rock concert by not killing regime, also is a music album released by the rock should not be killing regime, with music, with exchanges, in defiance to mourn! =============================
反建制! Anti-establishment!!
Rock ' n ' roll is the anti-establishment!!!
Dictatorship by the bloody operation killed dissenting voices of violence, killing people in their homes, killing art, education, morality, kill the truth, kill kill kill-killing classmates, killing workers, killing the poor!! Rock of poems is awakening of text rock is to totalitarian against of pump song Dang we said killing regime, seems will is natural to assumed we by refers to of is will to execution torture, and massacre people of sovereignty country; thought we by refers to of is residues Yu this "civilization" "democratic" world in the totalitarian, and authoritarian of traces, like early was this "progress" social denied has of all old superstition. And because of that, in Hong Kong, many Chinese Communist Party was a joke, a bloody, cruel and disturbing jokes.
They argued that China lags behind the world, Libreville and democratic institutions will eventually be freed from backwardness, ignorance of the Chinese people. But keep in mind that, in the same world, "civilized" defined by the West beat.
They sell port stage of democratic and civilized, depends on their exports of tanks, unmanned aircraft, weapons and bomber.
In the same world, billions of billions of young people have received college education, debt, unemployment, or insignificant labor in 7-11 or McDonald's press destroyed.
In the same world, "the world"-people meet each other and side by side spaces ¨c being swallowed up by the privatization and commercialization of space.
This is the free and democratic world, "life, life becomes a colony of work and consumption, and we forget that between them, immortality is not uniform.
Regardless of frontiers, in this world, commodities, property under totalitarian rule to make any resistance, escape, "globalization" will be punishable by death. No, when we talk about killing regime, not just you can see everything we want to say, that always happens "elsewhere" violence in African forests, in Xinjiang or Tibet.
We want people to see, is the regime that we can't see, something unthinkable: culture can be established jointly by the open, free; space can be liberating, as collective life experiments; people's lives should not be senseless killing.
Real violence is that they use crap, garbage, blood flooded buried those being crushed and continue to regenerate hope, will live in landfills, we believe that reality can only go so far.
Department of chickens. After all, people who want to cluster more similar, in more space for sustained action on anti-establishment, D.I.Y formed an altar other than propulsion, mainstream, and records, designed for the independent civil circulation of information. // (Translated by Bing
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