What started as routine Fraud Upon the Court by Judge Eliyahu Bachar of the Tel-Aviv District Court, City of Tel-Aviv and others against street persons in the OccupyTLV camp, is reaching now new dimensions... Ombudsman of the Judiciary Eliezer Rivlin and Ministry of Justice Amy Palmer steal the show!
Following wide distribution publication of the fraud and fabrications by Judge Eliyahu Bachar against street persons, Ministry of Justice CEO Amy Palmer decided to file a fake/"fabricated" complaint on my behalf against Judge Bachar with Ombudsman of the Judiciary, Supreme Court Justice (Ret) Eliezer Rivlin. Next, I received from the office of the Ombudsman a fake "Certification of Filing a Complaint", for a complaint which I had never filed... Consequently, I demanded that the Ombudsman immediately cease the fraud of conducting a fake complaint process. In response, I received an explanatory letter and "decision" on behalf of the Ombudsman by "Senior Appointee (apparently a fake title) Attorney Avraham Wolf. The explanatory letter provided a new series of fabrications, worse than the original ones, especially that the new fabrications were delivered on behalf of a retired Supreme Court Justice and Ombudsman of the Judiciary Eliezer Rivlin - who is supposed to be the guardian of judicial integrity...
The entire chain of events is a classic example of the Babushka Principle: When fraud or corruption of the justice system is exposed, the immediate need arises to engage in fraud and corruption at a higher level in order to contain the original fraud....
In Amona the government is showering settlers NIS 150 millions for 40 families, and Attorney General Mandelblit is bending over backwards in order to fabricate legality of land grabs and illegal construction. The OccupyTLV camp was established by agreement between the City of Tel-Aviv and the protest movement in 2012. Now, the authorities are offering street persons, who live in the camp, NIS 7,500 and enforce their eviction, which would end, as one of them told me: "On the sidewalk on the other side of the street."
Also in the OccupyTLV camp the authorities engage in contempt of the law - Judge Eliyahu Bachar in collusion with attorneys and others engaged in Fraud Upon the Court - conduct of sham/simulated court process and perversion of court records. The process ended in an unsigned decision, which the City of Tel-Aviv purportedly is enforcing on street persons.
However, there is one notable and strange difference bewteen Amona and OccupyTLV: In OccupyTLV, the City of Tel-Aviv would not enforce the eviction on a Muslim Iraqi family, whose members are not Israeli citizens. There is nothing new about it. City of Tel-Aviv enforcement personnel have explained for a number of years the arbitrary and selective enforcement by the fact that the Iraqis were "State Persons" - a separate class, which is above normal citizens and the fabricated law...
Corruption of the justice system, judges and attorneys is the crux of corruption of the regime... Until we jail some of the criminal judges, nothing will change!
Read the complete post:http://inproperinla.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/2017-01-19-street-persons-in-tel-aviv.html

Figures 1: Judge Eliyahu Bachar engaged in Fraud Upon the Court in Tel-Aviv street persons petition. Following exposure of the matter, Ombudsman of the Judiciary Eliezer Rivlin engaged in fabrication of complaint process (on complaint that had never been filed) against Judge Eliyahu Bachar... The chain of events is a classic example of the Babushka Principle: When fraud or corruption of the justice system is exposed, the immediate need arises to commit fraud or corruption at a higher level, in order to contain the original fraud... Until we jail some of the criminal judges, nothing will change...

Figure 2: Arbitrary and selective enforcement - protest tent in OccupyTLV: The signs in front of the test protest judicial corruption - starting with fraud by Judges Hagain Brenner and Eitan Orenstein on self-immolated Moshe Silman (to benefit the social security administration), through fraud by numerous judges, most recently Judge Daniel Beeri, on whistle-blower Rafi Rotem (to benfit corrupt state officers in the Tax Authority), and ending with despicable fraud by Judge Yitzhak Cohen, Judge Esther Hellman, pretender Haim Galpaz, and Judge Avraham Avraham on Roman Zadorov (to affect arbitrary imprisonment of an innocent person and prevent true investigation of Tair Rada's murder). The City of Tel-Aviv in collusion with Judge Eliyahu Bachar are trying to evict the protest tent, although the right to protest was never addressed in the petition, and the dweller of the protest tent was never part of the petition....
Figure 3: Arbitrary and selective enforcement - street person's residence in OccupyTLV: Only a few of the street persons who reside in the camp joint the petition as Petitioners. Others, who were not street persons, or did not reside in the camp were falsely listed as Petitioners. The Court and the City of Tel-Aviv are now trying to falsely enforce eviction on all street persons in the camp for a payment of NIS 7,500, based on an unsigned "Post-it Decision". Attorney Moyal, who purportedly consented to the eviction on behalf of the Petitioners, but with no Certificate of Counsel, would administer a "Trust Account", for persons who never authorized him, based on another unsigned "Post-it Decision" by Judge Bachar.
Figure 4: Arbitrary and selective enforcement - the Iraqi compound in OccupyTLV: The compound is exempt from the fabricate law enforcement. City of Tel-Aviv personnel have explained for a number of years that the status of the Iraqi family, which are not Israeli citizens is "State Persons". Therefore they are exempt from the fabricated law enforcement on Israeli citizens...

Figure 5: Arbitrary and selective enforcement - Amona: The government showers NIS 150 millions on 40 families, and the Attorney General is bending over backwards to fabricate legality of land grabs and illegal construction.
OccupyTLV, January 19 - repeat request was forwarded today to Ombudsman of the Judiciary, retired Supreme Court Justice Eliezer Rivlin, to answer on request for clarifications, pertaining to a letter, suspected as fabrication, by "Senior Appointee" - Attorney Avraham Wolf of the office of the Ombudsman. "Senior Appointee" Wolf's letter purportedly provided a "decision" on behalf of the Ombudsman on a fabricated complaint, which had never been filed against Judge Eliyahu Bachar from the Tel-Aviv District Court...
"Senior Appointee" Wolf's letter also provided baseless explanations for the conduct complaint process on a complaint that had never been filed by the complainant...
The request for clarifications also raised the concern that Attorney Wolf was using a fake title, and asked for documentation of his appointment as "Senior Appointee" in the Ombudsman's office... In Ministry of Justice publications, Attorney Wolf's full title is: Attorney Avraham Wolf, Senior Appointee for Military and Religious Tribunals"...
Attorney Wolf's letter generates serious concerns of lack of integrity in the office of Ombudsman of the Judiciary. The general picture as it now emerges is of an attempt by Ministry of Justice Amy Palmer and Ombudsman of the Judiciary Eliezer Rivlin to fabricate a complaint process in order to whitewash Judge Eliyahu Bachar's fraud on the street persons in the Tel-Aviv District Court.
The entire chain of events provides a classic example of the Babushka Principle: When fraud or corruption of the justice system are exposed, there is an immediate need to engage in higher level fraud and corruption, in order to contain the original fraud and corruption...
a. New fraud and fabrications by Ombudsman of the Judiciary Eliezer Rivlin
The December 31, 2016 request for clarifications raised serious concerns regarding integrity of "Senior Appointee" Attorney Avraham Wolf's letter on behalf of Ombudsman of the Judiciary Eliezer Rivlin:
- "The complainant inquired with the Ministry of Justice and asked to file a complaint regarding selective enforcement against the Arlozorov camp"
- "The office of Ombudsman of the Judiciary is the only agency that is authorize dto review complaints against judges."
- "The Ombudsman of the Judiciary authorized me to notice you8 regarding his decision on the complaint."
b. Request for Ombudsman Rivlin's opinion regarding criminal complaints against judges
The most important part of December 31, 2016 letter to Ombudsman Rivlin is a request for his opinion regarding the lack of authority of law enforcement to investigate criminal complaints against judges. The letter to Ombudsman Rivlin included as attachments three examples of alleged criminality by judges on the bench - Fraud Upon the Court:
- Documentation of the Judge Varda Alshech "Fabricated Protocols" scandal;
- Criminal complaint that was accepted by the Israel Police against Judge Esperanza Alon, and is now purportedly reviewed by the State Prosecution, and
- Criminal complaint, which was filed with Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit against Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman and Avraham Avraham, regarding fraud and preversion of court process and court records in the Roman Zadorov affair.
Following is the letter, sent today to Ombudsman of the Judiciary Eliezer Rivlin
of the Judiciary,
Justice (Ret) Eliezer
Repeat request for clarifications regarding “Senior
Appointee” Attorney Avraham Wolf’s letter, suspected as
“fabrication”, which purportedly provided a “Decision” in a
fake/”fabricated” complaint (875/16/Tel-Aviv
District), purportedly in my name against
Judge Eliyahu Bachar
December 31, 2016 Dr Joseph
Zernik’s Request for clarification regarding “Senior Appointee”
Avraham Wolf’s letter [1]
December 28, 2016 letter by
Attorney Avraham Wolf, “Senior
Appointee” on behalf of
Ombudsman of the Judiciary [2]
December 27, 2016 Dr Joseph Zernik’s demand to cease fake complaint
process in his name against Judge Eliyahu Bachar [3]
December 26, 2016 fake
certification by Ombudsman of the Judiciary’s office of receipt of
Dr Joseph Zernik’s complaint against Judge Eliyahu Bachar [4]
December 25, 2016 letter by
Mr Dror Yosef on behalf of Ministry of Justice CEO Amy Palmor
response without further delay is kindly requested.
Ombudsman Rivlin:
December 31, 2016, I sent to your office a request for clarifications
[1] regarding December 28, 2016 “Personal, Confidential, To
the Addressee Only” letter by “Senior Appointee” Attorney
Avraham Wolf. [2] Attorney Wolf’s letter was purportedly
sent in your name, and it purportedly provided your “Decision” in
a fake/”fabricated” complaint (875/16/Tel-Aviv District),
purportedly in my name, against Judge Eliyahu Bachar.
December 31, 2016 letter raised concerns that Attorney Avraham Wolf’s
letter was continuation of the fabrications, [3,4] both for
its baseless content and for the suspected use of a fake position
of the Ombudsman’s office relative to the fake/”fabricated”
complaint (875/16/Tel-Aviv District)in my name and “Senior
Appointee” Attorney Avraham Wolf’s letter in particular raise
serious concerns. Given the importance of the Ombudsman’s office
and your significance as a retired Supreme Court Justice and
Ombudsman of the Judiciary in maintaining public trust in the justice
system, you should clarify the matter.
I herein repeat my request for a response on my December 31, 2016
request for clarifications regarding “Senior Appointee” Avraham
Wolf’s letter.
Zernik, PhD
Rights Alert (NGO)
Avichai Mandelblit, Attorney General
Amy Palmor, Ministry of Justice CEO
Dan Yakir, Legal Counsel of the Association for Civil Rights in
Wide distribution
complaint (875/16)
– Dr
Joseph Zernik’s request for clarifications, in re: “Senior
Appointee” Avraham Wolf’s
providing purported “Decision” on fake complaint
מפוברקת (875/16)
– בקשת
דר’ יוסף צרניק להבהרות לגבי מכתבו של
אברהם וולף -
על תלונה מפוברקת
complaint (875/16)
- Ombudsman
of the Judiciary response by
“Senior Appointee” Avraham Wolf - decision
complaint //
מפוברקת (875/16)
נציב תלונות הציבור על השופטים על ידי
וולף – החלטה על סגירת התלונה
complaint (875/16)
– Dr
Zernik’s demand
to stop Ombudsman’s fake Complaint
(875/16) process against
Judge Eliyahu Bachar
דר’ יוסף צרניק להפסקת הליך תלונה מפוברקת
נגד השופט אליהו בכר בנציבות תלונות
הציבור על השופטים
complaint (875/16)
– fake confirmation of receipt by Ombudsman of
the Judiciary’s
office //
מפוברקת (875/16)
- אישור
קבלה מפוברק ממשרד נציבות תלונות הציבור
על השופטים