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Subject: Adverse Possession group - Promote it. USE IT
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 21:31:16 -0500
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I have formed an Adverse Possession Law Advocacy Group for discussion and dissemination. It does not deal with other issues except to the extent it impinges on foreclosure matters.
You may subscribe by sending email to:
Email addresses and member identities will remain secret from all, including members, unless members themselves divulge their info. I, of course, shall divulge mine as I always do.
You may visit the archives and post messages at
I have also set up a domain for a site at http://aplag.info. APLAG means Adverse Possession Law Advocacy Group. I intend to put a blog, forum, and registration system there, to create a repository for resource material for adverse possessors, and to use it for fund raising for adverse possession litigation.
Because I consider it execrable and deplorable that millions of residences sit vacant across America while good people live in shelters, tents, etc because of crooked mortgages, crooked foreclosure, and government-financial industry conspiracy.
If you want to read further, just google bobhurt adverse possession and you will see most of the articles I have written on the subject.
I want to attract actual and prospective adverse possessors, and practitioners/ service providers to the Google Group. So I ask that you join and discuss and share, but not spam it or go off topic or get into disputes on it. I�ll eject spammers and scammers permanently.
I encourage you to pass this announcement around to everyone you know and your whole mailing lists. Many many people have an interest.
Bob Hurt
Contact: Email bh f t �
Blogs: 1 2 3 �
Law: E-letter Subscribe Donate Learn
2460 Persian Drive #70, Clearwater, Florida 33763 �
727 669 5511
Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Monday, January 2, 2012
12-01-02 Adverse Possession - the way to go! // La posesión adversa - el camino a seguir! // 逆权管有 - 要走的路!
12-01-01 R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789 - 2011 // Que en paz descanse Declaración de Derechos 1789 - 2011 // R.I.P.权利法案1789年 - 2011年
R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789 - 2011
By Mike Adams
January 01, 2012 " NaturalNews" -- One of the most extraordinary documents in human history -- the Bill of Rights -- has come to an end under President Barack Obama. Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the President's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a law that grants the U.S. military the "legal" right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder. This is all conducted completely outside the protection of law, with no jury, no trial, no legal representation and not even any requirement that the government produce evidence against the accused. It is a system of outright government tyranny against the American people, and it effectively nullifies the Bill of Rights.
In what will be remembered as the most traitorous executive signing ever committed against the American people, President Obama signed the bill on New Year's Eve, a time when most Americans were engaged in the consumption of alcohol. It seems appropriate, of course, since no intelligent American could accept the tyranny of this bill if they were sober.
This is the law that will cement Obama's legacy in the history books as the traitor who nullified the Bill of Rights and paved America's pathway down a road of tyranny that will make Nazi Germany's war crimes look like child's play. If Bush had signed a law like this, liberals would have been screaming "impeachment!"
READ MORE:http://www.
Secede! The US in its current form is simply unmanageable...12-01-01 Secession - A Smart Business Move!
12-01-02 A Fraudster or a Bankster - Your Choice in the 2012 Election! // Un estafador o un Bankster - Su elección en las elecciones de 2012! // 在2012年的选举欺诈者或Bankster - 你的选择!
Romney Family Investment Group Partnered With Alleged Perpetrators Of $8 Billion Ponzi Scheme
Posted on December 20, 2011 by GekkoMitt Romney, his son Tagg, and Romney’s chief fundraiser, Spencer Zwick, have extensive financial and political ties to three men who allegedly participated in an $8.5 billion Ponzi scheme. A few months after the Ponzi scheme collapsed, a firm financed by Mitt Romney and run by his son and chief fundraiser partnered with the three men and created a new “wealth management business” as a subsidiary.
READ MORE:http://www.
Video: 1994 Mitt Romney Explains How 2011 Mitt Romney’s Wall Street Donors Will Corrupt Mitt Romney
By Ian Millhiser on Dec 19, 2011 at 11:30 amNo one has benefited more from wealthy donors seeking to influence the 2012 presidential race than Mitt Romney. As of last August, Romney received more lobbyist contributions than the rest of the GOP field combined. His largest single source of campaign revenue isWall Street bankers, and a massive 10 percent of all American billionaires donated to Romney’s campaign. So it should come as little surprise that Romney is a big supporter of allowing the rich and the powerful to buy and sell democracy Romney recently pledged to appoint more justices like the ones who joined the egregious Citizens United decision.
READ MORE:http://thinkprogress.org/
_________________________Therefore, the 2012 election is being set as the next logical step:
• 2000 election, where the outcome was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in Bush v Gore in an unsigned decision;
• 2004 election, where Diebold electronic voting machine fraud has been repeatedly alleged by top computer experts;
• 2008 election, where Obama was a candidate of dubious eligibility;
• 2012 election, where the incumbent president, running for reelection, is hiding his credentials, opined as fraud on the People.
By voting, you willingly subject yourself to fraud!
Secede! The US in its current form is simply unmanageable...12-01-01 Secession - A Smart Business Move!
12-01-02 Welcome France! // Bienvenue en France! // Bienvenido Francia! // 欢迎法国!
12-01-02 Human Rights Alert (NGO) - Best of 2011 // Alerta de Derechos Humanos (ADH) - Lo mejor de 2011 // 人权警报(NGO) - 2011年最佳
International readership considerably grew, but the favorite topics remain unchanged:
1) Corruption of Countrywide, Bank of America, Brian Moynihan, Sandor Samuels, and with it – corruption of US banking regulation;
2) Corruption of the California Courts, particularly – the Los Angeles Superior Court and the California Court of Appeal, 2nd District, and the role of Bet Tzedek (“The House of Justice”), a prominent Jewish community charity, in the corruption.
3) Corruption of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and large scale false imprisonment in Los Angeles County, California;
4) Corruption of the United States Courts, from the US District Court, Central District of California, to the Supreme Court of the United States;
5) Computer systems of the courts and prisons as the enabling tools of the corruption.
View as PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/76927300/
A. Growing international Recognition of Dr Zernik’s reports regarding corruption of the US and California justice systems:1) Corruption of Countrywide, Bank of America, Brian Moynihan, Sandor Samuels, and with it – corruption of US banking regulation;
2) Corruption of the California Courts, particularly – the Los Angeles Superior Court and the California Court of Appeal, 2nd District, and the role of Bet Tzedek (“The House of Justice”), a prominent Jewish community charity, in the corruption.
3) Corruption of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and large scale false imprisonment in Los Angeles County, California;
4) Corruption of the United States Courts, from the US District Court, Central District of California, to the Supreme Court of the United States;
5) Computer systems of the courts and prisons as the enabling tools of the corruption.
View as PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/76927300/
[1] 11-08-01 Zernik, J: Fraud and corruption in the US courts is tightly linked to failing banking regulation and the financial crisis, 16th World Criminology Congress presentation
[2] 11-08-01 Zernik, J: Los Angeles Superior Court – widespread corruption and refusal of US government to take action, 16th World Criminology Congress presentation
[3] 10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report, with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".http://www.scribd.com/doc/
[2] 11-08-01 Zernik, J: Los Angeles Superior Court – widespread corruption and refusal of US government to take action, 16th World Criminology Congress presentation
B. Growing international readership:
C. Author's favorite:
Boycott the vote! It only legitimizes the illegitimate...
[1] 11-12-10 Where Should #Occupy Go Next? Civil Disobedience in the Footsteps of Thoreau and Gandhi!C. Author's favorite:
Secede![1] 12-01-01 Secession - A Smart Business Move!

D. Most read on Scribd Human Rights Alert:
1) 10-05-05 Countrywide, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), and its President Brian Moynihan - Compilation of Records - Evidence of Racketeering s
The record includes a short overview and links to some 80 records which are the evidence itself. See an updated, expanded list of evidence with links to records and short descriptions under: http://www.scribd.com/doc/32907453/ 10-06-11-Dr-Zernik-s-Complaints-Filed-with-Office-of-Comptroller-of-the-Currency-and-SEC-against-Countrywide-Bank-of-America-NYSE-BAC-and-Brian-Mo
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 15694 Published: 05 / 06 / 2010
2) 10-05-05 Chairs of US Congress Committees of the Judiciary and Banking Are Requested to Join Senator Feinstein’s Inquiries on Comptroller of the Currency and US Dept of Justice Inspector General s
Subject matter was alleged racketeering by Bank of America Corporation and Brian Moynihan - its president at the Los Angeles County, California, courts, and refusal of US banking regulators, FBI, and US Department of Justice to provide equal protection in Los Angeles County, California.
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 14027 Published: 05 / 06 / 2010
3) 10-01-05 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - John Smith s
Efforts to secure the Human Rights of Richard Fine revealed material deficiencies in the case management system of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department - Inmate Information Center. Given the limited access to data, indirect efforts were made to produce initial assessment of system integrity.
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 11888 Published: 01 / 05 / 2010
4) 10-01-04 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - Jose Martinez s
In the course of attempting to secure the Human Rights of Richard Fine, it became apparent that the case management system of the Los Angeles Sheriff Department, like database management systems of the courts, suffers from lack of integrity. The Sheriff's system must be of particular concern - it allowed arbitrary deprivation of liberty. See also similar series constructed for: 1) Jose Rodriguezhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/25064776/ 10-01-11-Inmate-Information-Center-data-survey-Jose-Rodriguez-s 2) John Smithhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/24816245/ 10-01-05 Los Angeles County Sheriff's
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 11431 Published: 01 / 05 / 2010
5) 10-06-19 Wright v Bank of America et al (5-10-cv-01723) at the US Court, Northern California: Racketeering Alleged by Brian Moynihan and Bank America s
Washington DC, June 19 - Human Rights Alert, Los Angeles county based NGO, and Dr Joseph Zernik filed request with the Hon Vaughn R Walker, Chief Judge, US District Court, Northern District of California, to initiate investigation and corrective actions relative to conduct of Bank of America Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates in the case of Wright v Bank of America et al (5-10-cv-01723), where perversion and obstruction of justice were alleged, following a pattern of conduct in courts across the US, established by Countrywide Financial Corporation, and adopted by Brian Moynihan starting with his appointment as General
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 8563 Published: 06 / 19 / 2010
6) 10-10-01 United Nations Human Rights Council Records for 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States - referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession" in California
10-10-02 Human Rights Alert's report pertaining to corruption of the courts, the legal profession, and law enforcement in Los Angeles County, California, was noted by the United Nations Los Angeles, October 2 - Human Rights Alert (NGO), a young organization, with no resources at all, got a mention and a reference in the report staff report of the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, [1] as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States. Page 8: HRAlert referred to corruption in the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination of US law enforcement in California. 69 Notes: 69
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 7907 Published: 10 / 02 / 2010
7) 10-06-11 Complaints Filed with Office of Comptroller of the Currency and SEC against Countrywide, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), and Brian Moynihan - alleging fraud and extortion on Dr Zernik, fraud on shareholders, on banking regulators, and on the US taxpayer s
Beyond the introductory narrative about 130 links to records are provided as evidence of ongoing racketeering by Brian Moynihan and Bank of America at the Los Angeles Superior Court. D. LAYPERSON’S INTRODUCTION Most honest persons are likely to have difficulty in understanding the range of convoluted schemes employed by Countrywide and Bank of America described in instant complaint. Therefore, a layperson’s introduction is provided below: 1.REAL ESTATE FRAUD - Under Samaan v Zernik Countrywide, and Bank of America after it, were key perpetrators in a real estate fraud and banking fraud, which was
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 6572 Published: 06 / 11 / 2010
8) 02-01-00 Stealing From the People: Corruption in Indonesia; Book 2: The Big Feast - Soldier, Judge, Banker, Civil Servant; Edited by Richard Holloway
Public Category: Research Reads: 6416 Published: 02 / 03 / 2011
9) 10-01-11 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - Jose Rodriguez s
The best evidence for widespread corruption of the judges of the LA Superior Court is in the large-scale false imprisonments, which were never terminated even after the Rampart scandal (1998-2000),
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 5921 Published: 01 / 12 / 2010
10) 10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office, Los Angeles, Against Brian Moynihan, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), Bryan Cave LLP, Alleging Racketeering and Large Scale Financial Institution Fraud s
Executive Summary Complaint was filed July 6, 2010, with the US Attorney Office, Central District of California, against Brian Moynihan – President/CEO, Sandor Samuels – Associate General Counsel, Bank of America Corporation, and Attorneys Jenna Moldawsky and John Amberg alleging: (a) Public Corruption and Financial Institution Fraud relative to their conduct in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles pursuant to various acts, including, but not limited to the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act (2009); (b) Large-scale fraud on the US government and the US taxpayer in funding
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 5588 Published: 07 / 06 / 2010...
12) 06-07-15 Rampart Reconsidered: LAPD's Blue Ribbon Review Panel Report (2006)
Official report of the LAPD dated June 15, 2006, the definitive record regarding ongoing false imprisonments of thousands of blacks and latinos in Los Angeles County. California -- the Rampart scandal (1998-2000) victims, and the role of judges of the Los Angeles Superior Court in preventing their release. Please also see repeated requests forwarded to President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder - the first self-identified blacks to serve in such position, who to this date (May 2010) failed to take any action..
Public Category: Government Docs Reads: 4745 Published: 01 / 07 / 2010...
14) 08-03-05 Case of Borrower William Parsley (05-90374), Dkt #248: Judge Jeff Bohm's Memorandum Opinion, rebuking Countrywide's litigation practices, Countrywide's false outside counsel scheme s
“…During several hearings over the past year, the Court received evidence on a wide range of misconduct beyond this initial misrepresentation. The parties are a mortgage loan servicer and its two law fIrms: (I) Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. (Countrywide), the loan servicer for Fannie Mae, the mortgagee of the Debtor's home loan; … Their collective conduct caused this Court to issue two Show Cause Orders. This Memorandum Opinion discusses how their actions in the case at bar have shown a disregard for the professional and ethical obligations of the legal profession and judicial system.”
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 3894 Published: 01 / 10 / 2010
E. Most read on LiveLeak.com:1)







Superior_Court_of_Los_Angeles_County,_California Contents 1 Judges 2 Introduction 2.1 2010 election 2.2 E


The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
_______ Flag Counter: 128http://inproperinla.blogspot.com/
http://inproperinla.wordpress.com/ http://human-rights-alert.blogspot.com/ Total Reads: 686,060Followers: 1,239http://www.scribd.com/Human_Rights_Alert http://twitter.com/inproperinla
http://www.liveleak.com/user/jz12345 Total Item Views: 585,338
http://www.examiner.com/x-38742-LA-Business-Headlines-Examiner _____________________________WHAT DID THE EXPERT SAY ABOUT THE CURRENT FINANCIAL CRISIS?
* Foreclosure fraud: The homeowner nightmares continueCNN (April 7, 2011)
* About 3 million homes have been repossessed since the housing boom ended in 2006… That number could balloon to about 6 millionby 2013 Bloomberg (January 2011)
* "...a system in which only the little people have to obey the law, while the rich, and bankers especially, can cheat and defraud without consequences." http://www.scribd.com/doc/50753639/ Prof Paul Krugman, MIT (2011)
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA?* "...judges tried and sentenced a staggering number of people for crimes they did not commit." Prof David Burcham, Dean, Loyola Law School, LA (2001)
* "This is conduct associated with the most repressive dictators and police states... and judges must share responsibility when innocent people are convicted." Prof Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, Irvine Law School (2001) http://www.scribd.com/doc/27433920/ * "Innocent people remain in prison"* "...the LA Superior Court and the DA office, the two other parts of the justice system that the Blue Panel Report recommends must be investigated relative to the integrity of the system, have not produced any response that we know of..."LAPD Blue Ribbon Review Panel Report (2006)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/24902306 /_____________________________
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CALIFORNIA?* "...corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California." United Nations Human Rights Council Staff Report (2010)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/38566837/ _____________________________
* "On July 26, 2010, Laurence Tribe, Senior Counsel for the United States Department of Justice, Access to Justice Initiative, delivered an important speech to the Conference of Chief Justices, challenging them to halt the disintegration of our state justice systems before they become indistinguishable from courts of third world nations."Prof Laurence Tribe, Harvard Law School (2010), per National Defender Leadership Institute (2010)
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE CONDITIONS IN THE PRISON IN MONROE COUNTY, TENESSEE?* "What goes on there is more like gulags of centuries ago."ACLUhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/72546279/ _____________________________
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES?* "More than 100 law professors have signed on to a letter released today that proposes congressional hearings and legislation aimed at fashioning "mandatory and enforceable" ethics rules for Supreme Court justices for the first time. The effort, coordinated by the liberal Alliance for Justice, was triggered by "recent media reports," the letter said, apparently referring to stories of meetings and other potential conflicts of interest involving Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas among others."More than 100 law professors, as reported by the Blog of the Legal Times (February 2011) http://www.scribd.com/doc/49586436/ _____________________________
* "The American legal system has been corrupted almost beyond recognition..."
Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit, Edith Jones, speaking before the Federalist Society of Harvard Law School (February 2003)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/50137887/ _____________________________
WHAT DID THE CHAIR OF THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SAY ABOUT THE US JUSTICE SYSTEM?* In a speech in Georgetown University, Senator Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee called for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" on the US Department of Justice.Transcript of Senator Leahy speech (2009)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/38472251/ ____________________________ As part of efforts for the preservation of our civilization for future generations:
A call for proposals, ending January 10, 2012.
#Occupy Jerusalem-AlQuds - The Party!
Late August 2012
Love, Peace, Justice
Empowering the People through
a dance/music/art/study/pray
READ MORE:http://josephsdream2012.wordpress.com/
VIEW VIDEO:11-12-12 Oh My God, it's Occupy Jerusalem-AlQuds!
1) 10-05-05 Countrywide, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), and its President Brian Moynihan - Compilation of Records - Evidence of Racketeering s
The record includes a short overview and links to some 80 records which are the evidence itself. See an updated, expanded list of evidence with links to records and short descriptions under: http://www.scribd.com/doc/
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 15694 Published: 05 / 06 / 2010
2) 10-05-05 Chairs of US Congress Committees of the Judiciary and Banking Are Requested to Join Senator Feinstein’s Inquiries on Comptroller of the Currency and US Dept of Justice Inspector General s
Subject matter was alleged racketeering by Bank of America Corporation and Brian Moynihan - its president at the Los Angeles County, California, courts, and refusal of US banking regulators, FBI, and US Department of Justice to provide equal protection in Los Angeles County, California.
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 14027 Published: 05 / 06 / 2010
3) 10-01-05 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - John Smith s
Efforts to secure the Human Rights of Richard Fine revealed material deficiencies in the case management system of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department - Inmate Information Center. Given the limited access to data, indirect efforts were made to produce initial assessment of system integrity.
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 11888 Published: 01 / 05 / 2010
4) 10-01-04 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - Jose Martinez s
In the course of attempting to secure the Human Rights of Richard Fine, it became apparent that the case management system of the Los Angeles Sheriff Department, like database management systems of the courts, suffers from lack of integrity. The Sheriff's system must be of particular concern - it allowed arbitrary deprivation of liberty. See also similar series constructed for: 1) Jose Rodriguezhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 11431 Published: 01 / 05 / 2010
5) 10-06-19 Wright v Bank of America et al (5-10-cv-01723) at the US Court, Northern California: Racketeering Alleged by Brian Moynihan and Bank America s
Washington DC, June 19 - Human Rights Alert, Los Angeles county based NGO, and Dr Joseph Zernik filed request with the Hon Vaughn R Walker, Chief Judge, US District Court, Northern District of California, to initiate investigation and corrective actions relative to conduct of Bank of America Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates in the case of Wright v Bank of America et al (5-10-cv-01723), where perversion and obstruction of justice were alleged, following a pattern of conduct in courts across the US, established by Countrywide Financial Corporation, and adopted by Brian Moynihan starting with his appointment as General
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 8563 Published: 06 / 19 / 2010
6) 10-10-01 United Nations Human Rights Council Records for 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States - referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession" in California
10-10-02 Human Rights Alert's report pertaining to corruption of the courts, the legal profession, and law enforcement in Los Angeles County, California, was noted by the United Nations Los Angeles, October 2 - Human Rights Alert (NGO), a young organization, with no resources at all, got a mention and a reference in the report staff report of the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, [1] as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States. Page 8: HRAlert referred to corruption in the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination of US law enforcement in California. 69 Notes: 69
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 7907 Published: 10 / 02 / 2010
7) 10-06-11 Complaints Filed with Office of Comptroller of the Currency and SEC against Countrywide, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), and Brian Moynihan - alleging fraud and extortion on Dr Zernik, fraud on shareholders, on banking regulators, and on the US taxpayer s
Beyond the introductory narrative about 130 links to records are provided as evidence of ongoing racketeering by Brian Moynihan and Bank of America at the Los Angeles Superior Court. D. LAYPERSON’S INTRODUCTION Most honest persons are likely to have difficulty in understanding the range of convoluted schemes employed by Countrywide and Bank of America described in instant complaint. Therefore, a layperson’s introduction is provided below: 1.REAL ESTATE FRAUD - Under Samaan v Zernik Countrywide, and Bank of America after it, were key perpetrators in a real estate fraud and banking fraud, which was
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 6572 Published: 06 / 11 / 2010
8) 02-01-00 Stealing From the People: Corruption in Indonesia; Book 2: The Big Feast - Soldier, Judge, Banker, Civil Servant; Edited by Richard Holloway
Public Category: Research Reads: 6416 Published: 02 / 03 / 2011
9) 10-01-11 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - Jose Rodriguez s
The best evidence for widespread corruption of the judges of the LA Superior Court is in the large-scale false imprisonments, which were never terminated even after the Rampart scandal (1998-2000),
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 5921 Published: 01 / 12 / 2010
10) 10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office, Los Angeles, Against Brian Moynihan, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), Bryan Cave LLP, Alleging Racketeering and Large Scale Financial Institution Fraud s
Executive Summary Complaint was filed July 6, 2010, with the US Attorney Office, Central District of California, against Brian Moynihan – President/CEO, Sandor Samuels – Associate General Counsel, Bank of America Corporation, and Attorneys Jenna Moldawsky and John Amberg alleging: (a) Public Corruption and Financial Institution Fraud relative to their conduct in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles pursuant to various acts, including, but not limited to the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act (2009); (b) Large-scale fraud on the US government and the US taxpayer in funding
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 5588 Published: 07 / 06 / 2010...
12) 06-07-15 Rampart Reconsidered: LAPD's Blue Ribbon Review Panel Report (2006)
Official report of the LAPD dated June 15, 2006, the definitive record regarding ongoing false imprisonments of thousands of blacks and latinos in Los Angeles County. California -- the Rampart scandal (1998-2000) victims, and the role of judges of the Los Angeles Superior Court in preventing their release. Please also see repeated requests forwarded to President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder - the first self-identified blacks to serve in such position, who to this date (May 2010) failed to take any action..
Public Category: Government Docs Reads: 4745 Published: 01 / 07 / 2010...
14) 08-03-05 Case of Borrower William Parsley (05-90374), Dkt #248: Judge Jeff Bohm's Memorandum Opinion, rebuking Countrywide's litigation practices, Countrywide's false outside counsel scheme s
“…During several hearings over the past year, the Court received evidence on a wide range of misconduct beyond this initial misrepresentation. The parties are a mortgage loan servicer and its two law fIrms: (I) Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. (Countrywide), the loan servicer for Fannie Mae, the mortgagee of the Debtor's home loan; … Their collective conduct caused this Court to issue two Show Cause Orders. This Memorandum Opinion discusses how their actions in the case at bar have shown a disregard for the professional and ethical obligations of the legal profession and judicial system.”
Public Category: Business/Law Reads: 3894 Published: 01 / 10 / 2010
Los Angeles County Ombudsman Help Sought in Alleged Fraud in LA Superior Court Online Servers
Los Angeles, March 8 – repeat request was filed by Dr Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles County resident, with Ombudsman Stephanie Maxberry, for guidance regarding filing a complaint regarding persons/agencBy: jz12345 | Comments: 1 | Views: 6081 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
2)Large Scale Fraud in Operations of Computers of the LA Superior Court Alleged in Letter to Ombudsman
Los Angeles, March 5, 2010 request was filed with Los Angeles County Ombudsman by Human Rights activist Dr Joseph Zernik, requesting guidance for the correct procedures for filing complaints against aBy: jz12345 | Comments: 9 | Views: 4955 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
3)SEC Complaint Filed by Stockholder against Bank of America Corporation And Its President, Brian Moynihan
Los Angeles, Feb 1, 2010 Complaint was filed by Joseph Zernik, PhD, Stockholder, against Bank of America Corporation and its new President, Brian Moynihan. Mary Schapiro, Chair of SEC, confirmed recBy: jz12345 | Comments: 1 | Views: 4889 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
4)Michael Libow, Coldwell Banker, Gail Hershowitz, Mara Escrow of Beverly Hills, California Subject of FBI Complaint of Real Estate Fraud and Extortion
Los Angeles, May 22 – Dr Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles County resident filed complaint with FBI White Collar Crime Squad supervisor Steven Goldman against Michael Libow – real estate salesperson at CBy: jz12345 | Comments: 2 | Views: 4562 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
5)Bank of America and Brian Moynihan - Beyond Financial Recklessness - Corruption of the Courts
Los Angeles, April 9 – in letter to John Dugan, US Comptroller of the Currency, copied to Mary L Schapiro – Chair of SEC, and Glenn A Fine – Inspector General of US Department of Justice, Dr JBy: jz12345 | Comments: 6 | Views: 4538 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
6)False Imprisonments in Los Angeles County, California
January 18, 2010 False Imprisonments in Los Angeles County, California By Joseph Zernik Initial interest in the case management system (CMS) of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department arose fBy: jz12345 | Comments: 0 | Views: 4525 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
7)Brian Moynihan, President of Bank of America Corporation requested to disclose his own alleged fraud and criminal conduct to the Audit Committee
Los Angeles, March 6, in notice to Brian Moynihan President/CEO of Bank of America Corporation (BAC), Los Angeles resident, Dr Joseph Zernik, provided Mr Moynihan with evidence of Mr Moynihan’s ownBy: jz12345 | Comments: 2 | Views: 4382 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
8)Attorney Richard Fine – False Hospitalized by Sheriff’s Department of Los Angeles County for a Full Year.
Upon review of the records pertaining to the case of Attorney Richard Fine as a whole, a reasonable person would conclude that the Los Angeles Superior Court and the Sheriff’s Department of Los AngeBy: jz12345 | Comments: 4 | Views: 4163 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
9)Chief Judge of US Court, Los Angeles, Requested to Restore Integrity of the Courts in Litigations Involving Financial Institutions.
Los Angeles, March 27 – in letter to Audrey Collins, Chief Judge, US Court, Central District of California, copied below, Dr Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles County resident, requested that the Chief JudgBy: jz12345 | Comments: 0 | Views: 4082 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
10)10-02-14 Jerry Brown, California Attorney General, is appalled by corruption
Los Angeles County was defined already in the early 2000s in FBI reports as “the epicenter of epidemic of real estate fraud”. Galdjie v Darwish (SC052737) provided key evidence that such “epidemBy: jz12345 | Comments: 4 | Views: 4041 | Votes: 1 | Shared: 1
11)Bank of America Corporation - Beyond Financial Recklessness - Corruption of the Courts
Starting early 2007 short notices were posted on public forums titled “Countrywide – Beyond financial recklessness – corruption of the courts”. Today, three years later, the title needs onlyBy: jz12345 | Comments: 6 | Views: 3956 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
12)Threat by US Marshals Service – Attempt to Muzzle US Human Rights Report to the United Nation for Upcoming Review
Los Angeles, April 7 – Dr Joseph Zernik, founder of Human Rights Alert, a Los Angeles–based NGO, who has been actively producing a Human Rights report for the 2010 review of the United States by tBy: jz12345 | Comments: 12 | Views: 3796 | Votes: 1 | Shared: 0
13)Complaint Alleging Racketeering by Bank of America and Brian Moynihan Pending Before Comptroller of the Currency
Washington DC, May 28 – in letter to Comptroller of the Currency – John Dugan and to Deputy Comptroller – Kevin Bailey, their personal attention was requested in effort to obtain an honest, valiBy: jz12345 | Comments: 5 | Views: 3758 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
FBI Complaint against Gary Perez – President, Christine Schwarz – Vice President, and USC Credit Union of Fraud, Extortion
Los Angeles, May 23 – Dr Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles County resident filed with FBI White Collar Crime Squad supervisor Steven Goldman complaint of fraud and extortion against Gary Perez – PresidenBy: jz12345 | Comments: 2 | Views: 3401 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
16)New Case Management System of the California Courts - 2010 10-06-14 CCMS - Serious Human Rights Concerns
Los Angeles, June 14 - Human Rights Alert issued warning that the April 12, 2010 Status Report by the California Judicial Council in re: CCMS development and implementation, must be a reason for graBy: jz12345 | Comments: 4 | Views: 3642 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
17)FBI Complaint for Large Scale Mortgage Fraud against the US Government filed against Maria McLaurin - Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), Jae Arre Lloyd – a
Los Angeles, May 21 – Dr Joseph Zernik, a Los Angeles County resident filed with the Los Angeles FBI White Collar Crime Squad Supervisor – Mr Steven Goldman complaint against Nivie Samaan, Jae ABy: jz12345 | Comments: 6 | Views: 3597 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
18)Complaint Filed Against David Pasternak with Newly Established Public Corruption and Civil Rights Division of US Attorney, Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, June 21 – Dr Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles County resident, filed complaint against Attorney David Pasternak with Andre Birotte Jr, the US Attorney, Central District of California (Los AngBy: jz12345 | Comments: 0 | Views: 3383 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
19)Richard Fine and Thousands of Los Angeles County FIPs (Falsely Imprisoned Persons) - Equal Protection Requested
Washington DC, May 25 - Human Rights Alert, Los Angeles County, California based NGO, filed requests with US Attorney General Eric Holder and with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for Equal ProtectiBy: jz12345 | Comments: 1 | Views: 3334 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
20)Complaint filed with US Attorney Office against US Magistrate Carla Woehrle and others at the US District Court, Central District of California - for
Los Angles, July 12 - complaint was filed with US Attorney Office, Central District of California, by Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, against US Magistrate Carla Woehrle and othersBy: jz12345 | Comments: 6 | Views: 3263 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
21)Los Angeles Superior Court - Widespread Corruption and Refusal of US DOJ to Take Action
Superior Court of Los Angeles County, California http ://judgepedia.org/index.php/By: jz12345 | Comments: 5 | Views: 3144 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
22)Accountability Requested by the Los Angeles Jewish Community for Rampant Fraud at the Los Angeles Courts
Los Angeles, June 11 - in an open letter to Prof Erwin Chemerinsky and Attorney Mitchell Kamin, Dr Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles County resident and founder of Human Right Alert (NGO), asked the two to cBy: jz12345 | Comments: 10 | Views: 3183 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
23)Complaint against Mr Danny Bickell - US Supreme Court Counsel, Alleges Public Corruption, Deprivation of Rights
Washington DC, July 1 - Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, filed complaint with Ronald C Machen Jr, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, against Mr Danny Bickell, US Supreme Court CBy: jz12345 | Comments: 2 | Views: 2804 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
24)Complaint filed v Judge J Segal, Attorney D Pasternak, LA Superior Court - for public corruption.
Complaint filed with US Attorney Office against John Segal – Judge, John A Clarke – Clerk, Attorney David Pasternak and others at the Los Angeles Superior Court, alleging public corruption in Re:By: jz12345 | Comments: 6 | Views: 2797 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
25)RE: SC087400 – Complaint against Judges Patricia Collins, Lisa Hart Cole, LA Superior Court, Old Republic International (NYSE:ORI) – Public Corrup
RE: SC087400- Complaint against then Judge Patricia Collins, Judge Lisa Hart-Cole, Attorney David Pasternak, Old Republic International (NYSE:ORI) and others - for public corruption and racketeering bBy: jz12345 | Comments: 14 | Views: 3093 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
26)Papers published in computer science journal documenting fraud in US justice system computers
Los Angeles, September 4 - Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, had two papers were published in a peer-reviewed computer science journal, one documenting invalidity and fraud in the Los ABy: jz12345 | Comments: 7 | Views: 2786 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
27)Complaint filed against California Court of Appeal, 2nd District - for Public Corruption, Racketeering
Los Angles, July 22 – complaint was filed with US Attorney Office, Central District of California, by Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, against Justices and the Clerk of the CaliforBy: jz12345 | Comments: 3 | Views: 2769 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
28)Harvard, Yale Law Journals Refuse to Review Paper Documenting Corruption of the US Justice System
Los Angeles, September 8 - following the publication in a computer science journal of papers, which focused on analyzing invalidity and fraud inherent in the case management and online public accessBy: jz12345 | Comments: 9 | Views: 2730 | Votes: 1 | Shared: 0
30)High level financial management fraud at the Los Angeles Superior Court, Sheriff's Department - A call for action by US law enforcement
Los Angeles, October 13 - Human Rights Alert (NGO) called for action by US law enforcement regarding mounting evidence of high-level financial management fraud at the Superior Court of California, CouBy: jz12345 | Comments: 1 | Views: 2525 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 1
____Joseph Zernik, PhDHuman Rights Alert (NGO)The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
_______ Flag Counter: 128http://inproperinla.blogspot.
* Foreclosure fraud: The homeowner nightmares continueCNN (April 7, 2011)
* About 3 million homes have been repossessed since the housing boom ended in 2006… That number could balloon to about 6 millionby 2013 Bloomberg (January 2011)
* "...a system in which only the little people have to obey the law, while the rich, and bankers especially, can cheat and defraud without consequences." http://www.scribd.com/doc/
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA?* "...judges tried and sentenced a staggering number of people for crimes they did not commit." Prof David Burcham, Dean, Loyola Law School, LA (2001)
* "This is conduct associated with the most repressive dictators and police states... and judges must share responsibility when innocent people are convicted." Prof Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, Irvine Law School (2001) http://www.scribd.com/doc/
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CALIFORNIA?* "...corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California." United Nations Human Rights Council Staff Report (2010)
* "On July 26, 2010, Laurence Tribe, Senior Counsel for the United States Department of Justice, Access to Justice Initiative, delivered an important speech to the Conference of Chief Justices, challenging them to halt the disintegration of our state justice systems before they become indistinguishable from courts of third world nations."Prof Laurence Tribe, Harvard Law School (2010), per National Defender Leadership Institute (2010)
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE CONDITIONS IN THE PRISON IN MONROE COUNTY, TENESSEE?* "What goes on there is more like gulags of centuries ago."ACLUhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES?* "More than 100 law professors have signed on to a letter released today that proposes congressional hearings and legislation aimed at fashioning "mandatory and enforceable" ethics rules for Supreme Court justices for the first time. The effort, coordinated by the liberal Alliance for Justice, was triggered by "recent media reports," the letter said, apparently referring to stories of meetings and other potential conflicts of interest involving Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas among others."More than 100 law professors, as reported by the Blog of the Legal Times (February 2011) http://www.scribd.com/doc/
* "The American legal system has been corrupted almost beyond recognition..."
Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit, Edith Jones, speaking before the Federalist Society of Harvard Law School (February 2003)
WHAT DID THE CHAIR OF THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SAY ABOUT THE US JUSTICE SYSTEM?* In a speech in Georgetown University, Senator Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee called for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" on the US Department of Justice.Transcript of Senator Leahy speech (2009)
A call for proposals, ending January 10, 2012.
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