הבלוגרים והשופטים הנוקמים - ומערכות המידע של ועדת הבחירות המרכזית ובתי המשפט: ססמאות, אדמינ קוד, אבטחה - דיון בפייסבוק - חלק ב'
המשתתפת העיקרית בדיון בפוסט שהעליתי היא אחת מריאן עזיזי. בעבר הייתה על פי דבריה תושבת או אזרחית אנגליה. היום על פי דבריה תושבת אלבניה. היא הופיעה בישראל בנסיבות לא ברורות לפני שנתיים-שלוש, ורכשה את אמונם של הבלוגרים, כמי שתסייע להם בזירה הבינלאומית, תגייס כספים, וכו'. לאחר המעצר נוצר מצב שבו לא ברור מה היה תפקידה בכל העניין, בפרט לגבי משלוח אדמינ קוד לנאשם מוטי לייבל, ככל הנראה שלא על פי בקשתו, דרך צלם רומני שהגיע עם מריאן.
המשתתפ העיקרי השני הוא פרומנוסבקי, תחת השם ארצ'י. בחלק הראשון של הדיון הוא מופיע בעיקר כטרול. לגבי חלקו בפרשה העניינים מתבררים בעיקר בחלק ב' - לקראת סוף הדיון.
הדיון מבחינתי חשוב בגלל שהוא מעלה שאלות דומות לגבי ססמאות (וחתימות אלקטרוניות), אדמינ קודז, ואבטחה של מערכות מידע ממשלתיות - בפרט ועדת הבחירות המרכזית ובתי המשפט. השאלה הבסיסית היא לגבי ביצוע עבירות בצוותא חדא במצב של מערכת מידע בה יש בעלי אדמינ קוד ויש בעלי ססמאות בעלות סמכויות והרשאות שונות.
Marianne Azizi Not me. I never paid a thing nor had any involvement...but you are missing the whole issue. The indictments are for publishing...when lory put out the help video it was because she said she was afraid. The clear response is i didnt have any payment no...See More
Archi Jameson With all due respect, your question Joseph Zernik is vague, which leaves the same open question, whether you Joseph Zernik were one of those, who may have been involved in providing her any help, isnt it?
Archi Jameson here we go Joseph Zernik Marianne Azizi, isnt it vague now?
Can you tell the difference between an owner and a writer now, since they both are the same woman ?
ManageCan you tell the difference between an owner and a writer now, since they both are the same woman ?
Marianne Azizi Also Joseph Zernik..please remember there is a 3rd person in jail. The lawyer who helped Joelle pro bono and countless others, who also helped lory and moti with legal advice etc. The one who brought forward the hearing with heiman by 5 days, the one who is fighting all the american disclosure..to use what is clearly mutual assistance and not being clearly upheld. The focus on moving blogs from defunct usa sites is secondary to the homeland investigation from 2015 before that site was even moved! Seems that people are missing the key elements of the illegal detention.
Joseph Zernik Marianne Azizi: Your response is clearer now, except for the "Why am i not investigated nor filmmaker? " the story that was the start of this post indicates that you and the photographer were detained... and called Moti for help. Weren't you both investigated at that time? And how did the Admin Code get into possession of the Romanian guy? Or is that false? So did the Romanian photographer email the Admin Code to Moti?
Archi Jameson here is the story Joseph Zernik:
detention was mine in july 2016. This was before all this balagan. Admin in hands of romanian is false. I understand he has no record. They did not call Moti for help. They called Zvi and Moyal. It went from there. Their false detention was also my false arrest. What has this to do with this case?
Managedetention was mine in july 2016. This was before all this balagan. Admin in hands of romanian is false. I understand he has no record. They did not call Moti for help. They called Zvi and Moyal. It went from there. Their false detention was also my false arrest. What has this to do with this case?
Joseph Zernik
שאלה שלי למריאן: התשובה שלך עכשיו ברורה יותר, חוץ מ"למה לא חקרו אותי ואת הצלם?" הסיפור שהוא תחילת הפוסט הזה הוא שאת והצלם נעצרתם... וצילצלתם למוטי לעזרה. האם לא נחקרתם באותו זמן? ואיך הגיע האדמינ קוד לידיו של הצלם הרומני? או שזה דבר שקר? והאם הצלם אכן שלח בדוא"ל את האדמינ קוד למוטי?
Marianne Azizi I saw Archi Jameson response..yes its accurate. That arrest was connected to his son being taken..same woman who accused me of the supreme court protest when i was fined expenses last month. This is off track. All of it. Concentrate on foia in usa and work on what the strategy is in this case. I had absolutely no involvement in anything hebrew..and as i said...is wordpress a suspect for hosting 500+websites?!
Joseph Zernik Marianne Azizi I don't get it: What was the cause of the detention of you and the Romanian photographer? Did you call Moti for help? And how did the Admin Code get into possession of the Romanian guy? Or is that false? So did the Romanian photographer email the Admin Code to Moti? and what is this repeat phrase " no involvement in anything hebrew"? We are talking about administrative issues, not about publishing, such issues could be handled in either Hebrew or English...
Marianne Azizi I will repeat. We were videoing Archi Jameson searching for his son. He was arrested and falsely imprisoned for trespassing on a public road. We were also detained. I called zvi..who called yaniv. Then varda steinberg turned up for half an hour. Ive written lots of articles about it. This was in 2016. Why is this relevant now?
Marianne Azizi This whole thread was because of the accusation that i somehow was involved in a hebrew website. I wasnt. This was all cleared up in first week after arrests.
Joseph Zernik So was Moti there with Varda Steinberg? And how did the Admin Code get into possession of the Romanian guy? Or is that false? And did the Romanian photographer email the Admin Code to Moti? "This was all cleared up in first week after arrests" - so were you investigated during the detention in 2016? Were you investigated after the detentions in February 2017?
Archi Jameson What code are you talking about in all of these comments Joseph Zernik and why do you think any Romanians will have any connection to coding in this case ?
Joseph Zernik Marianne Azizi The question was naturally addressed to you... Archi's conduct does not add credibility to this discussion, to say the least... A reasonable person would consider him trolling here...
Marianne Azizi Joseph Zernik. I just am not clear what you keep asking...were you under investigation in February 2017? Its about as relevant as me being questioned. I wrote a ton of articles about events in July 2016..totally unconnected to any other event in my life. Now back to the repetitive questions about lorys website. I never had any input or connection to it. None whatsoever. So that is the answer. Yet again...i can say only that now i learned that several people had admin access. Those who did were arrested and questioned and others arrested who also did not have admin inside israel. This topic is so far removed from the case. Miles away.
Joseph Zernik Marianne Azizi - a) You basically skirt the questions regarding investigations (if any), the Admin Code, Moti, and the Romanian photographer. b) Regarding DHS - I published the DHS documents, including my correspondence with DHS on the subject at that time. But you were not the source of reliable information.
Marianne Azizi The homeland letter and lorys response was extremely reliable. It was the direct correspondence to her and the response zvi helped her to write in english. Not reliable?!
Marianne Azizi You did not have access to the dhs letter to lory in january 2016 Joseph Zernik nor her answer..nor did you know that zvi was trying to prepare an appeal to Washington for her and asked me if i would go as appeal was to be for free speech of israelis w...See More
Marianne Azizi Eli daniel had admin too. Lory and others..im sure they could give him password..rather than people outside country living their lives and not understanding hebrew.
Joseph Zernik a) You basically skirt the questions regarding investigations (if any), the Admin Code, Moti, and the Romanian photographer.
Marianne Azizi Joseph Zernik...i had no connection with moti...the romanian has no record in his emails either of contact with moti. The password was with lory and a few other people...which i learned after all these arrests..no skirting...as he nor i were involved there were no questions to answer
Marianne Azizi Unlike you at this moment..i now know of at least 2 other people who had admin..i was not one of them. And just in case you still not clear..the romanian has no records of contact with moti
Joseph Zernik On the Romanian's contact with Moti and transfer of the Admin Code, we are getting into directly contradictory claims by the Romanian and Moti (as independently communicated by two individuals who spoke with Moti).
Archi Jameson no we dont Joseph Zernik since we don't believe that you got any confirmation for this information or any confirmation that מוטי לייבל wants you to speak out for his issues at all, so the best thing is to let him speak for himself
Marianne Azizi And yet again...what hss this to do with me? And secondly what has it to do with 8 month detentions and 91 indictments? Why dont you interrogate the Romanian or better still accept the investigation from first week of arrests when police asked about it...See More
Joseph Zernik The information, which I published, relative to email of the Admin Code to Moti by Marianne's Romanian photographer, was provided to me by two individuals, whom I named above, and who spoke with Moti himself. The discussion above appears to be mostly trolling by Promanovsky and skirting the issues by Marianne Azizi. Total lack of credibility. The motives remain unknown.
Joseph Zernik
תגובתי למריאן ופרומנוסבקי: המידע שפרסמתי, לגבי דוא"ל של הצלם הרומני של מריאן, שכלל את האדמינ קוד, נמסר לי על ידי שני אנשים, שאת שמותיהם פרסמתי לעיל, שדיברו עם מוטי ישירות. בדיון לעיל, פרומנובסקי נחזה בעיקרו כטרול, ומריאן מעבירה נושא כל הזמן.. חוסר אמינות מוחלט. המניעים נשארו עלומים.
Archi Jameson
אחותך Joseph Zernik הצועניה הטרולית חסרת אמינות, נעל בית משומשת שכמוך מתלונן על חוסר אמינות - מרוב בירבורים השאלות שלך לא מתכנסות למטרה או טענה כלשהי
Joseph Zernik JUST IN: A third person now confirms regarding the email by Marianne's photographer to Moti, including the Admin Code: "According to what Moti told me, it appears in the investigation material - email message from the photographer with the Admin Code, a month prior to the detention." This third confirmation from Moti himself, directly contradicts what Marianne says - that the photographer couldn't find any email from him to Moti. Marianne Azizi
Archi Jameson really Joseph Zernik ?
send me a copy of this lie, as you say Joseph Zernik it can be that the police fabricating documents ?
I cant believe this fairytales of that kind...
Managesend me a copy of this lie, as you say Joseph Zernik it can be that the police fabricating documents ?
I cant believe this fairytales of that kind...

Joseph Zernik
עדכון אחרון: אדם שלישי מוסר לי לגבי הדוא"ל של הצלם הרומני של מריאן עם האדמינ קוד: "ממה שאמר לי מוטי זה מופיע בחומר החקירה הודעה מהצלם עם הקוד חודש לפני המעצר." זה סותר ישירות את מה שמריאן אומרת, שהצלם לא מוצא כל דוא"ל ממנו למוטי.
Archi Jameson
באמת Joseph Zernik?
שלח אלי עותק של השקר הזה, כפי שאתה Joseph Zernik מתאר זאת יכול להיות כי המשטרה בודה מסמכים?
אני מתקשה להאמין לאגדות מהסוג הזה
שלח אלי עותק של השקר הזה, כפי שאתה Joseph Zernik מתאר זאת יכול להיות כי המשטרה בודה מסמכים?
אני מתקשה להאמין לאגדות מהסוג הזה
Joseph Zernik
עדכון אחרון: חומר החקירות של פרומנוסבקי מופיע בחומרי החקירות נגד לורי ומוטי, אבל חסויות מפני הנאשמים: "חלקן חסויות. יש אישור". שופך אור חדש לחלוטין על הטרול "ארצ'י".
Marianne Azizi You seriously think Joseph Zernik that the police dont know? Zvi made statement first week...and having just sat with him its way better tgey concentrate on the Doj order for arrest and for content in usa which was transferred....
Joseph Zernik JUST IN: Investigation materials of Promanovsky are included in investigation materials against the Defendants, but are sealed from the Defendants. "Partly sealed, there is confirmation". It sheds entire new light on the trolling by "Archi".
Marianne Azizi Joseph Zernik..why dont you try to get to a point in all this. You put my name here with no facts and seem to be insinuating something if which im not clear. Are you suggesting people with admins are criminals? I dont understand what you are talking about and also what it has to do with your amateur detective work.
Marianne Azizi
😂 unbelievable waste of time...ariel was arrested and released..yaniv and eli same. Plus others. You think tge Romanian published blogs in hebrew?

· Reply · Yesterday at 5:35pm
Marianne Azizi Joseph Zernik. You of course read about ariels arrest and release. He had the services of avi amiram. He was cleared of all involvement. This witch hunt by another blogger is innacurate and actually so far off the mark. As zvi said yesterday, the focus should be on how evidence was gained from usa, the brady disclosure and internal memoranda claims. All this talk of admin passwords is nonsense. And your inference that i or others framed anyone. Its stuff of fairytales. It is also divisive and doesnt serve the challenge of minimising or fighting a trial. I truly thought better of your focus. I know you to be a writer of pertinent facts, not lifting innacurate blogs. And above all, i am not connected to a single website.