Los Angeles, March 2 - if for no other reason, the case of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange will go down in history as the tombstone of the First Amendment, on multiple accounts.
Likewise, there is no doubt that the recent Stratfor/Anonymous/Wikileaks episode is of historic proportions in revealing the level of corruption of the international military-industrial complex today.
UK: Reporters Without Borders, Press Freedom Index 2011/12 (PFI) ranking - 28
The Guardian continues is proud partnership with Wikileaks. [13]The Telegraph comes close behind. [16]
US: PFI ranking - 47Bloggers shine through as our saving grace. Here is the opening line on Canonfire (and that also covers CNN): [9]
- You know what's really cute? CNN managed to compile an entire article on the Stratfor documents obtained by Wikileaks without once mentioning Israel. That's like writing a biography of Hermann Melville without mentioning Moby Dick.
Huffington Post published Reuters, from London, verbatim. Better be careful, not to be secretly indicted as a co-conspirator in a spy ring... [4] Under Microsoft control, Huffington continues to set a mark for US media.
The New York Times, was even more cautious, burying a cryptic piece under the Technology section. [6]But then again, it had already given its readers a disclaimer on Christmas day two years ago, what's fit to print in the era. [7]
The Los Angeles Times again deserves the honor of the largest small town newspaper. [8]
The Wichita Eagle is cute, "WikiLeaks: Stratfor emails reveal problems with Web security" [12]
Wikipedia, not surprisingly, takes the Stratfor line, 'Stratfor has condemned the release as "deplorable" ', but fails to provide information on the leaked documents and what they say about Startfor.. [15]
Israel: PFI ranking - 92Haaretz should be commended for broad coverage of the episode, even the naming of the claims that Haaretz' own Melman was an "intelligence mule". [3] Other Israeli print media seem to have ignored the story.
India: PFI ranking - 131Mail of India focuses on India related issues. [10] Times of India, does the same. [14]
Finland: PFI ranking - 1Ditto. [11]
LINK:[1] Amy Goodman, WikiLeaks vs. Stratfor: Pursue the Truth, Not Its Messenger_Truth Dighttp://www.truthdig.com/
[2] Michael Hastings, WikiLeaks Stratfor Emails: A Secret Indictment Against Julian Assange? Rolling Stone
[4] WikiLeaks: Stratfor Confidential Emails Published_Huffington Post
[5] Stratfor WikiLeaks: My, how you've grown!_KPCC
[6] WikiLeaks to Publish E-Mails
[7] 10-12-25 Banks and WikiLeaks - NYTimes
[9] Stratfor, Wikileaks, Goldman Sachs and the Nameless Country_ Canonfirehttp://cannonfire.blogspot.
[10] MAIL TODAY COMMENT: Wikileaks revelations on Dow Chemicals make its case worse
[12] WikiLeaks: Stratfor emails reveal problems with Web security,
[14] Stratfor was Dow’s Bhopal spy: WikiLeaks_ Times of India
[15] Stratfor_ Wikipedia
[16] Stratfor: executive boasted of 'trusted former CIA cronies'_ Telegraph UK
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