The 1979 Greensboro (North Carolina) Massacre of protestors by KKK members was investigated by the a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which produced evidence, some of which appeared to have been covered up by law enforcement\.
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At least in this case, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2005-6) was an important body in establishing some of the basic facts in the matter, which were covered up by government and its justice system, in part, it appears, because of involvement of law enforcement agencies in the underlying conduct.
Additional Reading:
1. 11-12-23 Greensboro Massacre and Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Executive Report s
The full (>500 page) report is available at:
2. 02-00-00 Avruch, K and Vejaran, B: Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, A Review Essay and Annotated Bibliography, OJPCR- The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution 4.2-- 37-76 (2002)
3. 09-02-09 Transcript of Senator Leahy speech, calling for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in re US Justice Department s
4. 11-10-06 Tea Party and Liberals Convene at HLS to Discuss Constitutional Convention _ Harvard Law School
5. 11-12-21 Constitutional Convention? Truth and Reconciliation Commission? Nation Building?
6. 11-12-21 Comments and More Comments Re Constitutional Convention? Truth and Reconciliation Commission? Nation Building?