Friday, December 6, 2013

13-12-06 PALESTINE: Visit to Hebron - preparing a kindergarten yard for a lawn

===13-12-06 PALESTINE: Visit to Hebron - preparing a kindergarten yard for a lawn===
This post was uploaded to two Facebook pages, but was removed.  Let's give it a try here...
We visited Hebron on Friday, to help in cleaning the kindergarten yard and prepare it for a lawn.
a.  Within minutes we were joined by army and police, who started photographing and videotaping each of us.  I started videotaping the policeman, who was videotaping me, but he did not like it. (see vid).
b.  Around 2:00pm - 3-4 blast grenades exploded within half a mile.
c. Around 3:00pm - we got the whiff of tear gas.
Locals explained that it was a routine. youth threw stones, and the army responded.  Probably would not be reported by media, routine event.
d.  The kindergarten, which is probably already in operation, doe not meet any reasonable standard.  Two very small rooms, and a small bathroom with an adult toilet and a faucet in the wall, but no sink and drain for the faucet, the water goes into a big bucket.
===13-12-06 פלסטין: ביקור בחברון - הכנת חצר גן ילדים לשתילת דשא===
הפוסט הזה הועלה לפני כמה שעות, ומשום מה נעלם, אז בוא נעשה עוד ניסיון... 
ביקרנו ביום שישי בחברון, לעזור בנקיון חצר גן ילדים והכנתו לשתילת דשא.
א. תוך דקות הגיעו צבא ומשטרה לבדוק ולצלם כל אחד מאיתנו. אני הסרטתי את השוטר מסריט אותי, אבל זה לא מצא חן בעיניו... (ראה וידאו).
ב. בערך ב-2:00 - 3-4 רימוני הדף
ג. בערך ב-3:00 - גז מדמיע
המקומיים הסבירו שזה עניין שגרתי, צעירים זורקים אבנים והצבא מגיב. כנראה לא ידווח כלל בתקשורת, אירוע שיגרתי.
ד. הגן, שככל הנראה כבר פועל, אינו עומד בכל תקן הגיוני: שני חדרונים קטנים, וחדר שיירותים ובו אסלת בוגרים וברז בקיר, ללא כיור, ללא ביוב, המים יורדים אל דלי גדול.
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13-12-07 US: Are we going to see a Digital Curtain fall around the US soon?

Recently, I had several young visitors from the US, in their early to mid-twenties.  The typical profile: college graduate,  roving around the world, not in a rush to go anywhere, particularly not back to the US, since there are no spectacular prospects waiting for them there.
One guy in particular struck me, since at the age of 25 he was clearly mature in his realization that he dropped out, or rejected normative society.  He had no intention of ever holding a job, owning or renting a home.
These are the today's equivalent of the Great Depression hobos...  They go by boats and airplanes, not by trains... :)
And yet, he did it with no history of drugs, violence, or involvement with law enforcement.  
He seemed entirely at peace with his choice, trying to live happily with it.
Freedom is what he cherishes.
He went back to the US yesterday, but was conflicted about it.  We chatted about it, and I felt the need to warn him, that if his freedom may be restricted in the future in a way that would prevent him from leaving the US again.
The new Curtain will not be Iron, it will be Digital - tight control of travel and ID documents, that would make impossible for most people to leave the US under "emergency" provisions....

13-12-06 Spying on activists as a business enterprise...

Forget about the NSA, why not let free enterprise take over?  And I must admit it makes one feel important... a $ 9 billion corporation???  jz

The Silicon Valley Firm That Spies On Non-Profits Is Seeking Investors

By Gin Armstrong, LittleSis Blog

The $9 billion company claims it supports privacy right and free speech, but it charges clients $2 million a month to spy on activists