Friday, May 22, 2015

2015-05-23 Hello world!

5/23 @ 5:31 : Mountain View, California, US
5/23 @ 5:11 : Kenmore, Washington, US
5/23 @ 5:10 : Rishon Le Zion, IL
5/23 @ 3:43 : Cheyenne, Wyoming, US
5/23 @ 2:01 : Allen, Texas, US
5/22 @ 11:32 : Newburyport, Massachusetts, US
5/22 @ 10:14 : Long Beach, California, US
5/22 @ 9:07 : Tel Aviv, IL
5/22 @ 5:13 : Oxford, GB
5/22 @ 11:18 : Johannesburg, ZA

2015-05-22 US: Back burner civil war

2015-05-22 US: Back burner civil war
The post civil war Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the deployment of US military against the people of the United States...
Jade Helm 15 Is Not a Federal Takeover: It's Domestic Military Expansion
Candice Bernd, Truthout: Numerous military training exercises will soon begin in rural counties in Texas, and conspiracy theories are spreading about Obama's "plot" to invade the state. While the training isn't a federal coup attempt, it does fit into a larger pattern of an expanding domestic military footprint.
Read the Article
Jade Helm 15 is not an Obama plot to take away Texans' weapons, but it may signal an expanding domestic military just as scary.|By Candice Bernd

2015-05-22 IRAQ in the aftermath of US nation building - getting ready for the battle of Ramadi

2015-05-22 IRAQ in the aftermath of US nation building - getting ready for the battle of Ramadi
Fleeing from the Caliphate monster. This is an improvised bridge outside of Ramadi - currently used by tens of thousands of refugees. The importance of a bridge like that is key; if the ISIS/ISIL/Daesh goons would replicate it, with some others added, they would be able to cross the Euphrates and march towards Karbala. The stakes are VERY high - as 25,000 Shi'ite militias amass for the Battle of Ramadi remixed. Article soon on Asia Times.

2015-05-22 War Games : US forces march in Germany

2015-05-22 War Games : US forces march in Germany
[via Anonymous Berlin]
English below
Am Mittwoch sind US-Streitkräfte in Hohenfels in Bayern mitsamt schweren Kriegsgerät aufmarschiert, darunter Dutzende Abram Kampfpanzer und AH-64 Apache Kampfhubschrauber, um auf der dortigen US-Militärbasis den Kriegseinsatz gegen Russland zu trainieren. Mitten in Deutschland und unter Duldung der hiesigen Regierung. Wir erinnern hiermit an Artikel 20 des Grundgesetzes, wonach jeder Bürger die Pflicht hat Widerstand zu leisten, auch unter Anwendung von Waffengewalt! Zitat: »Gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht zum Widerstand, wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.« ‪#‎AmiGoHome‬
On Wednesday US forces in Hohenfels in Bavaria together with heavy military equipment marched on, including dozens Abram battle tank and AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, to on the local U.S. military base to train the war effort against Russia. In the center of Germany and with acquiescence of local government. We remind here of Article 20 of our Basic Law, according to which every citizen has the duty to resist, including the use of armed force. "against anyone who it is taking to eliminate this order, all Germans have the right to resist if another workaround is not possible. «#AmiGoHome».
Anonymous uploaded a new video from May 22 at 12:40pm to their timeline.
Am Mittwoch sind US-Streitkräfte in Hohenfels in Bayern mitsamt schweren Kriegsgerät aufmarschiert, darunter Dutzende Abram Kampfpanzer und AH-64 Apache Kampfhubschrauber, um auf der dortigen US-Militärbasis den Kriegseinsatz gegen Russland zu trainieren. Mitten in Deutschland und unter Duldung der hiesigen Regierung. Wir erinnern hiermit an Artikel 20 des Grundgesetzes, wonach jeder Bürger die Pflicht hat Widerstand zu leisten, auch unter Anwendung von Waffengewalt! Zitat: »Gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht zum Widerstand, wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.« ‪#‎AmiGoHome‬
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2015-05-22 US: Civil Rights won through centuries of struggle have been lost in recent years

2015-05-22 US: Civil Rights won through centuries of struggle have been lost in recent years
The Official U.S. Senate website of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

2015-05-22 PALESTINE: Murderous occupation!

2015-05-22 PALESTINE: Murderous occupation!
A new type of sponge-tipped bullet introduced in East Jerusalem last summer has broken arms, fractured faces, destroyed eyesight and killed a teenager. Now a...

2015-05-22 ISRAEL: Soldier pays the price for criticizing the Israel army

2015-05-22 ISRAEL: Soldier pays the price for criticizing the Israel army
IDF soldier Shachar Berrin was sentenced to a week in prison after he attended the taping of an international TV program, during which he stood up and expressed his opinion of the occupation.
IDF soldier Shachar Berrin was sentenced to a week in prison after he attended the taping of an international TV program, during which he stood up and expressed his...|By Gideon Levy and Alex Levac

2015-05-22 US under the Greater Depression - union busting

2015-05-22 US under the Greater Depression - union busting
Look, I used to be an actor in a union job A Walmart anti-union video leaked onto the internet yesterday. It's been pulled down from YouTube. Walmart has had problems with pesky unions over the ...

2015-05-22 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-05-22 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
I thought these cops were supposed to be rugged warriors; instead, they seem to love targeting women and children and animals, what COWARDS!

2015-05-22 US: Secretive trade pacts undermine national sovereinty

2015-05-22 US: Secretive trade pacts undermine national sovereinty
The measure would have insisted on public access before fast-track designation.

2015-05-22 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-05-22 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
Olylmpia, Washington.
Police representatives in Olympia, Washington say that two men have been shot by an officer after they attempted to steel beer. The victims are said

2015-05-22 US and torture - a medieval love affair

2015-05-22 US and torture - a medieval love affair
A federal judge ruled Thursday that the Senate’s nearly 7,000-page report on the CIA’s torture practices during interrogations in the wake of 9/11 will not be made public, marking a setback for civil liberties advocates.

2015-05-22 Western world under the Greater Depression

2015-05-22 Western world under the Greater Depression
Poverty as a government policy.
The gap between the rich and the poor in developed countries has reached its highest level in the last 30 years, according to experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

2015-05-22 PALESTINE on BBC

2015-05-22 PALESTINE on BBC
The BBC has reached a “provisional finding” to uphold complaints made by Palestinian activists that the broadcaster breached its editorial guidelines in a “soft”...

2015-05-22 UKRAINE: US masterminded "nation building" ends up in a nation bonded to IMF

2015-05-22 UKRAINE: US masterminded "nation building" ends up in a nation bonded to IMF
Clashes are reported in central Kiev where crowds of protesters are rallying against the economic crisis and the soaring cost of private loans. Local media say several people have tried to break into the Ukrainian parliament.

2015-05-22 US under the Greater Depression: McDonald's employees Fight for 15

2015-05-22 US under the Greater Depression: McDonald's employees Fight for 15
Over 1,000 McDonald’s employees are rallying outside of the fast food giant’s corporate headquarters near Chicago on Thursday as part of a protest movement to demonstrate in favor of increased worker wages.

2015-05-22 GREECE leaning towards BRICS

2015-05-22 GREECE leaning towards BRICS
Russia offers financial support, while EU-IMF continue the pressure for more austerity measures, in a society experiencing disintegration from the financial crisis.
Greece has revealed it’s been asked by the US to prolong anti-Russia sanctions. However, Athens stressed Russia is a strategic ally and the ‘sanction war’ is...

2015-05-22 PALESTINE: Ongoing detention of Palestinian parliament member Halda Jerar

2015-05-22 PALESTINE: Ongoing detention of Palestinian parliament member Halda Jerar
Military tribunal decided to end her "administrative detention", and at the same time to postpone the execution of the decision to end the detention...
It appears that the critical issue that brought her detention is her activity relative to file complaints with the Hague ICC against Israel.
חאלדה ג'ראר, הנאשמה בעבירות ביטחוניות, תיוותר במעצר עד יום ראשון לבקשת התביעה...

2015-05-22 ISRAEL: Widespread public corruption and organized crime in the courts and law enforcement

2015-05-21 GERMANY opts to become irrelevant?

2015-05-21 GERMANY opts to become irrelevant?
Merkel's conduct vis a vis the conlict in Ukraine is incredible, and the ongoing NSA -German intelligence collaboration against German interests undermines her credibility inside Germany as well.
This article originally appeared at John Helmer

2015-05-21 commander-in-chief Bamalama and Syraq

2015-05-21 commander-in-chief Bamalama and Syraq
Daring commander-in-chief Bamalama has called an emergency War Council in the White House to discuss his Don't Do Stupid Stuff administration's "strategy" in Syraq.
They will perform some late stupid stuff, including a little "leading from behind", helping Sunni tribals + Shi'ite militias to retake Ramadi, and will perform 100% stupid stuff by not giving a damn about Palmyra.
And that concludes our White House strategy report for the day.

2015-05-21 PALESTINE: The real Jade Helm...

2015-05-21 PALESTINE: The real Jade Helm...
[via Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (רופאים לזכויות אדם - ישראל)]
IDF Conducted overnight a drill raid on the Palestinian village of Awarta.
IDF radio reporter accompanied the force, and reported live from the night time armed raid on Awarta, Palestine. The drill included armed practice in the years of the civilian residents, on their rooftops, and inside their homes. Often, it was accompanied by blast grenades, and simulated detentions. IDF radio was sentimental in its description: "Quiet reigns in the empty streets, but already from afar one can hear the step. These are the steps of the reserve forces of the Samaria Division... With the dawn call to prayer by the Muezzin, the forces left the village, and now they are resting before debriefing of the drill. For the weekend, they will be back with their families, hoping that they would not have to implement what they practised."
Thus, as if it is normal routine, an occupying army, accompanied by media, enters a Palestinian village and does with it and its residents as it will/ In this case as in other similar cases, there was nothing about the conduct of the residents of Awarta that invited the raid, except for being Palestinians.

וגם זה קרה הבוקר: כתב גל"צ מצטרף לכוח מילואים שמתרגל פשיטה לילית חמושה על כפר פלסטיני בשטחים הכבושים. הכפר: עוורתא. הפעילות כוללת תרגול חמוש בחצרות בתי אזרחים, על גגות בתים ובתוך בתי משפחות. לעתים קרובות מלוות פעילויות כאלה גם בירי של רימוני הלם וגז והדמיית מעצרים. בגל"צ הטיבו לתאר את הפשיטה בסנטימנטליות ספרותית: "השקט שורר ברחובות הריקים, אבל מרחוק ניתן כבר לשמוע את הצעדים, צעדי המילואימניקים של החטיבה המרחבית שומרון. ...עם שמיעת קולות המואזין, יצאו הכוחות מהכפר וכעת הם נחים לקראת סיכום התרגילים שעברו. בסוף השבוע הם יחזרו אל המשפחות בתקווה שלא יצטרכו ליישם את מה שתרגלו."
וכך, כאילו מדובר בשגרה נורמלית, נכנס צבא כובש מלווה בתקשורת לכפר פלסטיני על תושביו ועושה בו כשלו. גם במקרה הזה לא היה דבר בהתנהגותם של תושבי עוורתא שהזמין את הפשיטה על הכפר, לבד מהיותם פלסטינים.
האזינו: תרגיל כוחות צה"ל הלילה בכפר פלסטיני
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