Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Thursday, January 30, 2014
14 01 15 ISRAEL: Attorney General confirms receipt of criminal Fraud complaint against Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Asher Grunis// היועץ המשפטי לממשלה אישר קבלת תלונה על הונאה נגד נשיא בית המשפט העליון אשר גרוניס
===14 01 15 ISRAEL: Attorney General confirms receipt of criminal Fraud complaint against Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Asher Grunis//
היועץ המשפטי לממשלה אישר קבלת תלונה על הונאה נגד נשיא בית המשפט העליון אשר גרוניס===

[עברית להלן]
OccupyTLV, Jan 30 - Attorney General confirmed receipt of criminal Fraud complaint against Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Asher Grunis. The complaint originates in the false appearance of "Chief Clerk" Sarah Lifschitz for over 10 years with no lawful appointment. During these years falsification, forgery of Supreme Court records, and the conduct of simulated proceedings became a routine.
Today, Presiding Justice Grunis refuses to disclose: Who today holds that authorities of Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court.
Following the filing of the complaint, Ms Lifschitz "departed" from the Supreme Court on October 31, 2013.
None of the Israeli media reports on the scandal, which demonstrates the undermining of the Rule of Law in the State of Israel.
The fraud in the Israeli courts appears as a copy of the fraud methods, implemented in computers of the US courts a decade or two earlier.
The systems undermine the integrity of court records. The chief clerks of the courts are accountable for integrity of court records. Obviously, under the circumstances they cannot hold such accountability. Therefore, over the past decade, impostors with no lawful appointment appear in the Israeli courts as "Chief Clerks".
The past decade also showed soaring poverty and homelessness, while the economy is still growing, with massive fraud by the banks in a medieval-style debtor courts system.
Today, Presiding Justice Grunis refuses to disclose: Who today holds that authorities of Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court.
Following the filing of the complaint, Ms Lifschitz "departed" from the Supreme Court on October 31, 2013.
None of the Israeli media reports on the scandal, which demonstrates the undermining of the Rule of Law in the State of Israel.
The fraud in the Israeli courts appears as a copy of the fraud methods, implemented in computers of the US courts a decade or two earlier.
The systems undermine the integrity of court records. The chief clerks of the courts are accountable for integrity of court records. Obviously, under the circumstances they cannot hold such accountability. Therefore, over the past decade, impostors with no lawful appointment appear in the Israeli courts as "Chief Clerks".
The past decade also showed soaring poverty and homelessness, while the economy is still growing, with massive fraud by the banks in a medieval-style debtor courts system.
[1]13-10-15 Criminal fraud complaint filed with Israel Police against Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Asher Grunis // תלונה פלילית על הונאה הוגשה למשטרת ישראל נגד נשיא בית המשפט העליון מר אשר גרוניס
[2] 14 01 15 ISRAEL: Attorney General confirms receipt of criminal Fraud complaint against Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Asher Grunis//
היועץ המשפטי לממשלה אישר קבלת תןללונה על הונאה נגד נשיא בית המשפט העליון אשר גרוניס
התלונה נובעת מהופעתה כמתחזה של שרה ליפשיץ כ"מזכירה ראשית" של בית המשפט העליון במשך יותר מעשר שנים ללא כתב מינוי כחוק. במשך שנים אלה שובשו וזוייפו כתבי בית המשפט העליון והתנהלו הליכים למראית עין כעניין שבשיגרה. והיום מסרב נשיא בית המשפט העליון לגלות, מי מחזיק היום בסמכויות המזכיר הראשי בבית המשפט העליון.
בעקבות הגשת התלונה "פרשה" הגב ליפשיץ מבית המשפט העליון ב-31 לאוקטובר, 2013. אף אחד מכלי התקשורת אינו מדווח על פרשה זאת, המעידה על ערעוור שלטון החוק במדינת ישראל.
14-01-30 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court - Index of Records
14-01-30 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court – Index of Records
בעניין החסויה רשצ בבית המשפט השלום חיפה – רשימת הכתבים
נשיא בית המשפט אהוד רקם, השופטת אספרנצה אלון, "מזכיר ראשי" (מתחזה) ישראל חן.
Judge Esperanza Alon, Presiding Judge Ehud Rekem, “Chief Clerk” (Impostor) Israel Hen.
התיקים מבית המשפט השלום חיפה,שעניינם הונאה בניהול רכושה של החסויה,מספקים דוגמה ייחודית לשחיתות ופשיעה מאורגנת בבית משפט בישראל על ידי ניהול הליכים למראית עין והנפקת כתבי בית דין למראית עין. יתרה מכך, הם מספקים דוגמה ייחודית לתפקידה של מערכת "נט המשפט" ככלי להשחתת בתי המשפט בישראל. יש לציין שלמרות שהתיקים חסויים כביכול, ולמרות איומים חוזרים, רובם ככולם של הכתבים פורסמו, ורשויות המדינה בחרו להתעלם מעבירה פלילית לכאורה... הפארסה נפסקה בחטף לאחר שה"משיב" פנה בבקשת הגנה לממשלת גרמניה נגד בתי המשפט המושחתים של מדינת ישראל.
Occupy Tel Aviv, January 31 - The court files from the Haifa Magistrate
Court, which involved fraud in management of the Conservatee's property,
provide a unique example of court corruption through the conduct of
simulated process, and organized crime in an Israeli court.
Moreover, the case provides a unique example of the role of Net HaMishpat,
the courts' computer system in enabling such fraud.
Appearance of impostors as "Chief Clerks" in the Israeli courts has become
the norm over the past decade. The chief clerks are accountable for
integrity of the court's files and records. Obviously, with new fraudulent
record systems in the courts, they could not hold such accountability.
It should be noted that publishing these court files is purported to be a
crime. However, regardless of repeat threats, the Israeli authorities
chose not to take action in this case...
The farce came to an abrupt end, after the “Respondent” filed a request
for protection with the German government against the corrupt Israeli
The fraud in the record systems of the Israeli courts appears as a copy of
the fraud in the record systems of the US courts, implemented a decade or
two earlier...
[1] 14-01-30 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa
Magistrate Court – Index of Records בעניין החסויה רשצ בבית המשפט השלום
חיפה – רשימת הכתבים
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 203467080/
Court, which involved fraud in management of the Conservatee's property,
provide a unique example of court corruption through the conduct of
simulated process, and organized crime in an Israeli court.
Moreover, the case provides a unique example of the role of Net HaMishpat,
the courts' computer system in enabling such fraud.
Appearance of impostors as "Chief Clerks" in the Israeli courts has become
the norm over the past decade. The chief clerks are accountable for
integrity of the court's files and records. Obviously, with new fraudulent
record systems in the courts, they could not hold such accountability.
It should be noted that publishing these court files is purported to be a
crime. However, regardless of repeat threats, the Israeli authorities
chose not to take action in this case...
The farce came to an abrupt end, after the “Respondent” filed a request
for protection with the German government against the corrupt Israeli
The fraud in the record systems of the Israeli courts appears as a copy of
the fraud in the record systems of the US courts, implemented a decade or
two earlier...
[1] 14-01-30 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa
Magistrate Court – Index of Records בעניין החסויה רשצ בבית המשפט השלום
חיפה – רשימת הכתבים
14-01-30 US: Obama's State of the Union speech

Haytham Viva shared Earl Dibbles Jr's photo.
14-01-30 Edward Snowden for Nobel peace prize...
The least that the prize committee could do to restore any semblance of credibility, after awarding the prize to Obama and NATO...
Will surely instill pride and dignity in all Americans! jz
Award Edward Snowden the Nobel Peace Prize - Join the Infowars campaign to honor the courageous whistleblower.http://www. infowars.com/award-edward- snowden-the-nobel-peace-prize/
14-01-30 Hello world!
1/30 @ 6:59 : Cali, CO
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