Rampant fraud in the Israeli courts: Fake judgments are published by the Administration of Courts and Nevo Publishing, LTD - Zadorov, Olmert, Pinto
The fraud by judges of the Nazareth District Court - Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman, Haim Galpaz - in the sham murder trial of Roman Zadorov, is not an exception. Inspection of court records would lead a reasonable person to the conclusion that in three major cases in recent years, the courts have perpetrated sham trials: Zadorov, Olmert (Holyland corruption scandal), and Rabbi Pinto (Israel Police corruption scandal). In non of the cases were authentic judgments entered in the electronic court file in Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the courts). However, the goal of the fraud was apparently very different in each case: In the Holyland trial, Judge David Rosen pretendd to sentence Olmert to six years in prison, without any intention that he actually serve such sentence. In the Rabbi Pinto trial, widespread fraud was perpetrated by Judge Oded Mudrick, which apparently intended to cover up the scope of police corruption. And in the Zadorov case - to fool the public to believe that Zadorov was indeed convicted of murder as is serving a life sentence, when in fact he is falsely confined.
It is difficult to believe that senior attorneys, who were involved in these cases, both for the State Prosecution and as Defense counsel, senior journalists, who are professional legal reporters, and justices of the Supreme Court (in all three cases sham appeal was conducted from sham judgments) are not aware of the fraud... The exception is Attorney Avigdor Feldman, who wrote, while the appeal in the Supreme Court was still pending in Zadorov's case, that Zadorov's judgment had been lost in the wailing wind of the Jezreel valley...
In blog: http://inproperinla.blogspot.co.il/2016/06/2016-06-17-israel-rampant-fraud-in.html
OccupyTLV, June 17 - Roman Zadorov is falsely imprisoned by the Israeli authorities under the pretense of conviction in the murder of Tair Rada, and the pretense of serving a life sentence. However, there is no authentic verdict record, no authentic sentencing record, and no arrest warrant at all.... The fraud in the Zadorov case and the part in it if the Supreme Court justice are gradually exposed in recent days.

Figure 1: In the Zadorov court file in the Nazareth District Court, no 2010 verdict was entered. During inspection of Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the courts) in the office of the clerk, a perverted, unsigned verdict record as discovered. While the appeal was still pending in the Supreme Court, his counsel, Attorney Avigdor Feldman wrote that the judgment records were lost in the wailing winds across the Jezreel valley.
However, the fraud by judges of the Nazareth District Court is not unique. Such fraud has become particularly common, following the implementation of Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the courts).

Figure 2: Disclaimer in the opening of "Online Chat" of the Administration of Courts states the obvious: An authentic court record is the one which is duly entered in the court file... with the implementation of Net-HaMishpat, authentic decision and judgment records are supposed to be entered in the electronic court file in Net-HaMishpat.
An authentic court record must be entered in the court file. And following the implementation of Net-HaMishpat - in the electronic court file in Net-HaMishpat. However, one of the common fraud methods in the courts today is the publication of fake court records by the Administration of Courts or "Nevo Publishing, LTD", although the same records are not entered in the electronic court file in Net-HaMishpat.
Such conduct should be deemed serious fraud.
Figure 1 shows the disclaimer of the "online chat' of the Administration of Courts, which explicitly states, that the authoritative records are those in the court file. This matter is also explicitly stated in a book by the late Supreme Court Presiding Justice Yoel Susman "Civil Court Procedures". This matter is also obvious to anybody who is versed in administration of courts, in accounting, or in database management.
However, since the implementation of Net-HaMishpat, judgments, which fail to be entered in the court file, are often published by the Administration of Courts or "Nevo Publishing, LTD".
Among the most prominent cases:
* Judge David Rosen Judgment in the Holyland corruption scandal, which convicted former PM Olmert, which which pretended to lead to a six-year prison sentence (which Olmert is not serving).
* Judge Oded Mudrick Judgment in the the Rabbi Pinto corruption scandal, which conviced Pinto, based on a dubious plea bargain agreement.
* Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman, and Haim Galpaz Judgment, which convicted Zadorov of murder (for which he purportedly now serves a life sentence).
Obviously, if such records were published by the Administration of Courts or by Nevo Publishing, LTD, the are not lawfully sealed. Therefore, there is no reasonable explanation, why they fail to duly appear in the "Decisions Docket" and fail to appear in the "Judgment Index" in Net-HaMishpat.
Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Dorit Beinisch also stated in the 2009 Judgment in Association for Civil Rights in Israel v Minister of Justice, that the expectation was that in Net-HaMishpat, decisions and judgments, which are not lawfully sealed, would be accessible to the public "on an ongoing basis".
Figure 3: In the Holyland corruption trial, Judge David Rosen perpetrated a uniquely daring fraud, in collusion with attorney, justices of the Supreme Court, and media...
Judge David Rosen's "Verdict" record in the Holyland corruption scandal is a striking case in point. The judgment in State of Israel v Zerni et al (10291-01-12) purportedly led to the six year prison sentence on former PM Olmert (which he would not serve):
b. .
Figure 4: Multiple versions of the Judge David Rosen "Verdict" record in the Holyland corruption scandal - none of them is an authentic, valid court record:
a. The record, which appears in Net-HaMishpat - fails to be entered in the "Judgment Index". The record is 685 page long, is a scanned record - i.e., is not a valid electronic record. It is missing the opening pages, naming the parties in the case, and is also missing the signature at the end. The record is perverted in an unusual manner, which is unlikely to be the outcome of human error.
b. The record, which was distributed by the Administration of Courts to media - entirely fails to appear in Net-HaMishpat, is a scanned record, - i.e., is not a valid electronic record, and all its pages are strangely cropped. The record is 687 page long, ending with a "wet" hand signature of Judge David Rosen.
c. In the appeal court file (paper court file - original records), only a printout of the "Verdict" from "Nevo Pusblishing, LTD" was discovered. An appeal, which originates in a fake, unauthentic court judgment should be deemed a fake, invalid appeal from its foundation...
Figure 5: In response to an attempt to inspect the judgment records in the Holyland corruption trial, Judge David Rosen issued a "Post-it Decision", which is a glaring fraud: The "Post-it" claims that the judgment records were "physically" transferred to the Supreme Court. That - in a court that had been electronically administered for some five years... Moreover, the judgment records were not found in inspection of the Supreme Court's files either. Judge David Rosen's "Post-it" is unsigned, was never duly served, fails to appear in the "Decisions Docket" in Net-HaMishpat, and Judge David Rosen refused to provide a signed and certified copy of it. Judge David Rosen also refused to explain, where the judgment records were, after inspection failed to discover them in the Supreme Court.
It is hard to believe that senior attorneys, who were involved in these court cases, both for the State Prosecution and as defense counsel, senior journalists, who are professional legal reporters, and justices of the Supreme Court (all three cases were subject to fake appeals in the Supreme Court) are unaware of the fraud... The exception is Attorney Avigdor Feldman, who wrote, while the appeal in the Supreme Court was still pending in Zadorov's case, that Zadorov's judgment had been lost in the wailing wind of the Jezreel valley...
The fraud by judges of the Nazareth District Court - Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman, Haim Galpaz - in the sham murder trial of Roman Zadorov, is not an exception. Inspection of court records would lead a reasonable person to the conclusion that in three major cases in recent years, the courts have perpetrated sham trials: Zadorov, Olmert (Holyland corruption scandal), and Rabbi Pinto (Israel Police corruption scandal). In non of the cases were authentic judgments entered in the electronic court file in Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the courts). However, the goal of the fraud was apparently very different in each case: In the Holyland trial, Judge David Rosen pretendd to sentence Olmert to six years in prison, without any intention that he actually serve such sentence. In the Rabbi Pinto trial, widespread fraud was perpetrated by Judge Oded Mudrick, which apparently intended to cover up the scope of police corruption. And in the Zadorov case - to fool the public to believe that Zadorov was indeed convicted of murder as is serving a life sentence, when in fact he is falsely confined.
It is difficult to believe that senior attorneys, who were involved in these cases, both for the State Prosecution and as Defense counsel, senior journalists, who are professional legal reporters, and justices of the Supreme Court (in all three cases sham appeal was conducted from sham judgments) are not aware of the fraud... The exception is Attorney Avigdor Feldman, who wrote, while the appeal in the Supreme Court was still pending in Zadorov's case, that Zadorov's judgment had been lost in the wailing wind of the Jezreel valley...
In blog: http://inproperinla.blogspot.co.il/2016/06/2016-06-17-israel-rampant-fraud-in.html
OccupyTLV, June 17 - Roman Zadorov is falsely imprisoned by the Israeli authorities under the pretense of conviction in the murder of Tair Rada, and the pretense of serving a life sentence. However, there is no authentic verdict record, no authentic sentencing record, and no arrest warrant at all.... The fraud in the Zadorov case and the part in it if the Supreme Court justice are gradually exposed in recent days.

Figure 1: In the Zadorov court file in the Nazareth District Court, no 2010 verdict was entered. During inspection of Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the courts) in the office of the clerk, a perverted, unsigned verdict record as discovered. While the appeal was still pending in the Supreme Court, his counsel, Attorney Avigdor Feldman wrote that the judgment records were lost in the wailing winds across the Jezreel valley.
However, the fraud by judges of the Nazareth District Court is not unique. Such fraud has become particularly common, following the implementation of Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the courts).

Figure 2: Disclaimer in the opening of "Online Chat" of the Administration of Courts states the obvious: An authentic court record is the one which is duly entered in the court file... with the implementation of Net-HaMishpat, authentic decision and judgment records are supposed to be entered in the electronic court file in Net-HaMishpat.
An authentic court record must be entered in the court file. And following the implementation of Net-HaMishpat - in the electronic court file in Net-HaMishpat. However, one of the common fraud methods in the courts today is the publication of fake court records by the Administration of Courts or "Nevo Publishing, LTD", although the same records are not entered in the electronic court file in Net-HaMishpat.
Such conduct should be deemed serious fraud.
Figure 1 shows the disclaimer of the "online chat' of the Administration of Courts, which explicitly states, that the authoritative records are those in the court file. This matter is also explicitly stated in a book by the late Supreme Court Presiding Justice Yoel Susman "Civil Court Procedures". This matter is also obvious to anybody who is versed in administration of courts, in accounting, or in database management.
However, since the implementation of Net-HaMishpat, judgments, which fail to be entered in the court file, are often published by the Administration of Courts or "Nevo Publishing, LTD".
Among the most prominent cases:
* Judge David Rosen Judgment in the Holyland corruption scandal, which convicted former PM Olmert, which which pretended to lead to a six-year prison sentence (which Olmert is not serving).
* Judge Oded Mudrick Judgment in the the Rabbi Pinto corruption scandal, which conviced Pinto, based on a dubious plea bargain agreement.
* Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman, and Haim Galpaz Judgment, which convicted Zadorov of murder (for which he purportedly now serves a life sentence).
Obviously, if such records were published by the Administration of Courts or by Nevo Publishing, LTD, the are not lawfully sealed. Therefore, there is no reasonable explanation, why they fail to duly appear in the "Decisions Docket" and fail to appear in the "Judgment Index" in Net-HaMishpat.
Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Dorit Beinisch also stated in the 2009 Judgment in Association for Civil Rights in Israel v Minister of Justice, that the expectation was that in Net-HaMishpat, decisions and judgments, which are not lawfully sealed, would be accessible to the public "on an ongoing basis".

Figure 3: In the Holyland corruption trial, Judge David Rosen perpetrated a uniquely daring fraud, in collusion with attorney, justices of the Supreme Court, and media...
Judge David Rosen's "Verdict" record in the Holyland corruption scandal is a striking case in point. The judgment in State of Israel v Zerni et al (10291-01-12) purportedly led to the six year prison sentence on former PM Olmert (which he would not serve):

Figure 4: Multiple versions of the Judge David Rosen "Verdict" record in the Holyland corruption scandal - none of them is an authentic, valid court record:
a. The record, which appears in Net-HaMishpat - fails to be entered in the "Judgment Index". The record is 685 page long, is a scanned record - i.e., is not a valid electronic record. It is missing the opening pages, naming the parties in the case, and is also missing the signature at the end. The record is perverted in an unusual manner, which is unlikely to be the outcome of human error.
b. The record, which was distributed by the Administration of Courts to media - entirely fails to appear in Net-HaMishpat, is a scanned record, - i.e., is not a valid electronic record, and all its pages are strangely cropped. The record is 687 page long, ending with a "wet" hand signature of Judge David Rosen.
c. In the appeal court file (paper court file - original records), only a printout of the "Verdict" from "Nevo Pusblishing, LTD" was discovered. An appeal, which originates in a fake, unauthentic court judgment should be deemed a fake, invalid appeal from its foundation...

Figure 5: In response to an attempt to inspect the judgment records in the Holyland corruption trial, Judge David Rosen issued a "Post-it Decision", which is a glaring fraud: The "Post-it" claims that the judgment records were "physically" transferred to the Supreme Court. That - in a court that had been electronically administered for some five years... Moreover, the judgment records were not found in inspection of the Supreme Court's files either. Judge David Rosen's "Post-it" is unsigned, was never duly served, fails to appear in the "Decisions Docket" in Net-HaMishpat, and Judge David Rosen refused to provide a signed and certified copy of it. Judge David Rosen also refused to explain, where the judgment records were, after inspection failed to discover them in the Supreme Court.
It is hard to believe that senior attorneys, who were involved in these court cases, both for the State Prosecution and as defense counsel, senior journalists, who are professional legal reporters, and justices of the Supreme Court (all three cases were subject to fake appeals in the Supreme Court) are unaware of the fraud... The exception is Attorney Avigdor Feldman, who wrote, while the appeal in the Supreme Court was still pending in Zadorov's case, that Zadorov's judgment had been lost in the wailing wind of the Jezreel valley...