===14-02-17 More on the Shin-Bet- Judiciary Gang // עוד לעניין כנפויית שב"כ-בג"ץ
More on the Shin-Bet-Judiciary Gang:
* Judge Dan Arbel was central in relationship to the investigation and confession of Yigal Amir, Prime Minister Rabin's confessed assassin, and as Director of the Administration of Courts in 2002, during the suspicious death of former Chief Clerk of the Israeli Supreme Court.
* Current Minster of Justice Zipi Livini is to the best of my knowledge a former Shin-Bet counsel, former Mossad agent, and head a party that both two Shin-Bet former directors among its leadership (Dichter and Hason). Livni as Justice Minister appears as a perfect appointment from the perspective of the Gang, and there is no chance that she would take action against court corruption. [1]
* Carmi Gilon served as Shin-Bet Director (1995-6), including 1995, when Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated, while his security was under the Shin Bet, under circumstances, and where the Shin-Bet was deeply involved. His brother, Judge Alon Gilon, served as Assistant Director of the Administration of Courts 1996-2011, including 2002, when Shmaryahu Cohen, Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court died under suspicious circumstances in the Supreme Court, in conjunction with the inside-job hacking of the servers of the Supreme Court, over which the Shin-Bet holds the primary authority for security. In short: The two brothers are not correlated with longevity of individuals, who were central to the systems they were charged with.
* In general, the Administration of Courts can be viewed as operations command and control:
- Judge Maurice Ben Atar committed suicide after being called for a meeting with the Director of Administration of Courts. [2]
- Former National Security Adviser Giora Island was silenced, after publishing a newspaper column critical of the judiciary, through a meeting with the Director of Administration of Courts.
[1] In the official "Open Knesset" site, listing of "Vote pertaining to Shin Bet by Tzipi Livni "No
results found"
"לגבי הצבעות ציפי לבני בענייני שב"כ, אתר "כנסת פתוחה" אומר: לא נמצאו תוצאות"
http://www.oknesset.org/vote/tag/%D7%A9%D7%91%22%D7%9B% 20/%20%D7%A9%D7%99%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%AA%20%D7%94%D7%91%D7%99%D7%
[2] 11-02-08 Director of the Administration of Courts warned yesterday: The load is heavy.
מנהל בתי המשפט הזהיר אתמול: העומס כבד