Events, surrounding the death in 2002 of Shmaryahu Cohen, Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel, are worthy of investigation.

The late Chief Clerk Shmaryahu Cohen; former Presiding Justice Aharon Barak; former Magistrate of the Supreme Court Boaz Okon.As previously detailed, [1,2] research, based on techniques that are called data mining (and involve no legal analysis of the adjudication), reveals profound, unprecedented changes in the electronic decision records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel in March 2002. The changes, which were introduced, should indicate the voiding and nullification, in advance, of any decision record as a valid public legal record. For example, all decisions are today served and published unsigned, unauthenticated, and bearing the disclaimer "subject to editing and phrasing changes".
The research also showed the concomitant disappearance of the former Supreme Court Chief Clerk Shmaryahu Cohen from the records (except for many dozens of Supreme Court decisions, which continued to be certified under his name over the next five years...).
Google of his name revealed that on March 7, 2002, he died from cardiac arrest in a retirement party of a staff member in the Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court, after offering a toast. It also revealed that days later, a family member or friend filed with the police a report, suspecting murder, but could not provide a reasonable motive.
Data mining reveals instability in the certification patterns of Supreme Court decisions already a few months earlier, which can be interpreted as reflection of ongoing negotiations on changes in the normative certification statement "True Copy of the Original".
Later, in 2010, the State Ombudsman Report 60b, which reviewed the new computerized systems, which were introduced in Israeli courts over the past decade, concludes that the system were developed and implemented (by IBM and EDS) in violation of the law of the State of Israel in various ways. One of the violations is that in the process, the servers for all court records in Israel were removed from the courts and the custody of the clerks to the custody of one of the corporations (the Ombudsman does not specify the name of the current corporate custodian of Israeli court records...).
The latest Supreme Court decisions from March 2002, certified by Shmaryahu Cohen are the latest evidence that we have of custody of the Supreme Court records by a lawful Chief Clerk.
Events in 200 took lace under the tenure of Aharon Bark as Presiding Justice. Data mining also showed profound changes in the activity of Boaz Okon, then Magistrate of the Supreme Court around the same period.
The matter above was part of the evidence in the Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), which was probably the first-ever such submission, which was based on data-mining reseach of government electronic records. [3] The submission was incorporated in the HRC Periodic Review of the State of Israel - Professional Staff Report (2013), with a note referring to "lack of integrity in the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts, and the detainees courts in Israel".
The Human Rights Alert submission recommended investigation of events in the Supreme Court around the time of the death of the late Shmaryahu Cohen, former Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel.