Based on FOIA responses by other state agencies on similar FOIA requests, the chances of true, honest FOIA response by the Central Election Committee are zilch. Obviously, refusal of the Committee to truly respond on FOIA request of this nature would highlight concerns, previously published, of major computer fraud in the 2015 general election.

For reasons that are difficult to comprehend, the CEC previously claimed that it was exempt from FOIA. In response, the Knesset enacted an amendment to the Act, specifically applying it to the CEC. The amendment became effective only December 01, 2016. Therefore, the request was filed only now, under the Act in effect.
Prior to the effective date, the CEC "FOIA Officer" offered to conduct an informal FOIA request process. However, as a devout formalist, I preferred to wait, lawfully pay the fees, and file a lawful FOIA request.
With the request, I also asked:
a. Confirmation of receipt of the request, together with lawful designation of FOIA request number.
b. Documentation of lawful appointment of Attorney Elad Naveh as CEC "FOIA Officer".
Will CEC provide a lawful response?
Based on prior experience - FOIA requests pertaining to government IT systems of the legislative branch (Knesset), the judicial branch (Administration of Courts) and the executive branch (Ministry of Justice) - the chances of honest FOIA response are zilch.
The confirmation (or lack of confirmation) of receipt and the designation (or lack of designation) of FOIA request number would indicate pretty soon the intentions of the CEC "FOIA Officer" in this matter.
The expectations with this FOIA request in fact are to document circusmstances, where the CEC refuses to disclose fundamentals regarding integrity of its IT systems, with it - regarding integrity of CEC itself.
Concerns regarding computer fraud in the 2015 general election
Concerns regarding computer fraud in the 2015 general election were first published a few days after the election in a well-known, White House connected blog - Daily Kos.
Based on additional evidence, there is room to speculate that the Daily Kos publication was based on leaks from Israeli security apparatus sources.
The widespread fraud in government IT systems in Israel converted it into a State of Israfraud...
Central Election Committee - IT systems and election fraud - records and links //
מחשוב ועדת הבחירות המרכזית - מערכות מידע והונאת בחירות - כתבים וקישורים
Attorney Alead Naveh Central Election Committee FOIA Office Jerusalem Email: , Fax: 02-5669855 RE: Freedom of Information Request: IT systems of the Central Election Committee Dear Attorney Naveh : Please accept instant Freedom of Information Request...