Presiding Justice Asher Grunis - known as "pedantic" and a "formalist".
Occupy Tel Aviv Encampment, May 14 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) forwarded a request to the Presiding Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court Asher Grunis to produce the appointment record of "Chief Clerk" Sarah Lifschitz. [1]
The request was the latest in correspondence with the Chambers of the Presiding Justice, [2] where Petitioner Joseph Zernik repeatedly provided the Presiding Justice with evidence of false and deliberately misleading registration of records in the petition Dr Joseph Zernik v Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni and Director of the Courts Michael Spitzer (2689/13), The Chambers of the Presiding Justice repeatedly responded by advising the Petitioner to address his concerns to the Office of the Clerk.
In today's request for the appointment record of Ms Lifschitz as Chief Clerk of the Israeli Supreme Court, Dr Zernik claims that absent such lawful appointment record, advising him, as Petitioner, to conduct his business with the Office of the Clerk is erroneous and misleading.
The petition Dr Joseph Zernik v Minister of Justice et al (2689/13) alleges large-scale fraud in the computerized record systems, which were implemented in the Israeli courts over the past decade.[3]
In the Supreme Court decision records are served today in a manner that could not possibly be deemed by any reasonable person valid:
- The decision records bear no visible signature of a justice of the court.
- The decision records bear a disclaimer “subject to editing and phrasing changes”, and
- The decision records are served with no accompanying authentication letter by the Clerk of the Court
As documented in the Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), such practices were introduced in the Israeli Supreme Court around 2002, concomitantly with:
- Effective date of the Israeli Electronic Signature Act (2001),
- Implementation of new computerized record systems, which undermined the authority, duties and responsibilities of the Chief Clerk relative to the maintenance of court reocrds (2002), and
- The occupation of the office of the Clerk of the Court by Ms Lifschitz with no appointment record (2002).
In subsequent years, the Human Rights Alert (NGO) 2013 submission to the HRC documented large number of falsified/forged decision records of the Supreme Court, bearing electronic certifications by the late Chief Clerk Shmaryahu Cohen years after his death.
The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to HRC was incorporated into the HRC Professional Staff Report (2013) with a note referring to “Lack of integrity in the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel”.
The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to HRC was incorporated into the HRC Professional Staff Report (2013) with a note referring to “Lack of integrity in the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel”.
Such unprecedented corruption of the Israeli Supreme Court took place under the tenure of Presiding Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court Aharon Barak, who was self-advertised as the leader of a “Constitutional Revolution” in the State of Israel.
The State of Israel has no constitution.
The electronic record systems of the Israeli courts, which were implemented over the past decade, mimic fraud in the electronic record systems of the state and federal courts in the United States. According to the Israeli State Ombudsman 2010 report, the systems were developed and implemented by US-based corporations IBM and EDS in violation of the law of the State of Israel. [4]
Both the petition Dr Joseph Zernik v Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni and Director of the Courts Michael Spitzer (2689/13) and today's request for the appointment record of Ms LIfschitz as Chief Clerk were filed from the Occupy Tel Aviv Encampment. The petition and related records also allege that widespread fraud in the Israeli courts is central to the socio-economic changes in Israel over the past decade, which are the core cause of current protests in Israel. [5]
[1] 13-05-14 Zernik v Minister of Justice et al (2689/13) in the Israeli Supreme Court – letter No 4 to Presiding Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court
[3] 13-04-15 Dr Zernik v Justice Minister Livni and Director of Administration of the Courts Spitzer (2689/13) – Petition in the High Court of Justice of the State of Israel (Hebrew with English translation))
[4] 10-00-00 State of Israel - Ombudsman's Report 60b, Ministry of Justice Computerization (2010) p 693 Et Seq
[5] 13-05-06 Tycoon Nochi Dankner and Self-immolated Moshe Silman - two sided of the same coin - judicial corruption in Israel
[2] 13-04-18 Zernik v Minister of Justice et al (2689/13) in the Israeli Supreme Court – letter No 1 to Presiding Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court
13-05-03 Zernik v Minister of Justice et al (2689/13) in the Israeli Supreme Court – Response No 1 by Presiding Justice Asher Grunis on letter alleging fraud in the Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court
13-05-02 Zernik v Minister of Justice et al (2689/13) in the Israeli Supreme Court – Request No 2 to Presiding Justice - for honest registration, alternatively - refund of filing fees
13-05-06 Zernik v Minister of Justice et al (2689/13) in the Israeli Supreme Court – Response No 2 by Presiding Justice Asher Grunis on letter alleging fraud in the Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court
[4] 10-00-00 State of Israel - Ombudsman's Report 60b, Ministry of Justice Computerization (2010) p 693 Et Seq
[5] 13-05-06 Tycoon Nochi Dankner and Self-immolated Moshe Silman - two sided of the same coin - judicial corruption in Israel
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Sent from "1984", Iceland-based Internet Service Provider
Human Rights Alert (NGO) * United States - the 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations was reviewed and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
[1] 10-10-01 United Nations Human Rights Council Records for 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States, where Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission was incorporated with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California."
* State of Israel - the 2013 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC, was incorporated into the HRC Staff Report with a note, referring to "the lack of integrity of the electronic record systems of the Supreme Court, District Court and Detainees Courts in Israel."
[1] 12-05-10 Appendix I to Human Right Alert's Submission; 15th UPR - State of Israel: "Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel"
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Get Up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)