It took much more effort than anticipated, but the petition is up and running. People of good will everywhere are asked to review and add a signature:
We congratulate President Obama for his decision, and all those who joined in efforts to bring the detentions at Guantanamo Bay to an end. Now it is time to apply the same standards at home - in LA, where the number of the falsely imprisoned people is estimated at 10,000. Such figure includes only those whose cases were shown in Rampart investigations, a decade ago, to be based on framing or confessions extracted through torture, and are also likely to be racially biased, reflecting conduct typical of “repressive dictatorships”, and a disgrace of historic proportions.
President Obama – if you allow it to stay – you will own it!
Large scale abuses of civil rights in LA were recognized already a decade ago, but the Overseer appointed in 2001, is ineffective. Countrywide, which led this country into the sub-prime debacle is based here as well, and Countrywide's much publicized investigation by the FBI must be deemed deliberately aimless, while the company is still far from compliance, while the waive of foreclosures is growing, leading to looting of homeowners everywhere. At the bottom of it all, is widespread corruption of the LA Superior Court, overlooked for decades, crippling government here.
These problems can and must be effectively addressed at the federal level with a simple measure: A SPECIAL COUNSEL TO IMMEDIATELY RESTORE THE RIGHTS OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC COURT RECORDS.
Abuse of such rights for the past quarter century by the LA courts is a disgrace on its own. Restoring the access will empower the public, disable wrongdoing at the courts, flag judges that need to be noticed, and allow civil rights organizations to end the false imprisonments through wholesale writs of Habeas Corpus. We also hope it will make the LA Overseer, crippled by denial of access to records, more effective as well. Finally – by eliminating the FBI’s inexplicable engagement in covering up court corruption we hope it will focus on performing its duties in restoring the integrity of financial institutions.
Such problems have been ignored for decades - with disastrous effects. A SPECIAL COUNSEL TO RESTORE THE RIGHTS OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC COURT RECORDS IN LA IS LONG OVERDUE.