September 15, 2009
Jerald M. Jellison, Ph. D.
Chairman of the Board
USC Credit Union
Dr Jellison:
As part of your consideration of my request in an email letter, sent last night, to engage in grievance
resolution, [i] I request the following:
A. I again request that USC Credit Union produce to me the records that the USC Credit Union
deemed as the legal foundation for actions that were taken in my accounts, with no authorization, with
no notification, and which caused me devastating harms. I again request that such production be by a
Custodian of Records, who was duly authorized by the Board of Directors, and that the production be
accompanied by:
1) A Declaration of Custodian of Records, pursuant to California law.
2) A record documenting the appointment of such Custodian of Records by the Board of
B. I previously filed a complaint with the USC Credit Union Supervisory Committee, part of the Internal
Audit structure, in this matter. I was informed that upon review, no wrong was found in the conduct of
USC Credit Union and its staff. I therefore, also request that the following records be produced by the
Custodian of Records:
1) Any Internal Audit Record of USC Credit Union, where there may be mention of any account
bearing the name of Joseph H Zernik, including, but not limited to business, personal, or loan
accounts, including, but not limited to records of the Supervisory Committee.
2) Any External Audit Record of USC Credit Union, where there may be mention of any account
of Joseph H Zernik, as above.
3) Any report filed by USC Credit Union with its Banking Regulator - California Department of
Financial Institutions, where there may be mention of any account of Joseph H Zernik,
as above.
C. I previously repeatedly requested that USC Credit Union comply with the law and regulations
relative to electronic transactions and their authentication, including, but not limited to the operation of
fax machines. I request that the Custodian of records provide any records that indicate what the
current policy and practice are at USC Credit Union in this regard.
D. I also request that the records that may be prepared by USC Credit Union in response to A, B, C,
above, together with records that USC Credit Union produced in the past in response to the same
requests, listed in D:1-3, below, be forwarded to the USC Credit Union Independent Auditor, and that
the Independent Auditor be requested to provide a report upon review of such records.
Records produced by USC Credit Union so far, relative to the conduct in accounts of Joseph H Zernik,
and the appointment of Custodian of Records:
1) June 13, 2008 - Production by Ms Christine Schwarz - VP/Real Estate Loans. [ii]
2) June 25, 2008 - Production by Mr Gary Perez - President/CEO [iii]
3) July 6. 2009 - Production by Mr Ralph Ramirez, COO, of December 15, 2008 Minutes of the
USC Credit Union Board of Directors, in re: Appointment of a Custodian of Records. [iv].
E. Finally, I request that you provide a statement on the record, after review of the records that may be
prepared in response to A-D, above:
1) Including your opinion in re: independence and efficacy of Internal and External Audit
functions, and Integrity of Operations at USC Credit Union;.
2) Including your opinion regarding each and every one of the records that were produced in D:1-
3, above (they total about 10).
3) Including a new copy of the record in D:3 , above, December 15, 2008 Minutes, where your
signature is not redacted, with a respective statement:
a) Whether it was or was not your authentic hand-signature, and
b) In case it was your signature - whether signing such December 15, 2008 Minutes of the
Board was or was not consistent with the safeguard of the Integrity of Operations at USC
Credit Union.
Surely, you realize that the integrity of operations of U.S. financial institutions, is now the focus of
interest at home and abroad. Furthermore, I claim that events, which originated in Los Angeles
County, California, were central to the development of the financial crisis that the U.S. is experiencing
now. Moreover - such events were the outcome of lawlessness in Los Angeles County, patronized by
FBI and U.S. Department of Justice. [v] It was the very same lawlessness that permitted and permits
the continued false confinement of the Rampart-FIPs - a Human Rights disgrace of historic
Joseph Zernik, DMD, PhD
USC Credit Union
A complete copy can be veiwed at: