Principled- - - - - - - - -- -- editorial policies
Recently I went through some of the very first postings, from late 2007. I find them eerily insightful. It was at times difficult for me to assess what I knew when. But reading back those blog postings, it became clear that I knew even then that the litigation I was trapped at by the LA Superior Court was a hoax by criminal judges. However, I did not have the confidence to state so openly. I posed it as questions, based on statistical improbabilities... such as:- What are the odds of a civil unlimited litigation going through 5 judges in two years... (Neidorff, Connor, Goodman, Biderman, Segal...as of that time)
No doubt it was multi-factorial - I filed routinely disqualifications for a cause, which basically stated that such judges were dishonestly engaged in a real-estate fraud... The clear excetion was Joseph Biderman, who recused within 24 hours from having the file dumped on him, and refused to act in the case in any way shape or form...
He was the only one out of about 12 judges who were directly involved so far in the case who acted that way. Therefore, I considered the statement by the Blue Ribbon Review Panel (2006), that the justice system in LA County had "a subcult of criminality tolerated in the ranks" a vast understatement. Joseph Biderman was possibly the subcult at the LA Superior Court, otherwise - it was "the dominant denomination of criminality from the deck hands to the helm"...
Sometimes in reading these old posts, I feel like editing a word here or there. However, to maintain the authenticity of this blog, let me state a clear and principled editorial policy on this issue:
- I would not change a word in the body of any posting older than 60 days.
- In cases that are not older than 60 days, I would introduce only the following editing in the body of the postings: (a) complete postings that were left as drafts; (b) Add links in cases where I left links marked, but incomplete.
- In cases that were older than 60 days, only the following editing might be introduced: (a) Titles would be made consistent by adding dates, adjusting upper/lower case; (b) Titles would be made more informative, in necessary, but only through additions, in parenthesis, at the end of the old title e.g. BRIEF UPDATE was converted into: 07-10-13 Brief update (false referee - retired judge Gregory O'Brien); (c) No old images would be removed, but if no images were included, images might be added, with date of addition in parenthesis in the caption.
- Voice, or music, might be added - again, date of addition would be marked.