1. | Website Title | URL |
2. | Citizens for Parental Rights | http://www.citizensforparentalrights.org/ |
3. | Americans for Constitutional Enforcement | http://www.a4ce.org/index.html |
4. | America's Freedom Foundation | http://aff1.org/ |
5. | America’s Judicial Meltdown | http://www.americasjudicialmeltdown.com/ |
6. | Black Deeds in Black Robes | http://www.blackdeeds.com/ |
7. | Judges Gone Rogue | http://judgesgonerogue.org/index |
8. | Judges On Wrong Side Of The Law - CBS News | http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/08/04/national/main566433.shtml |
9. | The growing tyranny of the judiciary | |
10. | Judicial Misconduct Investigation | http://centerforinvestigativereporting.org/tags/judicialmisconduct |
11. | Lawless America | |
12. | America’s Judicial System Lies In Rot | http://www.givemeliberty.org/rtplawsuit/simkanin/update02-29-04.htm |
13. | Citizens Army Needed To Reform Judicial System Top To Bottom: Richard I Fine | http://blog.fulldisclosure.net/2010/08/citizens-army-needed-to-reform-judicial.html |
14. | Code of Judicial Conduct | http://caught.net/caught/Rules_Of_Judicial_Conduct.pdf |
15. | Citizens for Legal Responsibility | http://clr.org/ |
16. | American Injustice | |
17. | Cobb County Georgia Judicial Corruption | |
18. | Alliance for Justice | |
19. | Combating corruption in the judiciary | |
20. | Citizens for Judicial Accountability | http://www.judicialaccountability.org/ |
21. | Committee to Expose Dishonest and Incompetent Judges, Attorneys and Public Officials | http://www.noethics.net/News/ |
22. | Due Process of Law Foundation | http://www.dplf.org/?c_ID=240&catID=&lID=12 |
23. | | http://ebionite.com/hempstead.htm |
24. | | http://www.freedomfromthepress.net/wordpress/judicial-corruption/ |
25. | | http://judicial-discipline-reform.org/ |
26. | Bankruptcy Court Corruption | http://www.wellsofjustice.com/index.htm |
27. | A Matter of Justice | http://www.amatterofjustice.org/amoj/00index.cfm |
28. | Center for Judicial Accountability | |
29. | | http://judgewatch.org/ |
30. | Center for Judicial Excellence | http://centerforjudicialexcellence.org/ |
31. | Committee for the Rule of Law | http://www.nonpublication.com/ |
32. | Corruption, Fraud, and Judicial Misconduct | |
33. | | http://www.corruptusjudicialsystem.org/nh.html |
34. | | http://supremeabuse.com/ |
35. | | http://www.citizensforparentalrights.org/ |
36. | | http://www.judgewatch.org/ |
37. | | http://www.a4ce.org/index.html |
38. | | http://www.njcdlp.org/ |
39. |
Montana - Exposing Judicial Corruption in Montana |
| http://www.montanajudicial.com/ |
40. | | http://www.montanajudicial.com/ |
41. | | http://www.judicialhellhole.com/ |
42. | | |
43. | Washington Corruption -- Yakima | http://www.yakimacorruption.com/ |
44. | Judicial Corruption Arrogance | http://www.usobserver.com/archive/feb-06/judicial-corruption-1.htm |
45. | Fighting the Good Fight | |
46. | | http://50states.ning.com/ |
47. | | http://aff1.org/judicialcorruption.html |
48. | | http://www.floridajail4judges.org/ |
49. | | http://grievanceproject.wordpress.com/ |
50. | | |
51. | | http://centerforjudicialexcellence.org/ |
52. | | http://www.highcrimesandmisdemeanors.com/ |
53. | | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/judicial-corruption |
54. | | http://www.judicialactiongroup.com/ |
55. | | http://www.amatterofjustice.org/amoj/00index.cfm |
56. | | http://preventcorruption.com/ |
57. | | http://preventcorruption.com/ |
58. | | http://usjudicialcorruption.blogspot.com/ |
59. | | |
60. | | http://ncpforce.com/judges.html |
61. | | http://www.judiciaryreport.com/corruption.htm |
62. | | http://www.jurisdictionary.com/ |
63. | | http://usjudicialcorruption.blogspot.com/ |
64. | | |
65. | | http://www.noethics.net/News/ |
66. | | http://www.nonpublication.com/ |
67. | | http://www.nancyswan.com/interests/judicial-reform/news |
68. | | http://onsecondthought.tv/judges.htm |
69. | | http://www.americasjudicialmeltdown.com/ |
70. | | http://www.forgottenamericans.org/JudicialCorruption.htm |
71. | | http://usjudicialcorruption.blogspot.com/ |
72. | | http://legalschnauzer.blogspot.com/ |
73. | | http://skolnicksreport.org/ |
74. | | http://www.defraudingamerica.com/judicial_corruption.html |
75. | | http://www.tulanelink.com/tulanelink/welcome_01b.htm |
76. | | |
77. | | http://www.victimsofsurrogatescourt.org/ |
78. | Corruption of the Judical System | |
79. | | http://www.miseryinjustice.com/ |
80. | Judicial Misconduct Blogs (Wordpress.com) | http://en.wordpress.com/tag/judicial-misconduct/ |
81. | | |
82. | | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR7g41_4758 |
83. | | http://www.prlog.org/us/tag-judicial-corruption/ |
84. | | http://www.amazon.com/Global-Corruption-Report-2007-International/dp/0521700701 |
85. | | http://aff1.org/judicialcorruption.html |
86. | |
87. |
| http://cesarlebel.blogspot.com/2007/11/judicial-corruption.html |
88. |
| http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/08/04/national/main566433.shtml |
89. | | http://staffordcountyvirginiacourts.blogspot.com/ |
90. | | http://judgesgonerogue.org/index |
91. | | http://imchennepincountyjudiciarycorruption.blogspot.com/ |
92. | |
93. | | http://www.slate.com/id/2212636/ |
94. | | http://volokh.com/2009/12/04/more-judicial-corruption-in-s-e-pa/ |
95. | | http://harpers.org/subjects/JudicialCorruption |
96. | | http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1202431103066&slreturn=1&hbxlogin=1 |
97. | | http://www.jail4judges.org/ |
98. | | http://theeliteones.wordpress.com/ |
99. | | http://heresagem.blogspot.com/ |
100. | GE Rexel Discrimination | |
101. | | http://davidfeige.blogspot.com/ |
102. | | http://www.scribd.com/nootkabearmcdonald |
103. | | http://legal-extortion.blogspot.com/ |
104. | | http://donmashaksmn10judicialdistrictfreepre.blogspot.com/ |
105. | | http://charleslincoln3.wordpress.com/ |
106. | | http://www.judicialaccountability.org/fixer.htm |
107. | | http://www.courthouseforum.com/index.php |
108. | | http://newyorkcourtcorruption.blogspot.com/ |
109. | | http://www.fa-ir.org/ |
110. | | http://johnnypumphandle.com/cc/ |
111. | | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stopbadjustice/ |
112. | | http://www.falseallegations.com/ |
113. | | http://home.earthlink.net/~dlaw70/shame.htm |
114. | | http://www.mikebrownsolutions.com/secret.htm |
115. | | http://home.earthlink.net/~dlaw70/drybones.htm |
116. | | http://november.org/razorwire/rzold/13/1318.html |
117. | | http://www.freedomfromthepress.net/wordpress/judicial-corruption/ |
118. | | http://www.freedomfromthepress.net/wordpress/contact-us/ |
119. | | http://ebionite.com/hempstead.htm |
120. | | http://judgesgonerogue.org/ |
121. | | http://imchennepincountyjudiciarycorruption.blogspot.com/ |
122. | | http://judicialcorruption.info/ |
123. | | http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2011/01/25/supreme-court-says-judicial-corruption-is-not-worthy/ |
124. | | http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/bush_sr_jr.html |
125. | | http://current.com/tags/88793913_judicial-corruption/ |
126. | | http://current.com/tags/88793913_judicial-corruption/ |
127. | | http://staffordcountyvirginiacourts.blogspot.com/ |
128. | | http://www.prlog.org/tag/judicial-corruption/ |
129. | | http://hm21.wordpress.com/ |
130. | | http://judicialmisconduct.blogspot.com/ |
131. | | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/judicial-corruption |
132. | | http://www.pucl.org/Topics/Law/2003/corruption.htm |
133. | | http://txlady706.wordpress.com/2011/01/20/the-constitution-void-judicial-corruption-throughout-the-us-renders-the-constitution-non-existent/ |
134. | Reducing Corruption in the Judiciary | http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/democracy_and_governance/publications/pdfs/Reducing_Corruption_Judiciary_June09.pdf |
135. | | http://www.cmi.no/publications/file/3457-the-uncac-and-judicial-corruption.pdf |
136. | | An independent and impartial justice system underpins the effective implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Where it does not exist, pliant prosecutors, judges, and court staff may ignore criminal acts of corruption or have them improperly dismissed. Biased appointments, promotions, and disciplinary processes mean that justice sector staff may be ill-equipped to handle complex cases, including those involving corruption. The UNCAC’s unique provisions for international cooperation on a wide range of law enforcement matters especially rely on clean, effective judiciaries in the respective states. |
137. | | http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=judicial+corruption&aq=f |
138. | | http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=court+corruption&aq=0 |
139. | | http://prosechicago.wordpress.com/tag/judicial-corruption/ |
140. | | http://www.rense.com/general70/freed.htm |
141. | | http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2008/01/political-corruption-judicial.html |
142. | | http://judicialtransparencynow.blogspot.com/ |
143. | | http://judicialhorrorstories.blogspot.com/ |
144. | | http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_monica_d_080208_farm_right_s_activis.htm |
145. | | http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Corruption+in+our+courts%3a+what+it+looks+like+and+where+it+is+hidden-a0209102960 |
146. | | http://blog.fulldisclosure.net/2010/08/citizens-army-needed-to-reform-judicial.html |
147. | Constitutional Corruption | http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa446.pdf |
148. | | http://www.thedailyjudge.com/id215.htm |
149. | | http://judicialcouncilwatcher.wordpress.com/2011/01/25/a-question-of-public-corruption-and-pervasive-racketeering/ |
150. | | http://www.powercorruptsagain.com/ |
151. | | http://www.myspace.com/disclosurewatchus |
152. | | http://www.ejfi.org/Courts/Courts-4.htm#holodeck |
153. | | http://misguidedblackrobes.blogspot.com/2007/08/judge-panepinto-and-judge-rachel-adams.html |
154. | | http://www2.illinois.gov/jib/Pages/default.aspx |
155. | | http://www.cjdpa.org/ |
156. | | http://www.bjs.state.mn.us/ |
157. | | http://www.cjc.state.wa.us/ |
158. | | http://www.popularsovereignty.org/ |
159. | | http://injusticexposed.org/ |
160. | | http://parentadvocates.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=article&articleID=7311 |
161. | | http://www.afj.org/ |
162. | | http://www.america.gov/st/washfile-english/2007/June/20070606175751zjsredna0.2077906.html |
163. | | http://www.justiceatstake.org/ |
164. | | http://patriotpost.us/ |
165. | | http://www.evilesq.com/ |
166. | | |
167. | | |
168. | fourwinds10.com | http://www.fourwinds10.com/ |
169. | | http://americanpolicy.org/ |
170. | | http://blog.bluestonelawfirm.com/ |
171. | Americans For Legal Reform | http://www.americans4legalreform.com/ |
172. | | http://www.attorneycorruption.com/2010/06/judicial-corruption-in-florida-supreme.html |
173. | Prosecutor Corruption | http://www.prosecutorcorruption.com/ |
174. | | http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/ |
175. | | http://www.thelibertycommittee.org/home.asp |
176. | | http://overlawyered.com/ |
177. | | http://www.attorneybusters.com/ |
178. | | http://www.freedom.org/ |
179. | | http://cfif.org/v/ |
180. | | http://libertywalk.us/ |
181. | | http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org/ |
182. | | |
183. | | http://www.power-of-attorneys.com/ |
184. | | http://www.victimsofthesystem.org/ |
185. | | http://www.ladylibrty.com/ |
186. | | http://www.libertygunrights.com/ |
187. | | http://oathkeepers.org/oath/ |
188. | | http://www.cjnj.org/ |
189. | | http://www.constitutionpreservation.org/ |
190. | | http://www.americanbar.org/aba.html |
191. | | http://www.lawlessamerica.com/index.php/attorneys/20-professional-misconduct-complaint-against-carl-hugo-anderson-of-hawkins-parnell-thackston-young |
192. | | http://www.lawlessamerica.com/index.php/attorneys/20-professional-misconduct-complaint-against-carl-hugo-anderson-of-hawkins-parnell-thackston-young |
193. | Hawkins & Parnell | http://www.lawlessamerica.com/index.php/attorneys/20-professional-misconduct-complaint-against-carl-hugo-anderson-of-hawkins-parnell-thackston-young |
194. | | http://www.crookedlawyers.com/ |
195. | Adrian Adams, Esquire Sucks | |
196. | | http://www.howtosueyourlawyer.com/ |
197. | | http://www.lawyersunregulated.blogspot.com/ |
198. | | http://www.mikebrownsolutions.com/14u.htm |
199. | | http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=attorney+misconduct&aq=0 |
200. | Rules of Professional Misconduct | |
201. | | http://www.constitution.org/ |
202. | | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GUARDIANSHIP-REFORM/ |
203. | | http://www.stopelderabuse.net/ |
204. | | http://stopguardianabuse.org/ |
205. | | http://www.victimsofguardians.net/ |
206. | | http://www.johnnygosch.com/ |
207. | | http://www.parentalrights.org/ |
208. | | http://www.akidsright.org/ |
209. | | http://www.truth-it.net/us_government_corruption.html |
210. | | http://www.wanttoknow.info/governmentcorruptionnewsarticles |
211. | Foreclosure Fraud | http://4closurefraud.org/2010/10/04/judicial-corruption-you-decide-judge-rules-in-favor-of-so-called-foreclosure-mill/ |
212. | | http://www.truthattack.org/jml/index.php |
213. | | http://www.pogo.org/ |
214. | | http://andyforussenator.blogspot.com/2009/10/corruption-fighter-andy-martin-forces.html |
215. | | |
216. | | http://erinbaldwin.com/about/ |
217. | | http://www.commoncause.org/site/pp.asp?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=4741359 |
218. | | http://drjshousecalls.blogspot.com/ |
219. | | http://samvak.tripod.com/nm089.html |
220. | | http://nowtruth.org/ |
221. | | http://illinoiscorruption.blogspot.com/2009/02/dr-shelton-not-guilty-il-attorney.html |
222. | | |
223. | | http://www.freewebs.com/govwebsites/ |
224. | | http://www.citizensforethics.org/ |
225. | | http://www.northcountrygazette.org/ |
226. | | http://scannedretina.wordpress.com/ |
227. | | http://governmentrico.wordpress.com/ |
228. | | http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=us+government+corruption&aq=1m |
229. | | http://justplainbill.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/judicial-watchs-10-most-corrupt-politicians/ |
230. | | http://americanhistorymatrix.wikispaces.com/ |
231. | | http://www.freedom-force.org/ |
232. | Connecticut Corruption | http://www.corruptct.com/ |
233. | | http://smithforensic.blogspot.com/ |
234. | | http://anticorruption.tripod.com/ |
235. | | http://www.transparency.org/ |
236. | | http://gesupplyrexeldiscrimination.blogspot.com/ |
237. | |
238. | |
239. | |
240. | |
241. | |
242. | |
243. | |
244. | |
245. | |
246. | |
247. | |
248. | |
249. | |
250. | |
251. | |
252. | |
253. | |
254. | |
255. | |
256. | | http://www.abusedswan.com/17THCircuitCourt |
257. | | http://www.damon-moreymisconduct.com/ |
258. | | http://www.theluzernecountyrailroad.com/ |
259. | | http://www.supremeabuse.com/ |
260. | | http://www.lawlessamerica.com/ |
261. | | http://www.newswithviews.com/Bill/sizemore170.htm |
262. | Barbara Winn Case | http://www.justiceforbarbara.com/ |
263. | | http://www.justiceforwandaspann.com/ |
264. | | http://www.angelfire.com/mn/whistleblower/index.html |
265. | | http://www.usobserver.com/archive/feb-06/judicial-corruption-1.htm |
266. | | http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/585.php?stream=12 |
267. | | |
268. | | http://www.savealexis.com/ |
269. | | http://www.chris-come-home.com/ |
270. | | http://www.judicialaccountability.org/articles/lawrenceageemd.htm |
271. | | http://www.oneagleswingsfearnoevil.com/ |
272. | | http://www.corruptionandinjusticebook.com/ |
273. | | http://doug4justice.org/ |
274. | | http://www.ricegang.com/ |
275. | | http://www.corruptarizonacourts.com/ |
276. | | http://www.tulanelink.com/tulanelink/welcome_01d.htm |
277. | | http://wesawthat.blogspot.com/2007/01/more-new-orleans-judicial-corruption.html |
278. | | http://www.injusticeatanycost.net/ |
279. | | http://judgesgonerogue.org/index |
280. | | http://iviewit.tv/ |
281. | | http://www.judicialaccountability.org/articles/Baumgartencase.htm |
282. | | http://www.ballew.com/bob/htm/fotc.htm |
283. | | http://www.americasjudicialmeltdown.com/ |
284. | | http://governmentrico.wordpress.com/2010/06/30/ny-plaintiff-alleges-judicial-corruption-rampant-in-ny-courts/ |
285. | | http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Michael+W.+Lynch+-+Former+Chairman+Of+McCook+Metals+-+Fighting...-a0148373407 |
286. | | |
287. | | http://home.comcast.net/~styx.cml-lsm/01/Cases/prolog.htm |
288. | | http://www.littlehouseoflies.com/ |
289. | | http://www.ricegang.com/ |
290. | | http://www.bavermanmisconduct.com/Home.html |
291. | | http://mmason.freeshell.org/ |
292. | | http://judgegeorgebdanielswatch.blogspot.com/ |
293. | | http://www.judicialaccountability.org/ajudgewhocouldnotconform.htm |
294. | | http://judgesgonerogue.org/holeman |
295. | | http://judgesgonerogue.org/brinkema |
296. | | http://judgesgonerogue.org/williams |
297. | | http://judgesgonerogue.org/scrivener |
298. | | http://judgesgonerogue.org/hilton |
299. | | http://mcneilmason.wordpress.com/2008/09/18/us-dist-judge-donald-l-graham-a-test-case-for-abrogating-or-modifying-absolute-immunity/ |
300. | | http://www.law.com/jsp/nlj/PubArticleNLJ.jsp?id=1202428520488&slreturn=1&hbxlogin=1 |
301. | | http://mmason.freeshell.org/blog/judge_edmondson_uses_negative_definition_to_defeat_misconduct_complaints.htm |
302. | | http://www.supremelaw.org/cc/aol/372c.complaint.drozd.htm |
303. | | http://truthinjustice.org/brooklyn-corruption.htm |
304. | | http://www.scribd.com/doc/32950602/John-E-Steele-JUDICIAL-CORRUPTION |
305. | Judge Mary Waterstone | http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,510391,00.html |
306. | Judge James D. Gibbons | http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/27/nyregion/27judge.html |
307. | Judge Ernest Woods | http://www.ajc.com/news/judge-resigns-amid-probe-269773.html |
308. | Judge Kenneth Leffler | http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1990-09-22/news/9009220507_1_leffler-mcculloch-seminole |
309. | Judge Michael Cycmanick | http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1998-06-05/news/9806050296_1_probation-drinking-beer-alcohol |
310. | Judge Louis Corbin | http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1987-08-09/news/0140030076_1_attempted-sexual-battery-corbin-circuit-judge |
311. | Judge Steve deLaroche | http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2007-02-08/news/VBRIEFS08_5_1_volusia-county-judicial-qualifications-commission-resignation |
312. | Judge Edward H. Ward | |
313. | Judge Charles W. Cope IV | http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2004-01-28/news/0401280526_1_cope-clearwater-reprimanded |
314. | Judge Johnny Langley | http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/keyword/judge-resigns/recent/2 |
315. | Judge Donald Jackson | http://www.click2houston.com/news/22081838/detail.html |
316. | Judge Kenneth Nix | http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/a_chief_judge_resigns_after_admitting_inappropriate_bottom_flicks/ |
317. | Judge John B. Hagler | http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22478043/ |
318. | Judge Danny Mevec | http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2010/12/cny_judge_resigns_as_state_pro.html |
319. | Judge Herman Thomas | http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21104505/ |
320. | Judge Barbara Mobley | http://wsbradio.com/localnews/2011/02/dekalb-judge-resigns.html |
321. | Judge Phil Campbell | |
322. | Judge Joseph G. Makowski | http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com/2009/02/ny-state-supreme-court-judge-resigns.html |
323. | Judge Johnnie L. Caldwell Jr. | http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1202451708261&Judge_Resigns_in_Wake_of_Sexual_Harassment_Claims&slreturn=1&hbxlogin=1 |
324. | Judge Douglas J. Chumbley | http://wonkette.com/403634/judge-resigns-following-accusations-of-flashing-in-starbucks-toilet |
325. | Judge Diane Busch | http://www.ajc.com/news/cobb/judge-facing-21-misdemeanor-350910.html |
326. | Judge Lynn E. Ashcroft | http://www.woodburnindependent.com/news/2010/February/04/Local.News/county.judge.resigns.amidst.investigation/news.aspx |
327. | Judge Ana Gardiner | http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2010-04-22/news/fl-judge-gardiner-resigns-20100422_1_omar-loureiro-loureiro-trial-gardiner |
328. | Judge Paul Cassidy | http://www.macombdaily.com/articles/2009/05/20/news/srv0000005379754.txt |
329. | Judge Edward W. Nottingham | http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/17772754/detail.html |