Russia Today callng the UK government-private security complex as racket and terrorism vector.. Kinky roll reversal... jz
Double your money! UK private security as terrorism vector

Beginning his working life in the aviation industry and trained by the BBC, Tony Gosling is a British land rights activist, historian & investigative radio journalist.
Published time: July 18, 2013 09:02

A Serco flag is seen flying alongside a Union flag outside Doncaster Prison in northern England (Reuters/Darren Staples)
The widening of the spiral of fear and increasing demand for 'protection' creates an international protection racket cartel, indistinguishable only in that they call themselves 'legal', from organized criminal gangs.
UK security firms Serco and G4S, are described as ‘indispensable’ to Britain's criminal justice system, have been overcharging the government by 'tens of millions of pounds' for criminals who had long finished their sentences or been dead for years.
How many kicks in the teeth, or near misses, can this British Government endure before it sees 21st Century 'terrorism' for what it is? An organized assault on our collective peace and safety with the purpose of spawning real terrorist cells.
Profit led policing
On Thursday 11th July 2013 Conservative Justice Secretary Chris Grayling delivered a progress report to the House of Commons on the privatization of UK Criminal Justice. His voice was trembling as though he himself could neither believe nor bear the consequences of what he was reading.
Two firms, he explained, Serco and G4S, have been overcharging the government by 'tens of millions of pounds' for electronic tagging of offenders, continuing to charge the taxpayer for criminals who had long finished their sentences and some who had been dead for years.
The same week a London inquest jury delivered its verdict that Angolan deportee Jimmy Mubenga was unlawfully killed while being restrained by G4S guards. His plane was waiting to take off at London's Heathrow airport when he died and a series of racist SMS texts were also found on the G4S guards' phones.
Founded in 2004 G4S employs over 600,000 people in 125 countries with revenue of £7.5bn, making it the world's largest security company. Despite its size G4S appears to have little regard for international law, taking on private prison work in Palestine/Israel which is alleged to contravene Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Transporting prisoners from the occupied territory into the country of the occupier.
Serco and G4S are now so deep into Britain's criminal justice system the Guardian recently described them as 'indispensable'. Serco manage six prisons including Oakwood 'super-jail' and two immigration removal centres. G4S manage police custody cells, a 999 emergency response service, county control room, police station and court facilities.