Los Angeles, October 20 - following the recent United Nations Human Rights Council report, which noted "corruption of the courts and the legal profession" in California, and in view of the upcoming elections, Human Rights Alert (NGO) called upon the voters to examine the record of our elected officials in this matter.
1) California Senator DIANNE FEINSTEIN, and California Congresswoman DIANE WATSON - staunch supporters of Equal Protection in Los Angeles County, CaliforniaCongresswoman and Diane Watson, and Senator Dianne Feinstein filed inquiries on US Department of Justice and FBI: KENNETH KAISER - FBI Assistant Director for Criminal Investigation, KENNETH MELSON - then Director of US Dept of Justice Office of US Attorneys, and later Senator Feinstein also filed inquiry on GLENN A FINE - US Department of Justice Inspector General. [1] [2] [3] The inquiries pertained to refusal of FBI and US Dept of Justice to investigate constituent's complaints of overwhelming evidence of racketeering by judges of the Los Angeles Superior Court, and refusal of US Dept of Justice to address requests for Equal Protection of the 10 million residents of Los Angeles County against the LA-JR (alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket).
News reports also documented the uncompromised stand of Senator Feinstein in opposing the closing of the Public Corruption unit at the US Attorney's Office, Central District of California, under the Bush administration.
2) California Attorney General and Gubernatorial Aspirant JERRY BROWN - deemed unfit to hold officeParticularly troubling is the position in this matter of California Attorney General Jerry Brown, a gubernatorial aspirant, who earlier this year stated that he was "appalled by corruption". Over the past three years the most senior staff in his office repeatedly engaged in what must be deemed cover-up of the widespread "corruption of the courts" in Los Angeles County, California. Jerry Brown should be deemed unfit to hold public office. [4]3) California Congresswoman MAXINE WATERS - staunch supporter of Equal Protection in Los Angeles CountyThe evidence also showed Congresswoman Maxine Waters as a supporter of equal protection in Los Angeles County. Her stand in this matter goes back to the late 1990's, and her insistence on investigation of CIA drug trafficking to Los Angeles County, California.
4) California Senator BARBARA BOXER and Congressman DAVID DREIER-deemed unfit to hold officeThe offices of California Senator Boxer and California Congressman David Dreier engaged in dishonest conduct vis a vis a constituent in response to requests for inquiries on FBI and US Dept of Justice regarding their refusal to enforce the law in Los Angeles County. Barbara Boxer and David Dreier should be deemed unfit to hold public office.
5) President BARACK OBAMA and Attorney General ERIC HOLDERThe record from the past two years also indicates that Attorney General Eric Holder has not been ready, willing, able to address the "corruption of the courts and the legal profession", and that senior officers at the US Department of Justice, who patronized the "corruption of the courts", remained in their positions under the Obama administration. Such officials were not removed, regardless of the widely recognized compromised state of the US Department of Justice under the Bush administration, as indicated by Senator Patrick Leahy's call for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" on the US Department of Justice. [6] However, the appointment of Prof Laurence Tribe as Senior Counsel, Access to Justice Initiative, and his recent speech in that capacity to the Annual Conference of Chief Justices, where he rebuked the state courts in the United States as becoming indistinguishable from those of "third world nations", [7] suggested that there was at least a desire under Attorney General Eric Holder to affect a change.
Experience from the past several years makes it clear that our elected officials are fully aware of the state of the justice system in Los Angeles County, California, and beyond. However, conditions have emerged, where collusion of the courts, large financial institutions, and senior officers of the US Department of Justice, left US Congress and even the presidency unable to initiate corrective measures.
LINKS:[1] 10-01-19 Addendum to Complaint to Inspector General, US Dept of Justice, re: refusal to protect Los Angeles County residents against alleged racketeering by judges and financial corporations s
10-02-26 Senator Feinstein's Inquiry on US Department of Justice Inspector General Glenn A Fine s
[2] 10-03-02 Congressional Inquiry Re Complaint to Glenn Fine on Widespread Corruption in Los Angeles County s
[3] 10-05-28 Repeat Complaint to DOJ Inspector General on Fraud on US Congress and Denial of Equal Protection in Los Angeles County, California
[4] 10-03-05 Request Jerry Brown, California Attorney General, Equal Protection Under the Law
[5] 09-02-09 Transcript of Senator Leahy speech, calling for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in re US Justice Department s
[7] 10-07-26 Prof Laurence Tribe's Keynote Remarks at the Annual Conference of Chief Justices s
Joseph Zernik, PhDHuman Rights Alert (NGO)
