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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
10-10-13 Extraconsitutional Zones - Excerpts from discussion on the OAK Board
10-10-13 Extraconstitutional Zones - Excerpt from discussion on OAK board
The Los Angeles Jewish/legal community again asked to assume accountability for conduct of Bet Tzedek - "The House of Justice"
Bet Tzedek should lose non profit status as an organization to help low income elderly for refusing legal help when my 88 year-old mother was unlawfully taken, 04/29/02, from Emmanuel Health Care in Glendora, CA while she was being treated for dementia pursuant to a police supervised Sec. 5150. After L.A. County Adult Protection Service said she is no longer allowed to make decisions they let her leave the hospital with a Capper, i.e., pursuant to B&P 6150, that had an attorney file an unverified petition against me in my mother’s name for return of real property she already owned with a deed I recorded in her name two years prior to the unverified petition. As a result of the unlawful B&P 6152 violation I was prevented from re-filing my federal complaint based on 1996 statutes dismissed with 1995 precedent. The 1996 statute violation by IRS was a direct result of cognitive bias combined with misinformation when an ex L. A. sheriff deputy lied to his sister-in-law an FBI agent that he could not repay money she lent him because he’s my partner, I made $60,000 and won’t give him his share and resulted in an unjustified IRS audit that mistakenly concluded I made $60,000 that took four years and a federal complaint to recant. . When I asked Bet Tzedek for help I was a senior citizen defendant in the unlawful 6152 violation in which both opposing attorneys were violating CA State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct against me.
Charles McCoy, Presiding Judge; _John Clarke, Clerk;_ __ _ _ Leroy Baca, Sheriff
High Level Financial Management Fraud at the Los Angeles Superior Court and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - A Call for Action by US Law Enforcement
Very Interesting... the ties these individuals have to Bet Tzedek, various financial institutions, the Bar Association, and law enforcement.
Corruption of the justice system in Los Angeles in particular, and California in general, is so deeply established, since US law enforcement patronizes the system.
I believe that the origins of it go at least as far back as 1982, and the onset of CIA wholesale drug trafficking to Los Angeles County, as part of Iran-Contra. It created conditions where federal, state, and local law enforcement were colluding in violating the law, and effectively established Los Angeles County as an Extraconstitutional Zone, something like Guantanamo Bay.
To wit: Both Guantanamo Bay and Los Angeles County were distinguished by having an "Overseer for Civil Rights" appointed under the Bush administration. (In Los Angeles 2001-2009). In both cases, such "Overseer" were fig leaves, nothing more.
We hear a lot about the Agency (CIA) being involved in drug trafficing. Historically,some of our allies might have been involved in that but with the Agency and law enforcement trying to interdict it at a lower level rather than at or near the top. There's some consensus on that during the South East Asian war. Iran Contra seemed to involve smuggling of spare parts like for F-4s, in violation of our embargo on those items, to fund anti-bolshevist efforts in El Salvador. That's my historical recollection.
Dear Dr Jackson:
Sorry to say, you are short on the facts again...
For your edification, I provided below [1] the almost 400 page 1997 report of the US Department of Justice Inspector General regarding the decade long enterprise of US agencies, targeting Los Angeles County, California, for the wholesale trafficking, for profit, of cocaine.
The report never doubted for a moment the facts regarding the trafficking of cocaine to Los Angeles County. Instead, it just explored the question of whether CIA in fact created the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles County, California, during that decade (~1982-1992), while the US government was preaching from the White House "Say No To Drugs".
Joseph Zernik, PhD
[1] 97-12-00 US Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General, December 1997 Special Report: CIA Drug Trafficking to Los Angeles, California s
Additionally, I believe that collusion between federal agencies and the US District Court in Los Angeles in conduct, which is likely to be in violation of the law, continues to this date. In the process of data mining the records of the US District Courts in the United States (for my paper, since published in a peer reviewed computer science journal, opining fraud in PACER and CM/ECF [1]), I came across largely disproportionate number of MJ cases at the US District Court in Los Angeles. These were cases, where unidentified US agencies obtained approval from US Magistrates at the US District Court in Los Angeles for the movement of cryptically identified persons and things inside and outside the United States.
[1] Peer-reviewed paper published by Dr Zernik, opining fraud in the online public access and electronic case management systems of the United States courts (PACER & CM/ECF):
10-08-18 Zernik, J: Data Mining of Online Judicial Records of the Networked US Federal Courts, International Journal on Social Media: Monitoring, Measurement, Mining, 1:69-83 (2010)
The enabling tool and the proposed solution:
However, the pattern of conduct, which is routinely seen at the US District Court in Los Angeles, acting upon a presumed disposition that Los Angeles may be an Extraconstitutional Zone. is not unique at all. Similar instances can be found at US District Courts across the nation, including, but not limited to the US District Court, Southern District of NY and US District Court, Vermont. I doubt that the latter two states belong in anybody's mind to an Extraconstitutional Zone...
Regardless of the part of the continent, the method is uniform - enabled by PACER & CM/ECF - pretense litigations, which are not overturned upon pretense appeals or petitions, failure to publish Rules of Court pertaining to fundamental clerical procedures that are inherent to the systems, and denial of public access to critical authentication and other clerical records.
The proposed solution is in the enactment of Federal Rules of PACER & CM/ECF. It is claimed that such Federal Rules would contribute to the safeguard of Human Rights much more than most realize.
Regardless of the part of the continent, the method is uniform - enabled by PACER & CM/ECF - pretense litigations, which are not overturned upon pretense appeals or petitions, failure to publish Rules of Court pertaining to fundamental clerical procedures that are inherent to the systems, and denial of public access to critical authentication and other clerical records.
The proposed solution is in the enactment of Federal Rules of PACER & CM/ECF. It is claimed that such Federal Rules would contribute to the safeguard of Human Rights much more than most realize.
The precedent is with the publication by courts of Federal Rules of Evidence, which the US Congress rejected and replaced with its own version. In the case of PACER & CM/ECF, the US courts simply never published any rules at all, in what must be deemed serious violation of Due Process and Fair Hearings rights, and therefore undermined Access to the Courts in what are in the US the National Tribunals for Protection of Rights.
10) Comment by Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles, CA just now

The California Connection
Hi Paula:
Regarding the web of connections, let me offer you a few more -
1) ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS - who served as US Attorney for the Central District of California during the Rampart Scandal period - key period in establishing the state of justice in Los Angeles County we see today, and who today serves as Director of US Dept of Justice Immigration and Citizenship Services, also served as a Board Member of BET TZEDEK, together with SANDOR SAMUELS, Associate General Counsel of Bank of America, who was alleged as key figure in racketeering by Countrywide and Bank of America.
2) The DAILY JOURNAL - the largest legal daily in California is the provider of SUSTAIN - the case management system of the LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT, which is alleged as the enabling tool for racketeering in that court.
3) The DAILY JOURNAL is rumored to be controlled by the CALIFORNIA BAR. The JOURNAL would not answer any questions regarding SUSTAIN or its rumored control by the BAR.
4) RONALD GEORGE, today Chief Justice of the CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT, served in leadership positions at the LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT at the time that SUSTAIN was implemented there, but would not answer any questions regarding his role, if any, in its implementation.
5) The CALIFORNIA BAR is today organized as an arm of the CALIFORNIA JUDICIARY.
6) The corporate structure of the LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT is unclear, but it may in fact be an affiliated with the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES.
7) As exposed, publicized, and rebuked by Richard Fine, all judges of the LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT took secret "not permitted" payments ("bribes") from the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, which required the signing of "retroactive immunities" ("pardons") for the judges by the California Governor, at the behest of the CALIFORNIA JUDICIAL COUNCIL.
It goes on and on...
10) Comment by Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles, CA just now
The California Connection
Hi Paula:
Regarding the web of connections, let me offer you a few more -
1) ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS - who served as US Attorney for the Central District of California during the Rampart Scandal period - key period in establishing the state of justice in Los Angeles County we see today, and who today serves as Director of US Dept of Justice Immigration and Citizenship Services, also served as a Board Member of BET TZEDEK, together with SANDOR SAMUELS, Associate General Counsel of Bank of America, who was alleged as key figure in racketeering by Countrywide and Bank of America.
2) The DAILY JOURNAL - the largest legal daily in California is the provider of SUSTAIN - the case management system of the LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT, which is alleged as the enabling tool for racketeering in that court.
3) The DAILY JOURNAL is rumored to be controlled by the CALIFORNIA BAR. The JOURNAL would not answer any questions regarding SUSTAIN or its rumored control by the BAR.
4) RONALD GEORGE, today Chief Justice of the CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT, served in leadership positions at the LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT at the time that SUSTAIN was implemented there, but would not answer any questions regarding his role, if any, in its implementation.
5) The CALIFORNIA BAR is today organized as an arm of the CALIFORNIA JUDICIARY.
6) The corporate structure of the LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT is unclear, but it may in fact be an affiliated with the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES.
7) As exposed, publicized, and rebuked by Richard Fine, all judges of the LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT took secret "not permitted" payments ("bribes") from the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, which required the signing of "retroactive immunities" ("pardons") for the judges by the California Governor, at the behest of the CALIFORNIA JUDICIAL COUNCIL.
It goes on and on...
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