Wrote to a friend in the biz...
Relative to censorship and survival of information:
Liveleak.com, which tries to present itself as a "leaking" stie, closed my channel a few years ago. I wrote mostly on judicial corruption in California and the US.
I started a new channel with them. Now I write on judicial and political corruption in Israel as well. Liveleak.com is even more protective of Israeli interests than it is of US interests.
Even the readers make comments to that effect from time to time.
When a posting is too embarassing for Israel, no matter how well-documented, they manipulate it in different ways (e.g. categorizing it as "Conspiracy"), and the readership is shown as "0" on a permanent basis, no matter how many comments are written.
Still I have more then 1,000,000 reads on Liveleak.com on the new channel.
on Scribd.com, I maintain archives, mostly judicial and banking records . I use them to link the references to documentation for my articles. Interestingly, the archive had more readership than any other site, although it is dry records with hardly any explanation, if any.
I had there over 1'400,000, and the stats was very impressive in the number of minutes of average reading per document...
Some of the most pospular were the most boring banking records of Bank of America and prisoners data from Los Angeles. Tens of thousand read for each...
Then a couple of months ago, they "improved" their stats, and the total decreased overanight to a bit over 100,000, and no details are provided for reading time, etc, any longer...
Scribd.com also removed some key documents, most notoriously - my appendix (the long version of the report) of my Human Rights report on Israel to the UN... They claimed that they did it at the request of a non-existent US corporation, which appears to me related to an Israeli corporation - involved in overseeing network intergrity and validity... I reported on their refusal to comment on the baltant fruad in the Isareli courts netword for public access to court records...
On Earthlink.net, I used to maintain an archive in Unix - completely user unfriendly. There I had the most reads and downloead...The banking records, in particular had tens of thousands of downloads from Russia, China, Bulgaria... But shortly after I escaped from the US, Earthlink closed my account with no notice or explanation, althgouh I had been a good paying customer for over 15 years...
My blog is on Blogger.com. They were purachsed by Google, I believe. So far I had no problem, and I have readers from almost any nation. Suprisingly, the readership is form the nations in the following order - United States 104522, Russia 17259, Germany 11066, China
7940, Ukraine 7638, France 6341, Israel 6310.
7940, Ukraine 7638, France 6341, Israel 6310.
There is no doubt in my mind that the censorship on the net will get worse.
Israeli daily Haaretz reported several times that the Administration of the Courts here is actively engaged in "Online Content Management" through Google and others, and Bibi was reported to have a specail budget for online trolls, to support him on the social networks...
As a precaution, I keep now for a few years an account in Iceland. The company is "1984". They claim a commitment for political free speech, and Iceland is known for its position against the US in banking and internet matters. So far, no problem with them. That is the account you got my email on .
But in general, I hope that my papers in academic journals and with the UN Human Rights Council will survive for 20-50 years. Although I doubt that they would be widely accessible. The rest I don't give much chance. 10-20 years max.
I keep offline copies as well. They are likely to be the ones which will suvive the longest, if someone would still have the devices to read them, with the changing formats of hardware...